Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Chun-Li.

Street Fighter II series[]

Street Fighter II[]

  • "I'm the strongest woman in the world!"
  • "There is no chance for you to beat me! Challenge someone else!" (Console versions)
  • "What a wimpy woman! I wonder if there is a much stronger opponent?" (Console versions, vs. mirror match only)
  • "You should all kneel down before me!" (Console versions, vs. mirror match only)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[]

  • "I won because I have a reason to fight."
  • "Justice will triumph in the end. I'm sure of it."
  • "No one will stop me from destroying Shadaloo!"
  • "Didn't take me seriously because I'm a woman? Look what happened!"

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[]

  • "That's right, fall to your knees... just like every other man/woman who dared challenge me!"
  • "The world's greatest fighter has no time for losers!"
  • "Thought you could take me, huh? You're just like all the rest... weak!"
  • "What's the matter? Too many kicks to the head?"

Lost Quotes (Street Fighter II SNES)[1][]

  • "Because I'm a woman, you must've let your guard down! Sorry, but I'm the best martial artist in the world!"
  • "All of you should kneel before me!"
  • "Men are no big deal! I wonder if there's a stronger opponent?"
  • "Heh, all men bow before me!!"
  • "Heh, you're no match for me after all!! You should start from scratch!!"

Street Fighter: The Movie[]

  • "Next time learn to block!"
  • "Be a good boy and stay down!"
  • "It looks like this mission is a little too much for you."
  • "I’ve had a tougher time fighting for a story!"
  • "I will let nothing stand in my way!"

Street Fighter Alpha series[]

Street Fighter Alpha[]


  • "I don't have time for amateurs!"
  • "I expected better."
  • "If you're going to fight, fight for real."
  • "You don't have the skill to beat me!"

Rival Dialogue[]

vs. M. Bison[]

Bison: "Well, this is a pleasant surprise."

Chun-Li: "Stuff it Bison! You're under arrest for drug dealing. You and Shadaloo are finished!"

Bison: "I have no time to waste on you!"

Street Fighter Alpha 2[]

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Gen[]

Gen: "Young one, what is it you seek?"

Chun-Li: "It does not matter, you can't help."

Gen: "I could teach you."

Chun-Li: "Out of my way, I'm looking for someone."

vs. M. Bison[]

Chun-Li: "Evil in the flesh, Lord Bison. What happened to my father? What have you done with him? You know something!"

Bison: "Don't ask questions if you aren't prepared for the answers."

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]


  • "Don't worry. I didn't damage anything permanently, I think."
  • "Fighting ability is important... handcuffs only go so far!"
  • "I need a vacation! Being an inspector isn't easy!"
  • "I'm just doing my duty... Please don't take it personally!"
  • "My strength must have been something you weren't ready for!"
  • "Oops! I'm sorry if I hit you there too hard!"
  • "So, do you have anything to say in your defense?"
  • "Speed is something more important than strength!"

Winquotes (Japanese version only)[]

  • "I couldn't call myself a top detective if I relied on a gun or badge to get the job done."「銃やバッジに頼ってちゃ 一流の捜査官とは言えないわ」
  • "You don't have something suspicious on your person, or do you!?"「なんか怪しいモノ 持ってたりしないでしょうね!?」
  • "My occasional holidays are also put to waste by these incidents. It's not easy being a detective!"「たまの休暇も事件でだいなし 刑事も楽じゃないわ!」
  • "I must've been a surprisingly strong foe for you."「あなたにとっては 予想外の強敵だったってことね」
  • "I wonder how is it that I always wind up in this unending mess of disturbances?"「なんであたしってこう 騒動と縁が切れないのかしら?」
  • "You're too wild with your moves! Calm down a bit!"「あなた、暴れすぎ! 少しは落ち着きなさいっ!」
  • "If you're doing well in your everyday training, you shouldn't be feeling hesitant looking at me."「日ごろの行いが良ければ 私を見て焦ることないはずよ」
  • "I missed your vitals, so be at ease."「急所は外したから、安心して」

Winquotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]

Character Japanese Translation Character Win Quotes (If Lose)
Adon 「あいかわらず頑固者ね まぁおたがい頑張りましょ」 "I actually want to praise you conversely for deluding yourself to such an extent." I suppose, I shall praise you for your display of courage in thinking you could contest my kicks...Kukuh!
Akuma 「あいつと同門…… いつか……あいつも?」 "You're in the same school as him... Will he... turn out the same way too someday?" "Is it death that you desire, girl!"「死を望むか、娘!」
Balrog 「そうしつこく打たれちゃあ いいかげんパターン覚えちゃうわ」 "After enduring enough of your blows, I picked up on your patterns." "Women don't need muscles! What I'd want from you is more meat on that bust!"「女に筋肉は要らねぇ! 胸ァもうちっと欲しい所だな!」
Birdie 「悪いことはいわないから シャドルーと縁を切りなさい!」 "I won't say that you're a bad person, so please cut your ties with Shadaloo!" Heheh...If I were in the nick wiv' ya, life wouldn't be so bad, you know! 

「ヘッへへ····あんたと 一緒なら 牢屋で暮らすのも悪かねェなあ!」

Blanka 「人間の可能性って やっぱり無限大なのかしら?」 "The potential of humans, I wonder if it's actually limitless?" Uoon, uou, Uoh!
Cammy 「ベガの言うことなんか 絶対、信じちゃダメよ!!」 "You can't go believing anything Bison says!" "I'm fine... without knowing... who I... am..."「自分が……何者かなんて 知らなくて……いい……」
Charlie 「さすがね! ICPOにスカウトしたいわ」 "I should've known! I actually want to recruit you to join ICPO (Interpol)!" "Hmph... I wouldn't expect any less from a special detective. It seems there was no need for me to test you."「フム……さすがは特別捜査官 私が試すまでもないようだ」
Chun-Li 「自分自身に勝つことが大切…… よく父さんが言ってたっけ」 "Winning against yourself is important... I think that's what Father often said."
Cody 「大丈夫よ……あなたにも 信じられる何かが見つかるわ」 "It's alright... I'm sure you'll find something to believe in." "Leave me be. I’ll be going back to my cell once I've gotten bored."「俺のことはほっといてくれ 飽きたら牢屋にもどるよ」
Dan 「はいはい、今いそがしいんだから また後にしてくれる?」 "Yes yes, I'm actually busy right now, so why don't we leave this for later?" "Don't just hang around here! Go catch some corrupt bereaucrats or something!"「こんなトコうろついてねぇで、汚職官僚でもとっ捕まえな!」
Dee Jay 「あなたは悪くないけど ちょっとノリが合いそうにないわ」 "You're not bad, but it doesn't seem like we'd make a good match." "Don't make a frown! You'll soon find your happy day, me gal!"「嘆くことはないぜ!たどり着けるさ Happy day!」
Dhalsim 「争いは平和を遠ざける……だけど 戦わなくちゃならない時もあるの」 "Strife distances peace... But there are times in which we must fight." "For as long as you don't discard your ambitions, your wishes will surely come to fruition."「希望を捨てぬ限り 必ずや願いは成就するであろう」
E. Honda 「あなたの性格はスキだけど その汗はなんとかならない?」 "I like your personality, but can't you do something about your sweat?" "You cops have it tough. Your work never ends and there are crimes all over the world to solve!"「警官っちゅうのも大変だな 世界中で仕事せにゃならんとは!」
Eagle 「イギリスって・・・・用心棒になるのが 流行ってるのかしら?」 "Speaking of England... I wonder if it's popular over there for people to be in the profession of bodyguarding?" "What immodest legs you have! Become a more refined lady!"「なんとはしたない脚だ 淑女たるもの慎みたまえ!」
Evil Ryu 「らしくないわね いつもの気合いはどこ行ったの!?」 "You're not yourself. Where did your usual passion go!?" "It's no use. It's... not as if you can do anything to stop me!"「止めても無駄だ それに……お前には止められない」
Fei Long 「ちょっとオーバーアクションね それだけスキも大きいって事よ」 "Your moves are a bit over-the-top, aren't they? That only goes to enlarge the gaps in your defense." Giving up reduces all of your effort into nothing!
Gen 「今度じっくり話し合いましょう ……私の、父さんについて!」 "Let's sit down to talk properly next time. ...I want to hear what you have to say about my father!" "So, his soul still afflicts you to this day... How pitiful!"「あやつの魂 未だ汝を縛りよるか……憐れよ!」
Guile 「これでもあたし、特別捜査官なの 素人扱いしないでもらえる?」 "Just so you know, I'm a special detective. Can you please not treat me like a newbie?" "Those in the army have their own rules to follow. The police need to keep out of our affairs."「軍人には軍人のルールがある 警察はひっこんでいてくれ」
Guy 「一心不乱に進むその姿 ちょっとうらやましいわ」 "The form that moves without hesitation. I can't help but feel a bit envious of you." "You have outdone yourself in completing this bout out of your sense of duty, but I did what I must do... Forgive me!"「義のための戦いご苦労でござるが これも勝負 ・・・・・・ 許せ ! 」
Ingrid "Why, is it so rare?"I don't really care about uniforms."「何よ、そんなに珍しいの?別にコレ、制服ってワケじゃないわ」 "What, is it that uncommon? It's not as if this is a uniform I'm wearing." "Your work seems to be taking its toll on you. It would do you well to take a bunch of days off."「おぬしの仕事もつらそうじゃのう 休み休みマイペースでやるがよい」
Juli 「さ……いますぐICPOの 保護を受けるのよ!」 "Okay... I'll now put you under the direct care of ICPO!" "Data P: transfer as needed."「Pデータ:随時転送」
Juni 「教えて! あの男の居場所を!」 "Tell me! Tell me where that man is!" "BP6900/SP6800. No reaction of DD in the target's upper arms, or lower thighs."「BP6900/SP6800 上腕下肢ともにDD反応無し」
Karin 「変幻自在の攻めと守り あたしももっと勉強しなくちゃね」 "An ever-changing offense and defense. That's something I have to study up on even more." "Such weak kicks as those won't even be able to help you arrest petty burglars."「そのようなヤワな蹴りでは コソドロも捕らえられませんわよ」
Ken 「もうあいつには勝てたの? ……その様子じゃまだのようね」 "Were you finally able to win against "him?" ...With how you look, I'm going to say you're still working on it." "Make it a habit to forget about work every once in a while. It's a shame to see your beauty go to waste."

「たまにゃ仕事を忘れなよ 美人がもったいないぜ」

M. Bison 「あなただけは……許さない!!」 "You're the one person... I will never forgive!" "Fwahahaha! If you so desire it, I can send you to where your father is this instant!!"「フハハハハ! 望むなら今すぐ 父のもとに送ってやるぞ!!」
Maki 「気まぐれな動きね・・・・こういうのがやりにくいのよ」 "You had some random movements... Those were hard to deal with." "The feds!? Crap, did I bring my visa with me?"「警察!? やベ、ビザ持って来てたっけ?」
R. Mika 「これはストリートファイトよ! ショーじゃないわ!」 "This is a street fight! Not some show!" I appreciate your hard work out there!

「お勤め! ごくろうさまッス!」

Rolento 「結局あなたって あのベガと思想が同じなのよ」 "In the end, your ideals are the same as that Bison." "A law that questions me of committing a crime was wrong to begin with!!"「吾輩を罪に問う法など はじめから間違っておるのだッ!!」
Rose 「なぜハッキリと教えてくれないの? あなたは解ってるんでしょう?」 "Why won't you clearly tell me? You know something, don't you?" "Your unclouded eyes... You must never lose them!"「濁りのない瞳・・・・・・ 絶対に失ってはダメよ」
Ryu 「あいかわらず頑固者ね まぁおたがい頑張りましょ」 "You remain headstrong as always. Let's both exert our best in the world." "Haste makes waste. Don't lose sight of the sharpness of that kick."

「焦りはスキを生む その蹴りの鋭さ、見失うなよ」

Sagat 「あなたほどの男なら きっと夢はかなうわ」 "A man of your caliber should be able to make their dream come true." "It's useless... You can't stop me!"「無駄だ・・・・・・ 俺を止めることはできん!」
Sakura 「ま、これにこりずに もっと鍛えることね!」 "Well, I can say that you shouldn't be discouraged from this loss and move onto training some more! "Erm... did I get in the way of your work? Sorry!"「え……と、お仕事の邪魔でした? ごめんなさーい!」
Sodom 「どうでもいいけどあなた いいかげん胸の字、書き直したら?」 "You can go on to do whatever you want, but could you at least rewrite the kanji on your chest?" "OH, COACH YET, YEAH! (Translation: You're the one at fault here!)「OH,COACH YET,YEAH! (訳:てめぇが悪いんだぜ!)」"[43]
T. Hawk 「あなたもわたしも 相当な意地っ張りのようね」 "You and I, it seems like we're equally persistent." "Evil can be found within and outside. It is up to you to proceed without losing your way."「悪とは外と内にあるもの 見失わず進めるかは自分次第だ」
Vega 「素顔をさらしなさい やましい心がないならね」 "Show me your true face. That's if you don't have a guilty heart." "Your eyes are charming... Oh, how they shine as it reflects my visage!"「君の瞳は魅力的だ…… この私を映し、輝いている……!」
Yun 「クンフーっていうのは カラ元気だけじゃ身につかないわ」 "Kung-fu isn't something that can be learnt through bravado alone." "How could you ever go on after losing face by being beaten by a virtuous citizen?"「善良な一市民に倒されちゃって 面目丸つぶれってかい?」
Zangief 「……ああ痛ッ!! その胸毛、凶器だわ!!」 "...Ah, ouch!! Your chest hair is a dangerous weapon!!" "The police always trouble me with how inflexible they can be."「警察というものはいつも 融通が利かなくて困るな」

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Birdie[]


Chun-Li: "Excuse me... May I have a moment of your time, Mr. Birdie?"

Birdie: "You...? What does an agent of Interpol want with me?"

Chun-Li: "We have confirmed that you are involved with Shadaloo! Now... Tell me where the Shadaloo bases and M. Bison are!"

Birdie: "Heh, heh, heh... And what if I refuse?"


Chun-Li: "This is what happens when you don't cooperate! Now talk!"

Birdie: "Blast it!! I'll never talk! Now bug off! I have business in Thailand... ...oops!"

Chun-Li: "I appreciate your cooperation, kind sir!"

vs. Cammy[]

Chun-Li: "...?! Who are you?!"

Cammy: "You... must not interfere... We were born... to serve... serve... Master Bison...!"

Chun-Li: "What's the matter...?! Are you okay...?!"

Cammy: "No... I will... destroy you...! Fear... Death! Murder!"

vs. Juli & Juni[]

M. Bison: "Hmm... A problem has arisen... She has become aware of herself."

Chun-Li: "How could you do such a thing to a little girl...!!"

M. Bison: "Relax my dear. The show must go on... Now my pretty dolls... Entertain my guest...! Attack!"

vs. M. Bison[]

Chun-Li: "These children... They are innocent! How could you?! Your acts are unforgivable, Bison!!"

Bison: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!! You amuse me, child! OK then... I'll let you earn the right to be my guinea pig!"

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike[]


  • "Am I still the strongest woman in the world? Tell me!"
  • "Hey, leave me alone! I'm a fighter, not a news reporter!"
  • "It's been much too long since I've been in a fair fight!"
  • "No, I've never thrown any of my bracelets away. Why do you ask?"
  • "Power is useless without skill and speed!"
  • "Put some thought into your actions and you will eliminate your regrets."
  • "You haven't seen my best yet! Please let me show you!"
  • "You'd be great if you found a better reason to fight!"

