Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Akuma.

Street Fighter II series[]

Super Street Fighter II Turbo[]

  • "I am the Master of the Fist. Feel how weak you are with your body!" (我は、拳を極めし者。うぬらの無力さ、その体で知れい! "Ware wa, ken o kiwameshimono. Unura no muryoku-sa, sono karada de shirei!"?) (Japanese version, translated)
  • "There is only one true winner. The weak definitely loses!" (真の勝者は1でよい。弱者死すべし! "Shin no shōsha wa ichi de yoi. Jakusha-shi subeshi!"?) (Japanese version, translated)
  • "I am the Master of the Fist!" (我は拳の極めしもの "Ware wa ken wo kiwameshi mono!"?)
  • "Hmmmmm!"

Win Quotes (HD Remix)[]

  • "..."
  • "I see you're not willing to do what's necessary to win."
  • "No techniques are off-limits to me, but you hold yourself back."
  • "Pathetic..."
  • "My name is Akuma! The Master of Fists!"
  • "I am power made flesh!"

Ending (Revival)[]

Akuma: "The king of darkness, how pathetic and stupid. The master of the fist will always win in the end."

???: "That is the rule of nature..."

Akuma: "What... Who's there!?"

???: "I am your shadow... Anyone who is possessed by their own shadow must die. This means that you are finished!"

Akuma: "Humph! I have always lived in darkness. I will never fear death."

Ending 1 (HD Remix)[]

Akuma: "Pathetic. Is this the only challenge you could offer me, Bison? You were just like any other who has fallen to me--the Master of the Fist. You fool. Instead of mastering your own darkness-your Psycho Power-you allowed it to master you."

*Akuma smiles*

Akuma: "Unlike you, I have conquered and embraced the darkness within... and its power."

Ending 2 (HD Remix)[]

Akuma: "One must defeat one's own shadow, one's own demon, or he is condemned to nothingness. I have dwelled in darkness and have conquered it."

*Akuma smiles as his signature kanji appears on his back.*

Akuma: "Even death is beneath me!"

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[]

  • "My fists are forged in the flames of murder!"
  • "Your soul is fettered by goodness. Die for your foolishness!"
  • "Fall, and accept your fate!"
  • "I felt nothing... but weakness!"
  • "......"
  • "The path to mastery is lined with the corpses of the weak!"
  • "You are nothing before the Master of the Fist. Abandon hope! Abandon strength! Abandon life!"

Street Fighter: The Movie[]

  • "You do not know how to channel your power."
  • "You are not even worthy of being killed by Akuma..."
  • "You are nothing!"
  • "No.... You are not the one...."
  • "Your martial arts is a joke..."

Street Fighter Alpha series[]

Street Fighter Alpha/Street Fighter Alpha 2[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Now stay down!"
  • "This grows boring!"
  • "Weaklings! Is there no one worth fighting?"
  • "You are not enough even for a warm up."

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs. M. Bison (Alpha)[]

M. Bison: "Rarely have I seen such power! Why do you hesitate?"

Akuma: "Is it possible that you can defeat me? No! I will always triumph!"

Vs. Ryu (Alpha 2)[]

Vs. Rose (Alpha 2)[]

Rose: You! You're the one with the Shoryuken power I feel!

Akuma: (Leave!)

Rose: You must be... (Akuma)!

Akuma: (Perish!)

Vs. Gen (Alpha 2) (If the player is using Gen)[]

Gen: "You must be Akuma. You may have the body of a human, but you are not of this world."

Akuma: "(Which one are you?)"

Gen: "I'm the one who will send you back to hell."

Akuma: "(Amusing, but ignorant.)"

Vs. Gen (Alpha 2) (If the player is using Akuma)[]


Akuma: "(Master Gen!)"

Gen: "What do you want with me, Akuma?"

Akuma: "(Your defeat.)"

Gen: "I think not."


Gen: "I'm finished, Akuma! You have won! (Come on. Just a little closer.) What?!"

*Akuma disappears.*

Gen: "He knew. He's gone! Where'd he go?!"

Ending (Alpha)[]

Akuma: "There is no one who can defeat me. My quest is at an end. Yet I am... Empty... For some, it's the path not the goal."

Ending (Alpha 2)[]

Akuma: "Worthy opponents have challenged me... Maybe this world is not as weak as I thought. I could live in this mortal place and perfect my killing power. I will be next... to die! ha ha ha ha!"

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "..............."
  • "A weakling like yourself doesn't deserve fists to fight with!"
  • "Fade to nothingness! Your weakness disgusts me!"
  • "If you are not merciless, your soul will be slaughtered!"
  • "It's time for you to experience a million deaths in an instant!"
  • "Shall I dismember you to demonstrate your weakness?"
  • "To challenge me is to respect chaos, and to respect death!"
  • "You are permanently crippled! Accept your defeat!"

Win Quotes (Japanese version only)[]

  • "Have a taste of the Raging Demon!"「瞬獄、とくと味わえぃ!」
  • "What I solely desire for is a moment of carnage..."「求むるはただ修羅の一刻……」
  • "Pay close attention to my secret techniques!"「刮目してみよ! 我が奥義!」
  • "One of my blows would even slaughter a demon!"「我が一撃、鬼をも屠る!」
  • "I am a master of the fist!"「我、拳を極めし者なり!」
  • "No emotions bring forth no weakness!"「無情、ゆえに無敵!」
  • "Fools... Fall into the darkness!"「痴れ者が……闇に散れ!」
  • "Acknowledge when you need to yield!"「往生際、見極めよ!」

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]

  • "Someone such as yourself would find it difficult to understand the will of "Hadou!""「貴様ごときに 「波動」の意、穿ち難し!」
  • "Only one can stand atop of the world!"「境地、立つは一人!」
  • "Your hubris is egregious!"「思い上がりも甚だし!」
  • "Hmph! You don't even deserve going to Hell!"「フン! 地獄にすら逝けぬ下衆よ!」
  • "Go back to the animal world to which you belong!"「畜道に落つべし!」
  • "So, your soul is not here... How pitiful!"「魂、ここに在らずか……哀れよ!」
  • "Let your life come to its end, upstart!"「鬼籍に入れ、若造!」
  • "Is it death that you desire, girl!"「死を望むか、娘!」
  • "You're just wandering around with such incompetence... You knave!"「うろつく他能無しか……無頼が!」
  • "A fool you are... You're not even worth burying!"「愚昧……葬るに値せず!」
  • "The sorry state you've left yourself in... is distasteful!"「この為体……醜悪!」
  • "The thing to be purified is your own immaturity!"「祓い清めるべきは 己の未熟さよ!」
  • "My fist strikes through the heavens!"「我が拳、天を衝くなり!」
  • "Torn asunder, your mind is!"「四分五裂と果てよ!」
  • "The truth will always be found in one's heart!"「真、常に心に有り!」
  • "Even disdain for you is tragic!"「唾棄すら惜しし!」
  • "What's wrong... Didn't you wish for us to kill each other to your heart's content!"「どうした……存分に 死合うのではなかったか!」
  • "A fitting end for a fool!"「戯け者には相応しき結末!」
  • "It was extremely impudent of you... How absurd!"「小癪千万……片腹痛いわ!」
  • "I've never had feelings of compassion!"「もとより側隠の情などなし!」
  • "Your life cannot explode without a soul to ignite it!"「魂なくして命は爆ぜず!」
  • "You never had a chance of victory from the start!"「固より勝機など微塵!」
  • "Do not let anger consume you, little girl!"「逆上せるな、小娘!」
  • "Go away.... you brat!"「小童が……失せよ!」
  • "Hmph... You're still far from embracing a true demon!"「フン……魔道には程遠し!」
  • "Go and weep in the shadows of leaves!"「草葉の陰で嗚咽せよ!」
  • "You are worthy of the certain death that awaits you, weak one!"「万死に値せし脆弱!」
  • "Your schemes won't work on me!"「我に謀りは無用なり!」
  • "No... You're far from reaching it!"「及ばぬ……遠く及ばぬ!」
  • "...You will soon find out. Your true self which sleeps within!"「……いずれ知ろうぞ ぬしの中に眠る本性……!」
  • "You delude yourself into believing you're an emperor while covered in shame... How unsightly!"「恥辱にまみれつ帝王を騙るか ……無様よ!」
  • "These fists are not meant to be occupied with child's play!"「児戯にかまける拳無し!」
  • "You irredeemable fool... Leave!"「度し難し愚か者……去ねい!」
  • "These fists are a gift from God!"「この拳こそ神器なり!」
  • "Weak... You couldn't even amuse me for a while!"「脆い……手遊びにもならん!」
  • "Demonic flames will consume all!"「鬼炎、万物を滅す!」
  • "You imbecile! Your destiny is to be a perpetual blockhead!"「愚鈍! まさに木偶!」

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs. Adon[]

Adon: "The master of fists...' You must be Akuma! Fight with me now... Show me your 'evil intent'! Your moves are nothing to me! Face the legend of Muay Thai!"

