Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by E. Honda.

Street Fighter II series[]

Street Fighter II[]

  • "Can't you do better than that?"
  • "It's natural for a sumo wrestler to become the world's strongest!" (Console versions)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[]

  • "My Ochio throw is unbeatable!"
  • "I worked up a nice sweat. I hope we can have another match."
  • "You tried to throw a sumo wrestler? Stick to your other techniques!"
  • "I have patience and an iron defense. You have a match loss!"

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[]

  • "Guahahaha! I can't believe you were really trying!"
  • "Real power comes from muscle, not inner peace!"
  • "That was easier than my morning warm-up!"
  • "You actually pushed me back an inch! Well done!"
  • "You're not worthy to carry my loincloth! Guahahahaha!"
  • "Get up again! I need some headbutt practice!"
  • "My palms smash wood, stone, and pride! Guahahahaha!"

Lost quotes (Street Fighter II SNES)[1][]

  • "I worked up a good sweat. I want a rematch!"
  • "I'm the best in Japan, no, the world!!"
  • "My slaps are the best on the Earth! Gahahahahaha!!"
  • "Would you like to start over as a fundoshi katsugi? Gahhahhahha!!"
  • "So, you're still up for more, eh? Next time, I'll use my headbutt!!"
  • "Might makes right!!"
  • "This is easier than my morning training!!"
  • "Your unskilled moves barely worked on me!!"

Street Fighter: The Movie[]

  • "You are physically strong but mentally weak!"
  • "Get up and I’ll squeeze the life from your body!"
  • "Workout’s over, Time for lunch!"
  • "Sumo will always be No. 1!!"
  • "You wouldn’t last 3 seconds in a Sumo Ring."

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Ryu[]


Honda: "Hey, you look strong! I've never seen such a devoted fighter!"

Ryu: "It's a rare honor to meet a Rikishi here. How about a fight?"

Honda: "Ga ha ha! That's what I'd expect a fellow countryman to say! One cannot comprehend a Sumo's greatness, until he fights one!"


Honda: "Ga ha ha! That was a nice fight! I feel refreshed! Your Hado energy... is most impressive...!"

Ryu: "Your wrestling power is superb! Fight me again someday!"

Honda: "This feeling is new to me! The world sure is vast, isn't it?"

vs. Sodom[]


Sodom: "What the...! Hey!! Do you remember me?!"

Honda: You're the one who volunteered to fight at that Senshuraku! Have you improved since then? Want to try your Tsuppari on me?

Sodom: DOSUKOI!! Uhh... I mean, GO FOR IT!!


Sodom: "Domo crocodile!"... Umm... Aha! "Domo alligator!"

Honda: "Ga ha ha ha! I don't know what you are talking about, but your Tsuppari was great! You may be a true Sekitori someday!"

vs. M. Bison[]


Bison: "Huh Ha Ha Ha! So, you're a Sumo wrestler... Interesting!"

Honda: "What a strange guy! Who... are you?"

Bison: "I am M. Bison, leader of Shadaloo. Are you here to be a guinea pig?"

Honda: "Don't say things like that. It makes you sound like a bad guy! I should knock some sense into you, with my Nekodamashi...!"

Bison: "Come, then!! I'll take over your body to further my ambitions!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "You need more Keiko, if you want to be a true Rikishi like me!"
  • "What's the matter with you?! You should be more aggressive!"
  • "Now you have learned the meaning of Sumo! DOSUKOI!"
  • "Nothing is as thrilling as fighting in such a vast world!"
  • "How was my Tsuppari? Stronger than you thought?! Ga ha ha ha!"
  • "Good spirit! But you should push an opponent with more force!"
  • "A Sumo Wrestler is big... But the world is much, much bigger!"
  • "Eat Chanko to build your body! Push the opponent out of Dohyo!"

Win Quotes (generic quotes, JPN version)[]

  • "What was that! Add more oomph when you're fighting!"「なんだなんだぁ! もっと元気をださにゃいかんぞ!」
  • "Your fighting spirit was enough! But what was that lack of power!?"「気合いは充分! あとは引き手の力かのう!?」
  • "I can go and give you proper training right now if you're in the mood for it!"「あんたさえよけりゃあ 今からケイコつけちゃるぞい!」
  • "The world's so big that it'll make ya' laugh!"「世界っちゅうもんは 笑えるほどに広いのぉお!」
  • "How was it? Did you feel my slapping techniques?"「どうだ? ワシの突っ張りは効くじゃろ?」
  • "You won't turn out llke me at all if you don't put in hard work!"「もっとケイコせにゃあ ワシのようにはなれんぞ!」
  • "Eat, eat, eat! Hit, hit, hit!!"「食って食って食って! 突いて突いて突くんじゃあ!!」
  • "Gwahahahaha! That was too pleasant!"「ガァーハッハッハッハッ! 愉快、愉快!」

Win Quotes (character-specific, JPN version)[]

  • "Speak more from your stomach!"「もっと腹から声出すんじゃあ!」
  • "What a dreadful face you have!"「おっとろしい面構えでごわすな!」
  • "You have talent. Why don't you try fighting without using weapons?"「あんた実力はあるんだ、 武器無しでも戦えるだろ?」
  • "Sorry, bud, but I can't take care of ya. I hope someone good takes you in."「すまんの、ワシには面倒見れん いい人に拾われんしゃい」
  • "You have a bright future for sure if you can move like this at that age! Gahaha!"「その歳でそれだけ動けりゃ 将来有望じゃなぁ! ガハハハ!」
  • "I assumed an army man would've been able to hold out for longer in a fight..."「軍人さんならもっと 長いこと戦れると思うたが・・・・」
  • "You cops have it tough. Your work never ends and there are crimes all over the world to solve!"「警官っちゅうのも大変だな 世界中で仕事せにゃならんとは!」
  • "Gloomy boy! Take that gloom and send it flying!!"「暗いぞ青年! パァーッといこうや!!」
  • "Looking at you reminds me of myself when I was a reckless youth!"「あんたぁ見てると 無鉄砲だった昔を思い出すのぉ!」
  • "Being positive is one thing. But there's a limit to how much positivity one can exude, pal!"「陽気なのはいいが ちと度が過ぎるのう、あんたは!」
  • "Hmm, I guess so. Perhaps I'm failing to add more a twist to my hip movements?"「うぅむ、そうだな もちっと腰のヒネリが足らんか?」
  • "A man must always fight to win!"「男子たるもの 戦るなら勝たねばのう!」
  • "Gahaha! You're only going to be making some nice sounds by hitting at my belly with those sticks!"「ガッハッハリ わしの腹太鼓を問いても、ええ音は出んじゃろう!」
  • "You have me stumped! It's as if you're a completely different person!"「こりゃあたまげた! まるで別人のようじゃのお!」
  • "Gahahaha!! Your prideful good looks have now been put to waste!"「ガッハッハッハッ!! 自慢の男前が台無しじゃぞぅ!」
  • "Argh, you have me beat. I never expected those movements from ya."「あー疲れたわい 思いもよらん動きをする」
  • "A good fight worthy of male pride! You have my favour!!"「男気のあるいい戦いっぷり! わしゃア、気に入った!!」
  • "I suppose now's a better time than any other to nurture my speed!"「ワシももちっと スピードを養わんといかんなァ!」
  • "You resemble the girl from the bath house by a fair amount ...Haha, but you really can't be her."「あんさん、風呂屋の娘によう似ちょるが・・・・ハハ、まさかのう」
  • "Now's the most important time of your growth, so why don't you treat it as such with some proper exercise?"「いまが一番大事な成長期じゃから しっかり運動せにゃいかんぞ!」
  • "I don't believe women should be helpless to defend themselves!"「ワシはおなごとて 力がなきゃあいかんと思うとる!」
  • "A Yamato Nadeshiko different from what you believe it to be."「大和撫子・・・・とは ちと違うようじゃのう」
  • "Saying it in an American style, this fight was "excellent"!"「アメリカ流に言えば 「えくせれんと」でごわすな!」
  • "If you have a build up of dark stuff in your stomach, then your power gets dulled out!"「腹に黒いモンがたまると 力も鈍るっちゅうからの!」
  • "I'll join your battering training. Come for me in my room whenever you're ready!"「ぶつかり稽古ならつきあうぞいつでも部屋を訪ねんしゃい!」
  • "Aren't Kumadori and costumes marks of your spirit when facing battle...?"「隈取りも衣装も 勝負に臨む気合の印……じゃろ?」
  • "You're not acting like a man now, are ya! Stop sneaking around and come at me!"「男らしくないぞあんた! コソコソしとらんでドーンとこい!」
  • "There are strong women out there in the world! They're something of a rare delicacy that can't be savoured in the sumo ring!"「おなごにも強者はおる! 土俵じゃ味わえぬ醍醐味よ!」
  • "Never forget your spirit as a Japanese man. Even if you were to part ways from here."「国を離れても 日本男児の心意気、忘れるなよ!」
  • "What a waste! Add more meat onto those bones!"「もったいないのう! 肉をつけろ、肉を!」
  • "Yes! You can blow off any hardships that come your way with such a positive attitude!"「そう! その元気がありゃあ どんな苦難も吹っ飛ばせるぞィ!」
  • "Lower your hips some more, you'll get more of a bounce from your lower body!"「もっと腰を落として 下半身のバネを生かすんじゃ!」
  • "You're making me dizzy, pal. Can ya calm it down with the acrobatics from me!"「眼がまわるわぃ もちっと落ち着きんしゃい!」
  • "That's a point for me! I'm sure the referee wouldn't overturn that!"「出し投げ一本!軍配は、くつがえらんでごわすよ!」

