The Air Jack is one of Charlie Nash's throws in Street Fighter V.
Street Fighter V | + (Near opponent in the air) |
Executed by pressing Light Punch and Light Kick, (the throw command) while Nash and his opponent are near each other in the air. After grabbing his opponent in midair, he swings his lower body into them, slamming his knee into their face. As Nash back flips to the ground, the opponent lands on their back, away from him.
Nash's air throw serves as a decent anti-air attack. It is good for stuffing out close jump ins, resulting in a knockdown and some respectable damage. It also resets the neutral game, where Nash can zone out his opponent with projectiles. While it doesn't have any sort of invincibility, it is a great way to surprise his opponent and force them to reconsider jumping in against Nash.
Charlie Nash's Move List | |
Throws | Dragon Suplex • Knee Gatling • Flying Buster Drop • Air Jack • Target Down |
Unique Attacks | Rolling Sobat • Step Kick • Spinning Back Knuckle • Knee Bazooka • Jumping Sobat • Chopping Assault • Side Knee Attack • Rapid Punch • Rapid Kick • Wind Shear • Down Burst • Raptor Combination • Bullet Combination |
V-Skills | Bullet Clear • Silent Sharpness |
V-Reversal | Sonic Move - Avoid |
V-Shift Break | Vengeful Bullet |
V-Triggers | Sonic Move • Stealth Dash |
Special Attacks | Sonic Boom • Flash Kick Shell • Sonic Scythe • Moonsault Slash • Tragedy Assault |
Super Combos | Sonic Break • Crossfire Blitz • Somersault Justice |
Critical Arts | Judgement Saber |
Hyper Combos | Sonic Break • Crossfire Blitz • Somersault Justice |