Akuma: "Don't talk... Just fight!!"

Vs. Guy[]

Guy: "My name is Guy... I am the successor of the Bushin style. I am here for a good reason. I cannot allow you to see him. For the sake of Bushin... Listen to reason...!"

Akuma: "...Your reason will fall before the might of my fist."

Vs. M. Bison (If the player is using Bison)[]

Bison: "So, you're the master of fists..."

Akuma: "...What do you want?"

Bison: "To see if your "evil intent" can hurt me!"

Akuma: "Do not mock me... I will destroy you!"

Vs. M. Bison (If the player is using Akuma)[]


M. Bison: "So you are Akuma; the one shrouded with 'evil intent...' You'll never defeat me, as long as my 'Psycho Drive' exists!"

Akuma: "To stand in my way, is to feed your soul to the jaws of death! You are weak for not relying solely upon your fists..."


(After the battle, Akuma stands next to a fallen M. Bison, who then gets up, dizzied.)

M. Bison: "No... No...! How could I..." (The scene cuts to a head shot of Bison grimacing.) "Ngwooooohhh!!"

*Akuma then performs the Raging Demon on M. Bison.*

Akuma: "Messatsu...!!"

*M. Bison's face disintegrates.*

M. Bison: "N... Nooooooooooooo!!"

*Akuma stands shirtless, with the kanji of "heaven" on his back and his arms outstretched.*

Akuma: "The Raging Demon... Its power is unequaled... It is not my fists, but your past sins that will kill you... The more evil your past doings, the more painful your death..."

*Akuma has his back turned, with the kanji of "heaven" on his gi.*

Akuma: "Each victory is a missed opportunity to die..."

*The shot pans to show Gen facing Akuma.*

Gen: "...Ha ha ha... Mastery of your fists may well mean the same... But don't worry... Heh. Heh. You shall not be victorious again!"

Akuma: "Face me now... Witness the death of your soul!"

*The two charge at each other, with Gen performing a Zan'ei and Akuma performing the Raging Demon.*

Street Fighter III series[]

Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact[]

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs. Sean[]

Sean: "Ryu! I've come to challenge... Wha...? Who are you?!"

Akuma: "......................"

Vs. Ryu[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "I am disgusted... You have zero potential!"
  • "I can tell how much power you possess!"
  • "Is that all? You must be joking!"
  • "My name is Akuma!! The supreme master of the fist!"
  • "The power of my fist holds no weaknesses. Grovel in your despair!"
  • "Where is the person who can satisfy me...? Does such a challenge exist?"
  • "Your power fails to even graze my fist!"

Win Quotes (character-specific)[]

  • "Fake fists! I shall crush them!"
  • "You claim to be a man? You cannot prove it with your power!"
  • "Your fist is worthless... Your pride overcomes nothing!"
  • "Your kicks lack power... You don't deserve to be a warrior!"
  • "Now you see the power of my fist..."
  • "Your fist lacks ferocity and spirit! You should feel ashamed!"
  • "Fool! You've deserted your karma as a master of fists!"
  • "Is this what you call your best? Enjoy your humiliation."
  • "Runt... You don't deserve to fight with me!"
  • "It's a pity! You don't even know your own strength!"

Super Art Finish Quotes[]

  • "Pathetic! You have completely submitted to the might of my wave motion power!"
  • "Your soul is worth only ashes now..."


Feb 11, 199X. P.M. 6:30
Australia, Ayers Rock.

Akuma: "The fist of the Master... Behold! Hyaaaah!"

*Akuma smashes through the Ayers Rock.*

Akuma: "The ultimate technique. 'Kongou-kokuretsuzan'. The might of the heavens resides in my fist... Humans... All walks of life! It begins with the power of my savage attack!"

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike[]

Rival Dialogue[]


Oro: "Wow! You possess an incredible level of Chi! That's what you call... Evil intent? Impressive for a young man like you!"

Akuma: "I've heard about you, Sennin. Watch your words, or they will reveal your destruction."

Oro: "You claim to be the master of fists... This disturbs me... The road to true mastery is much harder. Let us travel it now..."

Round Win Quote

  • "Fool! (笑止! Shoushi!?)"

Win Quotes[]

  • "Weakness is a disease! I am the cure!"
  • "Your body assumed its true form when I tore it apart with my fists!"
  • "Perfection equals obliteration!"
  • "A weak shell for a weak soul. It was an easy task to separate the two."
  • "The unworthy must be removed from existence."
  • "To show mercy is to show proof of your imperfections!"
  • "My fist knows no equal!"
  • "You've fulfilled your purpose in life by allowing me to end it!"

Win Quotes (Japanese version only)[]

  • "Life is precisely valuable in the smallest of moments!"「刹那にこそ命あり!」
  • "Secret arts taken to the next extreme!"「極意、さらに極まれり!」
  • "A battlefield is already an entry to the underworld!"「戦の場、既に黄泉!」
  • "This is Messatsu!"「これぞ滅殺!」
  • "Succumb to true darkness!"「瞬刻の闇に震えよ!」
  • "The weak plague my senses!"「脆弱、不快なり!」
  • "My power has transcended that of mere mortal men!"「我が力、既に人外!」
  • "There's nothing that can contest with my fists!"「我が拳に敵う業なし!」

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]

  • "The Satsui no Hado is unrivaled!"「殺意の波動、無敵なり!」
  • "I will dispose of your limbs!"「四肢、粉砕せしめん!」
  • "I have no fixation for governance!"「政(まつりごと)に興味なし!」
  • "Be devoured by a true demon!"「鬼に食われよ!」
  • "My dwelling is within the darkness! The blackest of them all!"「我が住処は闇! 真の漆黒なり!」
  • "Death is certain, nothing can avert it!"「万死の掟、阻むもの無し!」
  • "Have your fill in being consumed within a Rakshasa's feast!"「羅刹の宴、とくと味わえ!」
  • "There's no sense in one protecting another if they don't strike!「攻めぬ者が護れる道理なし!」
  • "Agony, carve that onto your body!"「苦患(くげん)、その身に刻め!」
  • "Begone, and expose your corpse to the elements!"「屍、風雪に晒せ!」
  • "A cowardly anger will never be a worthy opponent for my fist!"「ふ抜けた怒りなど我が拳の敵にあらず!」
  • "Do you still resist opening your mind's eye!"「うぬの心眼、いまだ開かずか!」
  • "You are a fool for not preparing to die! You are not worthy of being my foe!"「死を覚悟せぬうつけめ! 我が敵にあたわじ!」
  • "A puppet has no chance of victory!"「傀儡(くぐつ)に勝機なし!」


Akuma: "Muuuuuuunn!! Tenshou Kaireki Jin!!"

X-Men: Children of the Atom[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "I am the master warrior!"
  • "Is that all you can do?"
  • "My ability to win is genetic!"
  • "You almost provided a challenge!"
  • "You are not worthy to face me!"
  • "You fool! You have no chance of defeating me!"
  • "You made an effort at least, pathetic as it was!"
  • "Your powers are nothing to me!"
  • "Your powers can't compare to my skill!"
  • "Your ridiculous abilities are no match for me!"

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo[]

  • "I am Akuma! Also a master puzzler!"
  • "To beat you is not enough, I must destroy you!"
  • "You're just a pathetic example of carbon-based wastage."
  • "Evil is what I am. Death is what I bring."

Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix[]


Akuma: "Mmm! This island has been overrun by tourists! It is no longer the ideal place for my training it once was!"

Rival dialogue[]

Hsien-Ko: "Are you the one searching for a new training ground? I think I know of a suitable place for you."

Akuma: "I need no help from a little girl such as yourself! Leave my sight at once!"

Hsien-ko: "Of course, I do need to test your strength first to see if you're worthy enough..."

Akuma: "You? Test me?! Ha ha ha! Very well then; behold the might that is Akuma!"


Hsien-Ko: "How do you like it? At night, you can practice your moves on the hordes of zombies that dwell here."

Akuma: "Hmmm! It might prove interesting to brush up my sure killing techniques on these zombies... Hyaaaaaah!!!"

*Akuma kicks one of the zombies.*

Win Quotes[]

  • "Even with my oversized head and stubby limbs, I'm unbeatable!"
  • "Hm! You should go back to playing puzzle games!"
  • "I am Akuma! But you may call me Master!"
  • "You weren't even enough for a warm up!"

Win Quotes (Japanese version)[]

  • "My name is Akuma! Also master of the front crawl!"「我が名ゴウキ!クロールも極めし者なり!」
  • "Hmph, you're not even enough for a warm-up."「フン、準備体操にもならん」
  • "Sleeping children are best let lie!"「寝た子は起こすな!」
  • "Nails should be driven at an angle!"「クギは斜めに打つが吉!」

Character-Specific (Japanese version)[]

  • "Where is the person who can satisfy my fist..."「我が拳を満たす者はいずこ・・・」
  • "You fool! Begone!"「たわけが!去れい!」
  • "Such techniques are useless in front of my fist!"「そのような技我が拳の前では何の役にも立たぬわ!」
  • "Go away! You brat!"「失せろ!こわっぱ!」
  • "You're still a pup... Begone!"「青二才が・・・去れい!」

Capcom vs. SNK series[]

SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium[]

Win Quotes[]

  • ".........Die!"
  • "I win with a blow! Got it?"
  • "I'm AKUMA! You're garbage!"
  • "That's your best? Ridiculous!"