Capcom vs. SNK series[]

Capcom vs. SNK Pro[]

Ending Quote[]

  • "As I thought, sumo is the #1 sport in the world!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "Your weak style of fighting is no match for Sumo!"
  • "I've never had my Mage disheveled in a fight..."
  • "I have seventy finishing moves!"
  • "Our fighting was like art in motion!"
  • "You should practice hard and then try again!"
  • "Sumo is the greatest sport in the entire world!"
  • "Ha ha! That was a dramatic finish, wasn't it?"
  • "The power of Sumo shines once again!!"

Capcom vs. SNK 2[]

Before Finals[]

  • "Shenkuratsu has come! It is time to show off Sumo power!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "Sumo is the greatest sport in the entire world! You will respect it!"
  • "Ha ha ha! That was a dramatic finish, wasn't it?"
  • "A victory mark for me! The power of Sumo shines once again!!"
  • "Our fighting was like art in motion!"
  • "It was too easy a victory! You should practice hard and then try again!"
  • "You haven't seen everything yet! Actually I have seventy finishing moves!"
  • "Your weak style of fighting is no match for Sumo! Why don't you switch?"
  • "I have never had my Mage disheveled in a fight before... Good job!"

Before Finals (Japanese Version)[]

  • "So the tournament's finally at an end. Time to show everyone that Sumo's power is the greatest in the world!"「まさに千秋楽の一番、最高の舞台じやい。 スモウパワー世界一をみせるでごわす!」

Ending (Japanese Version)[]

  • "Edmond Honda quite literally proved himself 'Number 1' with his tournament win. "Gahaha! I'm goin' on a world tour. A global victory lap!" he spoke of his dreams while eating his favorite food, chanko stew."「エドモンド本田は、優勝によって文字通り全世界から「ナンバー1」と認められた。「ガッハッハ!世界中、凱旋巡業するでゴワスか!」好物のちゃんこ鍋をたらふく食らいつつ、夢を語る本田であった。」

Win Quotes (character-specific, JPN version)[]