Winquotes (Japanese version only)[]

  • "Using brute force alone will never defeat me."「ただ押し出すだけのパワーじゃ あたしには永遠に勝てないわ」
  • "Will you go for another round? I also wasn't satisfied with that one."「もう一度、やる? あたしもまだ納得いってないのよ」
  • "It's futile to even think of countless attacks working on me if their quality is unpolished!"「キレのない技で 何度攻めてきてもムダよ!」
  • "My heart is fluttering away. This won't be much of a fight in that case."「心が逃げているわ それじゃ勝負にならないわね」
  • "A technique learnt once before can never simply be forgotten."「一度身につけた技って 簡単には忘れられないものなの」
  • "I go out of my way to make sure that I never fail to practice my "chi" training each and every single day."「「気」を操る鍛練だけは 毎日欠かしてないの」
  • "That was enjoyable. It's been some time since I felt this level of tension."「楽しかったわ こんな緊張感、ひさしぶりよ」
  • "It's too bad for you that I'm more than happy to be active again."「おあいにくさま 現役もいいところなの、あたし」

Winquotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]

Character Japanese Translation Character Win Quotes (If Lose)
Akuma 「そろそろ引退・・・・ってわけには いかないんでしょうね」 "Retirement... doesn't seem to be in your list of plans for the foreseeable future, I suppose." "The Satsui no Hado is unrivaled!"「殺意の波動、無敵なり!」
Alex "「闘いを重ねていけばわかるわ 「拳が語る」という感覚が」 "It's by accumulating more fights under your belt that you will soon come to understand the feeling of "fists talking." "I have to say that you were hella' strong. I was surprised myself, to be honest."


Chun-Li 「いったん舞台に立ったら 敵から目を背けちゃあダメ!」 "While on the stage against an opponent, I cannot afford to take my eyes off them!"
Dudley 「ボクサーってみんな乱暴者だと 思ってたわ・・・・ごめんなさい」 "I thought all boxers were thugs... I'm sorry for thinking so." "Chinese martial arts... It was surely a mesmerizing experience to awe at its elegance."

「チャイニーズマーシャルアーツ‥‥ さすがに流麗、堪能したよ」

Elena 「あなたの場合、もう少し 勝利への欲があったほうがいいわ」 "For your situation, I believe it would do you well to have more of a desire to win." "I can't allow myself to be taken aback after seeing your super-fast tempo."「気が抜けないわ すごくテンポが速いんだもの」
Gill 「力をかざして、弱者を虐げる・・・・「支配者」っていうのは皆一緒ね」 "You brandish your power to oppress the weak. You "rulers" are all the same." "While our time together was brief, I took great enjoyment in it."


Hugo 「ふうっ・・・・人間ってどこまで 大きくなれるのかしら?」 "Phew... I wonder just how big us humans can get?" "That didn't hurt one bit! It felt like a Frühlingsluft (spring breeze)!"「ちっとも痛かねえな! まるで フリューリングスルフト(春風)だ!」
Ibuki 「技が軽すぎるわいくらスピードがあってもムダよ!」 "Your moves were too light. Your speed alone doesn't cover for this fault!" "Overpowering women should be kept at arm's length, so we should both keep that in mind!"「強すぎる女は敬遠されるからおたがい気を付けましょ!」
Ken 「パパは世界一・・・・じゃなかったの?もう少しがんばらないとね!」 "Weren't you... supposed to be a dad who's the world's strongest? You have to try a bit harder to realize it, okay!" "The arm I blocked with is stinging to high heaven. Those legs of yours are indeed the world's finest."


Makoto 「それか限界?師範にしちゃ頼りないわね」 "Is this the extent of your ability? You wouldn't be reliable as an instructor if so." "I'll be starting my special training now, so let's continue from where we left off tomorrow."

「これから特訓やき 続きは明日にしょうや」

Necro 「その程度のリーチの相手なら すでに何度も対戦済みよ」 "When it comes to an opponent with your reach, I've had my fair share of fighting against one countless times." You're a dangerous woman... Do me a favour and stop coming closer!
Oro 「強くなるため?いいえ 大事なものを取り返すために闘うの」 "To become stronger? No. I fight to retrieve something precious to me." "Perhaps you would take more of an interest in a man aged like fine wine!"「どちらかちゅうとワシは年上が好みなんじゃ!」
Q 「外見で判断してはいけない・・・・闘いの鉄則ね」 "Do not judge your foe by their appearance... That's the strict principle of fighting I adhere to.
Remy 「今のあなたは・・・・ただ自分の 心をごまかしているだけよ」 "To the you I see before me... You're simply confusing yourself as it stands." "My eyes don't deceive me. You actually derive joy from strife!"「眼は嘘をつかないな 争いが好きなんだよ、あんたは!」
Ryu 「飽きずによく続けられるわね ま、お互い様だけど・・・・フフッ」 "You've done well to continue this long without growing bored. Well, I suppose the same goes for me, too... Hehe." "You seem to be in good spirits. The might of your legs sure hasn't changed."


Sean 「あんまり言いたくないセリフだけど 年季が違うのよ、キミとは」 "This isn't exactly a phrase I'd like to say, but your growth, paired with the time spent training, is abnormal." "I've heard about your feats from Master Ken! It was an honor to fight you!!"「ご活躍はケン師匠から聞いてました!闘えて光栄ッス!!」
Twelve 「何故かしら?あなたを見ても そんなに驚かないわ」 "I wonder? For whatever reason, I don't feel that surprised when looking at you."
Urien 「悪は・・・・必ず滅びる そう信じて生きてきたもの」 "Evil... will surely be destroyed. That's what I've come to believe throughout my life." "Look into my eyes! They will reflect your final moments!"


Yang 「考えながら動いてちゃ 一瞬ずつ遅れていくわよ」 "Thinking while moving will inevitably create momentary instances of delay." "I thank you for teaching me an incredibly valuable lesson."「礼を言うよ すごくいい勉強になった」
Yun 「攻めることしか考えないから 足元がおろそかになるのよ」 "Thinking only of attacking would assuredly ensure that your footing is easily disturbed." "How about we drink some tea? We can get back to fighting again after we're done."「これから飲茶しない?その後もう一回勝負ってことでさ」

Rival dialogue[]

vs. Urien[]

Chun-Li: "I don't know what your scheme is, but I can't let you harm small children! Where is that girl?"

Urien: "How could you ask to see me for such a trifle thing? You must be a fool! I'll give you the girl, but you must entertain me in return. Your legendary legs are said to have destroyed "that organization." Let me find out for myself, if the rumors about you are true..."

Capcom Fighting Evolution[]

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Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Nothing satisfies me more than handcuffing the criminals!"
  • "I'm so busy right now... I want to finish this quickly!"
  • "I don't like getting roughed up like this, but it did the job!"
  • "You had it coming! You should have answered my questions!"

Win Quotes (Japanese)[]

  • "I sure have been firing off my gun more so than fighting criminals lately."「そうねぇ、最近は犯人と格闘するより挙銃ブッ放してカタつけちゃうわね」
  • "I'm hoping to clear this one up quickly... So, I'll arrest you for now!"「手っ取り早くすむから・・・とりあえずタイホしましょう!」
  • "It's hard keeping on top of traffic. I often make hiccups that cause car accidents."「交通整理って苦手なのよねよく間違えて車ぶつけちゃうの」
  • "The moment I put on handcuffs... That's when I feel most alive!"「手錠をかける瞬間・・・「生きてる!」って感じがするのよね」

Win Quotes (character-specific) (Japanese)[]

Character Japanese Translation
Akuma 「さぁ、一緒に署にきてもらうわよ・・・あら?いない・・・」 "Well then, I'll have you accompany me to the station... Huh? He's gone..."
Chun-Li 「捜査は足が基本よね!深い意味はないわよ」 "Legwork is core to investigations! Don't worry, there's nothing profound about it."
Dan 「コラコラ!勝手に空き地にテントを張らないの!」 "Hey, hey! Don't just set up a tent in an empty lot without permission!"
Felicia (Darkstalkers) 「ミュージカルスター!? それ以前にしゃべるネコってだけでスゴイわね」 "A music star!? What's even more amazing is the fact that you're a talking cat."
Hsien-Ko (Darkstalkers) 「子供のころに絵本で見たけど・・・まさか本当にいるとはね!」 "I saw them in picture books as a kid, but who knew they actually existed!"
Ibuki 「アイスクリーム!?おごってあげたいけど給料日前なの・・・」 "Ice cream!? I wouldn't mind treating you to some, but it's the day before I'm paid..."
Ken 「声かけてくれたのに悪いんだけど私ってみんなのアイドルだから・・・」 "I heard you calling over to me. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm everyone's idol..."
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) 「昼間からその格好は社会人として問題あるんじゃない?」 "Don't you think it's a problem as a member of society to be wearing that from midday?"
Ryu 「やっぱり主人公は正義の味方で美人がいいと思わない?」 "Doesn't it come to your mind that the main character should be both an ally of justice and a holder of beauty?"
Sakura 「リュウの追っかけ・・・それはまたワールドワイドな話ねぇ」 "You're chasing after Ryu... Japan's one thing, but around the whole world, wow."
Tessa (Red Earth) 「寒いところに住んでるわりにノースリーブなのね・・・」 "You've done well to live in such a frigid place with no sleeves on your clothes..."
Zangief 「ちょっとどいてよこの辺はお昼混むんだから!」 "Butt out of the way. It's going to be crowded here once it hits afternoon!"


Narrator: "The policewoman, Chun-Li, solves every case by force. Her exclamation, "Sorry about that!" usually marks a success."

Narrator: "Today she is on the case again, gathering information..."

Chun-Li: "What?! "An animal has escaped from the zoo, and the area is in a state of panic!""

Chun-Li: "This is terrible! I've got to go! I'll question anyone who might have information!"


Chun-Li: "Whew! I did it... Hello headquarters, this is Chun-Li..."

Chun-Li: "I just caught the animal that escaped from the zoo!"

Felicia: "Hey lady! I'm telling you that it isn't me!!"

Chun-Li: "It's a bit tight in there, but you're going to stay there. Remember to be nice and friendly to the children!"

Felicia: "Noooo! Please, someone do something about this stupid bumbling policewoman!"

Chun-Li: "Oooh, I love myself! I did a good job yesterday. Well, let's see what's up today..."

Chun-Li: "What's this? "The mysterious disappearance of the musical star Felicia"?!"

Chun-Li: "This is terrible! I've got to go!"

Pre-boss Dialogue[]

vs. Felicia[]

Chun-Li: "That must be the animal that ran away from the zoo."

Felicia: "Why are you bugging me? You can have an autograph if that's what you want."

Chun-Li: "Look kitty, this cat food is really good. Let's go back home now. Please don't struggle!"

Felicia: "Somebody help me! This person is scaring me with her mean eyes!"

vs. Morrigan[]

Morrigan: "How will I ever find that Chun-Li... Hi chef, I'd like to order some wonton noodles! No garlic or MSG, please!"

Chun-Li: "I'd like some garlic noodles! Give me lots of garlic, okay? A really big heap of it!"

Morrigan: "Uggh! I can't believe there's a lady who would eat a heap of garlic in the daytime... Oh! You're Chun-Li!"

Chun-Li: "What's your problem?! Policewomen need lots of energy! What's so bad about garlic?!"

Capcom vs. SNK series[]

Capcom vs. SNK[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Now that you have lost, you will have to be punished..."
  • "Once this tournament is over, then I will..."
  • "It's true when they say misery loves company..."
  • "Victory is nice, but I have no time to celebrate..."
  • "You can't show off if you don't have any skills!"
  • "You were crazy to think you match my lightning speed!"
  • "You hesitated for a moment, didn't you?
  • "You can't measure a person's strength by their honor..."

Ending Quote[]

  • "Thank you, everyone. I am very satisfied with this match."

Capcom vs. SNK 2[]

Before Finals[]

  • "Let this be the last battle... I must destroy evil!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "You hesitated for a moment, didn't you? You must be stronger than that!"
  • "You cannot measure a person's strength by their honor..."
  • "Now that you have lost, you will have to be punished..."
  • "Victory is nice, but I have no time to celebrate..."
  • "What were you thinking?! You can't show off if you don't have any skills!"
  • "Once this tournament is over, then I will..."
  • "I guess it's true when they say that misery loves company..."
  • "You were crazy to think that you could match my lightning quick speed!"

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]


Character Japanese Translation
Akuma 「疲れたわ・・・・。こんな恐ろしい「気」の 相手は、これっきりにしたいわね。」 "I'm exhausted... I'm hoping this was a one-off against an opponent with such fierce "ki."
Balrog 「そのヘビー級の一発のスキに、あたしは数十発叩き込めるわ!」 "By the time you got around to unleashing one of those heavyweight punches, I was capable of hitting you with a few dozen of my own attacks!"
Blanka 「人間って、単純なんだか複雑なのか、あなたを見てると解らなくなってくるわ。」 "My question of whether or not humans are simple creatures evades me even more when looking at you."
Cammy 「記憶の混濁が激しいようね。しばらく、おとなしくしてるといいわ。」 "It seems your blurred memories are taking its toll on you. You should rest here for a while."
Chun-Li 「何度言ったらわかるのかしら。あ・た・し・が、本物なの!」 "How many times do you need me to spell it out for you. I-am-the-real-Chun-Li!"
Dan 「いい加減、定職についたらどう? 人事ながら懐を心配しちゃうわ。」 "Isn't it about time you got a stable job? I know it's out of place for me to say, but I do worry about you."
Dhalsim 「「貧しい人々のため」? そろそろ説得力ないんだけど!」 "[For those who are poor]? You won't be convincing anyone with that as long as it stands!"
E. Honda 「自慢の押しがその程度? やっぱり見た目だけのカブキ男ね!」 "Is that the best your prized oshi technique could do? I guess you only look the part as a kabuki man."
Eagle 「あなたが紳士なら、あたしだって充分淑女で通るわね。」 "If you're a gentleman, then I would more than pass for a lady."
Evil Ryu 「その姿があなたの言ってた「真の格闘家」なわけ? くだらないのね!」 Was that form supposed to be that of a "true fighter?" Don't make me laugh!"
Guile 「正確無比な動きだからこそ、こちらの狙いもつけやすいって事よ。」 "My unparalleled movement allows me to know what you're exactly aiming for."
Ken Masters 「親バカぶりが過ぎて、修行をなまけてたんじゃない?」 "Have you been focusing too much on being a silly father that you've slacked off from training?"
Kyosuke Kagami 「どうしてこうも日本には「闘う高校生」が多いのかしらね?」 "I wonder why there's so many high-schoolers in Japan who fight?"
M. Bison 「必ず真実にたどりついてみせるわ。それまで決して追及の手は緩めない!」 "I'll show you that I'll get to the truth of it all, which is why I'll never let up on my pursuit of it!"
Maki 「なんか後半、あっさり諦めてない? そういう中途半端なの、すごく嫌なのよ!」 "Didn't you simply give up halfway into the fight? I really dislike such halfheartedness!"
Morrigan Aensland 「なぜかしら・・・・あなたにだけは、絶対に負けられないって思ったのよ。」 "Why is it... That you're the one person I couldn't bear to lose to?"
Rolento 「あなた、確か要注意人物リストの1人ね。当局の目はごまかせないわよ!」 "I'm sure you were one of the people on the "watch out for" list. You cannot deceive the authorities!"
Ryu 「あなたって・・・・。いつまでたっても、変わらないわね。」 "You... Never seem to change, do you?"
Sagat 「あなたってもっと強いと思ってたわ。帝王の威厳もそろそろかげってきたかしら?」 "I thought you would've been stronger. Perhaps the majesty of the Emperor has been waning?"
Sakura 「言いたくはないけど、これが「一日の長」というものよ。」 As much as it pains me to say it, this is what one would call "an age gap.""
Shin Akuma 「本当に、業の深い拳・・・・。亡霊まで背負って、何を求めるの?」 "Such a sinful fist... Whatever could you desire by taking on the souls of the dead?"
Vega 「変質者と間違われないうちに、帰りなさい!」 "Go back to wherever you came from before you're mistaken for a deviant!"
Yun 「クンフーも注意力も、まだ未熟ね。もっと実戦をこなしてきなさい!」 "It seems your attentiveness in regards to kung-fu hasn't developed enough. You should learn in due time after having more fights under your belt!"
Zangief 「堅固な城塞も、アリ一匹が通る穴から崩壊するものよ。」 "Even the strongest fortresses can be destroyed if they have a hole an ant can get through."