Akuma: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."

Geese: "I must be going. But you'll pay! As long as I live, your life will be torture! Whoo hoo hoo! Wha hya hya!"

Akuma: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."

Billy: "Here you are, Akuma! You lost me once. But not again! Hyah ha ha! Now die!"

*Billy gets beaten in the blink of an eye by someone.*

Billy: "Whaaat? Why?"

Akuma: "?!"

Iori: "It's no fluke. He came to kill you!"

Akuma: "You're done here. Now leave!"

Iori: "Me, run away? Heh heh heh! Afraid, Akuma? ... ... ... Very well. After I kill Kyo, I'll fix you up! So don't go dying on me in the meantime."

*Iori leaves.*

Akuma: (prepares a Kongou Kokuretsuzan) "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (performs the move) If you don't back down, your end'll be ghastly. If you resign yourself, I'll bop you to Hades! I'm waiting."

Akuma: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."

*Screen fades to black.*

Akuma: "Orochi power is nothing before my mighty fists! Before the Power Wave all are feeble!"

Capcom vs. SNK[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Were you afraid to fight the one and only true master?"
  • "I will ignite the sky in a blaze of glory!"
  • "Listen to the screams of all who have fallen before me!"
  • "Your moves are nothing!"
  • "Do you want to look into the pit of darkness?"
  • "..."
  • "I'm the one who mastered the style perfectly!"
  • "Know and kneel before the law of the underworld!"

Ending Quote[]

  • "........."

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001[]

Before Finals[]

  • "I search for a fight to the death!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "Do you want to look into the pit of darkness?"
  • "Your moves are nothing!"
  • "I'm the one who has mastered the style perfectly!"
  • "You must know and kneel before the law of the underworld!"
  • "I will ignite the sky in a blaze of glory!"
  • "Were you afraid to fight the one and only true master!"
  • "..."
  • "Listen to the screams of all who have fallen before me!"

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]

  • "Know shame... Your hubris exceeds your own value!"「増上慢が・・・・恥を知れ!」
  • "My fists dare not shiver from fear at the sight of abominable beasts!"「我が拳、超獣とて畏怖に震えん!」
  • "Neither an inch of my flesh or spirit wavered before your presence!"「肉も魂も、うぬ程度には微塵も揺るがず!」
  • "The Assassination Fist was not meant to be wielded by the likes of fools!"「殺拳、与太に振るう為に無し!」
  • "Emotional sentiments are another wretched way of saying ill-bearing baggage!"「境地、即ち凶至なり!」
  • "You are far from achieving fluency in the art of a manly poetic style!"「益荒男振りに程遠し!」
  • "What I desire is a true killing technique. One that only requires a single blow!"「我求むるは真の必殺、ただ一撃!」
  • "If you are a soldier as you say, then fulfill your mission of dying with honor!"「兵(つわもの)ならば死してなお遂げよ!」
  • "Trials and tribulations. Carve those words into your soul!"「艱難辛苦、腸(はらわた)に刻めぃ!」
  • "My fists cannot be tamed through mere strategies!"「我が拳、策では御せぬ!」
  • "Fool... Go elsewhere to indulge in your wicked diversions!「阿呆めが・・・・何処ぞの悪趣に逝けい!」
  • "Begone, timid child who lacks the resolve to perish!"「覚悟なき小胆者は、失せよ!」
  • "Wretched bewitcher... Return to the underworld!"「妖かしめが・・・・黄泉に退け!」
  • "Factions, their very formation is the proof of a group's foolishness!"「徒党、組むは愚かの証!」
  • "A corpse exposed to the elements. This is the fate of those who have been defeated!"「野晒しの骸、此れが敗者の顛末!」
  • "Night is upon us... Time for you to go home!"「帳は下りた・・・・餓鬼共は去ねィ!」
  • "Beauty has no part to play in the perception of a massacre!"「死合いの様に美醜なし!」
  • "I would dare not feel an ounce of cowardice towards mere brats!「童ごときに、微塵も臆せず!」
  • "Your corpse is only deserving of being exposed to the frigid winds!「屍、寒風に晒すのみ!」
  • "Tremble at the spirits' resentment!"「魂魄の怨嗟に震えよ!」
  • "My Hadou cuts through lightning. It will not shriek from dispatching you!"「迅雷も砕く我が波動、うぬごときに退かぬ!」
  • "The faces of Rakshasa are before me, yet what they displayed amounted to mere empty threats!"「羅刹面は虚仮威しか!」
  • "Rage! What drivel from a mere child who is throwing around a tantrum!"「憤怒! 夜郎自大めがほざきおる!」
  • "Embrace the divine punishment that awaits you!"「神罰、その身に受けよ!」
  • "That blade is unable to cut down a demon!"「其の刃、鬼を斬るに能わず!」
  • "Hesitation will be the gravestone which leads you to the underworld!"「月に猛るとて、所詮は狂童。去ねい!」
  • "Even the mighty attacks of an Ashura will not pierce through my body!"「阿修羅の覇撃とて、我が体躯は貫けぬ!」
  • "Even a gale storm could not hope to dispel Messatsu (obliteration)!"「凄嵐とて滅殺を散らすこと叶わぬ!」
  • "The five cardinal Confucian virtues will have no effect on remonstrating a demon such as I!"「我が鬼合、仁義礼智ごときでは諌められぬわ!」
  • "Your best was far from what I had hoped for!"「渾身には由旬も満たぬ!」
  • "Even a serpent in its enraged form only knows of retreat when it locks its sight on my eyes!"「大蛇の猛りも、我が眼力のもと退くほか無し!」
  • "That wretched noise plagues my earlobes... Bearing it is an arduous feat!"「耳朶に障る蛙鳴蝉噪...耐え難し!」
  • "Your power is not worthy of divine might!"「うぬの力、神威に値せず!」
  • "Raging waves amount to mere ripples before me!"「鯨波の勢いも、我には小波のごとし!」
  • "Absurd! I have already passed the barriers of humanity. Therefore, my extremes have been long passed!"「笑止!人外の域に達してこそ極限の片鱗に至る!」
  • "Foolhardiness is the extremity of imbecility!"「凡そ蛮勇、魯鈍の極み!」
  • "You failed to even indulge me as a diversion!"「稚児の戯れにも劣るわ!」
  • "A demon can slaughter with a single finger alone!"「鬼夜叉とて一指のもと屠(ほふ)るなり!」
  • "While your vile habits may have landed upon me, your fists lacked any form of impact!"「穢悪貫き通しても、拳に威力なし!」
  • "Hmph... You fail to even amuse me with your trivial games, little girl!"「フン・・・・遊戯にもならんわ、小娘!」

Win Quotes (team interactions)[]


  • Chun-Li & Akuma
    • Chun-Li: "Your presence alone made our opponents timid." 「あなたがいるだけで相手が萎縮してるわ。」
    • Akuma: "Which disqualifies them from being worthy foes!" 「最早、敵に能わず!」
  • Eagle & Akuma
    • Eagle: "It's natural for a man to be attracted to a strong man." 「強者にひかれるのは、男なら当然のことだ。」
    • Akuma: "A monkey that should be abandoned, stupid!" 「唾棄すべき意馬心猿、愚かなり!」
  • Ken & Akuma
    • Ken: "I'll surpass both you and Ryu!"「あんたもリュウも越えてやる!」
    • Akuma: "Hmph......bark as loud as you like."「フン‥‥其の吠え、成ってみせい。」
  • Maki & Akuma
    • Maki: "Old man, please clean up." 「おっちゃん、後片付けよろしく。」
    • Akuma: 「......。」
  • Ryu & Akuma
    • Ryu: "(I feel a great amount of killing intent filling the air behind me....!)"「(背後から殺気が漂っている...!)」
    • Akuma: "....Too slow! Defeat your opponent in an instant!"「...遅い! 瞬刻で殉(たお)せ!」
  • Sagat & Akuma
    • Sagat: "Akuma, what turned you into a shura? " 「豪鬼よ、何が貴様を修羅に変えた?」
    • Akuma: "... a man who knows well." 「...うぬも良く知る男だ。」
  • Sakura & Akuma
    • Sakura: "Well, I won... what do you think? "「あの、勝ちました...ど、どうでしょう?」
    • Akuma: "......Hmph. Not bad."「......フン。悪くはない。」


