Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes by Ed.

Street Fighter IV series

Street Fighter V

Character Selection

  • "Instant kill!"


  • "Well ain't you a high def picture of strength. I'm shakin' here."


  • "You're on borrowed time!"

Critical Art activation

  • "Nowhere to run!"

Round Victory

  • "Tch. Lame."
  • "Aw man. Down to the wire!" (20% of health and less)

Round Loss

  • "Damn you!"
  • "Damn..." (crumple KO)

Versus Mode (Generic)

  • "Haaa... You were so weak, that fight put me to sleep."
  • "I actually broke out a sweat. Pat yourself on the back."
  • "C'mon, get up! I didn't even use 10% of my full power!"
  • "It was like you were attacking in slow motion. No way I'd get hit by that!"
  • "How boring. I'm outta here."

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)

  • "What the hell are you? Some kinda robot!?"
  • "Whoa, you're more intense than anyone I've ever fought before. Not afraid to admit I was a little scared there."
  • "Stop wasting away in that trailer. Go out and see the world, or somethin'."
  • "You never change. That's cool with me though. Catch ya later, man."
  • "What the... Is that a donut? Seriously? ...You got another one?"
  • "Forget worrying about others, and try living for yourself for a change!"
  • "I thought you were gonna burn my clothes off! Isn't spitting fire against the rules or something?"
  • "This some kinda illusion? Only room in this world for one of me!"
  • "You really rub me the wrong way. Brings up unpleasant memories."
  • "Weapons are prohibited. They didn't teach you that in school?"
  • "There's nothing elegant 'bout fighting, missy. And I hate your snobbish attitude."
  • "Family, huh? Whatever, man. You do what works for you."
  • "Do you enjoy toying with people? You suck, lady!"
  • "You can't hurt me if you can't catch me. And you are way too slow to catch me."
  • "Bison! I'll never forgive you! Never show your face before me again!"
  • "And what's your deal? You remind me of a certain someone."
  • "What exactly is "overselling" the hit? Sorry, I'm not up to speed on wrestling terms."
  • "Do you have any gadgets that will help you not to suck?"
  • "If you want to win, use whatever power is available to you. I don't see what's so hard about that."
  • "If you can't beat me, then what about your grand plans, huh?"
  • "So you're the one they call "Claw," eh? You need more than just speed to beat me."