Character Japanese Translation
Athena Asamiya 「戦う理由は人それぞれだけど、あなたのは特に理解しにくいわ・・・・。」 "Everyone has their reasons for fighting, but you're a difficult one to figure out..."
Benimaru Nikaido 「調子いいだけの男は嫌いよ! ・・・・ま、愛想なさすぎるのもアレだけど。」 "I dislike smooth-talking men! ...Well, there's also the matter of their inauthenticity."
Chang 「どう見ても「反省」からは程遠い顔ね。・・・・更生、無理かもね・・・・。」 "The look on your faces shows you're both far from achieving introspection. Perhaps any correction is futile..."
Geese Howard 「いつまでもボスの座が安泰だとは思わないで。悪の綻びは、あっというまに進行するのよ。」 "Never think your status as a boss will forever be stable. The seams of evil move before you know it."
God Rugal 「最強の格闘家が、その姿? 冗談じゃないわ!」 "The strongest fighter is in such a state as that? I couldn't even take this as a joke!"
Haohmaru 「いまさら、怯まないわよ。命をさらす危機は、何度も渡ってきたもの。」 "I'm no longer timid. I've exposed my life to enough danger and seen through to the other side."
Hibiki Takane 「暴徒鎮圧は、仕事の時だけにして欲しいわ。」 "Phew... I was on edge for that whole match. Iai practitioners are a handful."
Ioiri Yagami 「誰かれとなくニラみ返すのはやめなさい! 印象最悪よ!」 "Stop giving everyone those glares already! That's the worst impression you can make!"
Joe Higashi 「もう少し頭を使いなさい。せっかくの蹴り技も威力が死んでるわよ。」 "Be smarter with your actions. Your kicking techniques are starting to fade."
Kim Kaphwan 「あたしの技はテコンドーも参考にしてるの。強い使い手と闘えて参考になったわ。」 "My techniques are inspired partly from taekwondo. It helps me perfect my form by fighting a strong practitioner of it such as yourself."
King 「あたしの技、見切れたかしら? ま、見えてないから負けたんだろうけど。」 "I wonder if you saw through my techniques? I suppose you wouldn't have lost in that case."
Kyo Kusanagi 「そう簡単に勝たれちゃ困るのよ。背負ってるモノが違うんだから!」 "I would've been puzzled if I won easily. We are bearing different burdens after all!"
Mai Shiranui 「勝負には勝ったけど、ある意味あたしの完全敗北かしら・・・・。」 "I won the fight, but I feel like I've been completely defeated in another sense..."
Naokuru 「「ごめんなさい」ですむんだったら警察なんていらないのよ! ホントに!」 "If "I'm sorry" could solve everything, we wouldn't need the police to begin with! Jeez!"
Orochi Iori 「暴徒鎮圧は、仕事の時だけにして欲しいわ。」 "I would prefer it if suppressing a rioter was limited to while I was on the clock."
Raiden 「これが本当の「電光石火」よ!」 "This is true lightning speed!"
Rock Howard 「こうして勝ったり負けたりすることが、目的よりも大事だったりするのよ。」 "There are times in which winning and losing like this is more vital than our own goals."
Rugal Bernstein 「支配、征服、君臨・・・・揃いも揃って悪人ってのはみなワンパターンね!」 "Domination, conquering, dictatorship... All of you evildoers use the same playbook!"
Ryo Sakazaki 「道場経営? いいんじゃない。誰かさんみたいに根無し草よりは。」 "Running a dojo? That sounds better than becoming a wanderer like someone I know."
Ryuhaku Todoh 「残念だけどその技は、中国拳法では通過点のひとつよ。」 "Sorry to burst your bubble, but that technique is one of the milestones passed while learning Chinese martial arts."
Ryuji Yamazaki 「さあ、おとなしく捕まりなさい! 聞きたいことは山ほどあるんだから!」 "Now be a good boy and let me arrest you! There's a lot of questions I need to ask of you!"
Terry Bogard 「かっこいい決めゼリフがあるんでしょ? 聞けなくて残念だわ!」 "Didn't you have a cool finishing line? It's a shame I didn't get to hear it."
Vice 「ちょっと相手をナメすぎじゃない? 少しは痛い目見て反省することね。」 "Weren't you underestimating me a tad bit too much? Reflect on your actions while you lick your wounds."
Yuri Sakazaki 「あたしもあなたみたいな頃が・・・・って、何言わせるのよ!!」 "There were days in the past where I was similar to y-... Wait, what are you trying to have me say!!"

Win Quotes (team interactions)[]


Character Japanese Translation
Chun-Li 「あなたがいるだけで相手が萎縮してるわ。」 "Your presence alone made our opponents timid."
Akuma 「最早、敵に能わず!」 "Which disqualifies them from being worthy foes!"
Akuma (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「これが百烈脚の威力よ。どう?」 "That was a taste of my Hyakuretsukyaku. How was it?"
Balrog 「無駄ダマだぜ。オレならパンチ一発だ!」 "Those were all stray bullets. I would've gotten the job done in a single blow!"
Balrog (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Balrog 「YES!!作戦成功ォーッ!!」 "Yes!! My plan worked!!"
Chun-Li 「・・・・あったの?作戦!?」 "You had... a plan!?"
Chun-Li 「やっと本調子ね。このまま最後まで行くわ!」 "I've finally warmed up. Let's make it through to the end!"
Blanka 「オレ、もうハラへっでダメだ・・・・。」 "I can't make it much further on an empty stomach..."
Blanka (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「キャッ!? ちょっとなに脚触ってんの!?」 "Kyah!? What are you doing with my legs!?"
Cammy 「・・・・筋肉疲労度、平均値以下。問題なし。」 "...Your muscles' exhaustion is below average levels. No issue to report."
Cammy (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Cammy 「・・・・以上だ。」 "...Task complete.""
Chun-Li 「あなた、ICPOで働かない?」 "Would you be interested in working for ICPO?"
Chun-Li 「これが中国4000年の強さ!」 "This is the strength of 4000 years of China!"
Chun-Li 「2000年でもやっと折り返しよ!」 "Even in the year 2000, we barely turned back!"
Chun-Li 「はあ・・・・お荷物の付き合いも大変よ・・・・。」 "Oh brother, who knew it would be this exhausting to carry this baggage..."
Dan 「ハハッ!図太く生きるのが男ってもんよ!」 "Haha! Living boldly is what it means to be a man!"
Dan (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「ねえ、あたしたち優勝できるかしら?」 "Say, do you believe we can win this tournament?"
Dhalsim 「おぬしの心と脚にかかっておるぞ。」 "The answer you seek can be found in both your heart and legs."
Dhalsim (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
E. Honda
Chun-Li 「まったく相手にならないわね!」 "They were no match for us!"
E. Honda 「あんたの気迫一杯の顔に押されたんかのう?」 "Maybe they succumbed to your mighty spirit?"
E. Honda (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
E. Honda
Chun-Li 「何年も続けてきた自信があるのよ!」 "I have years of confidence behind me!"
Eagle 「同感だ。いろいろと目移りするね。」 "Your perseverance became your strength. It is the same as cultivating love."
Eagle (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Eagle 「敗者よ!私の前に、ひざまずくがいい。」 "You're a loser! Kneel before me."
Chun-Li 「なんか・・・・ヤな過去を思い出した気が・・・・。」 "Somehow... I feel like I remembered a terrible past...."
Chun-Li 「どんどん行くわよ!ついてらっしゃい!」 "Let's keep this up! We can do it!"
Guile 「刑事より格闘家が性に合うみたいだな。」 "It seems you were more cut out to be a fighter than a detective."
Guile (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「ここで負けるようじゃ捜査官廃業になるわ。」 "I'm going to be out of work as a detective if defeat ever came close to me here."
Ken 「「普通の女の子」に戻れるならOKだろ?」 "Wouldn't you be OK with living your life as a normal girl?"
Ken (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Ken 「この大会の主役はやっぱりオレだな!」 "The star of this tournament is standing right here!"
Chun-Li 「調子に乗ってると痛い目に会うわよ。」 "Pride comes before a fall, y'know."
Chun-Li 「それくらいじゃ命に別条ないわ。大げさね。」 "Your life's not in danger, so you can stop being a drama queen."
Kyosuke 「額に大きな靴跡はついたみたいですが。」 "One of them has the mark of your boot on their head from the looks of it."
Kyosuke (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
M. Bison
Chun-Li 「(わからないわ。何故こいつがチームに?)」 "(I don't understand it. Why is he on my team?)"
M. Bison 「クックックッ・・・・!」' "Kukukuh...!"
M. Bison (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
M. Bison 「フン! 相手が弱すぎて、力加減もできん!」 " Huh! The opponent was too weak, and I can't control my strength! "
Chun-Li 「私がいる限り、犯罪は許さないわ!」 " As long as I’m here, I won’t forgive any crimes! "
Chun-Li 「これがクンフーよ!」 "This is kung-fu!"
Maki 「あー、見りゃわかるよ。で?」 "Yeah, I could tell. So what?"
Maki (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Maki 「あんた警察でしょ?権力使って優勝に・・・・」 " You're the police? Use your power to win... "
Chun-Li 「できるわけないでしょ!」 " I can't do that! "
Chun-Li 「あなたが負けたのは夢ではないわ、現実よ。」 "Your defeat wasn't a dream, but rather, an actual fact."
Morrigan 「夢なら私が永遠に見せ続けてあげるわよ。」 "And if it's a dream you yearn for, I can place you in one for an eternity."
Morrigan (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Morrigan 「(なんか妙な目線を感じるわ...)」 "(What's this peculiar gaze I sense...)"
Chun-Li 「(・・・・)」 "(....)"
Chun-Li 「よけいな手助けは、いらないわよ。」 "I'm not in need of your excessive assistance."
Rolento 「ムッ...後方支援が不要と抜かすかッ!」 "Hmph, who in their right mind would not be in need of rear assistance!"
Rolento (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「いいの?次もあたしが決めちゃうわよ。」 "Are you fine with this? I'm going to settle the next match too, you know."
Ryu 「止めはしない。思う存分戦ってこい!」 "You won't see me stopping you. Fight until your heart's content!"
Ryu (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Ryu 「格闘大会か・・・・。優勝の後には、何がある?」 "If we win this tournament... what comes afterwards?"
Chun-Li 「さあね。難しく考えないほうがいいわ。」 "Hey, C'mon. Try not to think so hard about it."
Chun-Li 「あなたがいれば優勝もカンタンそうね。」 "Victory looks simple enough with you on the team."
Sagat 「帝王の拳に較べるものなど、ないがな。」 "Hmph, too bad I don't have any interest in this farce."
Sagat (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Sagat 「話にならんな!出直してこい!」 " Don't talk! Come at me again!"
Chun-Li 「あなたを止められる人ってそうはいないわ。」 "No one can stop you."
Chun-Li 「どう?4000年の重み、参考になった?」 "Well then, were you able to make use of the 4000 years of accumulated knowledge?"
Sakura 「はい!・・・・えー、15年分くらいは・・・・。」 "Yeah! Ergh, I guess about 15 years of it..."
Sakura (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Sakura 「一丁上がり!さ、次の人出ておいで!」 "Another one down! Come on, bring out the next one!"
Chun-Li 「さくらちゃん、もう終わりよ。」 "Sakura-chan, it's over."
Chun-Li 「試合のとき以外は、そのツメ外しなさいよ!」 "Take those claws off while we're not in a match!"
Vega 「これは私の一部。お前の都合など知らん。」 "They are a part of me. I could care less if they are an inconvenience to you."
Vega (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Vega 「この至福、おまえには理解できまい。」 "You are not capable of comprehending this absolute bliss."
Chun-Li 「理解したくもないわ。血を見て喜ぶなんて。」 "As if I would even want to. I can't believe you take joy in seeing blood."
Chun-Li 「中国拳法の強さ、まだ解らないみたいね。」 "It seems to me that you have yet to understand the strength found in Chinese martial arts."
Yun 「俺が初心者向けにレクチャーしようか?」 "Are you trying to lecture me as if I'm some beginner?"
Yun (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Yun 「まさか、これで終わりじゃないだろうな。」 "No way, it can't be over already."
Chun-Li 「心配しなくても強豪が待ち構えてるわ。」 "Don't worry, there's a strong team waiting for us."
Chun-Li 「優勝は・・・・できれば頂きたいものね。」 "Winning this tournament... would be something nice to accomplish."
Zangief 「安心しろ、オレがいる!優勝間違いなし!」 "Fear not, because I'm here! Victory is guaranteed for us!"
Zangief (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)