  • Athena & Akuma
    • Athena: "....I wonder if this person is being happy about my fight?" 「‥‥この人、喜んでいるのかな?」
    • Akuma: "The passing of mortal battles, that is my enjoyment!" 「死戦をくぐるは、我が享楽!」
  • Chang & Akuma
    • Chang: "Messaaaatsu! Just joking, ghee hya ha ha ha!" 「メッサーツ!なんつってなギヒャハハハ!」
    • Akuma: "Would you like to take a trip to Hades first!" 「うぬから黄泉に旅立つか!」
  • Iori & Akuma
    • Iori: "You're still expecting something to happen... demon!" 「まだ貴様のほうが楽しめそうだな...豪鬼!」
    • Akuma: "Not yet, you are still far from ready...!" 「機、未だ熟さず...!」
  • Hibiki & Akuma
    • Hibiki: "I am prepared to leave for the land of death." 「死地を赴く心構え、出来ております。」
    • Akuma: "Is your 'land of death' these children's games? Ridiculous!" 「うんらの死地とはこの戯れごとか。笑止なり!」
  • Mai & Akuma
    • Mai: "Oh, I was only playing with you, you're not giving up already, are you?" 「軽く遊んであげただけなのに、もう降参?」
    • Akuma: "....Your stupidity and foolishness here is even lower than that of children's games. Idiocy!" 「‥‥児戯にも劣る愚昧、笑止なり!」
  • Nakoruru & Akuma
    • Nakoruru: "Why? I cannot get rid of this bad feeling...." 「どうして?不吉な予感がぬぐえない‥‥。」
    • Akuma: "The gatehouse of the road of Hades, it is already open!" 「黄泉路の関所、既に開門せり!」
  • Terry & Akuma
    • Terry: "I can always sub out with you if you're getting bored on the sidelines. So, what will it be?" 「退屈なら交替するぜ。次、やるかい?」
    • Akuma: "...I shall see how pertinent your fangs are for a while longer." 「...うぬの牙、しばし見届けようぞ。」
  • Yuri & Akuma
    • Yuri: "Mr. Gouki here says he wants to say something! Okay, go ahead!" 「豪鬼さんが何か言いたいって!さ、どぞ!」
    • Akuma: "................There is nothing to be said!" 「‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥言う事など無し!」

Boss Quotes (If it is regular Akuma)[]


Akuma: "I could hear the war cry of a true warrior! Was that yours?! Now prove your skill and strength to me!"


Akuma: "You can't stop me! I will never quit or give up!"

*Rugal appears behind Akuma*

Akuma: "... Ha! It seems a true warrior has come at last... Let's see if he is worthy of my time..."

Boss Quotes (at the peak of the fight against Rugal)[]

Akuma: "Rugal... I'll remember your name... Time to sleep... Shungokusatsu!"

(An explosion ensues as the attack lands.)

Akuma: "...Gnuuu?!... Hnnnn...... Gwooo..."

Rugal: "huh... Evil Energy... True to its reputation... Though my plan has not come true, I'll give... This......Dark...... this......Dark...... Power..."

*Akuma transforms into Shin Akuma.*

Ending (if Ultimate Rugal was fought)[]

Ultimate Rugal: "Evolution is something to be honored... However, only the chosen few are allowed to experience it!"

Akuma: "... not powerful enough..."

Ultimate Rugal: ".....! ... Wha... What!? What's this... !?"

Akuma: "... This mind is not strong enough..."

*A light explodes out of Rugal and Akuma takes over the body*

Akuma: "... Not strong enough to control my power!"

*Akuma appears in his new body and walks away*

Akuma: "I am the one with no name... I am nothing and everything."

SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos[]

Pre-battle Dialogues[]


Vs. Mirror Match[]

Mirror Match: "I've got it all: skill, strength, and the wave!"

Akuma: "You're confused. The one left standing is the real thing."

Mirror Match: "Destroy!"

Akuma: "Comply!"

Vs. Balrog[]

Balrog: "You look pretty tough. How about you and I take over Shadaloo together!"

Akuma: "I have not the ears to lend to babbling idiots."

Balrog: "Is that so...? Then you can die now, and regret your fate."

Akuma: "There's nothing more ugly than a fool."

Vs. M. Bison[]

M. Bison: "You.... I haven't forgot you!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

M. Bison: "I'll repay you with death!"

Vs. Chun-Li[]

Chun-Li: "What terrible eyes. So that's Akuma..."

Akuma: "Leave. Immediately! I will not slay you."

Chun-Li: "No. I won't go. My strength... I'll test against you."

Akuma: "You wish a dog's death? You silly creature."

Vs. Dan[]

Dan: "Who are you?"

Akuma: "I am Akuma! Master of the Fist..."

Dan: "Master of what? I'm the true master here!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Vs. Demitri[]

Akuma: "Supernatural or not, you'll bow before me."

Demitri: "Bow before you? That's not even funny."

Akuma: "It's been a while since I felt such rage! Die!"

Vs. Dhalsim[]

Dhalsim: "Master of the Murder Wave! You're in bad need of some saving, I see."

Akuma: "There's no saving me. The Murder Wave is my sole savior."

Dhalsim: "Slave to power, you don't understand. Yoga can set you free!"

Akuma: "My fists will do that. And send you to heaven."

Vs. Guile[]

Akuma: "To live or die in battle. Admirable resignation."

Guile: "That's a soldier for you."

Akuma: "You're a fool to come oppose me. Just hear the spirits of my victims!"

Guile: "I'll leave that to you. Bring it on, beastie!"

Vs. Hugo[]

Poison: "Oh great! You're a real find! How about it? Care to join us? We're pro wrestlers!"

Akuma: "..."

Poison: "... What? Not excited? You can't turn us down. And I mean literally. Huuuuugo! Get him!"

Hugo: "Now you could be a great partner. Let's make some mayhem!"

Akuma: "... Destroy!"

Vs. Ken[]

Ken: "With you as an opponent, I'd better get serious. You're going down, freak!"

Akuma: "Nonsense with a spirit like yours. I'll shatter you!"

Ken: "Conversely, it may be you who'll be shattered."

Akuma: "Babble on, bozo! I'll destroy you!"

Vs. Ryu[]

Ryu: "Akuma..."

Akuma: "... Save the speech."

Ryu: "Ok... Let's do it!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Vs. Sagat[]

Sagat: "I, slayer of Bison, you cannot hope to outshine this emperor!"

Akuma: "Equal me do you think? I'll do away with you with one finger."

Sagat: "Your murderous spirit pierces my being. Oh, I'll enjoy this!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Vs. Tessa[]

Tessa: "The Murder Wave, is it?... I sold it too short. It's beyond rumor."

Akuma: "... Die!"

Tessa: "I can't oblige you. You'll help me explain your murderous wave!"

Vs. Vega[]

Vega: "There's no beauty to your strength. That is, you don't deserve to live."

Akuma: "Deserve to live? Boorish lout. Strength is truth!"

Vega: "Beauty is the only thing worthy to exist. Ugliness must perish!"

Akuma: "You'll perish, all right. Rumble!"

Vs. Violent Ken[]

Violent Ken: "Oooooooh. A-Akuma..."

Akuma: "Have you come, too? You walk Asura's path?"

Violent Ken: "Ooooh-ohhhh!"

Vs. Zero[]

Zero: "Get out of my way. I'll hurt you..."

Akuma: "You conceited kid! Destroy!"

Zero: "Very well..."

Ciel: "[He's Akuma, ancient assassin from Japan's middle ages. Beware though... His abilities go beyond my data.]"

Zero: "Beyond your data? What is it? Whatever... Let's do it!"

Vs. Shin Akuma[]

Akuma: "......"

Shin Akuma: "Away with you, shadow. I'm the true fist master!"

Akuma: "Me back down? It's you who have that destiny!"

Vs. Red Arremer[]

Akuma: "..."

Red Arremer: "Gyah-gyah!"

Akuma: "You know my fearsome fists will dispatch you to damnation!"


Vs. Choi[]

Akuma: "Pest... Fly away!"

Choi: "Pest? That hurts, actually I'm a master fighter. Buddy boy!"

Akuma: "...You can spout off in the netherworld!"

Choi: "Eeeh-hyah! You can't stop me now, now I'm really mad!"

Vs. Earthquake[]

Earthquake: "Oink! Looks like you don't have any money. Take a hike, buddy!"

Akuma: "Do you think I'd listen to a peasant like you?"

Earthquake: "What? Snort, snort. If you're going to be snotty, let's go!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Vs. Geese Howard[]

Geese Howard: "The Murder Wave... What nonsense!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Geese Howard: "The folly of the weak! A revery of wimps. For I, Geese Howard, do not need a fortress to protect me."

Vs. Genjuro[]

Genjuro: "You were born to be cut. Where would you like me to begin carving?"

Akuma: "Do you really think a blade would make me flinch from you?"

Genjuro: "Admirable pomposity! I think I'll begin by removing your tongue!"

Akuma: "Rumble!"

Vs. Goenitz[]

Goenitz: "Why, you...!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Goenitz: "The last one standing shall certainly be me. Hoo, hoo, hoo. A good wind blows. Let us begin!"

