We know they will sell alot for oni and evil ryu to come back as what if scenarios
So your saying gill again
Yeah lol
Then yet again what's surprising is final fight is set in the street fighter universe. They literally now finally made sheng long canon
No. But he's practically not a villain neither. He may be evil but he's neutral evil. He wanted ryu to give in to the satsui no hado but he now learns that ryu now chooses his own path and now respects it. He doesn't kill like m bison, or evil ryu and kage. He only seeks powerful opponents that are worthy to fight and seeks someone who can actually equal his skill and power and to kill him in a battle. He only seeks strength and his power to increase. He does show merciful except people like m. bison, etc.
Exactly lol. I'm hoping we get more oro. I've always wanted to see akuma and oro encounter each other considering the amount of respect they have for each other. Akuma seems to have respect for ryu for his decision of rejecting the satsui no hado based on akumas story ending in sfv and kages encounter of akuma
He might. But needs to be used where in the story where it would make sense. But I'm interested to see him return
He was confirmed by capcom for sf6 already. It's legit. Akuma, Rashid, Ed and A.K.I
Probably. Even akumas ending arcade mode in sfv leaves unanswered questions. We'll just have to wait till next year when he comes out.
I wonder how much longer until the final battle between akuma and ryu. Can't wait
I've been trying to picture how akuma will react to the player. Akuma gets stronger and stronger. I think he's getting very close to being shin akuma or maybe even oni. But seeing him a hero is kinda hard and kills the personality of him what he's meant for. Although technically he is a hero. Kind of.
They did say that when a new character comes the story continues because you will meet new fighters like akuma and Ed for example
Duel and 6
Your missing dan
Akuma , Ryu and Ken