Character Japanese Translation
Chun-Li 「趣味と実益は、なかなか一致しないのよね。」 "One's hobbies and actual sources of income never seem to align favorably."
Athena 「両立できるこの仕事が、気に入ってます!」 "I'm more than happy at the fact that I'm one of the lucky few who have them!"
Athena (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Athena 「戦うとき以外は、アテナは普通の女の子よ。」 "I'm just your everyday girl once I'm done fighting."
Chun-Li 「私も、そう。・・・・そうなのよ!!」 "It's the same for me... I'm being serious here!"
Chun-Li 「軟派な男どもには頼らないわ!」 "I can never seem to rely on flirtatious men."
Benimaru 「冷たいな。仮にもチームメイトだろ?」 "That's cold of you to say. Aren't we supposed to be teammates here?"
Benimaru (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Benimaru 「どうだい! 俺の強さにときめいたろ?」 "So! Were you stunned by my dazzling display of strength?"
Chun-Li 「だから! 口説いてる場合じゃないでしょ!」 "I told you once already! And I'll tell you once more that now's not the time for flirting!"
Chun-Li 「あんたたち!試合中の悪さはやめなさい!」 "You two! Cut it out with causing mischief during the match!"
Chang 「何だよォ!これじゃダンナと同じだぁ~!」 "Come on! We're only doing what your own man would do!"
Chang (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chang 『優勝すりゃ特赦決定!悪さもやり放題だ!』 "If we win, we get a special pardon! Then we can do whatever we want!"
Chun-Li 「いろんな認識が間違ってるわよ、あなた達。」 "That assumption is false on so many levels, you two."
Chun-Li 「あなたがチームを組みたがるなんて・・・・。」 "For you to even desire forming a team with me..."
Geese 「雑魚掃除をまかせているだけだ。」 "I only desired so for you to clean up the riffraff."
Geese (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Geese 「貴様らが全力を出そうが、どうにもならん。」 "I can tell you mustered everything you had, yet it didn't live up to any nonexistent expectations I had to begin with."
Chun-Li 「でも、人は成長するのよ。想像を超えてね。」 "But like other people, they do in fact have the potential to grow and exceed your expectations eventually."
Chun-Li 「この脚で、どんな壁でも破ってみせるわ!」 "I'll show the world that my legs can break through any wall standing in my way!"
Haohmaru 「それがあんたのとっておきってヤツか。」 "So, that's your specialty, huh?"
Haohmaru (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「引かないわ。負けられない思いがあるの。」 "I cannot turn back. Thoughts of possible defeat will not hold me back."
Hibiki 「それは私も・・・・同じです。」 "I... feel the same way."
Hibiki (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Hibiki 「お役人様は、どうしてこの武芸大会に?」 "Why is the government sending their bureaucrats to this tournament?"
Chun-Li 「ま、いろいろ・・・・って、誰がお役人様よ!」 "Well, there are all kinds of people who... Wait a sec, who're you talking about?!"
Chun-Li 「ちょっと!?どこ行くつもりよ!」 "Wait, where are you going!?"
Iori 「試合は終わった。とっとと帰るぞ。」 "The match is over. And with that, I'm heading out."
Iori (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Iori 「こんなカスどもとつきあってられるか。」 "How many more worthless fights do I have to finish?"
Chun-Li 「だだこねないで!次の試合もあるのよ!」 "Dial down the hostility! We still have the next match to think about!"
Chun-Li 「弱いんだから、出直してきなさい。」 "You need to work on yourself until you're stronger."
Joe 「はっきり言う女は嫌われ・・・・イデデデッ!」 "I'm never fond of these chicks who are brutally hone-... Owowowowow!"
Joe (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「アジアンパワーをナメてはいけないわ!」 "Don't go underestimating Asian power!"
Kim 「ですね! 技も心も世界に誇れる強さです!」 "You tell them! Our technique and hearts are appreciated the world over!"
Kim (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「蹴りすぎてもう腰が・・・・イタタタ。」 "I've been kicking so much to the point that my hips are... Ouch."
King 「職業病だね。自己管理も大変だな。」 "Guess you're suffering from occupational disease. Don't forget to take care of yourself."
King (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
King 「カンフーガールの前だと多少緊張するな。」 "I feel tense in the presence of a kung-fu girl."
Chun-Li 「それ誉め言葉? ま、素直に聞いておくわ。」 "Was that supposed to be a compliment? Well, I'll take that at face value."
Chun-Li 「中国拳法の強さは蓄積された歴史の重みよ!」 "The strength of Chinese martial arts is further enhanced by its rich history!"
Kyo 「歴史に関しちゃ俺も負けないつもりだぜ!」 "If we're going to go by the richness of history, there's no way I'm going to lose!"
Kyo (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Kyo 『俺の炎で燃え尽きないものはないぜ。』 "Nothing can extinguish my flame."
Chun-Li 「案外、探せばポロッとでてくるかもよ。」 "Don't be so sure, you may find something out there."
Chun-Li 「強さと美しさ、兼ね備えてこその武術よ!」 "Strength and beauty. Together, they combine into martial arts!"
Mai 「あーら、それは私に対するやっかみ?」 "Deary me, is that your way of showing your envy towards me?"
Mai (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Mai 「このチームが美女ぞろいでよかったわ。」 "I'm glad that our team is brimming with fellow beauties."
Chun-Li 「目移りしてるスキに倒せるから楽よね。」 "I suppose so, especially with how it's an easy win after our opponents' eyes are led astray."
Chun-Li 「あなたはもう帰りなさい。危険よ。」 "Please go back home. It's dangerous here."
Nakoruru 「すべて承知のうえです。共に戦いましょう!」 "I'm well aware of this already. Let us continue fighting together!"
Nakoruru (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「あなたその覆面なぜしてるの?」 "Why are you wearing that mask?"
Raiden 「・・・・まあ、いろいろあってな・・・・。」 "...Where do I even start..."
Raiden (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Raiden 『そろそろ交代だ。あんたにも見せ場をやる。』 "Let's change over. I'm gonna give you a chance to show off."
Chun-Li 「スタミナ切れをごまかしてるんじゃない?」 "You're covering up your loss of stamina, aren't you?"
Chun-Li 「今のが本気だとしたら、情けない相手だわ。」 "It would've truly been a shame if I decided to use my all in this fight."
Rock 「遊び半分で、つっ転ばされるようじゃあな。」 "You're only going to fall over if you mix work and play."
Rock (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Rock 「現実は厳しいってことだ。」 "Reality is a harsh pill to swallow."
Chun-Li 「泣くのは控え室に戻ってからにしなさい。」 "You can both cry once you've made it back to your waiting room."
Chun-Li 「刑事の使命は忘れないようにしなきゃ・・・・。」 "I must not forget my duty as a detective..."
Rugal 「悪は何処にでも潜んでいるからな。ククッ。」 "Evil lurks in every corner. Heheh."
Rugal (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Rugal 「無謀な挑戦に、心から拍手をおくろう!」 "Allow me to applaud you from the bottom of my heart for your impulsive challenge!"
Chun-Li 「さりげないイヤミ・・・・すごい自信家ね?」 "That nonchalant snide remark of yours... You're just full of it, aren't you?"
Chun-Li 「負ける気が全然しないわね。」 "Defeat is the last thing that's on my mind."
Ryo 「ああ、俺がいる限りこのチームは負けん!」 "Yeah, that's especially so while I'm on this team!"
Ryo (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Ryo 「おらあ! 次も気合入れていくぜ!!」 "Ora! Let's go into the next match with our kiai on fire!!"
Chun-Li 「力みっぱなしでよく疲れないわね。」 "You're doing well to not be fatigued after exerting so much energy."
Chun-Li 「さすがに連戦は、腰にキツいのよね・・・・。」 "These continuous fights are hard on my hips..."
Ryuhaku 「四千年の歴史でも、腰痛は治せんのか?」 "Within all those 4000 years of history, isn't there something to heal hip pains?"
Ryuhaku (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Ryuhaku 『最近の若い格闘家は全くなっとらんな!』 "Young fighters these days just don't get it!"
Chun-Li 「ガンコ親父は流行りじゃないわよ。」 "I'm afraid stubborn old men aren't 'it' these days."
Ryuji Yamazaki
Chun-Li 「私が闘ってる間に逃げたりしないでよ!」 "Don't try to escape while I'm fighting!"
Ryuji Yamazaki 「ケッ! ポリ公の見張りつきとは冴えねえ!」 "Keh! I ain't no good at this whole fed-protection deal!"
Ryuji Yamazaki (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Ryuji Yamazaki
Chun-Li 「この次の試合はもうすこし手強いかな?」 "I wonder if the next team we're up against will be more formidable?"
Terry 「この大会はハイレベルだ。期待できるぜ!」 "This tournament's got its fair share of high-level talent. I expect so."
Terry (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Terry 「美人の目の前でドジは踏めないからな。」 "I can't go making any botches while in the presence of a beauty like you."
Chun-Li 「お、おだてても何にも出ないわよ!」 "Fl-flattery will get you nowhere with me!"
Chun-Li 「・・・・ちょっとやりすぎたかしら?」 "...Did I overdo it?"
Vice 「むしろ足りないね!殺す気でやりな!」 "On the contrary, it wasn't enough! Go at them with the intent to kill!"
Vice (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Vice 「やつと黙ったよ。寝付きが悪いね!」 "I've silenced them for good. I'm having trouble falling asleep!"
Chun-Li 「・・・・ヤバいくらい流血してるわよ・・・・?」 "...You're bleeding so badly...?"
Chun-Li 「ちょっと疲れたわ。次代わってくれる?」 "I find myself somewhat fatigued now. Will you swap out with me?"
Yuri 「OK!(やっぱ息あがるの早いっチね!)」 "OK! (She's sure breathing hard!)"
Yuri (Chun-Li as 2nd Character)
Yuri 「この調子で軽ーくゆーしょー!オー!」 "We can win soooo easy if we keep this up! Alright!"
Chun-Li 「どこから来てるのよ、その余裕は・・・・。」 "Where do you get all of this energy from...."

SVC Chaos[]

Pre-battle Dialogues[]


Vs. Akuma

Chun-Li: "What terrible eyes. So that's Akuma..."

Akuma: "Leave. Immediately! I will not slay you."

Chun-Li: "No, I won't go. My strengh... I'll test against you."

Akuma: "You wish a dog's death? You silly creature."

Vs. Balrog

Chun-Li: "Now I got you, Barlog! Where's Bison? Answer my question!"

Balrog: "I've no idea! And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!"

Chun-Li: "The once invincible boxer's a lap dog of Shadawloo, I see"

Balrog: "...Say that again!"

Chun-Li: "I see Shadawloo still won't spring for your obedience classes."

Balrog: "Why you thick-legged... Die!"

Vs. Dan

Dan: "Dan of the Saikyo groove challenges you!"

Chun-Li: "...Is this a put-on? Where's the camera?"

Dan: "If you're a fighter, you should be excited."

Chun-Li: "Not one iota."

Dan: "Gahh... Whatever. Put 'em up! This's war!"

Chun-Li: "War? What is it good for? It'll be over in a minute, then I'll be on my way."

Vs. Demitri

Demitri: "Even the fairest woman someday grows old... Do you not fear that? To be an ugly hag, then one day die!"

Chun-Li: "Become a vampire...? Are you bonkers...!"

Demitri: "Accept me. Do so and you'll be eternally beautiful... ...Look into my eyes!"

Chun-Li: "...Ugh! Stand down, clown. I'm taking you in."

Demitri: "Ha, ha, ha! So you like it rough? Very well. I will soon make you a willing captive of you!"

Vs. Dhalsim

Chun-Li: "I can't get used to those stretching legs and arms."

Dhalsim: "You lack training. You must devote yourself harder to your training."

Chun-Li: "Will you help me?"

Dhalsim: "Be your sparring partner? Very well. If that will be of service to you."

Chun-Li: "Ok, thank you! Okay...Let's do it!"

Dhalsim: "Yoga!"

Vs. Guile

Chun-Li: "Oh, Guile! Fancy meeting this. What brings you here?"

Guile: "That's a military secret."

Chun-Li: "Always so devoted, eh?"

Guile: "I've heard that you've been working out more. How about a match or two?"

Chun-Li: "Are you sure? I won't hold back."

Guile: "Don't worry about me. Bring it on!"

Vs. Hugo

Poison: "Oh, nice! She's got the goods. Hey, you, can you sing?"

Chun-Li: "Huh? Me? Sing? Uh, I can carry a tune..."

Poison: "All right, OK! A post-match song! The singing and dancing wrestling idol! We'll rake it in!"

Chun-Li: "Me, a wrestler?"

Poison: "Yeah, yeah. Later, kid. Hugo!"

Hugo: "You look light. No use running away because I will catch you."

Chun-Li: "Aren't you mistaken? You're the one who'll get the three count!"

Vs. Ken

Ken: "Hey, there. I see your training as usual, huh?"

Chun-Li: "Fancy meeting you here. What a surprise!"

Ken: "I suppose so. How about mixing it up? For old time's sake."

Chun-Li: "Sounds good to me. If I don't have to pull my punches, OK."

Ken: "Then it's a plan!"

Vs. M. Bison

Chun-Li: "Bison. Shadawloo's CEO! I've finally found you. I'll avenge my father!"

M. Bison: "Avenge? What's that? I don't remember all of my victims, toots."

Chun-Li: "I'll remind you when you've got more time. In prison, that is!"

M. Bison: "There's no defeat with my psycho power! You'll soon know that."

Vs. Mirror Match

Chun-Li: "!? You look just like me... Just like a clone."

Mirror Match: "But I've got nicer legs. And softer skin."

Chun-Li: "Say what?! I'm a lot more slender than you are!"

Mirror Match: "That does it!"

Vs. Ryu

Chun-Li: "Hah! Yah! Hyah! Hah-yeeeeeh!"

Ryu: "Zealous as ever. How about a break?"

Chun-Li: "Ryu! What's the word? You just missed out on the fun. Just wait a while."

Ryu: "Nice timing. How about a little fisticuffs, then?"

Chun-Li: "Hee, hee. You sure?"

Vs. Sagat

Chun-Li: "I know you won't tell me anyway, but it can't hurt to grill you."

Sagat: "Give it a shot."

Chun-Li: "Where is Bison? Cough it up!"

Sagat: "...You got me."

Chun-Li: "I didn't see that coming. Very well. I'll just beat Bison's Location outta ya."

Sagat: "You got the look. But it ends here."

Vs. Tessa

Chun-Li: "What's this? What a cute outfit? Where's the festival?"

Tessa: "These are street clothes."

Chun-Li: "Oh, Is that so? (Talk about eccentric!) Well, I'll have to take you for questioning. Is that a problem?"

Tessa: "I'm kind of busy, so I can't comply with your wishes. I beg your pardon."

Chun-Li: "Hey, you, freeze! You're going nowhere!"

Vs. Vega

Chun-Li: "You hoo, noble wannabe! Care to answer a few questions I have for you?"

Vega: "Hmm... The secret of my beauty?"

Chun-Li: "OK, you are amusing. Hey, where's Bison? If you tell me now, I'll spare your life."

Vega: "My, you're a spunky one? I wish to hear your lovely screams shortly."

Vs. Violent Ken

Violent Ken: "Chun, Chun-Li. Oooooh-whoa."

Chun-Li: "Ken, what's happened? You're not well."

Violent Ken: "I, I am... Oooooh-ohhhhh."

Chun-Li: "This dark spirit!"

Vs. Zero

Chun-Li: "Excuse me. I'm looking for this guy, can you help me?"

Zero: "No... I'm in a hurry..."

Chun-Li: "Have ou seen a big guy around here with red hat and clothes?"

Zero: "Can't help you..."

Chun-Li: "You're a pretty snotty little kid. ...Hmm. What's that? Are you packing? Show me that weapon."

Zero: "Don't touch me...!"

Chun-Li: "What's with you? I won't pamper you just because youêre a kid!"

Vs. Shin Akuma

Shin Akuma: "You fear my wave...?"

Chun-Li: "Yeah, well... Just the stress of an imending fight, I guess."

Shin Akuma: "Can you handle me...? Feel my furious fists!"

Chun-Li: "If you ask if I'm ready, I've long been so. Eat this, freak!"

Shin Akuma: "Comply!"

Vs. Red Arremer

Chun-Li: "Where am I?"

Red Arremer: "Gya...Gyah!"

Chun-Li: "Huh? What? Hey, back off!"

Red Arremer: "Goo-gyah!"


Vs. Choi

Choi: "Hey, I know you... You're a cop!"

Chun-Li: "You're quite perceptive. Hey! Didn't I put you in the slammer...?"

Choi: "Yeah! I'll teach you to toss me in the big house! You'll die on duty!"

Chun-Li: "Such bitterness. Ah, OK. Try taking it out on me!"

Vs. Earthquake

Chun-Li: "Why not stop stealing and get a real job! With a body like that, you'd get work anywhere."

Earthquake: "Cackling harpy! You're going down!"

Chun-Li: "Give it your best shot, bacon head!"

Earthquake: "Your wish is my command. Let's get it done! Snort, snort!"

Vs. Geese Howard

Geese: "Oh, no. You're a cop. Silly Interpol fool. Would she dare?"

Chun-Li: "Of course I would, Geese Howard. Come quietly!"

Geese: "...Come quietly? Ha! Me? Geese Howard? Know your place, cop! What can you do to stop me?"

Chun-Li: "Silence! You're busted! Interpol's reputation is at stake, after all!"

Vs. Genjuro

Chun-Li: "Halt!!"

Genjuro: "What is it...?"

Chun-Li: "I got a bad feeling... Just how many people have you disposed of?"

Genjuro: "Tch! I have no time for tallying my victims."

Chun-Li: "I bet you could tally up some innocents, too! You'll answer to me!"

Genjuro: "Enough of your impertinent whelping! Die, you cackling hen!"

Vs. Goenitz

Goenitz: "...I know you've been following me around quite a while ago. Why not just show yourself?"

Chun-Li: "...Very perceptive. You caught me, huh?"

Goenitz: "Oh, ho. Such a beautiful young woman you are. What'll become of me?"

Chun-Li: "I can't let someone like you run around creating havoc!"

Goenitz: "Oh, ho. Lock me up will you? You think you have that right?"

Chun-Li: "Pipe down! Regardless... I can't just turn a blind eye on you!"

Goenitz: "So, you will not let me on my way? ...Very well. Young lady.... know that you too are a sinner!"

Vs. Iori

Iori: "If you wish not to die, get thee to a nunnery."

Chun-Li: "I'm not going to die. And I'm not religious."

Iori: "Why you..."

Chun-Li: "What's with you? If you got a problem, bring it on, fool!"

Iori: "You'll be sorry, cop."

Vs. Kasumi

Chun-Li: "(Nice legs. She must tell me her secret.)"

Kasumi: "Huh? Menace! Yah!"

Chun-Li: "Yeek! What's your problem?"

Kasumi: "Silence! You tried to ambush me. I read your thoughts."

Chun-Li: "Hold on. I was just noticing your legs and... Uh, oh!"

Kasumi: "You dare insult me! Defend yourself!"

Vs. Kim

Chun Li: "Excuse me, I'm with Interpol. My sources tell me you're harboring some criminal types..."

Kim: "Oh, you mean those two wastrels? They're my rehab project. Could you leave them with me a little longer?"

Chun Li: "I can't permit such liberty with the law. I'm taking them in."

Kim: "You dare doubt my sincerity?"

Chun Li: "If you obstruct me, I'll have to get tough!"

Vs. Kyo

Chun Li: "Freeze! It's the police!"

Kyo: "Liar, liar! No cop would be seen in duds like those!"