Vs. Iori[]

Akuma: "The ire of the spirits... Care to face the carnage?"

Iori: "Oh, unending slaughter and I'm in the center."

Akuma: "That is Asura's rage..."

Iori: "It's all greek to me. If you want to die, bring it on, freak!"

Vs. Kasumi[]

Akuma: "Young lady... Walk away. You needn't die so young."

Kasumi: "Do not insult me! The power of Todoh cannot pale to yours!"

Akuma: "... Very well. No mercy. These fists of destruction will dispose of you."

Kasumi: "A suitable opponent to prove the power of Todoh! Begin!"

Vs. Kim[]

Kim: "Why do you not use such overwhelming power for the sake of justice?"

Akuma: "There is no good or evil to strength! I seek pure power!"

Kim: "You're wrong! Your defeat will prove you the error of your ways."

Vs. Kyo[]

Akuma: "That stance. That spirit. Kusanagi! Master of flame!"

Kyo: "You're more studious than you look. You've done your homework."

Akuma: "The ancient martial arts have no effect on me!"

Kyo: "Want to see for sure? You'll eat those words!"

Vs. Mai[]

Mai: "My! You're a scary one. You look like a devil."

Akuma: "Please die, post haste."

Mai: "And me without my crucifix and holy water...."

Akuma: "...."

Mai: "I guess it's all up to my strength and powers alone."

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Mai: "Yikes! Right away? I really hate being rushed, you know!"

Vs. Mars People[]

Mars People: "BOH BEEP BAH!"

Akuma: "... I sense your murderous intent."

Mars People: "BAP BOOH!"

Akuma: "Die! Silly shaped thing!"

Vs. Mr. Karate[]

Mr. Karate: "In your quest for power, you lost your humanity. You sad, sad man."

Akuma: "Poppycock!... Rage is my reason!"

Mr. Karate: "You must fight it! Rediscover your humanity, you hideous, demon freak!"

Akuma: "Ludicrous!"

Vs. Orochi Iori[]

Orochi Iori: "K... I... L... L."

Akuma: "Lost child, rest in the netherworld!"

Orochi Iori: "Ohhh-whoa!"

Akuma: "Destroy!"

Vs. Ryo[]

Ryo: "Ok, ok, creepy face. Your capabilities are not of this world."

Akuma: "Then why don't you make yourself scarce? Death's maw awaits you."

Ryo: "That's quite an ego. Conceit is a fighter's worst enemy, eh?"

Akuma: "I do not fear the likes of you!"

Ryo: "Well, then. Let's see just how tough you are!"

Vs. Shiki[]

Shiki: "..."

Akuma: "You are in Asura's grip. You intrigue me...!"

Shiki: "... I'll slice you."

Akuma: "Then have at you, wench! I'll show you the true power of Asura's fists!"

Vs. Terry[]

Terry: "I've heard of a totally strong demon warrior. You must be him, eh?"

Akuma: "If we do clash, I do foresee your death... Do you not fear me?"

Terry: "So you are that guy! It's going to be a pleasure whomping you!"

Akuma: "Punch drunk fool. Your ignorance will be your undoing."

Vs. Shin Mr. Karate[]

Akuma: "..."

Shin Mr. Karate: "... You are good. A worthy opponent."

Akuma: "... You too. A fearsome foe."

Shin Mr. Karate: "Well... Let's do it."

Vs. Athena[]

Akuma: "...."

Athena: "You are in heaven. Foul terrestrial evildoer. I cannot let you go back the way you are."

Akuma: "... Nonsense."

Athena: "Defend yourself."

Win Quotes[]

  • "To you defeated in battle, regret your folly in hades!"
  • "Oh, can you hear it...? The dogs of war await you!"
  • "Defeating you takes less effort than smacking a baby. Not that I'd ever do that!"
  • "Be gone with you! You lack conviction to follow the way!"
  • "You have no place here! Die!"

Ending (heaven)[]

Akuma: "... Apparently there's no need to seek stronger foes... If that's so... Gah!!"

  • Akuma leaps into the realm of Heaven.*

Athena: "Lord, someone has come to these realms again..."

Lord: "Huh? What the...?"

Akuma: "Lord? I challenge you!"

"And so Akuma continued his endless and tireless quest to quench his craving for power."

Ending (hell)[]

Akuma: "... Apparently there's no need to seek stronger foes... If that's so... Gah!"

Akuma: "I'll pass the time here in the netherworld..."

  • Akuma begins to beat up Astaroth.*

Akuma: "... The screams of demons pierce the putrid air of the netherworld."

"And so Akuma continued his endless and tireless quest to quench his craving for power."

Marvel vs. Capcom series[]

X-Men vs. Street Fighter[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Demons don't need partners. An illusion..."
  • "Do something. Do anything. It won't work."
  • "I am bored. What else is new?"
  • "Raging Demon". I think I've heard of it..."
  • "The killer in me is unstoppable."
  • "This realm is a joke."
  • "Too bad, you could have been a challenge."
  • "You mean nothing to me."


Wolverine: "So... what do you know about my past?"

Akuma: "... Want to talk? Force me."

*They begin to fight*

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Your lack of power disgusts me."
  • "You are unfit to survive."
  • "This world is starting to lose its appeal."
  • "There is no good or evil, only Akuma."
  • "Return when "evil intent" drives your soul."
  • "If you cannot learn to live, learn to kill."
  • "I have nothing to say to you."
  • "Fight for what you believe. Now die for it!"

Vs. Apocalypse[]

Akuma: "I will unmake you, Apocalypse!"

Apocalypse: "There is evil within you, Akuma..."

JPN Version[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Destruction...!"「滅ッ・・・!!」
  • "Can you not see your own power...?"「己の力も見切れぬか・・・?」
  • "Leave my sight... You are an eyesore..."「うせろ・・・目ざわりだ・・・」
  • "My fist is strongest, behold...!"「我が最強の拳、しかと見よ・・・!」
  • "Do you understand what you are missing...?"「見切られたのがわからめか・・・?」
  • "You do not have the right to exchange fists with me...!"「我と拳を交える資格無し・・・!」
  • "No matter how many, it is still worthless..."「二でかかろうともしょせんはザコか・・・」
  • "I am Gouki... I am the master of the fists...!"「我が名はゴウキ・・・拳を極めし者なり・・・!」
  • "(Partner) you may be the one who satisfies me..."「(Partner) 我を満たす者、そなたかも知れぬ・・・」

Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Ultimate[]

Ending (Marvel vs. Capcom 3)[]

Akuma: "Even a world eater has proven to be an unsatisfying opponent... There is no one... I have no rivals here. It would be futile to wait for one to appear."

*Akuma stands in the middle of a pile of defeated fighters; among them are Ryu, Wolverine, Chun-Li, Captain America, Phoenix and Thor.*

Akuma: "The constraints of this world are no longer of concern to me. I will go to the fight instead of waiting for it. I will find an opponent who will at last provide the challenge I crave..."

Ending (Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3)[]

Akuma: "Now that I've defeated Galactus..."

*Akuma stands before the incapacitated forms of Ryu, Chun-Li and Crimson Viper.*

Akuma* "The rest is child's play."

Dormammu's Ending (Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3)[]

Dormammu: "This episode with Galactus has truly opened my eyes. There are so many opportunities to be had on so many different worlds... One just has to know where to look."

*Akuma appears along with some Capcom villains*

Akuma: "Look elsewhere, demon. You have no power here."

Prefight Quotes[]

  • "You dare challenge me?!"
  • "You will feel the power of my fists!"
  • "You are not ready."

Postfight Quotes[]

  • "My skills are unparalleled!"
  • "Unskilled!"
  • "How absurd!"
  • "Disgraceful!"
  • "You still need more training!"
  • "I have killed a god with my fists!"
  • "Your toys will not defeat me!"
  • "Your Hellfire is laughable!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "This time, I will spare you. But the next time you face me, I will show no mercy!"
  • "I am no longer mortal!"
  • "I have never faced a worthy opponent in battle!"
  • "I seek the ultimate power! I will not be stopped by mere mortals!"
  • "If this is the best that the world has to offer, then what else is there left for me to prove?"
  • "What a pitiful display. Come back in a hundred years."
  • "My power shall not be overcome! Feeble "Lord of Chaos", you shall know pain and defeat at my hands!"
  • "Your anger, rage and resentment is not enough! To defeat a demon, you must give in to those urges!"
  • "Now you have witnessed what a true demon can do."


  • "Is this... defeat...?" (Chip KO)
  • "Worthless." (Time Over)

Street Fighter IV series[]

Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind[]

Inside Ryu's Mind[]

  • Akuma: "How long must you continue to resist, boy?"
  • Ryu: "Until my last breath."
  • Akuma: "Why do you resist the power within?"
  • Ryu: "I don't desire power...I have my sights set higher than that!"
  • Akuma: "What is it you seek, then? Ah, but you have no answer... Seeking anything but power is foolishness of the highest order! The blood flowing through your veins calls out to you. Answer it. Answer it with your life!"
  • Ryu: "No!"
  • Akuma: "Then I shall murder you myself! This mundane world is of no concern to us...we grow stronger by consuming human life..."
  • Ryu: "ENOUGH!!!!!!!!"

