Cliff1647·9/29/2024in GeneralWho would win this fight?Adon (Street Fighter)Hwa Jai (SNK)Vote10 Votes in PollStreet Fighter IVStreet Fighter Alpha seriesSNK vs. Capcom seriesAdonMuay ThaiThailand
Cliff1647·9/10/2024in GeneralWho wins this fight?Sagat (Street Fighter)Cryptor (Ninjago)Vote9 Votes in PollStreet Fighter seriesSagatMuay ThaiThailand
Cliff1647·8/30/2024in GeneralOut of everything you’ve seen of Adon as a character, what did you think of him as a character?S - AmazingA - Pretty SolidB - DecentC - AverageD - Below AverageF - TerribleVote6 Votes in PollStreet Fighter IVStreet Fighter Alpha seriesAdonMuay ThaiThailand
Darkside999·11/6/2023in GeneralIn what Southeast Asian countries to introduce new fighters for Street Fighter 6 DLCs?ThailandIndonesiaPhilippinesVietnamMyanmarMalaysia/Singapore/Cambodia/LaosVote16 Votes in Poll(Edited by Darkside999)Street Fighter 6ThailandVietnamBurma
Darkside999·10/6/2023in GeneralMore new fighters from Southeast Asia to introduce in SF6 where?ThailandPhilippinesIndonesiaCambodiaVietnamMalaysia/Singapore/Cambodia/Myanmar/LaosVote4 Votes in Poll(Edited by Darkside999)Street Fighter 6Thailand