Chun Li: "Yeah. Cops who look as good as me are rare. I'm from interpol. Hands behind your head..."

Kyo: "I haven't done anything. You got the wrong guy!"

Chun Li: "Yeah, tell me in the box. You'll come quietly, eh?"

Kyo: "And if I say, "Bite me!"?"

Chun Li: "I'll drag you in!"

Vs. Mai

Chun-Li: "Hey, you there! You need more clothes to walk out in public here!"

Mai: "You're one to talk! How dare you belittle my ninja traditions!"

Chun-Li: "Traditions shmaditions! Put on some decent clothes or I'm taking you in!"

Mai: "And what about you? You call those "decent"? But I guess with those chunky legs,that's the best you could do!"

Chun-Li: "OK, that does it! The nerve of you!"

Mai: "The nerve of you!"

Chun-Li: "Say what?!"

Mai: "That's what!"

Vs. Mars People

Mars People: "Boop bap!"

Chun-Li: "Uh, uh... Ni hao!"

Mars People: "Boop beep boop boo!"

Chun-Li: "(Chinese's useless.) K-konnichi wa! Annyo hase yo!"

Mars People: "Boop bap bop beep boop!"

Chun-Li: "Yikes! Did I upset it?"

Vs. Mr. Karate

Mr. Karate: "For a woman you are really ripped!"

Chun-Li: "How can you tell with but one glance?"

Mr. Karate: "Just how tough are you?"

Chun-Li: "Are you implying that you're tougher than I? Bring it on, grandpa!"

Vs. Orochi Iori

Iori: "Oooooh-ohhhhh."

Chun-Li: "No reason remains in this one. What a bother."

Iori: "Uh...Ohhhhhh!"

Chun-Li: "Are you human? And so it goes. I'm putting you down!"

Vs. Ryo

Ryo: "Even if you are a chick, you'll get no favors."

Chun-Li: "That's the way i want it. And you none from me."

Ryo: "Bring it on! All right!"

Vs. Shiki

Shiki: "...I have no business with other women. Bye."

Chun-li: "Huh? What's that? Hey, you! You just plant it there!"

Shiki: "...I will slice those who stand in my way!"

Chun-li: "...Hey, watch out! Now you're definitely going nowhere, honey."

Shiki: "...I'll slice you!"

Vs. Terry

Chun-Li: "Hmmmm. So you're southtown's famed "Hungy wolf."

Terry: "Who are you? You're female, All right. But I'll bet your tough."

Chun-Li: "Care to make a crack about my legs, huh?"

Terry: "...Farthest thing from my mind, honest!"

Chun-Li: "Enough! Time to see if the legend is true... I'll show you, blondie!"

Terry: "If you wanted to fight then just say so! And you are?"

Chun-Li: "Chun-Li"

Terry: "Chun-Li, eh? I'll remember That. Bring it on, legs!"

Vs. Shin Mr. Karate

Chun-Li: "You! What are you? The air has frozen like ice..."

Mr. Karate: "If you picked up on that, you're pretty sharp. I'll teach you more."

Chun-Li: "Overwhelming spirit... But!"

Vs. Athena

Chun-Li: "Where am I? ...Is this a dream?"

Athena: "No, this is heaven. Thanks to your silly fighting down there, the dimensional doors have opened."

Chun-Li: "I don't understand. Send me back! Now!"

Athena: "I can't do such a thing. My mission is but to sit and watch over this place. And make sure no one undesirable gets in. OK. Put up your dukes."

Chun-Li: "Oh, This's just peachy. Looks like heaven's no picnic, either."

Win Quotes[]

  • "You dare think you can keep up with the likes of me...?"
  • "Don't worry yourself. I won't pinch you for obstructing the police."
  • "Whew! That was a gas... It looks like I'll never be an ordinary woman again!"
  • "Not yet...I can't protect my loved ones like this. I...Must become stronger."
  • "I won... Father...At last..." (vs. Bison)
  • "Don't worry, you'll get my ultimate hospitality: A maximum security cell!" (vs. Geese)
  • "1800 year-old martial arts, eh? Looks like you need 2200 more." (vs. Kyo)
  • "How about that? Heaven's meshes let nothing through! You're mine, fool!" (vs. Choi/Balrog/Earthquake/Genjuro/Vega)

Street Fighter IV series[]

Street Fighter IV[]


  • "You ready for this?"

Personal Action[]

  • "Sorry!"
  • "Your timing needs some work."
  • "Are you feeling okay?"
  • "Don't hesitate now."
  • "Your skills just aren't good enough."
  • "Were you planning on hitting me at some point?"
  • "Come on, get real!"

Round Win Quotes[]

  • "Xie xie."
  • "I guess all my training paid off, huh?"
  • "That's real kung fu!"
  • "Ahahaha! I did it!"
  • "Ya ya ya hoiii!"


(A distant screaming is heard, as there appears to be a kidnapping taking place)

Yun and Yang: "Hey! Let's go!"

Chun-Li: (beat) "You two stay here. It's too dangerous for civilians."

Yun and Yang: "Civilians? She looks pretty civil herself...

(The car speeds up ahead to Chun-Li)

Chun-Li: (Breathes) "Kikosho!"

(The two kidnapper mooks exits the car for Chun-Li, she dispatches them both)

Guile: (beat) "Why don't you use these?" (Shows Handcuffs)

Chun-Li: "Guile?"

Rival Dialogue[]

Crimson Viper[]

Chun-Li: "You! Stop impeding my investigation!"

Crimson Viper: "Impeding? That's not very nice."

Chun-Li: "Now you'll get what's coming to you! This is gonna hurt, sister!"


(Chun-Li is stuck inside a collapsing S.I.N. building)

Chun-Li: "No... I can't get it open..." (Runs to Laptop) "Guile! Come in... The Data... You've got to get it out of here! It'll give you a full picture of the S.I.N. organization. Guile... Please come in... (Falls unconscious)

Guile: "Chun-Li! Come in! I got the data!"

(Later, Chun-Li wakes up in Guile's arms in front of a burning S.I.N. building. She turns to Abel, who hands her a file.)

Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode[]

  • "Well, you stopped moving. I guess that means you're done fighting."
  • "I'll let you buy me dessert to make up for that pitiful performance!"
  • "Oh no! You knocked one of my hair buns out of alignment!"
  • "Not feeling well today? I can't believe you were fighting at full strength!"
  • "Trying something different only makes your defeat come more quickly!"
  • "I'm the strongest woman in the world! No man can compare!"
  • "A loss like that leaves you no choice but to admit your own weakness!"
  • "It doesn't matter how strong you are if none of your attacks connect!"
  • "Not a bad fight! I wish I had brought a camera to capture it all on film!"
  • "You clearly don't have what it takes to stand up to my kicks!"
  • "Thanks for the memories!"

Arcade Mode[]

Character English Japanese Character Win Quotes (If lose)
Abel "You're searching for something, too, aren't you? I know how you feel..." "There's something unusual about this tournament. Be careful, Chun-Li."
Akuma "What incredible power! I hope I never have to face you again..." "Death comes to us all."
Balrog "Not even traditional Chinese medicine can cure your stupidity!" "Does death scare ya, loser? Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Blanka "You're too wild! Calm down a bit, would you?" "Is this what people in your land call "fast?"
Cammy "Just leave this to Interpol! You have no business here!" "Don't feel bad. The military specializes in fighting. Cops can't help but lose."
Chun-Li "Phew! I really have what it takes, don't I?"
C. Viper "Looks like this little rivalry is over! You can't get in my way now!" "Geez... You almost blew my cover."
Dan "I don't have time to deal with you right now. Can't we do this another time?" "That´s what you get for making fun of Dan the man!"
Dhalsim "I've been thinking of trying Yoga as part of a diet regime..." "Take this opportunity to rest your body. You should not overwork yourself."
El Fuerte "Are you sure you're a chef? You really don't look the part..." "Tortillas are great! They don't spoil, and you can fry or even boil them!"
Fei Long "Do you think I have what it takes to make it in showbiz like you?" "Your kicks are serious business!"
Gen "I think it's time you and I had a chat about my father!" "You shall share the same fate as your father. Death awaits..."
Gouken "You look... familiar. As if you reminded me of someone..." "You know in your heart that anger only impedes on your journey, child."
Guile "If that is all it takes to beat you, then the US Air Force must be in bad shape!" "I hope you kept your eyes open. You can learn a thing or two from a pro like me."
E. Honda "Maybe you oughta get in that bathtub of yours and wash away the sweat of defeat!" "You may be fast, but your kicks feel like mosquito bites to me!"
Ken Masters "I guess married life softened you up. Doesn't your wife let you train?" "Weren't you supposed to go back to China and be just a regular girl or something?"
M. Bison "I'll never forgive you! I won't rest until you're rotting behind bars!" "Is that all you can do? Your father would be ashamed..."
Rose "Only I represent the perfect combination of strength and beauty." "Think deeply before you make your next decision. Your destiny awaits..."
Rufus "You move pretty well, but that body's just not right for the ring!" "You sure got some ham hocks on you, lady!

But it'll take more than mad cankles to defeat the mighty Rufus, though, do ya?

I mean, you're fast and move all graceful an' stuff,

but you've gotta have skills to get along with all that.

And skills are my speciality! Ha ha!"

Ryu "I know you won't give up. You'll only train and come back stronger next time." "Your kicks are so impressive! No matter how many times we fight, I remain in awe."
Sagat "You won't stand a chance against you-know-who if you fight like that!" "If you wish to take on the king, you must rid your heart of mercy, girl!"
Sakura "A fighting schoolgirl, huh? I wasn't so different from you when I was a girl." "We oughta change costumes with each other sometime! That'd be fun!"
Seth "If technology has progressed this far, I fear for our future..." "Your moves are sound but they lack power. I shall assimilate them."
Vega "Is your face really so handsome that you have to protect it like that?" "And so your quest ends. The emptiness you leave behind is a thing of beauty."
Zangief "Not even Russia's greatest hero can stop me!" "Even if I cannot grab you every time, it only takes one!"

Super Street Fighter IV[]


  • "You ready for this?"

Story Mode[]

"Looks like S.I.N. is behind the tournament. And so soon after the Juri incident... Unbelievable. These guys just won't give up, will they? Seth developed BLECE, a terrifying new weapon system. Ever since he managed to escape, I knew I'd cross his path again one day, but I never imagined that he'd hold a fighting tournament... Considering S.I.N.'s connections to Shadaloo, there's a good chance I could find some clues about my father. Father... I wish I knew more about you. Even though I'll never see you again, I want to know about your struggle; your fight; your last moments... Please keep an eye on me, father. I promise I'll put an end to their evil plans! I'll make sure no one else ever has to go through what I did."


  • "Ready!"

Rival Dialogue[]


Chun Li: "Juri! Hold it right there!"

Juri: "Wow. Back for another beating, officer? Or maybe you've got a little schoolgirl crush?"

Chun Li: "One way or another, you're coming with me."

Juri: "This is gonna be fun."

Yun (unused)

Chun Li: "Yun? What are you doing here? Don't tell me you snuck out again."

Yun: "Ha! And let you hog all the fun? Not a chance, I figured you'd be on the move. If you are involved, things are sure to get interesting."

Chun Li: "This isn't a game Yun, fighting isn't the only solution to every problem. I'm not here on vacation. It's too dangerous for civilians."

Yun: "I appreciate the sentiment, but I no longer need your protection. Let me show you how reliable I am, enjoy this demonstration!"


Guile: "You ready?"

Chun-Li: "Yeah. You know, everything that I've accomplished in my life, I thought I had done it for my father. But now, I think there was more to it than that. After all is said and done, I think I was also doing it for myself. There's so much more I could be doing. I owe it to myself. That's why I've decided to keep being a cop for now."

Guile: "Sounds good."

Win Quotes[]

  • "Ahahaha! I did it!"

Versus Mode[]

  • "All men bow before me! I'm the strongest woman in the world!"
  • "Compared to the scum I deal with as a cop, fighting you was a piece of cake!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "I feel even stronger than usual. That special training really paid off!"
  • "I'm tired. Maybe I'll eat some sweets to recharge."
  • "Keep an eye on me father, I won't let you down."
  • "Not bad! We should do this again sometime."
  • "Phew! That was no picnic. I guess I need to build up more muscle mass!"
  • "Sorry to be blunt, but you just don't have what it takes to beat me."
  • "Thanks!"
  • "You were out of breath towards the end. You need to work on your stamina."

Arcade Mode[]

Character English Japanese Character Win Quotes (If lose)
Abel "I sure hope you find who you're looking for." 「あなたが探している人が見つかることを願っています。」 "Don't worry about me. I won't give up until I have the answers I'm after."
Adon "You probably don't want to hear this, but Sagat is way stronger than you." 「聞きたくないかもしれないけど、サガットは君よりずっと強いよ。」 "Did you think your pitiful kicks could actually harm the king of Muay Thai?"
Akuma "I hate to say this, but I might not be able to beat you next time..." 「こんなこと言いたくないけど、次は勝てないかも…」 "You are too preoccupied with the dead to truly live your life, fool!"
Balrog "Looks like you'll be spending the next few years behind bars where you belong!" 「あなたは今後数年間、自分の居場所である刑務所の中で過ごすことになるようですね!」 "I'll make you regret that you were ever born, you two-bit chump!"
Blanka "You're fast, but not fast enough to beat me!" 「君は速いけど、私に勝てるほど速くはないよ!」 "You're way too slow to take me on!"
Cammy "Your injuries haven't fully healed yet. Just relax and leave the rest to me!" 「怪我はまだ治りきっていません。安心して、あとは私に任せてください!」 "I presume you'll be leaving the fighting in this mission up to me, then?"
Cody "You used to be a hero, Cody! What happened to you?" 「コーディ、あなたはかつてヒーローだったのよ!どうしたの?」 "I'm tellin' ya, lady. I ain't who you think I am. He died a long time ago."
C. Viper "Was I too strong for you?" 「私はあなたにとって強すぎましたか?」 "I can't stand straight laced serious people like you. Lighten up already."
Dan "Sorry, but I'm too busy to mess around. Challenge me again after some training!" 「申し訳ありませんが、忙しくてあまりいじることができません。訓練してからもう一度挑戦してください!」 "Interfering with an investigation? Don't arrest me! I'm too pretty for jail!"
Dee Jay "I like your rhythm, but I dance to the beat of my own drum." 「あなたのリズムは好きですが、私は自分のドラムのビートに合わせて踊ります。」 "Ya girl, you got some beautiful kicks with dem horse legs!"
Dhalsim "I'd like to try yoga, but would I have to stretch my arms like that? 「ヨガをやってみたいけど、そんなに腕を伸ばさないといけないの?」 "Everyone has their past demons with which to wrestle. Fight for the future!"
Dudley "That felt good! Thanks for the workout!" 「気持ちよかったです!トレーニングお疲れ様でした!」 "You have my gratitude for showing me your incredible moves, detective!"
E. Honda "I love sweets. Feeling up to going out to get a bite after this?" 「甘いものが大好きなんです。この後何か食べに行く気はありますか?」 "I could barely feel your blows! You've got legs like a sumo wrestler, though."
El Fuerte "If you want to succeed at cooking, you have to keep your spices straight." 「料理で成功したいなら、スパイスを正しく使わなければなりません。」 "If you like crepes, you'll LOVE my tortillas!"
Evil Ryu "You can't be Ryu, can you? But you look exactly like him..." 「リュウにはなれないでしょう?でも、そっくりですね…」 "Justice and vengeance are meaningless to me now."
Fei Long "What do you think of my moves? Impressive, no?" 「私の動きについてどう思いますか? 素晴らしいですね?」 "Nice kicks! Not as impressive as mine, but..."
Gen "Where did you meet my father? Tell me! Tell me everything you know about him!" 「私の父とどこで出会ったのですか?教えてください!父について知っていることをすべて教えてください!」 "Your father saved your life this day. Do not tempt me to take it again."
Gouken "Your moves remind me of Ryu and Ken's. Do you know those guys?" 「あなたの動きはリュウとケンを思い出させます。彼らを知っていますか?」 "Your moves are impressive. You appear to be seeking something important."
Guile "Are you feeling OK? Your attacks were awfully weak..." 「体調は大丈夫ですか? 攻撃がめちゃくちゃ弱かったんです…」 "Is something bothering you? Has the investigation taken a bad turn?"
Guy "So, this tournament has Bushinryu fighters too, does it?" 「それで、この大会には武神流戦士もいるのですね?」 "I have no intention of interfering with your investigation. Please carry on."
Hakan "I've never seen moves like that before!" 「こんな動き今まで見たことない!」 "With looks like that and kicks to match, I bet you get a lot of attention!"
Ibuki "You're far too puny to hurt me!" 「あなたは私を傷つけるにはあまりにも卑劣です!」 "You're a cop, right? Do you think that's more fun than being a ninja?"
Juri Han "What would your parents think if they saw you now?" 「もしあなたのご両親が今のあなたを見たらどう思うでしょうか?」 "I enjoyed hearing you scream. I'm looking forward to hearing it again."
Ken Masters "So, how's your wife doing? Shouldn't you go home to check on her?" 「それで、奥さんの様子はどうですか?様子を見に家に帰ったほうがいいんじゃないですか?」 "Anyone ever say that you're a workaholic? Take a vacation once in a while!"
M. Bison "You have no idea how long I've waited for this! You'll pay for your sins!" 「私がどれだけこのことを待っていたか分からないでしょう!罪はあなたが償ってください!」 "You want to know about your father? Why don't you ask him yourself? In hell!"
Makoto "If you have any fliers for your dojo, I can give some to my friend to display." "Y'know, kicks are pretty useful, too. Maybe I should give 'em a try!"
Oni "My god, what power. How did I ever win?" "Your thread of fate has been severed."
Rose "Would you mind telling my fortune? I want to know when I'll meet Mr. Right." "Yes, I can tell the future. I don´t think you need me to, though."
Rufus "You'd be a really strong fighter if you could shed a few pounds." "Phew! What a great fight! I mean, I totally whipped you good! Hey! Don't look at me like that, lady! It so happens that I'm spoken for! The only girl I need is Candy! Take a hike, toots!"
Ryu "I always enjoy fighting you. I learn something new every time!" "Your kicks are as powerful as ever! I could learn a lot from you!"
Sagat "I can see why Ryu considers you a worthy rival. But I'm no pushover either, am I?" "Do not attempt to dethrone the king unless you are ready to fight!"
Sakura "I know you like chasing Ryu around, but you should think of your future, too." "Take me to work with you sometime, will you? Please?"
Seth "I'll see to it that you never use my moves to hurt people again!" "The slightest distraction can cost even a great fighter a match. What weakness!"
T. Hawk "I know how you feel, but you'd better off leaving her rescue to us pros!" "Anger and regret are human emotions. They mean nothing to nature."
Vega "If you see weakness as ugly, you can't call yourself beautiful anymore." "Your beauty and strength impress. I shall remember this day."
Yang "Huh? Couldn't keep up with these legs?" "I may not have your experience, but that didn't stop me from winning"
Yun "You're better than before, but you're still not quite up to par with me." "Catch you off guard? A good fighter always has an ace up his sleeve!"
Zangief "Looks like a victor has been declared in the battle of your arms versus my legs!" "You are a powerful fighter. But nothing can compare to my muscles!"