(The Satsui no Hado briefly awakens within Ryu.)

  • Akuma: "Ahahahaha..."


  • "I am Akuma! And I will teach you the meaning of pain!"

Story Mode[]


Street Fighter IV[]

Akuma: "This disturbance... Calls out to me... Could it be?"

Super Street Fighter IV[]

Akuma: "Hmpf.... I'm coming for you, boy!"

Rival dialogue[]

Akuma: "Still haven't transcended humanity, eh? You lack discipline!"

Ryu: "You haven't transcended your humanity! You've thrown it away!"

Akuma: "Prepare to meet your maker!"

As a Secret Boss

Akuma: "My fists bleed death. Welcome to your doom!"

Finish Quotes[]
  • (Akuma ends the round normally): "Still weak!"
  • (Ryu ends the round normally): "There are other paths to take."
  • (Akuma gets a Super Combo Finish): "Just an ordinary human after all."
  • (Ryu gets a Super Combo Finish): "I will not succumb to evil."
  • (Akuma gets an Ultra Combo Finish): "You have a long way to go!"
  • (Ryu gets an Ultra Combo Finish): "This is the power of mankind!"
Other Quotes[]

(Match Start): Ryu: "I'll get you this time!" Akuma: "Show me your Hado, boy!

  • (Akuma activates Ultra Combo) "Muuuuuuunn!!"
  • (Ryu activates Ultra Combo) "Here I go!"
  • (Level 3 Focus Attack) "Welcome to hell!"
  • (Ryu struck by Focus Attack) "I gotta finish this."
  • (Akuma get the First Attack) "Prepare for your doom!"
  • (Ryu gets the First Attack): "I cannot allow you to win!"
  • (Akuma's Super Gauge is filled) "Your time has come!"
  • (Ryu's Super Gauge is filled) "I'm ready!"
  • (Ryu is stunned) "Hades awaits!"
  • (Akuma's Revenge Gauge is filled) "Abandon your humanity!"
  • (Ryu's Revenge Gauge is filled) "
  • Akuma: "Ingrate!"
  • Ryu: "I'm just getting started."
  • Ryu: "Ready for more?"
  • Akuma: "You make me laugh."
  • Akuma: "Fear overcomes you."
  • (When Ryu is on low health): Akuma: "I thought you were made of sterner stuff."
  • (When Akuma is on low health): Ryu"Ready for more?!"
  • "The flames of hell!"
  • "This is Messatsu!"
  • "Cowardly dog!"
  • "Pointless!"
  • "You dare attack a demon!"
  • "Attack me!"
  • "You want to die?"
  • "No use!"


Street Fighter IV[]

Akuma: "This feeling... There is no mistaking it... He has awakened..."

*Akuma walks up to Gouken and an unconscious Ryu.*

Akuma: "You've sealed off his power? How dare you!? Raging Demon!"

*Akuma attempts to use the Raging Demon on Gouken; however, he remains unaffected, and Gouken turns his attention to Akuma.*

Akuma: "The power of nothingness? Interesting... Let this be a fight to the death... The winner claims the cub..."

Super Street Fighter IV[]

Akuma: "Sekia! Kuretsuha!"

Round Win[]

  • "Fool!"
  • "Shameful!"
  • "Death's too good for you."
  • "Both heaven and earth tremble before my might!"
  • "Hmmmmmmmm!" (Time Over)


  • "Hmoough!"
  • "How... is this... possible...?" (Chip K.O)

Personal Actions[]

  • "Can you withstand my power?!"
  • "Die!"
  • "Absurd!"
  • "Such ineptitude!"
  • "You don't stand a chance!"
  • "Go on, strike me!"
  • "You are but a child!"
  • "You are not long for this world!"
  • "Do demons frighten you?!"

Win Quotes[]

Street Fighter IV[]

Versus Mode[]
  • "Be gone with you!"
  • "Once you face me, there is no turning back!"
  • "You are but dust carried on a desert wind!"
  • "There are many paths to hell. Which will you choose?"
  • "Your tears of regret cannot turn back the hands of time!"
  • "I alone have mastered the art of combat!"
  • "Open your eyes and look upon the man who has broken you!"
  • "It is against the order of things for the mouse to turn on the cat!"
  • "If you insist on speaking, do so with your fists!"
  • "The absurdity of your attempt to defeat me is... entertaining."
  • "If you seek renown as a fighter, then stand and face your destiny!"
Arcade Mode[]
  • "You must rid your heart of doubt if you want to stand a chance against me!"
  • "Surely you jest if you think that a man such as yourself can defeat me!"
  • "Neither man nor beast will know my mercy!"
  • "Put away your toys and fight with honor!"
  • "Death comes to us all."
  • "Your foolishness would be entertaining if it weren't so tiresome!"
  • "I thought you wielded greater power than this..."
  • "You could not defeat me then and you cannot defeat me now!"
  • "Only I can claim control over the very fabric of death itself!"
  • "Know the shame of defeat!"
  • "The power you seek is beyond your reach."
  • "Your moves show promise, but they are useless against the likes of me!"
  • "You can never defeat me as long as you cling so desperately to your humanity!"
  • "You do not deserve to call yourself king!"
  • "You are not ready to face me, child! Be gone with you!"
  • "Fool! Now you shall know nothingness!"
  • "The beauty you so value is meaningless!"
  • "Your technique is of little use against me, fool!"

Super Street Fighter IV[]

Versus Mode[]
  • "My blows penetrate flesh and contaminate the very bones within!"
  • "Messatsu!"
  • "My destiny is to defeat all challengers who wander the earth!"
  • "My fists know no equal!"
  • "Never step into the ring unless you are willing to leave this mortal coil!"
  • "Such pitiful insolence!"
  • "The moment you challenged me was the moment you sealed your fate!"
  • "The weak do not deserve a rematch, but an open grave bearing their name!"
  • "This battle is not yet over!"
  • "The true fighter can stare death in the face and lash out in rage against it!"
  • "Fool!"
Arcade Mode[]
  • "You want to know your destiny? It is at the end of my bloody fist!"
  • "No one can compare to my mighty fist! No one!"
  • "Beasts exist to be tamed and subjugated!"
  • "Did you actually think such pitiful moves could harm a denizen of hell?"
  • "You are too preoccupied with the dead to truly live your life, fool!"
  • "Those tricks may work against mortals, but demons laugh at their futility!"
  • "Your power is meaningless against that of a demon!"
  • "You do not deserve the accolades showered upon you, glutton!"
  • "You have reached your true potential! And now, you will perish before me!"
  • "Burn forever in the heat of my rage!"
  • "To attack me with such a feeble body speaks of your indescribable madness!"
  • "Your moves are useless against me, brother!"
  • "You seek revenge, yet you haven't the strength to carry out your mission!"
  • "How dare you think you stand a chance of defeating the likes of me?"
  • "Know before you challenge me that mercy is a foreign concept to a demon!"
  • "And now, evil one, you reap what you have sown!"
  • "To enslave yourself to destiny is to admit weakness!"
  • "Silence! Leave my presence at once!"
  • "What I seek is your ultimate destruction at my hands!"
  • "The power you displayed is not sufficient to reclaim your crown!"
  • "Your pitiful imitation of Ansatsuken has failed you again, child!"
  • "May you rot for all eternity in a putrefying grave, you insolent worm!"
  • "Such weakness only serves to feed my rage!"

Ultra Street Fighter IV[]

Arcade Mode[]
  • "If you cannot break your shackles, you deserve to die in your cage!"
  • "To think that listening to the voice of nature grants strength is foolishness!"
  • "Relying on body size alone... Worthless in a fight to the death."

Street Fighter X Tekken[]

Character Select[]

  • "Die horribly!"
  • "Look upon your annihilation, and tremble!"


  • "Messatsu!" (As a playable character)
  • "Prepare... For now I bring chaos... with my fists!" (As a boss)

Pandora Mode[]

  • "My rage is at its peak!"
  • "Return to nothing!"
  • "Return to nothingness..."