  • "Winning against you was better than winning all the white stars!" 「あんさんに勝つのは、白星全勝より嬉しいでごわすな!」
  • "Don't be afraid to win! After all, the tension was higher than your fist so I figured it out!"「勝負あったでごわすな! やっぱりゲンコツよりも張り手が上、でごわした!」
  • "It's a brilliant idea to hit a rotating body! Together with me, we can invent our own "Kirimomi Headbutt!""「回転体当たりとは妙案! ワシもいっちょ「きりもみ頭突き」でも編み出すかのう!」
  • "You're a technician. Don't let your guard down as a lightweight!"「技師じゃのう。軽量級とて油断できんのう!」
  • "It's rare for the Sumo Association, but there's no reason for it to be a problem for the police."「相撲協会にゃニラまれちょるが、警察のやっかいになる理由はないでごわす。」
  • "Because of your good posture, I got more strikes than usual."「あんさんの面構えがいいもんだから、いつもより張り手が多く出たでごわす。」
  • "It's a big mess, stretching and blowing fire. Rough efforts are just what you want!"「伸びるわ火吹くわ、大騒ぎでごわすな。荒っぽい取り組みは望むところでごわす!」
  • "Your stick reminds me of something. Beware of fire when locking doors!"「その拍子木で思い出したわい。戸締り用心、火の用心!」
  • "If you're asleep, wake up! Attacking others in that state is not the way to go!"「寝とるんなら、目ぇ覚ましんしゃい! 夢うつつで人を襲うのはいかんぞ!」
  • "You don't need a cause! Winning for yourself is what's best!"「大義名分などいらん! 自分のために勝つ、これが一番じゃい!」
  • "Eat first, young man! If you're not strong enough, your strategy will be meaningless!"「若いモンは、まず食いんしゃい! 腕っ節が弱いと、戦略も意味なしでごわす!」
  • "You'll feel refreshed if you wash away the sweat every morning at practice. Try it!"「毎朝の稽古に汗を流しとればあんさんもスッキリするぞ。試してみい!」
  • "What a capricious girl she is. She left in a hurry."「なんとも気まぐれな姉さんじゃのう。さっさと帰ってしもうた。」
  • "Gahaha, there are more attractive men out there than to invite me, don't you think?"「ガッハッハ、ワシなんか誘うより、他にもっと色男がおるじゃろ?」
  • "Even if you are the leader of a nation, you still lack the capacity to rule it!"「一国一城の主にしては、ちと小さい器でごわすな!」
  • "As expected of a Japanese boy! That's why you have such a strong spirit!"「さすがは日本男児! 性根がしっかりしとるのう!」
  • "It's a pity. If you can tie a mage, you'll become a good sumo wrestler, but..."「あんさん、惜しいのう。マゲが結えたらいい力士になるんだが・・・・。」
  • "Gahaha! Now, that's a reliable Yamato Nadeshiko!!"「ガッハッハッハッ! こりゃあ頼もしい大和撫子じゃのう!!」
  • "That was the most terrifying opponent I've ever faced! Kuwabara, kuwabara!"「金輪際、こんな恐ろしいのは御免でごわす! くわばら、くわばら!」
  • "You're busying flying and jumping! I feel like I'm getting rid of roaches!"「飛んだり跳ねたり、忙しいこっちゃ! ゴキブリ退治の気分でごわす!」
  • "You can't put dirt on a small fighter! I have the will of a Sekitori!"「小兵には土はつけられん! 関取の意地があるでごわすよ!」
  • "How about teaming up with me this time? It's going to be exciting to discuss throwing techniques!"「今度はワシと組まんか? 投げ技談議で盛り上がれそうじゃしのう!」
  • "You're good at singing and dancing! I envy you!"「歌って良し、踊って良しの器量良し、か! うらやましい限りじゃのう!」
  • "I'm also the best date man in the world! I'm not afraid to show a little favoritism to a girl!"「ワシも角界一の伊達男でごわす! おなごにもちいとは贔屓にしてもうちょる!」
  • "Wahaha! I found a good training partner!"「ワッハッハ! いい出稽古相手が見つかったわい!」
  • "In this match, there is no need to argue about this victory!"「この勝負、物言い無用でごわす!」
  • "Dosukoi!! The god of sumo is on my side!"「ドスコォーイ!! 相撲の神様は、ワシの味方じゃい!」
  • "I've been waiting for someone like you! This is the battle of the Yamato spirit!"「おぬしのような相手を待っとった! これぞ、大和魂のぶつけ合いでごわす!」
  • "Don't look so gloomy! Take a bath to change your mind!"「暗い顔しなさんな! 風呂でも浸かって、気持ちを切り替えんしゃい!」
  • "A short temper is a loss! Forget your bitterness!"「短気は損気! 恨みつらみはもう忘れんしゃい!」
  • "You have guts and a good technique. But, you look the other way too often!"「あんさん、根性はあるし技も切れる。じゃが、ちとよそ見が多すぎるのう!」
  • "What! My kicking is the best in the world!"「なんの! ワシの蹴たぐりは天下一でごわす!」
  • "If you want to kick, drop your hips and put your strength into your stomach!"「蹴るならもっと腰を落として、下っ腹に力を込めんしゃい!」
  • "Are you a student? That's amazing! Recently, they taught martial arts in schools!"「あんた学生はんか? こりゃ凄い! 最近は学校でも格闘技を教えちょるんか!」
  • "Shiranui-san, is it called? A name as bold as a ring-entering wrestler!"「不知火さん、といわれるか。土俵入りのような豪快な名でごわすな!」
  • "You need to build your body more! There is a limit to what light work alone can do!"「あんさんはもっと身体を造らんと! 軽業だけでは限界もあるからのう!」
  • "No matter how you look at it, you have the body of a sumo wrestler."「どっからどう見ても、あんさんは力士向きの体つきでごわすよ。」
  • "Everything in life is an experience! Even if you lose, treat it as food for your soul!"「人生、何事も経験! 負けてもコヤシにするでごわすよ!」
  • "Collection? Can't I just use my own make-up?"「コレクション? ワシの化粧まわしじゃダメかのう?」
  • "Would you like to get a bill while you're at it? With a slap on your back! Gahahahaha!"「ついでに手形でも貰っていくか? 背中にバチンと! ガハハハハ!」
  • "Hmm? You're tying your mage the wrong way!"「むむ? あんたそのマゲの結い方、間違っとるでごわすよ!」
  • "Was my Sumo power a little too tough on your old body? Gahahaha!"「ご老体にワシの張り手は、ちとキツかったですかのう? ガッハッハッハ!」
  • "Hahahaha, your arms aren't bad, but it's not as good as my "Kaina Chikara!""「ハッハッハッ、あんたの腕も悪くないが、ワシの『かいな力』にはまだ及ばん!」
  • "You violent bastard! I'll punish you with one shot!"「この乱暴もんが! かんぬき一発、懲らしめてやるわい!」
  • "Your energy, you've got the cheerfulness of a Yokozuna!"「あんさんのその元気、張り出し横綱級でごわしたぞ!」

Win Quotes (Team Interactions)[]