Ultra Street Fighter IV[]

Character English Japanese Character Win Quotes (If lose)
Decapre "What's your relationship to Cammy? Are you affiliated with Shadaloo?" "Cammy?... No matching items."
Elena "Wow! And people think my legwork is impressive! Keep it up!" "My father always told me that those who fight for something are the strongest."
Hugo "You're under arrest! Now I just need to find a gigantic pair of handcuffs..." "You can't arrest me! I've done nothing wrong... At least not recently, that is."
Poison "You and I aren't so different. I can fight dirty, too. Surprised?" "You are earning a good living already. You don't need a job offering from me."
Rolento "Violation of firearms treaties, inciting riots... I should haul you in right now!" "Throw away your nation's allegiance and join the rank of my army!"

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom[]

Win quotes[]

  • [p] = the name of the character's partner.
  • "You think you should have won that fight? Sorry, but you just don't have what it takes."
  • "The history of Chinese martial arts shows that power and accuracy are borne through training, and every kick I land is proof this."
  • "We work well together, [p]. Let's keep up this level of teamwork in every fight!"
  • "The reason you lost is quite simple: you're weak!"
  • "You already know why you always lose. The key to winning is to learn from your mistakes."
  • "As you just learned, I'm not one to hold back. Even in the air I can still dance all over your face!"
  • "You're under arrest for interfering with official Interpol business and destruction of public property in front of an Interpol agent!"
  • "I remember the days when I was the only female fighter around. I'll have to train harder if I want to stay on top!"

Win Quotes (character-specific)[]


  • "I don't think putting "Real Street Fighter" on your resume is going to land you many interviews."
  • "Even though you're young, you know justice is more than just protecting loved ones. It's about charging in, kicking butt, and taking names!"
  • "You're pretty strong! Are you really a journalist? Show me your credentials!"
  • "Hey, you! Don't you know it's dangerous to be walking around with two big swords like that!"
  • "I've already landed 100 hard kicks in the time it takes you to get off just one little shot."
  • "Sorry, but life doesn't always go as we plan. I'll teach you that lesson again...once you wake up!"
  • "Do you expect me to believe you have nothing to do with Shadaloo? Something doesn't add up here..."
  • "One of the rules of fighting is to never underestimate your opponent. I should have remembered that..."
  • "You don't change, no matter how much time has passed. I really wish I had your dedication."
  • "What is the Japan Security Special Forces thinking trusting their country's defense to a girl like this?"
  • "You just don't stop running off at the mouth, do you? I think a couple of kicks to the face should shut you up."


  • "Your words are honorable, but your size doesn't exactly make this a fair fight. There's no honor in fighting dirty!"
  • "Well, I'm done here. Huh? Weren't you gonna make a dramatic comeback? Guess that didn't happen."
  • "I don't care what secret ninja organization you belong to. Firing missiles here is dangerous. Does your boss know you're doing this?"
  • "The Science Ninja? Sorry, never heard of you. Are you guys a bird-watching club or something?"
  • "That's the Hurricane Style, right? I guess it's better for taunting than actual fighting."
  • "You work with the Space Knights? I can't believe as a law enforcement agent there are still organizations I've never heard of..."
  • "A girl your age shouldn't be swinging around something so dangerous! I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to seize that baton!"

Marvel vs. Capcom series[]

X-Men vs. Street Fighter []

  • "I expected better. Why do I expect that much?"
  • "So weak. Why do I care about the likes of you?"
  • "That was a poor display!"
  • "I want to be the girl with the most bracelets!"
  • "I'm the strongest woman in this or any world!"
  • "My victory was like lightning!"
  • "You need more powerful abilities to win!"
  • "We can't be defeated. Forget it!"
  • "So many opponents, they are all a waste of time."

Quotes (Japanese Version)[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Two people, and that's all you've got? What a letdown."「2人もいて、その程度なの?がっかりだわ。」
  • "Come on, let's go! Partner!"「さあ、次いくわよ!(Partner)」
  • "Hehe, sorry! Did I overdo it?"「フフッ、ごめんね!やりすぎちゃったかな?」
  • "Use your opponent's strength and master it in an instant. I don't think you guys can do it."「相手の力を利用し一瞬にして極める。あなた達には無理でしょうね。」
  • "I'm still a detective! I'm not going to let you guys get me down."「これでも刑事なのよ!あなた達程度にやられはしないわ。」
  • "How's my new qigong power? I can gather chi from the outside now."「どう、新しい気功の力は?外から気を集めれるようになったのよ。」
  • "Hey, Partner, don't you stand out too much?"「ちょっと、(Partner) あなた、目立ちすぎじゃない?」
  • "Oh my, is it over already?"「あらっ、もう終わっちゃったの?」
  • "Look, you guys have no strategy!"「いい、あなた達は戦略がなってないのよ!」
  • "Heh, you're good. How do you do that trick?"「へぇー、やるじゃない。その技、どうやってやるの?」
  • "Your movements are too wasted."「ムダがありすぎね、あなた達の動きは。」
  • "We're not a couple!"「わたし達は、カップルじゃないわよ!」
  • "How are my kicks? Want to taste more?"「どう、わたしの蹴りは。もっと味わってみる?」
  • "Let's stop now. It's no use doing this anymore..."「もう、やめましょ。これ以上やっても、ムダよ・・・」
  • "Father... I won't lose!"「父さん・・・わたしは負けないわ!」
  • "I underestimated you. I'm not ready yet..."「甘く見てたわ。わたしもまだまだね・・・」

vs. Apocalypse[]

Chun-Li: "Are you Apocalypse? Freeze! You're under arrest!"「あなたがアポカリプス?動かないで!タイホします!!」

Apocalypse: "Under arrest? Me? Hahahahaha! Spare me your foolishness, Chun-Li."「タイホする?我が輩をか?ハハハハハ!チュンリーよ、愚かしいまねはよせ。」

Apocalypse: "Now behold my true form! Behold and give your life!"「見るがよい、我が輩の真の力を!そしてその命をささげるのだ!」

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter[]

  • "Father, will I truly avenge you?"
  • "Hey, I thought you liked the rough stuff!?"
  • "I fight for peace, but war is all I ever see!"
  • "Think to yourself, 'you can do it!'"
  • "I hope I get royalties, not just a one-time fee!"
  • "I'm not just cute! I am a serious fighter!"
  • "I'm sorry. Was I a little hard on you?"
  • "What is this? The one-star setting!?"

Quotes (Japanese Version)[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "You both look strong, but neither of you amounts to much!"「強そうに見えて 二人とも大したことないのね!」
  • "You can't win with power alone! Don't you realize you need speed and strategy?"「パワーだけじゃ勝てないのよ!スピードと 戦略が必要な事に気がつかないの?」
  • "Hmm. Well, that's pretty easy, isn't it?"「ふーん、まあまあね なかなかやるじゃない?」
  • "How's that? Isn't the sharpness of my technique totally different from yours?"「どう?技のキレがあなた達とは全然違うでしょ?」
  • "I've had enough... I'll just end it like this and leave you alone."「もう飽きちゃった・・・このくらいで終わりにしてないてあげるわ」
  • "Arrest, arrest! You're under arrest!"「タイホよ、タイホ!タイホしますッ!!」
  • "I did it, Fatheeerrr!! ..Oh? Oh no, I got confused!!"「やったぜオヤジィィィーーーッ!!・・あら? やだ、まちがえちゃった!!」
  • "Hehe, sorry! Did I overdo it a bit?"「フフッ、ごめんね!ちょっとやりすぎちゃったかな?」
  • "How could such weak people be avenging my father...?"「こんなに弱い人たちが 父さんの仇なわけないわよね・・・」
  • "Come on, let's go! Partner!"「さあ、次行くわよ!(Partner)」
  • "Hey, do you guys really have fighting spirit?"「ねぇ、あなた達 本当に闘気があるの?」
  • "Do you have to get down on your knees just because you lost...?"「別に負けたからって ひざまづかなくていいのよ・・・?」
  • "Oh, weren't you supposed to hit me lightly?"「あら、軽やっつけるんじゃ なかったの?」
  • "Let's go now, Partner. Fighting these people is a waste of time..."「もう行きましょ、(Partner) この人達と闘っても時間の無駄だわ・・・」
  • "Oh, you both looked strong... But now, well..."「あら、二人とも強そうに見えたのに・・・これじゃあ、ねぇ・・・」

vs. Apocalypse[]

Chun-Li: "I've finally caught up to you, Apocalypse! Freeze! You're under arrest this time!"「ついに追いつめたわよ、アポカリプス!動かないで!今度こそあなたを逮捕します」

Apocalypse: "How futile, Chun-Li. No law can bind me. Not even God's law!"「無駄だ、チュンリー。いかなる法も我輩を しばることはできぬ。それが神の法でもな」

Apocalypse: "Now behold the true power of Apocolypse! Behold and give your life!"「見るがよい、我輩アポカリプスの真の力を!そしてその命をささげるのだ!」

Marvel vs. Capcom[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Fighting isn't the only thing I'd beat you at!"
  • "I guess I overdid it again!"
  • "I hope I didn’t hurt your ego too badly... Oops!"
  • "I'd fight you again if I thought you had a chance!"
  • "Stare at me again, and I’ll hit you even harder!"
  • "You aren't the hero you make yourself out to be!"
  • "You underestimated me... Enjoy your defeat!"
  • "You’ve wasted enough of my time! Later, loser!"

Quotes (Japanese version)[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Come on, let's go! Partner!"「さあ、次行くわよ!(Partner)」
  • "All heroes must bow down before me!"「すべてのヒーローたちは私の前に ひぎまづくのよ!」
  • "There's been a lot of weird people lately... I don't think they're from Shadaloo..."「最近おかしな人が多いわ・・・ まさか シャドルーの人間じゃないと思うけど・・・」
  • "Please don't impede our investigation!"「お願いだから捜査の邪魔をしないで!」
  • "You can't beat me with kicks like those! Get back on your feet!"「そんな蹴りじゃ私は倒せないわよ!!出直してきなさい!」
  • "Thank you, Partner. That made our investigation a lot easier."「ありがとう、(Partner) おかげで捜査がかなりはかどったわ」
  • "You both look strong, but neither of you amounts to much!"「強そうに見えて 二人とも大したことないのね!」
  • "After all, you can't talk about Capcom Heroes without me!"「やっぱり、ワタシ抜きでは カプコンヒーローズは語れないわよね!」
  • "If only Shadaloo could be defeated this easily..."「シャドルーもこのくらい楽に つぶせればいいんだけどね・・・」
  • "When will I be able to return to being a normal girl...?"「私、いつになったら普通の 女の子に戻れるのかしら・・・」
  • "It's not the difference in weight that matters in battle. It's speed and technique!"「闘いに重要なのは体重差じゃないわ。スピードとテクニックよ!」
  • "Hmm. Well, that's pretty easy, isn't it?"「ふーん、まあまあね なかなかやるじゃない?」

vs. Onslaught[]

Chun-Li: "I've finally caught up to you, Onslaught! You're under arrest! Contemplate your actions!"「ついに追いつめたわよ、オンスロート!あなたを逮捕します! 観念なさい!」

Onslaught: "Yes, contemplate, O mankind! It is time to perish. Chun-Li, thou shalt not escape..."「そう、観念するのだ人類よ!滅びの時だ。チュンリー、汝も逃れることはできぬ・・・」

Onslaught: "Everything must perish! In my name! I am Onslaught, an angry god!!"「すべて滅びよ!我が名のもとに!!我はオンスロート、怒れる神なり!!」

Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Ultimate[]

Match Start[]

  • "I'll take you on."
  • "Ready when you are."
  • "You ready for me?"
  • "Alright, 'Iron Fist'. Lets see what you've got!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "I fight for my beliefs. That's why I never lose!"
  • "If only Bison was so easily beaten."
  • "I'll root out evil wherever I find it. Count on it!"
  • "They don't call me the strongest woman in the world for nothing!"
  • "You can't beat me with just brute strength. Go ahead and try."
  • "You know what your problem is? You lack flexibility. Time for you to hit the gym!"
  • "I don't care who you work for; don't get in Interpol's way!"
  • "Your diplomatic immunity is gone, Doom. You will answer for all your dealings with Shadaloo and S.I.N.!"
  • "I'm sorry about your face, but that doesn't give you the right to carry around illegal firearms!"

Street Fighter X Tekken[]

Character Select[]

  • "Roger that!"
  • "Don't let your guard down"


  • "Seems you've got what it takes. For the moment."
  • "Cammy, you ready?" (When paired with Cammy)


  • "Your skills just aren't good enough!"

Round Win[]

  • "Ahahaha! I did it!"
  • "Sorry!"