  • "Cowardly dog!"
  • "Where is your conviction?!"
  • "Attack me!"
  • "Pointless!"
  • "Nonsense!"
  • "Show me your fangs!"
  • "Not enough!"
  • "Useless!"
  • "You dare challenge me?"
  • "You're weak!"
  • "Is that all?"
  • "You aren't worth killing!"
  • "Huh! A pathetic effort!"
  • "Come!"
  • "The fight is mine!"
  • "Face me!"
  • "The other realm awaits!"
  • "Prove yourself!"
  • "I am death!"
  • "Die!"
  • "I'll be watching!"
  • "Now, we continue!"
  • "Carnage beckons!"
  • "Kill!"
  • "Run!"
  • "Begone!"
  • "Words mean nothing!"
  • "Stay down!"
  • "Death awaits!"
  • "Live in shame!"
  • "Fool!" (Shun Goku Satsu)
  • "Die in shame!"
  • "Tremble in fear! As does Earth, and Heaven above!"
  • "Weakness... is death!"
  • "How... is this possible?!" (Chip KO)
  • "Now... prepare!"
  • "Destruction awaken!"
  • "I don't take orders!"
  • "Weak!"
  • "Cretin!"
  • "Foolish!"
  • "Inept!"
  • "Futile."
  • "Interesting..." (Misogi)
  • "Prove your worth!"
  • "A worthy battle!"
  • "Feel the pain!" (Misogi)
  • "Die one thousand deaths!"
  • "Prepare yourself!" (Shun Goku Satsu)
  • "Now, taste the hellfire!"
  • "This is Messatsu!" (Misogi)
  • "Boy!"
  • "Girl!"
  • "Foolish amateur!"
  • "Fight me, worm!"
  • "A waste of effort!"
  • "Your life ends here!"
  • "Lap dog!"
  • "Tedious!"
  • "Weakling!"
  • "You dare?!"
  • "My fists have not yet been sated!"
  • "Finish me... if you can!"
  • "Show me your true potential!"
  • "The gates of hell are open for you!"
  • "Come at me with everything!"
  • "Quite the disappointment!"
  • "Powerless doll!"
  • "Rot in hell!"
  • "You have served your purpose."



Akuma: "I can hear it calling to me... A new era of chaos!"

Rival Cutscene (English subtitles)[]

Akuma: "Now, who dares challenge me?"

*Ogre appears*

Akuma: "You pitiful creature... Prove to me your worth!"

*Ogre launches a wave scream.*

Rival Cutscene (Japanese literal translation)[]

Akuma: "I am, the Master of the Fist."

(Ogre appears.)

Akuma: "Marionette of the distant star, show me those fists!"

*Ogre launches a wave scream.*


Akuma: "You summoned me... Pandora."

*A Pandora version of Oni jumps out of the box*

Akuma: "Nothing but a shadow... raging against that which casts it. Now be reminded... of the true power of Akuma!"

Win Quotes[]

Round Win[]

  • "You fool! Death is too good for you."
  • "You're not worthy!"
  • "Your fear was your end!"
  • "Choke on your own weakness!"
  • "Your power shall become my own!"
  • "You are a pathetic whelp!"
  • "You weakling!"
  • "Learn the limits of your power!"
  • "Your insolence begets your destruction!"

Versus Mode[]

  • "All of creation shatters before my fist!"
  • "I have surpassed the limits of mere mortals!"
  • "A true fight is a battle to the death! Honor, pride, fame, fortune... the pursuit of fools!"

Win Quotes (character-specific)[]

Street Fighter[]

  • "Your fighting spirit is pathetic! An impoverished soul will never lay hands upon me!"
  • "Only one can be the true master of the fist!"
  • "You think you know power? I will show you true power, worm!"
  • "The fangs of a mere beast could never pierce the Satsui no Hado!"
  • "There is no mercy on the battlefield! Only death for the weak!"
  • "If you do not fear death, little girl, then I will usher you to hell!"
  • "The flames of a god are powerless before the Satsui no Hado!"
  • "There is no place for rules in a fight to the death!"
  • "If you want to listen to something, listen to the screams of those who have died by my hand!"
  • "Only those who are true martial artists should challenge me! You are nothing but a clown!"
  • "Challenging me as you did was utter nonsense!"
  • "You yelp about a true battle to the death... Is that all you've got, little girl?!"
  • "Begone, boy! Your pathetic skills are nothing but a mockery of the Satsui no Hado!"
  • "Your power crumbles before Satsui no Hado! Fool! I will send you to hell again!"
  • "Everything crumbles before my fist! You are nothing before me!"
  • "Keep talking, whelp! Hell welcomes you with open gates!"
  • "These fists bring destruction! Show me your true strength!"
  • "Perish as the loser that you are! Your shame knows no bounds!"
  • "Your pitiful imitation of the Satsui no Hado enrages me!"
  • "Spew your nonsense from the afterlife! I have no interest in your idiotic ideals!"
  • "Stand before me, and fall in defeat!"


  • "You assume the form of a human, but you are nothing but a soulless imitation!"
  • "Challenging me shows your stupidity knows no bounds!"
  • "Even in your madness, you retain enough sense to tremble before my might!"
  • "Feelings of attachment have no place on the battlefield! Fool!"
  • "We're not finished yet! Live up to your reputation, stand up and face me again!"
  • "A machine could never hope to stand against me!"
  • "Your suffering has only just begun!"
  • "The power of my Satsui no Hado surpasses all. It is impossible for the likes of you to understand!"
  • "I will put an end to your arrogance! Know shame in death!"
  • "Prepare yourself for death! I will grind your bones into dust!"
  • "Neither man or beast can dare stand up to the Satsui no Hado!"
  • "This is the battlefield, a place of suffering and death! It is no place for a spoiled little girl!"
  • "Disappear from this world forever!"
  • "To fight is to know carnage and embrace death. You know nothing."
  • "Leave my sight, girl! Unless you want to be buried here!"
  • "Throw yourself at me with all your might! Everything is powerless against the Satsui no Hado!"
  • "A battle to the death is not a game! Feel my murderous intentions!"
  • "Fool, did you think your children's games would work on me?"
  • "With a body like that, you could never hope to overcome my fists of destruction!"
  • "Strike me a thousand times! You cannot even lay a scratch on me!"


  • "The path of destruction I carve brings even the gods of thunder to their knees!"
  • "Coward! What did you hope to accomplish before me?"
  • "Hades welcomes all."
  • "A beast with the power of Hadoken? Sacrilege!"

Asura's Wrath[]

Akuma: "What do we have here? Your skills show promise."

Asura: "Who's there!?"

Akuma: "I am Akuma, and my fists know no equal!"

*Akuma kicks Ryu back home and Asura into rubble*

Akuma: "You have a spirit that thirsts for battle. Your name."

Asura: "...Asura."

Akuma: "Grr... Satisfy my hunger for power, god of wrath!"

Asura: "Do not call me a god!"

Akuma: "I will teach you the meaning of pain!"

Asura: "Let's see what you've got!"

Tekken 7: Fated Retribution[]


  • "Your strength mirrors a child's beguilement."
  • "You challenge me!?"
  • "A battle to the death..." (Vs. Heihachi/Kazuya)
  • "So you possess that power too?" (Vs. Jin/Devil Jin)
  • "I would have never expected to see you again." (Vs. Kazumi)

Rage Art[]

  • "Prepare yourself!" (Activation)
  • "Die one thousand deaths!"
  • "Metsu!" (If Rage Art doesn't end the round)
  • "Messatsu!" (If Rage Art ends the round)

Win Quotes[]

  • "You can't even understand your own power."
  • "Weaklings should perish."

Story Mode[]

Interaction with Kazumi (Reveal Trailer)[]

  • Kazumi: "My beloved Heihachi will inevitably engulf the world in war and destruction...resulting in the loss of many innocent lives. If I die...if I can't stop Heihachi...please promise you'll kill him."
  • Akuma:"As you wish. When the time comes, I will repay my debt to you."

vs. Heihachi (Story Demo)[]

  • Akuma:"The time has fulfill my promise to Kazumi."
  • Heihachi: " on earth do you know that name?"
  • Akuma: "My fists...know no equal."
  • Heihachi: "Hah! It seems we don't need words here, then."
  • Akuma: "This, too, is destiny."
  • Heihachi: "Such power! Demon, identify yourself!"
  • Akuma: "I am Akuma. Get ready!"

vs. Heihachi (Story Mode)[]

Before battle (First Round)[]
  • Heihachi: "Who the hell are you?"
  • Akuma: "Someone whose fists know no equal."
  • Heihachi: "Hah! It seems we can drop the formalities."
  • Akuma: "This, too, is destiny."
Other Quotes[]
  • (When Akuma attacks Heihachi): "Still weak."
  • (When Heihachi attacks Akuma): "Is that it?"
  • (When Akuma attacks him again): "The weak invite destruction!"
  • (When Heihachi attacks him again): "Not good enough!"
  • Heihachi: "Let's settle this."
  • Akuma: "Welcome to your doom!"
  • (When Heihachi is on low health): Heihachi: "It all ends now!"
  • (When Akuma directly activates his Rage Art): Akuma: "Prepare yourself! Die 1,000 deaths! Messatsu!"
  • (When Heihachi activates his Rage Art first): Heihachi: "Die!"
  • Heihachi: "What?!"
  • Akuma: "Prepare yourself! Die 1,000 deaths!"