Character Japanese Translation
E. Honda 『そんな仏頂面せんと、笑いんしゃい!』 "Don’t look so down, pal! Laugh a little!"
Akuma 「・・・・鬼面、魂喰らいて喜面と成る。」 "...Only when consuming a soul does a demon's face show joy."
E. Honda 『スモウの素晴らしさ、何で伝わらんかのう?』 “Why can’t you understand Sumo’s greatness?”
Balrog 「・・・・一回、鏡見てみろ。」 “...Tried lookin’ in a mirror lately?”
Balrog (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Balrog 『リングの外じゃルールなんて関係ねえ!』 "Outside of the ring, rules don't mean squat!"
E. Honda 「土俵の外もまた然り、でごわす!」 "Same goes for Sumo!"
E. Honda 『次はローリング頭突きも試してみるかのう!』 “Hmmm, maybe next time I’ll try a rolling headbutt!”
Blanka 「オマエのガラダじゃムリだ。」 "No work. You body too big."
Blanka (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Blanka 『フーッ・・・・づがれだぜ。』 "Phew... me feel tired."
E. Honda 「あんた、顔色悪いが大丈夫か?」 "You alright, buddy? You're lookin' a little green..."
E. Honda 『勝利の四股じゃい! どすこーい!!』 “Time for a traditional Sumo celebration! Dosukoi!”
Cammy 「格式、儀礼・・・・伝統格闘技は無駄も多いな。」 “Formalities and rituals... Traditional martial arts are inefficient.”
Cammy (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Cammy 『すべて予定通りだ。』 "Everything went according to plan."
E. Honda 「もちっと楽しそうにやれんかのう?」 "Why not try and have a little more fun?"
E. Honda 『ワシと姉さん、合わせて二百裂じゃい!』 “Your kicks and my slaps, put em’ together and it’s 200 hits!”
Chun-Li 「足しても意味ないんじゃない?」 “What’s the point in adding them together?”
Chun-Li (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 『まったく相手にならないわね!』 "They were no match for us!"
E. Honda 「あんたの気迫一杯の顔に押されたんかのう?」 "Maybe they succumbed to your mighty spirit?"
E. Honda 『勝利祝いでパーッと宴会でもひらくかのう!』 “I think victory celebrations are in order!”
Dan 「おう関取! ゴチになるぜ!」 “Alright Sekitori, drinks are on you!”
Dan (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Dan 「こりや朝飯前つつうか、寝起き前だな!」 "That was so easy, I could barely stay awake!"
E. Honda 「目は覚ましとかんと危ないでゴワスよ!」 "Better keep those eyes open, or you're in danger!"
E. Honda 『気ばかり焦っては力も出ないでごわすよ!』 “You can’t hurry your way strength pal!”
Dhalsim 「何事も平常心を心がけられよ。」 “Maintain peace of mind across all paths you take.”
Dhalsim (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Dhalsim 『押すだけでなく、ときには引くことも肝心。』 "It is crucial for one to not only push, but to sometimes pull when needed."
E. Honda 「あんた、相撲の理屈がわかっとるのう!」 "You seem to understand the Sumo essentials pretty well!"
E. Honda
E. Honda 『勝負も友情も、ハダカの付き合いが一番!』 “Be it fighting or friendship, an honest relationship is always the best!”
E. Honda 「まったくでごわす! ガハハハハハ!!」 “Took the words right outta my mouth! Gahahahaha!”
E. Honda 『低く構えて、早く突く! これじゃい!』 “Stay low, and strike fast! That’s all there is to it!”
Eagle 「焦らず、じらさず。さじ加減も重要だ。」 “No need to rush, no need to tease. It’s important to consider your partner.”
Eagle (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Eagle 『もう少し驚かせてくれると思ったが。』 "I thought you'd surprise me more than that."
E. Honda 「ネコダマシすらも、出なかったでゴワスな。」 "Didn't even get a chance to use my Neko Damashi. What a letdown."
E. Honda 『団体戦もなかなか面白いでごわすのう!』 “These team competitions are always so interesting!”
Guile 「チームの結束力が大事だ。頼むぞ。」 “Our bond as a team is important, so I’m counting on you.”
Guile (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Guile 『やはりマーシャルアーツは実戦最強だ。』 "The Martial Arts truly are the strongest form of combat in a real fight."
E. Honda 「ぬ!?それは聞き捨てならんでごわす!」 "What?! I can't let that slight slide, pal!"
E. Honda 『こちとら、身の軽さもウリでごわすよ!』 "I take a lotta pride in my agility!"
Ken 「言えてるな。ドラム缶には真似出来ない。」 "With good reason. Not even a drummer could keep your pace."
Ken (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Ken 『このオレに勝つには100万年早いぜ!』 "A million years too early to be fighting me!"
E. Honda 「未熟さ「みりおねあ」級! お約束じゃい!」 "You're too immature to claim a 'millionaire' of anything! As I'd expect!"
E. Honda 『見んしゃい! 日本の夜明けじゃい!』 “Take a look! It’s the dawn of Japan!”
Kyosuke 「・・・・喜んでるし、細かい突っ込みはよそう。」 “...He looks happy, so I’ll stay quiet for now.”
Kyosuke (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Kyosuke 『幻影の瞬脚。だが、勝利は幻じゃない。』 "My kicks are like an illusion, my victory is anything but."
E. Honda 「ワシが女子ならメロメロでごわす!」 "If I were a young lady, I'd be head over heels for you, kid!"
M. Bison
E. Honda 『ワシのもろ差しに敵もビビっとるわい!』 “Looks like the enemy was scared stiff by my Moro-Zashi!”
M. Bison 「失望させるな。腕一本で倒す気概でいけ!」 “Don’t disappoint me. Crush them with just one arm!”
M. Bison (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
M. Bison 『歯牙にもかからぬクズどもめ。消えろ!』 "Worthless scum not even worth trifling with. Begone!"
E. Honda 「ん? 骨のあるものもおったと思うたが・・・・。」 "Huh, I thought they had a little more backbone. Guess not..."
E. Honda 『おーし、乗ってきたでごわす! どんと来い!』 “Alrighty, I’m getting into the swing of it! Come and get me!”
Maki 「もう終わってんだけど。」 “The fight’s already over.”
Maki (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Maki 『勝っても、大して嬉しくないんだけどね。』 "Even though I won, I'm not really all that happy."
E. Honda 「いやいや、大金星でゴワス!」 "Oh, come on! That was a great win!"
E. Honda 『いやはや、勉強になり申した!』 "Well, well, I sure learned a lot back there!"
Morrigan 「今度はあたしが教えてあげる。色々とね。」 "Next time why don't I teach you? I'll teach you so many things."
Morrigan (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Morrigan 『たっぷり楽しんだんだから、満足よね?』 "You seemed to enjoy that to the fullest, you're satisfied, right?"
E. Honda 「こっちもいいケイコになったわい!」 "Even got some good experience out of it to boot!"
E. Honda 『この大銀杏で、はたき落としてやるわい!』 “I think I’ll loosen up my top-knot!”
Rolento 「決定ッ! キサマは最前線に砦として配置ッ!」 “It’s decided! You will be stationed as a blockade on the frontlines!”
Rolento (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Rolento 『着々と、完全勝利は近づいておるッ!』 "Steadily, our total victory draws nearer!"
E. Honda 「優勝パレードの花道が、目に浮かぶわい!」 "I can see the victory parade route already!"
E. Honda 『がっはっは! まだまだ突き足りんぞい!』 “Gahaha! Not yet, I didn’t get to push them around enough!”
Ryu 「あんたは本当に疲れ知らずだな。」 “You truly are tireless.”
Ryu (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Ryu 『これが俺の全力だ!』 "This is everything I have to offer!"
E. Honda 「あっぱれ! 日本快男児でごわす!」 "Bravo! Love to see some of that Japanese spirit!"
E. Honda 『危なげない取り組みでごわした!』 “A good effort for sure!”