  • "Ugh... Father..." (Chip KO)

Win Quotes[]

Street Fighter[]

Character English Japanese
Abel "So you are still searching for your family... Let me know if you need my help with anything."
Akuma "I know plenty of people who are strong without having to rely on the Satsui no Hado."
Balrog "I've finally caught you! You'll have plenty of time to think about your crimes in jail!"
Blanka "You should hurry home before you get lost. Er, even more lost."
Cammy "That was a good match! You seemed to be on top of your game, Cammy!"
Chun-Li "Often imitated but never perfected! Now show yourself!"
Cody "You escaped? Again? Seriously... what are we paying those guards to do?"
Dhalsim "I heard that yoga is good for your health, but doesn't stretching your arms like that cause cramps?"
Dudley "I do like gentlemen. But sorry, you're just not my type."
Elena "I understand ease of movement... but shouldn't you cover up a little more? Some pants at least?
Guile "Because your attacks are so precise, they're very easy to read!"
Guy "Don't the principles of Bushinryu also include not getting in the way of an investigation?"
Hugo "You know, size isn't everything... Can you even see your feet?"
Ibuki "If you would just concentrate and work on reading your opponent better you'd be one tough cookie!"
Juri Han "I know you've been through a lot, so you of all people should know what it means to hurt others."
Ken Masters "Hey, since you're a daddy now, you have to show your son what it means to work hard!"
M. Bison "This time Shadaloo is finished! I'll make sure you remember this day for as long as you live!"
Poison "Oh, was that all? It seems that all you can do is run that mouth of yours."
Rolento "Sorry, not interested in joining the military. I like to go by the beat of my own drum."
Rufus "Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you should go on a diet? For your health, of course..."
Ryu "I won this time! So, have you become a true martial artist yet?"
Sakura "You've become stronger since the last time we met! But that doesn't mean you can beat me!"
Sagat "Your attacks are no joke! They don't call you the king for nothing."
Vega "Too bad about your face. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be popular in prison."
Zangief "Doesn't matter how powerful you are if you can't ever hit me!"


Character English Japanese
Asuka Kazama "Using your opponent's power against them? It's a good idea, but you still have a ways to go."
Alisa "I know I should arrest you, but I don't know what charge 'exploding head' falls under..."
Byran Fury "You used to be in law enforcement? What happened to you..."
Heihachi Mishima "At your age, shouldn't you be settling down by now? Fighting isn't the solution to every problem."
Robert Richards "That is NOT the ultimate body! Furthermore, your name doesn't suit you at all! You look more like a Jon or Wilbur!"
Christie "Eddy... I've heard that name before. Give me a sec and I'll look up anything I have on him."
Hwoarang "You're too old for these childish pranks. Take a time out and think about your actions."
Jack "You're not going to blow yourself up or anything, right? If you do, at least give me a loud, visible timer..."
Jin Kazama "You should take responsibility for your crimes. That's the first step to redemption."
Julia Chang "Nature is definitely important. I'd be sad too if there was no more green in the world."
Kazuya Mishima "If only we'd had an arrest warrant for you. I could haul you in right now..."
King "I wanna see what's under that mask... But it'd be rude to take a peek, right?"
Kuma "I thought bears were supposed to be all violent. But you're kind of cute."
Lars "It's nice to talk about justice, but you need power to back up your words or its meaningless."
Lei "Not what I was expecting from the Super Cop! Are you feeling tired?"
Marshall Law "Sorry, but I'm not interested in being a waitress at your restaurant. Been there done that."
Emilie De Rochefort "You're coming with me. I'm turning you over to your Papa. You should be thankful you have him."
Craig Marduk "Your movements are way too extravagant. You didn't even come close to hitting me."
Nina Williams "You're in your 40's? Really? I don't believe it. Me? Um... well... heh..."
Ancient Ogre "Whew! My speed really helped me out there. That was a lot closer than I'd like to admit."
Paul Phoenix "Best in the universe? And what if I beat you?"
Raven "Tell me everything you know. Let's start with the organization you work for."
Steve Fox "You have some nice moves, but your follow-through needs some work."
Xiaoyu Ling "Don't take it personally. It's just my job. I kind of understand how you feel, though."
Yoshimitsu "Um... do you have any ID? That sword looks pretty dangerous, so I may have to confiscate it."


Character English Japanese
Cole MacGrath "You really are electrifying. So what happens when you take a shower?"
Kuro "Victory is mine. ...Wait, did I just beat up a cat?...I can never tell Cammy about this. Ever."
Megaman "Umm...would you mind coming in for questioning? At the very least I need to ask you about that gun..."
Pac-Man "Um...what am I supposed to do with this?"
Toro Inoue " must have taken one too many hits on the head."

Street Fighter V[]

This section is currently incomplete.
Please assist the Street Fighter Wiki,
and complete the section if you can.

Character Selection[]

  • "Now, let's begin!"


  • "Want to see my Kung-Fu? I'll show you."
  • "I'll show you my Kung-Fu!" (Demo)
  • "I can't lose this battle." (Language Change)
  • "I'll take you on." (Easy Survival Mode)
  • "Think you can keep up with me?" (Normal Survival Mode)
  • "I'll show no mercy!" (Hard Survival Mode)
  • "I'll make you regret this!" (Extreme Survival Mode)
  • I'll eat something sweet after I take care of this." (Training Mode)
  • "The secret to strength is daily training." (Training Mode)

Critical Art activation[]

  • "I'll finish this. You're done. Haaaaaaaaaaah! You can't escape. Hah!"


  • "Are you serious?"


V-Trigger I[]

V-Trigger II[]



  • "Focus!"

V-Shift Break

  • "Predictable!"

Back Recovery

  • "I won't lose!"


  • "Here's a bonus." (EX)


  • "Get ready!" (EX)


  • "This way!"

Win Quotes[]

Round Win[]

  • "Don't hold a grudge, okay?"
  • "That's good Kung-fu!"

Versus Mode (Generic)[]

  • "There's no shortcut to getting strong, only daily training!"
  • "Whoops! I really went all out there. I might have overdone it a little..."
  • "My kicks were taught to me by my father. Don't take them lightly!"
  • "You're stronger than this!"
  • "Sorry!"

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

Character English Japanese Character Win Quotes (If Lose)
Abigail "Well, aren't you the violent criminal. Cool off a bit, then we'll talk." "Keep your nose outta my business, copper. I'm totally legit now."
Akira "You have strong fighter instincts. How about training with me?" "Finally, I got to go up against a real Kung Fu fighter. I feel like I've learned a lot!"
Akuma "Your power's incredible... Makes me want to work on my kung fu..." "Your death is in my hands, you foolish girl!"
Alex "Your combos are a little wild, but I'll admit, you've got talent." "Your kicks are something else. Did you hone them on the battlefield?"
Balrog "Do you understand now that brute force alone will not beat me?" "Take a good look at yourself! A dumb cop can't touch me!"
Birdie "Looks like your personality and physique got... larger than life." "I told you, I ain't done a bloody thing! You cops got nothin' on me!"
Blanka "What's kung fu, you ask? You don't seem capable of the necessary discipline." "Train all you want, but you're nothing without nature on your side."
Cammy "We haven't met outside of work in awhile. Maybe now you can take a breather." "Training with you is always helpful. I look forward to next time."
Chun-Li "My Kung-Fu can't be defeated by a mere imitator!"
Cody "The mayor's office is no place for a ruffian like you." "I did my time and paid my dues, so you're gonna get off my back, right?"
Dan "Sorry. You were acting suspicious, so I kicked you. It's what I do." "C'mon, give it a rest, lady! What're you investigatin' me for?!"
Dhalsim "I've always wondered, do your arms ever get tangled?" "Focus unfalteringly on the future. Release the shackles of your past."
E. Honda "I think this battle entitles me to a free trip to your bathhouse." "Solid kicks as always! For a moment, I thought you had me!"
Ed "You were a member of Shadaloo? Are they still active?" "No use getting all hung up on the past. You end up living a pretty boring life."
F.A.N.G "That character on your shirt... That's not how you write "Two." Are you even Chinese?" "You say I wrote "two" wrong? Nonsense! Such lies won't fool me!"
Falke "I'm sorry to hear what you've been through, but your connections to Shadaloo can't be overlooked." "We have nothing to do with that monster. Leave us alone!"
G "Not sure what this was about, but it looks like I won. Nothing personal." "To stand on our own two feet is everything. And in that moment, I stand!"
Gill "Savior? God? I wonder..." "Hmm... Do you already possess that which you sought?"
Guile "Neither of us must give up until the day Shadaloo falls." "The precision of your kicks is unrivaled. You're as good as ever."
Ibuki "Why aren't you in school? Don't you need permission to engage in extracurricular activities? "Why did you join the police? Haven't you ever wanted to do something else?"
Juri Han "If we both lost the same thing, then why are we so different?" "Be a little more obedient. You want me to like you or not?"
Kage "True strength comes from improving yourself regardless of death." "Train all you want! You shall wither and die! Kneel before me!"
Karin "That's what I've come to expect! Of course, I can't just let you win." "You've clearly trained extensively. I learned a lot from your techniques."
Ken Masters "At this rate your son's going to surpass you in no time!" "Wow, those were some sharp kicks. But when it comes to raw power, mine are stronger."
Kolin "Who are you? That strange power you possess tells me you're no ordinary girl..." "I really hate the police. It's high time you retired."
Laura "I think I've seen your name on a missing persons form... Maybe not." "That one kick that went ya-ya-ya was really cool!"
Lucia "Excellent kicks. Metro City P.D trained you well." "Always nice to meet a fellow protector of the peace."
Luke "You leave yourself far too open... A sign of your youth, I suppose." "Damn, that's some fancy footwork you got there! I learned a lot!"
M. Bison "As long as Shadaloo exists, I'll keep fighting!" "I'll send you to meet your father. But the price is your very life!"
Menat "My destiny is to continue fighting? I already knew that. I won't stop until I'm the last woman standing." "You're like a bright star, fighting against your destiny! I guess it's kinda poetic?"
Charlie Nash "Hands behind your back! You're under arrest!" "Get in my way again, and I'll kill you where you stand."
Necalli "This sense of misfortune in your energy... What on Earth are you?" "Don't st...struggle. There is no escape from me."
Oro "I fight for justice and to protect those I care about." "So you pursue Bison too... He certainly commands a lot of hate, doesn't he?"
Poison "You fought well. There's more to you than meets the eye." "I heard you were a strong kicker, but the real kicker is: this was a waste of time."
R. Mika "That's the spirit! But shout too much, and you'll wear yourself out!" "Thanks for all your guidance! True pros sure are a cut above!"
Rashid "You're looking for someone too? I hope you get them back safely." "Searching for loved ones is hard. You just don't know when to stop."
Rose "I know I'm destined to fight, but I WILL put an end to it someday!" "In pursing a certain individual, you invite the company of danger"
Ryu "You've gotten stronger since we last met. Keep it up!" "You've been working on your combos, I see. Nice moves!"
Sagat "Looks like you've done some serious training, but then again, so have I." "Never give up challenging me."
Sakura "Nice moves! I can tell you've been taking your training more seriously." "Your kicks are just as beautiful as ever. Let's do this again sometime soon!"
Seth "Copying moves isn't the same as knowing them." "Hah. You have provided ample data. Well done."
Urien "You don't seem to be just another suspect. Maybe we can work together..." "The governance of the ignorant has no bearing on me! I am reason itself!"
Vega "I've no desire to listen to your babbling any longer!" "Bathing in your blood will be the best beauty treatment of all."
Zangief "Strength isn't all about bulk. Flexibility is important, too!" "Your kicks are sharp like always! But they still lack power!"

[Wearing Gief Costume] "I make my living in the ring! It's no place for amateurs!"

Zeku "I wonder, how much does a person change over time?

I feel like I haven't changed much over the past couple of decades now..."

"A flower blossoms.

Its petals wither and fall.

Lovely, such is life."

Character Story Mode[]

The Power of Belief[]

Chun-Li: A week's already gone by since we started living together. It seems like she's gotten used to living here. But sometimes she looks so sad that I worry. I wish that... I could do something to help her.

Li-Fen: This is...

Chun-Li: I was wearing that back when I was still a rookie. Try it on.

Li-Fen: Ugh... Ah...

Chun-Li: Here. This is how you tie it. I used to tie my hair like this every morning. It helped me to focus. It helped me to be strong.

Li-Fen: Weren't you always strong... since you were my age?

Chun-Li: "No. I made mistakes back when I was wearing this. Hehe, I was always struggling to do everything, all on my own."

Stage 1: Bustling Side Street[]

Chun-Li: Huh!

Vega: The style of your kick... like that man's

Chun-Li: That man...? You mean... my dad!?

Fight 1: Vega[]

Pre-Fight Interaction[]

Vega: Humph! I guess you don't know anything do you?

Chun-Li: You're not going to answer me are you? Fine then...!

Post-Fight Interaction[]

Chun-Li: "Agh!"

Vega: Your beauty is still but a bud. It has yet to reach the perfection of a rose in bloom. However, it may be more interesting to wait and watch this flower grow. Huh!

Chun-Li: Father...

Stage 2: Underground Arena[]

Nash: Interpol agent Chun-Li isn't it? What brings you here?

Chun-Li: I'm here on a lead that Shadaloo operative Vega is in the area.

Guile: By yourself?

Chun-Li: It would take to long to get official approval. The window is small, and I have my reasons to work this solo. Please, just let me continue.

Guile; Whatever your reasons, you're letting your emotions dictate your actions.

Chun-Li: Egh...

Nash: Trust me I get it, but this organization is dangerous.

Chun-Li: Do you think I need you to tell me that? I've been training for this my whole life!

Nash: Chun-Li.

Chun-Li: I don't need you... I'll fight this alone!

Nash: ... Alright then, if that's the way you want it. Why don't you show us... you're ready for this.

Fight 2: Nash[]

Pre-Fight Interaction[]

Nash: You can't deploy someone if they're not prepared. That's an essential rule.

Chun-Li: Yes, I hear you loud and clear.

Post-Fight Interaction[]

Nash: ...Not bad.

Chun-Li: That should've been enough to beat him.

Nash: You are strong, but you can't go into the field alone.

Chun-Li: Why not!?

Nash; You can't go alone but we could work together.

Guile: Charlie

Chun-Li: But...

Nash: Ha, what are you doubting me? Do you think we're spies for Shadaloo?

Chun-Li: No it isn't that...

Nash: Come on. I think I know where Vega is hiding out.

Stage 3: Bustling Side Street[]

Vega: Humph! Such a small school of fish. Hardly even worth my time.

Chun-Li: Vega!

Vega: Go on! They shouldn't be a problem.

Birdie: Damn it! Just cause he's a top dog doesn't make him king. Oi, you lot! I'ma use my chain to tie you guys up good and tight!

Vega: Hyouh!

Birdie: Get ready for this!

Guile, Nash: Heih!

Birdie: Burraaah!

Guile: Go on!

Nash: We got this under control!

Chun-Li: Thank you. Both of you!

Chun-Li: Found you!

Vega: Well aren't you the quick one... however, what will you do by yourself?

Chun-Li: You're wrong... I'm not alone!

Fight 3: Vega[]

Pre-Fight Interaction[]

Chun-Li: This time, you're coming with me Vega!

Vega: How sad... you choose to wither instead of bloom.

Post-Fight Interaction[]

Vega: Egh, it can't be...

Chun-Li: I'm bringing you in. Now, you will tell me about my father.

Vega: Hahaha, chasing after a shadow of the past. That look in your eyes... beautiful. Indeed I can tell you about your father. Also, how he met his end.

Chun-Li: Hugh!

Vega: Hiyouh! Farewell! We'll meet again after you bloom.

Chun-Li: Nyagh...

Chun-Li: I thought I had to do everything on my own... always. But you were right... Thank you for your help... Both of you.

Guile: Don't be so reckless next time.

Nash: They can't be underestimated.

Chun-Li: I understand. And I won't give up. This isn't over.

(Present Day)

Chun-Li: There, all done.

Li-Fen: It looks great. I thought... I was alone... that I cuoldn't count on anyone else.

Chun-Li: Li-Fen

Li-fen: Chun-Li... I wanna be strong... just like you are.