*Heihachi screams.*

  • Akuma: "Messatsu!"
After battle (First Round)[]
  • Heihachi: "It was you... Jack-6... You're with G Corp...?"
  • Akuma: "What is this?"
Before battle (Final Round)[]
  • Heihachi: "I must say, you impress me. Tell me your name."
  • Akuma: "I am Akuma, and I have come to kill you and Kazuya on behalf of Kazumi."
  • Kazumi: "Kill him for me... and also... Kazuya..."
  • Akuma: "All of this is for her..."
  • Heihachi: "What? Kazumi? You're saying that Kazumi told you to kill me and Kazuya...? Nonsense. If that were true, why only appear now?"
  • Akuma: "I was merely waiting for you to become more stronger. Right here, right now, I will fulfill my promise to Kazumi."
After battle (Final Round)[]
  • Heihachi: "Hrng..."
  • Akuma: "Hell awaits you! You disappoint me."

vs. Kazuya "Judgement from Above"[]

Before battle (First Round)[]
  • Kazuya: "So you finally came. Don't waste your time. You're no match for him. Show him to the roof."
  • Akuma: "Then you have chosen your place to die, Kazuya Mishima."
  • Kazuya: "Hah! No, I've simply chosen your burial ground. Before I kill you, tell me how you know my mother. What are you? A relic of the Hachijo?"
  • Akuma: "Kazumi once saved my life. That is all you need to know. Now it is time to repay my debt."
  • Kazuya: "Fine. Let's see what you're made of. Such strength..."
Other Quotes[]
  • (When Akuma attacks Kazuya): "Pointless!"
  • (When Kazuya attacks Akuma): "Stand down!"
  • (When Akuma attacks him again): "Lazy worm!"
  • (When Kazuya attacks him again): "Get out of my sight!"
After battle (First Round)[]
  • Kazuya: "Impertinent fool!"
Before battle (Final Round)[]
  • Kazuya: "You bastard... It's time to finish this."
  • Akuma: "So this is your true power. A fight to the death? I shall enjoy this."

Arcade Mode Boss[]

  • Akuma: "These fists know no equal. You are powerless against me!"

Secret Chapter "Instant Carnage"[]

  • Kazuya: "I didn't think you'd stay dead long."
  • Akuma: "I will not rest until your demise."
  • Kazuya: "You are the one who will die."
  • Akuma: "I only seek the blood of battle. Come at me like your life depends on it!"
  • Kazuya: "I'll send you straight to hell!"
Other quotes[]
  • Akuma: "My power is absolute."
  • (When Kazuya attacks Akuma): "You're all talk."
  • (When Kazuya prepares to activate his Rage Art): "I'm holding all the cards now."
  • (When Kazuya directly activates his Rage Art): Kazuya: "This will be your burial ground! It's over! Now die!"

Street Fighter V[]

Character Selection[]

  • "You will feel my wrath!"


  • "Hmph. So it's you..."
  • "You will soon weak you are!" (Easy Survival Mode)
  • "Now...face the truth of my power." (Normal Survival Mode)
  • "Show me your best! Hold nothing back!" (Hard Survival Mode)
  • "This is the bottom of the Six Realms: The Realm of Hell!" (Extreme Survival Mode)

Round Victory[]

  • "You blight my vision."(級者超! Mokushite nui!)
  • "Imprudent fool!" (Under 20% stamina)

Round Loss[]

  • "Urrrrggghhhh!"


  • "Insect!"

Critical Art[]

  • "Banbutsu Hissatsu! Sekia Kuretsuha!"
  • "Die one thousand deaths! Metsu!" (V-Trigger)

EX Moves[]



  • "I am the one who has escaped fate." (Story Mode)
  • "You will soon know, how weak you are!" (Easy Survival Mode)
  • "Now, face the truth of my power!" (Normal Survival Mode)
  • "Show me your best! Hold nothing back!" (Hard Survival Mode)
  • "This is the bottom of the Six Realms. The realm of hell!" (Extreme Survival Mode)
  • "Bloody death awaits you! This I promise!"
  • "My name is Akuma!" (Character language change)
  • "Tremble to pieces!" (V-Trigger Goshoryuken)
  • "No use!" (Rakan Gosho)
  • "Crush!" (Hyakki Gosai)
  • "Pointless!" (V-Reversal)
  • "Tatsumaki!" (Medium Tatsumaki Zankukyaku)
  • "Tatsumaki Zanku!" (Heavy Tatsumaki Zankukyaku)
  • "Foolish wretch!" (Throw Backwards)
  • "Foolishness!"
  • "Indulgent foolishness!" (Training Mode)
  • "Mere puppet!" (Training Mode)
  • "Kien Banjou!". (氣焰萬丈) (V-Trigger I)
  • "Shiretsu Hasshi!" (V-Trigger II)

Versus Mode (Generic)[]

  • "I am the one true Master of the Fist!"
  • "This will be your death!"
  • "So spineless, and yet so naive. Die!"
  • "You're no match for my fists!"
  • "Messatsu!"

Versus Mode (character-specific)[]

  • "The weak in numbers are still weak!"
  • "Pathetic! How dare you call yourself a fighter?!"
  • "Leave this world, fool."
  • "You are not worthy of such power..."
  • "You're reckless... A fool."
  • "I am the only path to heaven!"
  • "Now can you see how weak you are?!"
  • "You are consumed by desire. Death is all you deserve!"
  • "You are the shadow of a shadow! Die!"
  • "What a fool! You shall never reach supremacy!"
  • "Such an unsightly weakling you are!"
  • "Your naivety is simply laughable!"
  • "Coward! To know strength is to face death!"
  • "Your death is in my hands!"
  • "You are a mere puppet. Die with dignity!
  • "Lowly creature! I should rip you apart!"
  • "Hmph. You fight like a brat."
  • "For a weakling like you, death is a reprieve!"
  • "Is that all your fists are capable of?"
  • "Now I see the extent of your power."
  • "A puppet with no master is a lifeless doll."
  • "Let your broken bones remind you of my fists!"
  • "You only care for beauty. Now look at you!"
  • "Imbecile! I have no such time for feebleness!"

Story Mode[]

Vs Gen[]

  • Akuma: "Uuurya!!"
  • Gen: "Goffu! ... He can't...! Has he become a true demon god?! No...! Not quite... Your fist is indeed mighty. But without knowing the path of humanity, you will never reach the path of the divine... Gufu"
  • Akuma: "Your weakness has never been more clear. A useless speech meant to prolong the inevitable... Accept your fate and go to Hell! Messatsu!"
  • Gen: "Aahhhhhhh! You will never reach the path of the divine. Heh heh ha heh heh..."
  • Akuma: "I walk the Demon's path. I have no interest in the path of humanity nor the divine."

Vs Necalli[]

Before battle[]
  • Akuma: "Hm!? What is this? What have you done...?! Why will you not accept your fate?!"
  • Akuma: "!?"
  • Necalli: "Rrrou... Urou... Your soul... Want soul!"
  • Akuma: "Humph... Are you that desperate, boy? Did you move your fate into this puppet? Pitiful."
  • Necalli: "Devourrrrr!"
  • Akuma: "Interesting, a ghost lost between worlds, devoid of any meaning. Why don't you come and try to consume my demon soul? Were I to be consumed, so be it. Should you fail, I will end you... And surpass heaven!"
  • Necalli: "You are unworthy...!"
After battle[]
  • Necalli: " Jeaaaa!"
  • Akuma: "Waaaaa?! Muoooooo!!"
  • Necalli: "Mugo, nngo... Ge ge ge. Ge... Sound of suffering from pain ( as if he is throwing up, continuously )"
  • Akuma: "Mudo Tensho!!"
  • Necalli: "Bruaaaaargh!"
  • Akuma: "I have surpassed heaven. I am power made flesh. The time has come! My fist versus yours. Let us see now which fist has no equal... Now begin!"

Vs Ryu[]

Before battle[]
  • Ryu: "So you've sold the last of your humanity, Akuma?"
  • Akuma: "Ridiculous! I chose the path of the demon. At the end of my path, should I shed my humanity, I care not. Your pure fist of humanity, Mu no Ken, and my demon god fist... Now heaven and earth, light and dark will clash! Let nothing disturb our battle!"
  • Ryu: "If that's the case, then I'll have to fight to my full potential."
  • Akuma: "Now boy, let's begin!"
  • Ryu: "Right!!"
After battle[]
  • Akuma: "My fist, is there no one in this world who can equal its power? Foolish boy, why are you smiling?"
  • Ryu: "Because now... I can ask you a question."
  • Akuma: "..."
  • Ryu: "To know yourself, one must ask questions. Questioning others, themselves, or even gods. It's no different than seeking strength."
  • Akuma: "..."
  • Ryu: "As a human, I'll keep asking questions, through my fist!"
  • Akuma: "Humph! Pathetic!"
  • Ryu: "Answer me this, Akuma."
  • Akuma: "What is your question, boy?"
  • Ryu: "My fist ask yours. Only yours can respond. That's how it'll always be."
  • Akuma: "..."
  • Ryu: "Our conversation won't end because... The answer lies... In the heart of battle."
  • Akuma: "... Ha. Very well. If that's true, our paths will cross again someday. I shall meet you at your journey's end, Ryu!"