Sagat 「アマチュアにプロは倒せん。それだけだ。」 “An amateur cannot defeat a master. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Sagat (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Sagat 『笑止! 力量の足りぬ者どもばかりだ!』 "Laughable! A team lacking any modicum strength!"
E. Honda 「一つわしがぶつかり稽古つけてやるかのう!」 "One match with me and I'll teach 'em everything they need to know!"
E. Honda 『スモウは21世紀のスタンダードじゃあ!』 “Sumo sets the standard of 21st century fighting!”
Sakura 「それはどーでしょう・・・・応援はしますけど。」 “I’m not so sure about that... But I’ll cheer you on either way.”
Sakura (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Sakura 『あ~頭打っちゃったからクラクラする~。』 "Ahhh, my head... I think I hit it a little too hard..."
E. Honda 「心配無用、ツバつけとけば直るでごわすよ!」 "Don't sweat it, kid! Just spit on it, it'll be fine!"
E. Honda 『男の器量は心意気! そうじゃろう?』 “A man’s only as good as his spirit! Isn’t that right, pal?”
Vega 「美だ。それ以外の価値観など不要!」 “A man is only as good as his beauty. Nothing else matters!”
Vega (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Vega 『荒鷲にも勝るわが空刃、誰にもかわせぬ。』 "In the skies my claw surpasses even the eagle's talons, I'm untouchable!"
E. Honda 「あんたの『ぶちかまし』、見事じゃった!」 "Your whole 'aim for the face' thing was pretty impressive!"
E. Honda 『さあ、次の場所入りでごわすよ!』 “Come on, boys, let’s head on to the next one!”
Yun 「この弓とかマワシとか、自分で運べよな!」 "We're not going anywhere 'til you take this sumo junk off our hands!"
Yun (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Yun 『スピードもパワーも、3枚ほど上だぜ!』 "I'm three steps ahead of you in speed and power!"
E. Honda 「新弟子試験にもバッチリ合格じゃのう!」 "Not only that, but you've passed my apprenticeship test with flying colours!"
E. Honda 『もっと来い! 張り手を見舞っちゃるわい!』 “Give it another shot! I’ll slap you round some more!”
Zangief 「後ろはまかせておけ! 逃がさず受け止める!」 “Leave it to me! I’ll catch them if they try to escape!”
Zangief (E. Honda as 2nd Character)
Zangief 『相撲とプロレスは相性が良いものだな!』 "Pro-Wrestling and Sumo make quite the team!"
E. Honda 「このまま白星街道、まっしぐらじゃい!」 "We're on our way to goin' out on top without aloss to our name!"
Character Japanese Translation
Athena Asamiya
E. Honda 『スモウは最高。サイコーパワーでごわす!』 “Sumo’s the greatest! You could even call it ‘Saiko Power’!”
Athena 「・・・・ケンスウ並のダジャレね。」 “A pun worthy of Kensou...”
(Translator’s Note: This is a pun on Athena's "Psycho Power". Saiko means "The best" in Japanese)
Benimaru Nikaido
E. Honda 『本場所もこの大会も「だぶる優勝」じゃい!』 "With this and my sumo tournaments, I’ll be a double winner!”
Benimaru 「フ、俺のファンも2倍になっちまうな。」 “Heh, and my fanbase is set to double as well.”
Chang Koehan
E. Honda 『敢闘・殊勲・技能の三賞ものでごわす!』 “I've got medals for Fighting Spirit, Outstanding Performance and Technique!”
Chang 「オレにもくれ! なんでもいいからくれ!」 “Give me one! Any of them, please!”
Geese Howard
E. Honda 『大会優勝すればタニマチも増えるかのう?』 “If I win this tournament, will I get more supporters?”
Geese 「フフ・・・・働き次第では私が買ってやる。」 “Heh heh... Prove yourself useful, and my money’s all the support you’ll need.”
E. Honda 『大一番は、この本田にまかせんしゃい!』 “Leave the big one to the big guy! That's me!”
Haohmaru 「狂の字に引けをとらねえ、益荒男ぶりだな!」 “That enthusiasm’s second to none, y'got one hell of a spirit!”
Hibiki Takane
E. Honda 『日本国技を見くびられては困るのう!』 “Don’t ever underestimate Japan’s national sport!”
Hibiki 「みな、力士様には敬意を持っておりますよ。」 “We all have respect for you, Rishiki-sama.”
Iori Yagami
E. Honda 『次の試合、あんたに力水を渡すでごわすよ!』 “Next match, I’ll give you some of my chikara-mizu!”
Iori 「貴様などにどんな施しも受けん。」 “I don’t want your charity.”
(Translator’s Note: "Chikara-mizu" refers to a sumo tradition where the wrestler is given a ladle of water to rinse out their mouth prior to a match. It translates literally to "strength-water".)
Joe Higashi
E. Honda 『張り合いない相手だったでごわす!』 “They barely put up a fight at all!”
Joe 「やるなら面白いやつと闘わにゃ損だよな。」 “If your opponent’s boring then it’s your loss no matter who wins.”
Kim Kaphwan
E. Honda 『闘った後はチャンコ鍋に限るわい!』 “After a good fight, nothing beats a hot pot of chanko stew!”
Kim 「我が家のチゲ鍋もけっこういけますよ!」 "You can't go wrong with Korean kimchi, either!"
E. Honda 『摺り足10年、不動の心得でごわす!』 “I’ll never forget my 10 years of Sumo footwork training!”
King 「そうだな。蹴りには重心の安定は不可欠だ。」 “That’s good. Centre of gravity is essential to strong kicks, after all.”
Kyo Kusanagi
E. Honda 『力、全部出し切らんのに・・・・つまらんのう。』 “How boring... I couldn’t give it my all.”
Kyo 「遠慮してんのか? ぶっ潰していいんだぜ。」 “You’re not holding back, are you? Just toss 'em straight outta the ring.”
Mai Shiranui
E. Honda 『おなごとて強くあれ! なあ、不知火どの!』 "Be strong, even if you're a woman! Isn't that right, Lady Shiranui?"
Mai 「あたしは、しとやかなお嫁さんがいいわ。」 “I just want to be a modest bride.”
E. Honda 『あんさんの国にも横綱はたくさんおった!』 “There’re plenty of Yokozuna from your neck ‘o the woods, too!”
Nakoruru 「ヨコヅナさん? すみません、知らなくて。」 “Yokozuna? Apologies, I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
E. Honda 『かかってきたとたん、吹っ飛びおったぞ?』 “For every step they took, I sent ‘em 2 back, huh?”
Raiden 「あんたはプレスマシーンか? やるな。」 “What are you, a press machine? Nice work.”
Rock Howard
E. Honda 『あっぱれ! 今年一番の名勝負!』 “Bravo! The match of the year!”
Rock 「甘い採点だな。ま、好きに浮かれてなよ。」 “That’s some pretty generous scoring. Still, ride that high as long as you like.”
Rugal Bernstein
E. Honda 『相撲の醍醐味、しっかり味わうでごわす!』 “That’s the true essence of sumo, right there! Savour it to the max!”
Rugal 「フ・・・・格闘技と呼ぶには華麗さが足りんな。」 “Hmph... It lacks the elegance required of the martial arts.”
Ryo Sakazaki
E. Honda 『毎朝100本、頭突き稽古の成果じゃい!』 “That’s the result of 100 headbutts every morning!”
Ryo 「それはいい。ウチでもメニューに入れよう。」 “That’s good. I’ll add that to our training menu too.”
Terry Bogard
E. Honda 『デスイズ・スモーパワー! アンダスタン?』 “DESUIZU! SUMŌPAWĀ! Andasutan?”
Terry 「・・・・ベリークール!」 “...Very cool!”
(Translator’s Note: Honda’s dialogue is written with Katakana, implying he is speaking broken English)
Ryuhaku Todoh
E. Honda 『相撲人生、大謳歌でごわす!』 "I enjoy my life as a Sumo wrestler to the fullest!"
Todoh 「素晴らしい! 香澄の婿に迎えたい程だ!」 "Outstanding! I hope my Kasumi will accept you as my son-in-law!"
E. Honda 『秘伝のサバ折り、どんなもんじゃい!』 “How’d you like my secret Sabaori technique?”
Vice 「あたしの遊び相手、勝手に潰さないでよ。」 “Don’t go crushing my playmates without my say-so, got it?”
Ryuji Yamazaki
E. Honda 『むう? 意外に手応えなかったでごわすな。』 “Hmm. They didn’t put up much of a fight, did they?”
Yamazaki 「カブキ面にビビる程度のクズってこったよ!」 “Lame-ass was probably scared of your kabuki get-up!”
Yuri Sakazaki
E. Honda 『1発ドーンと花火打ち上げるかのう!』 “Maybe we should send off a firework for an explosive win!”
Yuri 「あ、ユリもやりたーい! ネズミ花火とか!」 “Oh, Yuri too! Like one of those little sparklers!”