Chun-Li: You will be. If we work at it together, anything's possible. How about we get started.

Li-Fen: Yes!

A Shadow Falls[]

Amidst the Chaos[]

  • "I'm coming with you, Guile. Alright?"
  • "Hmph, It's my pleasure!"

The Four Kings[]

  • "Bison!"
  • "It had to be you guys.
  • "I'll settle this here and now!" - (Chun-Li vs. M Bison in-game dialogue - Pre-Fight)
  • "I'm not backing off!" - (Chun-Li vs. M Bison in-game dialogue - Opponent at 25% Health)
  • "Prepare to lose." - (Chun-Li vs. M Bison in-game dialogue - At 25% Health)
  • "Ah!" - (Chun-Li getting hit with M. Bison's Psycho Blast)
  • "Cammy..."


  • " I'm sorry. I'll never act like that again. What about the Black Moons? How do we stop them from going off?"
  • "There's a group of computer hackers who've gone missing. Their ages, genders, nationalities all vary. Including some very young ones."
  • "Yes. Now we must stop the Moons from exploding in the other six cities.... Eeh!" - (Chun-Li trying to stand back up, but falls back to her knees, holding her stomach.)
  • "It can't be...!"
  • "What is that piece?" - (Chun-Li vs. Rashid in-game dialogue - Pre-Fight)
  • "Tell me what it is!" - (Chun-Li vs. Rashid in-game dialogue - At 25% Health)
  • "Not yet!" - (Chun-Li vs. Rashid in-game dialogue - Opponent at @5% Health)
  • "Egh!" - (Chun-Li getting kicked in the chest by Rashid, ending the fight)

Piece Holders[]

  • "Then who else has one?"
  • "I'll go with you. Cammy can come along, too. [then, to Karin] What about you?"

The Definition of Family[]

  • "It's nice to watch them play."
  • "There are some battles he can't avoid, especially when he has someone to protect. My father was the same way."
  • "Just what?"

Brazilian Heat[]

  • "Are you all right?"
  • "Wait, I think I know you... you're part of the Matsuda family?"
  • "Can I ask you, was this sent to your house?"
  • "Do you think we should stop them? Before..."

Worth Saving[]

  • "One of Bison's bodyguards. But something's wrong with her. Cammy, any idea?"
  • "You don't have to worry, Cammy. We should turn her over to them for now."
  • "Juri!!"
  • "Huh?!"
  • "Cammy!"
  • "I have to... I have to head to the base now. Please hold them off."

The Flame of a Sage[]

  • "Dhalsim!"
  • "Thank you."

Chance Meeting[]

  • "Aren't you...?"
  • "So, Shadaloo was using hackers to track all of the pieces down. We'll save the conversation for later. We have to get out of here now."
  • "The usher?"
  • "That girl... What is she doing?"

Stopping the Moon[]

  • "I guess we both made it here with perfect timing."
  • "After we set up these pieces, we'll be able to stop the Black Moons."
  • "This is it!"
  • "It stopped..."
  • "Then this is..."
  • "You were the one who was operating undercover, Abel? I see."


  • "What's the Descent Program?"
  • "It can't be!"
  • "Is this... Psycho Power?!"

Escaping Shadaloo[]

  • "Zangief!"
  • "He's not in his right mind. We have to snap him out of it!"

The Power of the Dead[]

  • "You OK? Do you know who I am?"

Consuming Darkness[]

  • "Ryu!"
  • "Nash and Rashid?"
  • "We'll all work hard!"

Struggle at Shadaloo Base[]

  • "Thank you!"
  • "Again... Psycho Power!"
  • "Same to all of you!"


  • "I'll end this right here!"
  • "Guile..."

Last Mission[]

A Protecting Hand[]

  • His Psycho Power is...
  • "You must have worked very hard to stop this. Here all alone."
  • "Ryu, get him."
  • "I've had enough of you!"
  • "Will you shut up?" - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - Pre-Fight)
  • "Try this!" - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - V-Gauge Activation)
  • "Are you still resisting?" - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - At 25% Health)
  • "You’ve already lost!" - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - Opponent at 25% Health)
  • "I’m all fired up!" - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - Critical Gauge Full)
  • "You’re open!" - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - Critical Art Activation)
  • "You’re all done." - (Chun-Li vs. F.A.N.G. in-game dialogue - KO)

The Fall of M. Bison.[]

  • "Thank you."

Street Fighter 6[]





Hundred Lightning Kicks[]


Spinning Bird Kick[]


Tensho Kicks[]

Drive Gauge[]

Kikosho (Aerial)[]


Soten Ranka[]

Round Wins[]



  • "I can still fight!"

Game Over[]

  • "My best wasn't enough."

World Tour[]

Chun-Li of China Town[]

Chun-Li: Li-Fen, I'm disappointed in you. It's all that fooling around on your PC.

Li-Fen: I'm not fooling around! You're just way too good.

Chun-Li: Sorry for the trouble, I didn't mean for you to get involved. I'm Chun-Li. Is there something I can help you with?

Kung Fu Fighting[]

Chun-Li's Style: Mastery[]

Chun-Li: "Whether the skills you've learned will lay fallow or continue to grow... that is up to you."

  • "I see. You're in pursuit of strength, hmm? That's a feeling I understand all too well. I've had a long career as a fighter, myself. I've faced all kinds of opponents. That includes fiercely powerful foes... And friends forged in the fires of competition. But after all those years of fighting, I decided it might be time for a break. That's why I'm here, teaching the locals kung fu. I can't promise it will provide you with the strength you're looking for... But I'd be happy to teach you a thing or two. Let us begin, Li-Fen."
  • "For the time being, you are my student. Why not chatting with some of your fellow disciples?"
  • "Well? Have you had a chance to talk to the other students and learn about apprenticing? I know you're currently trying to master my style... But I can't say for certain whether or not my techniques will be a good fit for you. Only you can discover the style that is truly yours. And the only time you can do that is in combat."
  • "Li-Fen... Ah, if it's alright with you, would you mind keeping an eye on Li-Fen for me? She's quite talented, but I fear she lacks direction. Seeing someone diligent like you might light a fire under her."
  • "Those who practice a martial art define its meaning. Many people find they gain self-confidence as they train, but that confidence can also end up putting you in danger. Some have even lost their lives because they got overconfident after learning the basics. Did anything like that ever happen to me...? No martial arts have definitely been a positive in my life. But for you, what role will they serve? That's something you have to figure out for yourself."
  • "You have a phone, right? Let's exchange contact info. Let's see, just press this here, and... Okay, there you go! There we go. Looks like you've been added. I'll message you if anything interesting comes up."
  • "This city is filled with all sorts of people, young and old. My students are no different. Young children and elderly alike train under me. You probably think young men with hulking physiques are the epitome of strength, right?
    • (Answer: Yeah, sounds about right.)
    • (Answer: Not necessarily.) "Good answer.
  • "Youth and size can give you an advantage in a fight, absolutely. But in the pursuit of strength, age, gender, and size are barely factors at all. This is especially true in Chinese Kenpo."
  • "The hairstyle? I usually have it like this when I'm here, actually. In the past, I'd just let it grow out, though. I don't have any particularly strong preferences, but I do enjoy some variation in styling. Braiding it, tying it this way and that... Variety is the spice of life, after all."
  • "It would be best if you focused on your kung fu for now. Kung fu refers to strength cultivated through practice."
  • "Oh? You're wondering if I'm skilled at anything besides martial arts? As a matter of fact... I'm pretty good with a gun. No, I don't carry one around on me all day or anything. I'm talking about shooting for sport. Rather than shooting fixed targets, I like skeet shooting — You know, the kind with the flying clay discs? You relax, take your stance, and wait for the target. Then, when the moment comes, you quickly aim and fire. Honestly, marksmanship shares more than a few things in common with martial arts. I did carry a pistol in my old line of work, but I only ever fired warning shots. Even in the most dangerous situations, I've always found that a nice kick or two solves the problem faster than any bullet. By the way, I actually entered an international shooting competition once. Took home 6th place. Not quite what you imagined, I take it?"
  • "Well? Have you acclimated to the city yet? It's crowded, sure, but the food makes up for that. The food in this neighborhood, for example, reflects thousands of years of Chinese culinary culture. Eating well is critical to keeping yourself strong and healthy. No need to limit yourself. Enjoy fine cuisine from as many restaurants as you can, I say. Hmm? What do I like to eat? Good question. Care to take a guess?"
    • (Answer: Super spicy noodle-based dishes!)
    • (Answer: I bet you've got a sweet tooth!) "Oh dear, got it in one. There's no hiding from you, is there?"
  • "I love sweets like crepes and such. Fruit's lovely too. One bite is enough to bring me to my happy place. I can't even hide it. Do you feel the same way about sweets? We could go out for a bite sometime, if you'd like."
  • "I'm not exactly a virtuoso, but I also enjoy playing the erhu. It's a traditional Chinese instrument, played by drawing the hair or stick of a bow across its strings. Playing the erhu really puts my mind at ease. Just hearing the sound of it brings back a lot of memories for me. I'd be happy to play for you, if you're interested."
    • (Answer: Absolutely!) "I'm not confident enough to play during the day with so many people around, so let's wait until it's night. I'll see you then."
    • (Answer: You sure?)
  • "I only started teaching kung fu in the last few years. It's quite different to my last line of work. What was my old job? Hmm... How about taking a guess?"
    • (Answer: Were you a civil servant?) "Wow, how did you know that? You're right, I was an agent with the ICPO. I'm honestly a little taken aback that you were able to guess that. Or maybe you did your homework?
    • (Answer: Were you an actress?)
  • "I was an investigator. Got caught up in my fair share of shady incidents. Plenty of fights too. In retrospect, it's a miracle I made it out in one piece. I've got my skills to thank for that... and plenty of luck. I'm not out of the game completely, though. Let's call it a break. I still get asked for help on occasion. But with Li-Fen to look after, I'm avoiding danger whenever possible. It's a far cry from how I've lived my life up to this point. There's so much I couldn't do before that I want to try now. Training a student like you into a true fighter seems like a good place to start!"
  • "Focusing solely on martial arts can cause tunnel vision, leading to inflexibility in mind and body... some would say. Single-minded dedication is important for self-improvement, however. Speaking of which, a certain someone comes to mind... Someone who's always traveling in search of those stronger than himself. Seeing you train like this reminds me of him. I wonder what he'd think of you if the two of you met.."
  • "You were looking at my legs, weren't you? Well? Did something catch your eye?"
    • (Answer: They're very... thick.) "*gasp* NOW you've done it. If you want to know WHY they're "thick". I'd be happy to teach you—until you beg for mercy! Grr... Ugh, whatever. Just get this through your thick skull."
    • (Answer: They're inspirational.) "Huh? They... Are they? I appreciate you say so. If that's how you feel... I don't mind if you look a little longer."
  • "These legs are the source of power behind my strikes. And a source of my pride. Pride in my unwillingness to compromise in my kung fu. Pride in the crises I've overcome. They're my unmistakable trademark."
  • "I wake at the crack of dawn every day. I don't actually have anything to do in the morning at the moment, but I can't help it. Lately I've been taking that opportunity to go jogging. Less for exercise than as a nice change of pace. It might do you well to take a break from fighting occasionally. Try working a part-time job, for example. A change of pace can do all of us good."
  • "Your level of mastery is quite impressive. It would seem there's nothing left for me to teach you. You pursue strength with an unerring determination. May you never forget that feeling."
  • "Oh? You want to know about my family? Where to start..."
  • "I live with Li-Fen at the moment. She's my student, but she's like a younger sister to me. And a friend. Though frankly, she's young enough to be my daughter. When I first met her, she'd gotten caught up in the schemes of an evil organization. The fallout of that incident led to me taking her in. While I was able to save her from the situation she was in, it traumatized her a lot. Nobody could get through to her. She didn't have any family left, so... I decided to bring her into my own. It was a little awkward for both of us in the beginning, mind you. She's got a knack for programming and analysis. At first those were the only things she showed any interest in. But I had her practice martial arts with me, and she started to open up. She got a lot stronger physically and mentally, too. Before I knew it, she'd grown into a sassy little girl. She's found her own kind of strength, now. At this point, I'm sure she could handle herself without me. While it's nice to be able to say that, it's also a touch bittersweet. Aside from Li-Fen... He's gone now, but I always looked up to my father. He was a police officer in Hong Kong, and valiantly fought against the criminal underworld. He also instructed me in the ways of martial arts. My father is the originator of the Revolving Crane Kick. Better known as the Spinning Bird Kick. He passed it to me, and now I've passed it to you and Li-Fen. A technique passed from one generation to the next. And in time, the day may arrive when you pass it on to someone else."
  • "The time I've spent teaching you has been quite profound to me. It's helped remind me of my past self, training with single-minded determination. To encounter another is a curious thing. I can only express thanks to the world as it continues to turn. You've improved as a martial artist, as well. You're far more formidable than when we first met. So... what comes next for you? Did you find an answer in your pursuit of strength? Perhaps you can assist me with my kung fu class. Assuming you don't mind, of course. Heh. Thinking about it, I've really started to enjoy this. Let's continue fighting for the future, forever and always."
  • "Li-Fen wants to go shopping sometime. Interested in tagging along? She suggested I invite you. She usually just shops online, but she said it would be more fun to go out and about together. What does she like, you ask? Outside of programming, she seems quite fond of pandas and chocolate. I bought her a bag with a panda design when she was little, and I'm pretty sure she uses it to this day. When she's happy, I can't help but smile. And, well, I can't help but buy her what she wants, either. I assume she's been begging you for things too? Just... try not to overindulge her, okay? Which is rich coming from me, I know. I love shopping, myself. Snacking on something sweet along the way is one of life's little pleasures, so we'll be sure to grab something nice. Ohh, I can taste it already... Anyway, feel free to tag along sometime."
  • "We may be pupil and master, but there's no need to be shy. I prefer to keep things casual. If you want to chat about anything fun, don't hold back."


  • "Your skills are coming along, I trust? Care to test them against me?"
    • (Answer: Yes):
    • (Answer: No): "I see. Make sure you're well and truly ready."
  • "Training under Ryu? Hehe, doing your best to meet his expectations, I see. Mind showing me what you've learned? Needless to say, I won't hold back."
  • "Looks to me like you're improving! Just a thought, but have you considered sparring with others? Experience is everything when it comes to fighting. How about facing your "coach"?"
  • "It's important to be consistent with your training, but it's equally important to rest both body and mind. I don't suppose you'd be interested in another match?
    • (Answer: I thought you'd never ask.): "Great, let's begin."
    • (Answer: Not right now.):
  • "Well? What do you think? I enjoyed myself, personally. Let's do this again sometime." (Post-Sparring)

Learning a new technique[]

  • "Well? Are you getting used to my fighting style? In that case, let me teach you a new technique. Preparation before battle is key - never forget this."


  • "A gift? Ah, opening these is always a thrill." (Giving a gift to Chun-Li)
  • "Another gift? Hehe, thanks again." (Giving a gift to Chun-Li)
  • "Oh? You're giving me a gift?" (Giving a gift to Chun-Li)
  • "Why, thank you. I'm sure you put a lot of time in choosing this. That's very thoughtful of you." (Reaction to Gift)
  • "Is this what I think it is? Ugh, it reeks to high heaven! Urgh..." (Reaction to Canned Herring)
  • "You take pleasure in watching me suffer, don't you! Well I've had enough!" (Reaction to Canned Herring)
  • "Ooh, I love how this smells. Grapefruit, if I'm not mistaken. How lovely! You've got great taste! Thank you." (Reaction to Citrus Perfume)

Arcade Mode[]

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

Social Media (Countdown to EVO 2022) (English only)[]

  • "Me? I'd definitely have some free time now that I'm no longer on active duty. If you're going to be at EVO, give me a ring. We'll go together."

[Birthday] A Message from Chun-Li (March 1st 2024)[]

  • "I'm so thankful for all of the warm words I got from everyone! A birthday is a milestone of sorts, so I'm wondering what I should do... Maybe it's time to return to the field and show everyone that I can still put up a fight!"