Street Fighter IV series[]

Street Fighter IV[]


E. Honda: "Hmmm... What could we do to get more people interested in sumo? Hmmm... Got it!"

Man 1: "No way!"

Man 2: "That makeup!"

Man 1: "We have to stop him!"

E. Honda: "Can't stop me! I'm gonna make sumo a worldwide phenomenon!"

Rival Dialogue[]

El Fuerte[]

E. Honda: "Hey! I hear you're a chef! Whaddya say we get a bite after this? Chanko stew will blow you away!"

El Fuerte: "Sounds good!"


Reporter: "Ozeki, how do you plan to make it up to the fans for abandoning the sumo circuit?"

Honda's Boss: "So, the prodigal son returns! Until you finish up the season, you won't be settin' foot on Japanese soil!"

E. Honda: "Bring it on! I'll take on every one of ya! Look out, Olympics! Here I come!"

Personal Action[]

  • "Go on, attack me!"
  • "Wanna get a bite to eat?"
  • "Concentrate!"
  • "Put your back into it!"
  • "What an honor."
  • "What a shame."
  • "Hahahahaha!"
  • "You can't hurt me!"
  • "Come on already! Let's get going!"
  • "We're just gettin' started!"


  • "Yeaah!"

Round Win Quotes[]

  • "It's a wide world!"
  • "You did well. It was an honor!"
  • "See that? I'm glorious!"

Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode[]

  • "The sponsors won't be pleased with a pitiful move like that!"
  • "You've gotta learn how to use your stomach as a counterweight, fool!"
  • "Say, that was kinda fun! You might have what it takes to be a sumo wrestler!"
  • "Exercise and training! That's how I got to be this good!"
  • "I'm the best in Japan! Heh, I'm the best in the freakin' world!"
  • "Impressed with sumo? Come check out a real match someday, eh?"
  • "I'm takin' sumo on a worldwide tour! And you've got front row seats!"
  • "You can't be strong if you ain't huge! No fewer than five meals a day, I say!"
  • "If you wanna learn about strength, sign up for one of my seminars!"
  • "Ha ha! You can't compete with sumo!"
  • "Wah ha ha! That was fun! Wanna go again?"

Arcade Mode[]

  • "You've got a great fighting stance! Low center of gravity is the way to go!"
  • "You're one skinny chick! You might wanna look into eatin' more than once a week!"
  • "You may be fast, but your kicks feel like mosquito bites to me!"
  • "You can't just talk the talk, man! One of these days, ya gotta learn how to fight!"
  • "Next time, we'll fight in the kitchen! My chanko stew is unbeatable!"
  • "What a voice! My ears'll be ringin' for weeks!"
  • "For an old-timer, you sure move quick! Guess I underestimated you!"
  • "Say, have I met you before?"
  • "You've got skills, but it doesn't look like you're enjoyin' yourself much..."
  • "That's a strange technique ya got there, sister. You some kinda magician?"
  • "It takes training to really be strong! Imitation is no substitute!"
  • "It takes more than speed to topple a giant like me!"
  • "You're one heckuva grappler. Wanna be my apprentice?"

Super Street Fighter IV[]


  • "Well, that's strange... I boarded what I thought was a ship to America in order to spread the joys of Sumo. I wonder where I ended up? Meh... Whatever! The best way to make new Sumo fans all over the world is to show 'em the real deal up close an' personal! Then they'll see how fun it is! Go for it! Step into the ring! Attack me as a group if ya want! I'm game! Gah hah ha ha ha! This is my first time on the international circuit, and it's a blast! If I keep this up, I'm bound to earn tons of fans!"

During Orochi Breaker[]

  • "Sayonara, sucker!"


Sumo #1: "Oh, dear. Where'd that big lug get off to this time?"

Sumo #2: "This is no good."

Honda's Boss: "Hey, you two! I don't see Honda around. You didn't let him wander off again, did you?"

Sumos: "Oaaah!"

Honda: "The only way to get Sumo in the Olympics is to join the committee myself!"

Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode[]

  • "I'm the best Japan has to offer! And I'm off to conquer the world!"
  • "Sumo is fun to watch, but even more fun to try out for yourself!"
  • "You'd better pack on the pounds or I'll be able to knock you over with a touch!"
  • "You need to go back and start your training over again, bub!"
  • "Phew! Not bad! I almost threw in the towel!"
  • "Man, I'm starving! I could go for some chanko stew!"
  • "Gah hah ha ha! I love seeing new moves in the ring!"
  • "Nothin' like a good fight to make you feel all warm an' fuzzy inside!"
  • "I'm just gettin' started! I haven't shown you half of what I can do!"
  • "Oh, yeah!
  • "Victory is mine!"

Arcade Mode[]

  • "Not bad, kid. Have you considered taking up sumo?"
  • "Why not give the arrogant talk a rest and concentrate on your moves, huh?"
  • "Not a lot of variety in boxing, is there?"
  • "You're fast, but you're too light on your feet to hurt the likes of me!"
  • "I could barely feel your blows! You've got legs like a sumo wrestler, though."
  • "It must be hard to fight with those handcuffs on!"
  • "You oughtta try sumo! I bet a unique fighter like you would be popular!"
  • "It takes more than meditation to get strong! You've gotta practice!"
  • "Eat enough chanko stew and you can be strong like me! Whaddya say?"
  • "Your face is as scary as your body is strong!"
  • "You're full of pep, but shouting at me isn't enough to knock me out!"
  • "You sure have some fancy moves. It must have taken forever to learn them all!"
  • "If you just sit there waiting for your chance, victory will pass you by!
  • "Whaddya think, Mr. Hakan? Why not learn some sumo techniques while you're here?"
  • "Sure are a lotta ninjas about lately. I wish sumo had so many apprentices..."
  • "No holds barred for this little lady! For a young'un, you sure pack a punch!"
  • "I thought you had powered up, but turns out it was just my imagination! Haha!"
  • "Your hocus pocus has shown me that some moves rely on more than brute strength!"
  • "Not bad! You know, I could make you an apprentice wrestler if you want!"
  • "I'm the Ozeki! No one can beat me!"

Ultra Street Fighter IV[]

Win Quotes[]

Arcade Mode[]

  • "Could you teach me one dance? I'll teach you some Sumo in return!"
  • "Your size would make you an excellent sumo wrestler."
  • "How about including a contingent of Sumo wrestlers in your army?"

Street Fighter V[]

This section is currently incomplete.
Please assist the Street Fighter Wiki,
and complete the section if you can.

Character Select[]

  • "Doisei!"


  • "The main event! Yoissho!"
  • "Honda...Sento...Grand...Reopening...Now!" (Character Story Mode)
  • "Hahaha! Bath time!" (Character Story Mode)
  • "Training is first in sumo wrestling." (Training Mode)


  • "What's wrong? Want me to slap you and give you more energy?"


V-Trigger I[]

  • "A serious match!"

V-Trigger II[]

  • "Knock you out!"

Critical Art[]

  • "My ace in the hole! This is... Kamigashima-da! Gotsandesu!"


  • "You don't seem to be practicing enough. You're on!"

Round Win[]

  • "That was glorious!"
  • "This is much easier than morning practice."
  • "Sure is a wide world." (low health)


Versus Mode (Generic)[]

  • "How about that?!"
  • "I break more of a sweat eating after training! Gwahahaha!"
  • "I slap my belly in your honor!"
  • "Victory tastes sweeter when taken with a smile!"
  • "How about a feast fit for a sumo followed by a hot bath?!"

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

  • "You're built like a truck! You should use your horsepower for sumo!"
  • "Look at you! You're a twig! Go fill your belly and we'll fight again!"
  • "The gods watch sumo wrestling. Remember that when you talk about heaven and hell."
  • "That's the spirit! If you stick with me, you'll make a great sumo one day!"
  • "I like how you keep your center of balance low. How about becoming a sumo wrestler?"
  • "Solid kicks as always! For a moment, I thought you had me!"
  • "Old Tokyo was famous its fires and fights! Modern Tokyo is famous for my bathhouse!"
  • "You could carry my fundoshi...or maybe wash dishes after my post-match meal!"
  • "You have fire in your belly! The perfect spirit for sumo! Might need to put on a few pounds though..."
  • "You've got spirit! How about we go another round?!"
  • "Poison has no place in sumo wrestling!"
  • "You seem troubled. Why not relax in a piping hot bath?"
  • "That's just my colors... And you're pretty flashy yourself!"
  • "This isn't a war zone... It's a sumo ring!"
  • "Good agility. You'll need to bulk up to make it it sumo, though."
  • "A sumo wrestler trains themselves to feel no pain!"
  • "Sumo has dealt with your evil spirit, demon!"
  • "True wealth comes from fighting worthy opponents! You should try sumo wrestling!"
  • "You like noodles? Well, to become a sumo, you get to eat all you want! So, how about it?!"
  • "If it's power you seek, you've found it! It's called sumo wrestling!"
  • "Mind, body, and heart are key to victory. You lack heart."
  • "The future of sumo is in my hands. And I'm taking it worldwide!."
  • "You need to lighten up. Maybe you're not eating properly. A full belly is a full heart!"
  • ""Devour"? Now you're talking my language! I prefer soul food to souls, though!"
  • "You really know how to throw your weight around! And I know a thing or two about that!"
  • "Not many know about the power of the buttocks! You'd make an excellent sumo wrestler!"
  • "If you want to put on a show, then how about taking sumo to Metro City?!"
  • "Excellent wind tricks! How did you like my aerial moves?!"
  • "I hear you love a good bath! You should take a load off at my bathhouse!"
  • "Don't worry about your future after graduation. The world of sumo awaits you!"
  • "You may be a king, but I'm king of the ring!"
  • "Your bouncing around is impressive, but could you do it with a belly like mine?!"
  • "You've got some cunning moves, my friend. I'm more like a bull in a china shop!"

Street Fighter 6[]




"Just bring it!"


Drive Gauge[]

Sumo Headbutt[]

Sumo Smash[]

Hundred Hand Slap[]

Oicho Throw[]

Sumo Dash[]

Taiho Cannon Lift[]

  • "Eat this!"

Sumo Spirit[]

Show of Force[]

  • "Here comes the pain!"

Ultimate Killer Head Ram[]

  • "It's crunch time! Ultimate... Killer Head Ram!"

The Final Bout[]

Round Win[]



  • "Don't count me out, I'm just gettin' started!""

Game Over[]

  • "My sumo just wasn't enough."

World Tour[]

E. Honda's Style: Mastery[]

E. Honda: "Steel your spirit, refine your technique, and assume an unmovable stance!"

  • "A sento is a classic Japanese bathhouse. Think of it like a big ol' bathtub for you to relax in! Sounds a bit like a hot spring? Maybe. But if a hot spring is the Yokozuna of baths, then a sento is a few ranks lower. It might not have the razzamatazz of the best, but it does its job, and does it right. Honestly either's fine by me, but I love bein' able to find a moment's solace within the hustle and bustle of the city. My personal favorite is a place by the name of Honda-Yu. Fighters I've faced from around the world even pay it a visit now and then." (A Bond With E. Honda: 1)
  • "You familiar with this social media stuff? There's this young fella I know, sumo-in-training. Says he heard some scuttlebutt 'bout me on there. Apparently they're talkin' trash about me, like... "Honda should stay on the ground, el-oh-el." Another guy said, "That 'Sumo Headbutt' move of his isn't even a legal Sumo finishing move!' Let's not forget this gem, "Are we sure he's not not inflated? Anyone try sticking him with a pin yet?" And my personal favorite, "Honda's got the showmanship down pat, but it sure ain't sumo wrestling." Rrghrgh... Guess I blew it. Somethin' about the glory of sumo wrestling ain't makin' it through to folks. But I won't throw in the towel yet. If more sumo wrestlers use my moves, a new sumo standard will be set! That's where you come in! I'll teach ya my moves, and train ya into the sumo champion you were born to be! The future begins with you, buddy!"
  • "So the sumo ring-or dohyo-is round, right? Any idea why? That circle represents the world itself! There's a song about it. Y'know the one. "Imagine the world without countries" or something' like that. If the world was a circle, free of borders, like a sumo ring, there'd be no war. All we'd have are sumo wrestlers battling it out to become the best! if that ain't world peace, I don't know what is. Might sound like a dream, but I'm dead serious about this kinda thing. The wooden fans sumo refs use even have "universal peace" written on 'em! What I'm gettin' at is, sumo wrestlers have been wishin' for world peace since time immemorial! Gwahahaha!" (A Bond With E. Honda: 2)
  • "Sumo wrestlers are often called "rikishi". "Riki" means strength-raw power. The "shi" part...means warrior. Like samurai, y'know? So combine the two, and you might say sumo wrestlers are Power Samurai! Gwahahaha!"
  • "Chanko's startin' to get popular. Sumo's time in the limelight might just be right around the corner. Teachin' you my moves and havin' ya put in work around town seems to be payin' off. If this keeps up and Edmond starts getting slammed, I may have to start doin' fan appreciation days. The two of us can team up and give my customers a "get thrown around by a sumo wrestler" experience! A little too on the nose? Yeah, I had a feelin'. Gwahahaha!"
  • "Oh? Yer wondering about my name?
    • (Answer: Is that your real name?) "Gwahaha! Edmond isn't my honest-to-goodness name, no! It's what sumo wrestlers call a "shikona".
    • (Answer: Edmond? I thought you were Japanese!) "Gwahaha! I've received compliments that suggest otherwise, but I was born and raised in Japan! Edmond is my shikona."
  • "Think of it like a ring name. To bring sumo worldwide, I needed a name that could work anywhere. Edmond sounds like your everyday Western name, but in Japanese, it's "Edmondo". Like the Edo period. A modern name with connections to classic Japan. Now doesn't that suit me? Bwahaha!"
  • "If getting' stronger is whatcha want, training ain't a bad place to start! You can train solo, of course, but nothin" beats battlin' it out against a tought opponent! Yer opponent's in the same boat. If they wanna toughen up, they need YOU to do it."
  • "After a good day of training, the chanko calls! A sumo wrestler's job is to train, eat well, and build themselves up big and strong. Speakin' of which, my chanko stew's the best around. Main attraction on the menu! Gwahaha!"
  • "After a hard day of training, it's time to hit the bath! Ever hear of a "sento"? They're big, traditional Japanese bathhouses. Taking a nice, hot bath is classy as heck, y'know."
  • "Oh yeah, about that thing ya mentioned the other day... To really bring sumo worldwide, I decided to rework my sumo poetry into what the kids refer to as a "sick hip hop rap." And it goes... a little...somethin' like this. Ahem-hem-hem! Grew up a troublemaker, eatin' five times my size, TV sumo matches kept my eyes on the prize. Hundred Hand Slappin' my way to the top, then I bring the house down with a mighty Sumo Stomp. This sumo's slammed streets from Tokyo to Tibet, E. Honda's the name, and don't you ever forget! Dunno about you, but I think it could go triple platinum." (A Bond With E. Honda: 3)
  • " I toldja about shikona, right? Sumo wrestler ring names? I think ya might be ready for one of yer own.
    • (Answer: Give me something with style.) "Leave it to me! From this moment forth, you will be known as... "Le mondo (Avatar)"! "Le Mondo" is sorta like... "the world"!
    • (Answer: Nothing too old-fashioned, please.) "Oh, got it! from this moment forth, you will be known as... "www.(Avatar)"! The World Wide Wrestler!"
  • "Gwahahaha! Yer gonna be a world-class sumo wrestler, I guarantee it!"
  • "Didya know? There are martial arts like sumo all over the world. Mongolia, India, Senegal, Turkey... You name it. Turkey has form of wrestling called "yagli gures", where wrestlers cover themselves in oil. I squared off against this fella named Hakan, once. A true oil wrestling master. We chatted about chanko afterwards, really hit it off, I wonder what he's up to lately."
  • "You've seen that truck parked next to Edomon, right? Owner is a guy named Sodom. Big sumo fan. He even threw his hat in the ring during the last day of a major sumo tournament. His opponent was none other than me, of course. Boy, does that bring back memories... Gwahahaha!"
  • "If you want to improve, a rival's a vital thing to have. My rival's Zangief, the pro wrestler. A remarkable guy, with even more remarkable muscles! We're neck and neck in skill, but when it comes to popularity, I think I win by a hand. Gwahaha!"
  • "Welp, the day's finally here. I've trained you in the art of sumo, given you a ring name... All that's left for you is beatin' me in a match. Time to prove you've got what it takes to be called a true Power Samurai!" (Avatar defeats E. Honda) Job well done! I see you've been followin' the H.T.P.s to the letter. Now all ya need to do is dedicate yourself to training and provin' yerself as a sumo wrestler!" (Mastery Achieved)
  • "Hey, look who showed up! Feelin' hungry? Goin' on a world tour works up an appetite like nobody's business. Don't be shy with those chanko bowls after this! Gwahahaha!
  • "To a sumo wrestler, chanko stew is synonymous with food. And y'know what they say-you are whatcha eat. It's all about training day in and day out, and chanko is the cornerstone of the sumo body!
  • "A wise man once said, "Food is strength." And y'know what? He was right. So, so right. Even better, I'm not picky! Never met a meal I haven't liked! Gwahahahahaha! I've got opinions when it comes to seasoning, though. Turnin' a delicious disastrous is no good. Way back, I ran into a fighter who wanted to create food for us-genuine Fight Chow. He appreciated good food just as much as I did, but the way he seasoned stuff, you might as well be eatin' cardboard. It was a real shame. Hopefully one day I'll be able to make chanko explosive enough to awaken his flavor senses. What, y'think I should have him practice by cooking at Edomon? Gwahahahaha! Nope, not happenin'!" (A Bond With E. Honda: 4)
  • "It's time to face off in the ring. Show me how you're comin' along!
    • (Answer: No) "Better get those H.T.P's into gear."
    • (Answer: Yes) "When it comes to the H.T.P.s. I can tell your H is already in the right place!"
  • "Lookin' for another lesson from me? Hit me with whatever ya got!...Until the chanko stew's ready, anyway!"
    • (Answer: No) "Bet yer feelin' hungry with the scent of chanko in the air, eh? I don't blame ya! Gwahaha!"
    • (Answer: Yes) "Gwahahaha! Now THAT is what I call fun!"
  • "Oho, that look in yer eyes tells me you're lookin' to tussle"
    • (Answer: No) "Gonna go stomp the ring first? Now that's the sumo spirit I know and love."
    • (Answer: Yes) "Gwahahaha! If it's learnin' ya want I'm more than ready to teach!"
  • "Ready to put your sumo skills to the test?
    • (Answer: Not this sumo time!) "Hey, I'm not forcin' ya. Drop by whenever ya feel like it!
    • (Answer: That's the sumo spirit!) "Gwahahaha!
  • (E. Honda Wins) "Bit of a slump, huh? Why don'tcha hit the bath? Nothin' a nice long soak won't fix!"
  • (Avatar wins) "You took that one, fair and square!"
Master Missions[]
Stewing In it[]
  • "Eaten anything yet? Oh? You have? In that case... it's about time for your next meal! You are what you eat, y'know! So eat, eat, and eat some more, I say!"
Scouting New Apprentices![]
  • "I've got a request for you today. Business is booming at Chank House Edomon! Everyone's got chanko stew on the brain! More customers means we need more apprentices... By which I mean new employees! I've got a few shinin' prospects in mind. Go out there and grab 'em!"
  • Elvia: "Huh? You're looking for apprentices? Are you a plumber or something?" Oh, a sumo restaurant is looking for new hires? Gotcha. In that case, let's settle this... with sumo. (Avatar defeats Elvia) Sumo sounds pretty sweet. Seems like the kind of experience that could really toughen me up. Thanks for the invite!"
  • Ishaan: "Hmph. Scouting for employees, huh? Don't suppose there's a hefty signing bonus in store for me, is there? Go on, let's see some cash.
    • (Answer: Sure! How about 20,000 zenny?) "Whoa, I guess it's true that it never hurts to ask. Cool, cool. I'll head right over You can keep the cash. I just wanted to see if you were serious about this whole thing."
  • C. Hirata: "The heck? You're scouting me to join some kind of sumo restaurant? You're Edmond Honda's student? Whoa. No kidding? If you're REALLY his student, then answer me this! What's Honda's favorite food?"
    • (Answer: Yokan, Dango, Yokozuna, of course!, Somewhere near the bottom!, Pursuing a singing career?, Pro wrestling? ) "Bzzt! Wrong! Called it. I knew you were a phony."
    • (Answer: Tiramisu) " Ding-ding-ding! Right on the money! Okay, here's a question for ya. What's Honda's ranking? (Answer: He's still Ozeki!) Wha-bam! Correctamundo! I can't believe he hasn't made Yokozuna yet-sumo is tough! Okay, last one! Bada-boom! What was Honda up to before he came to this town? (Running a bathhouse?) "Nailed it with authority! Guess you weren't kidding about being his student. Sorry for doubting you. I'll head right over!"
  • "Gwahaha! Things're hoppin' around here! It's all thanks to you! So hey, thanks a bunch! Oh, that's right. While you're at it, how 'bout saying hi to our new apprentices? After- all you scouted 'em! Might as well give 'em their shikona, too!"
Master Assist[]
  • "Dunno if ya noticed, but the world ain't a small place. Only so much one can do by their lonesome. Whether ya need one hand or a hundred, just gimme a ring!"
  • "Boy, would I love front row seats to one of your sumo matches. But I s'pose fighting alongside you ain't too far off! Gwahahahaha!"
Learning a new technique[]
  • "The way you stomp the ring is music to my ears. Which brings us to... A new move to give a whirl!"
  • "You're startin' to look fit for the sumo ring. Which brings us to... A new move for you to put to the test!"
  • "Oh ho! Ya got me a present?" (Giving a gift to E. Honda)
  • "I'm always lookin' forward to yer souvenirs!" (Giving a gift to E. Honda)
  • "That's the sumo spirit right there!" (Giving a gift to E. Honda)
  • "Chunky Chank! The heck is this? I had no idea this kinda thing even existed! This is some seriously sweet chanko! I can practically drink it down for instant energy!" (Reaction to Tiramisu Boba)
  • "*gasp* Don't be fooled! This fella is a total monster! A dreaded foe who practically put me in traction, many years ago! Fine, it's just a bath toy, But once, one ended up on the floor... I was so focused on cleanin' that I stepped on it, suffered Shoryuken-level damage to my foot, and flipped right over. Mrghrhgh... Never again. Thanks for this. I'll hold onto it to ensure this tragedy is never repeated!" (Reaction to Rubber Duckies)
  • "This again? This fated foe of mine refuses to relent. But I ain't givin' up either! I'm gonna hold onto this for safekeeping. It'll be the perfect memento for when I open my bath house in this city one day! Gwahahaha!" (Reaction to Rubber Duckies)
  • "Now THIS is somethin', all right! Should make a great decoration for Edomon!" (Giving a gift to E. Honda)

Character Guide[]

  • "You've done good!"
  • "That was some good training!"
  • "I knew my student could do it!"
  • "Not bad, kid!"
  • "What a show!"

Arcade Mode[]

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

