Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Ibuki.

Street Fighter III series[]

Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "It was my destiny to win."
  • "Now let's go on to the next!"
  • "There's no second chance in the real fight!"
  • "Remember! This is Ibuki!!! Please don't forget me!"
  • "Devote yourself to your training!"
  • "I am just an ordinary girl, you know!"
  • "Phew... I need a hot shower... now..."

Super Arts Quotes[]


  • "My super move can break your heart! ...Just kidding! Tee-hee!"
  • "It's my super-fast Hashin Shou! I know you could feel it!"

Kasumi Suzaku[]

  • "Ninjitsu Kasumi Suzaku!"

Yoroi Doushi[]

  • "This is my ultimate move, the Yoroi Doushi!"

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs. Elena[]

Elena: Such strange clothes.... Where are you from?

Ibuki: Japan.... Why? What do you want? I'm on an important mission!

Vs. Gill[]

Ibuki: You have something that doesn't belong to you. Hand it over!

Gill: Of course. But only in exchange for your life, Shinobi girl....

Win Quotes (character specific)[]

  • "Hm. I think I saw you somewhere before... Ah, a Chinese guardian dog!"
  • "You don't have to exert your strength all of the time. Try a different way next time."
  • "The rules you fight by limit your chance for victory!"
  • "What long legs you have... I'm not envious of you! I'm happy of myself!"
  • "You are far from unstoppable... Have I proven that?"
  • "No matter how big you are, your weak points are the same as always..."
  • "My Ninjitsu is at least a little superior to yours... right?"
  • "You were a handsome guy just a minute ago... Was it because of me? Sorry!"
  • "Your electromagnetic power is interesting!! My dagger sticks to it!"
  • "...Hey you... Are you... alive?"
  • "Looking for a strong opponent? Shall I introduce my master?"
  • "You still want to fight? Not today, I have things to do! Bye bye!"
  • "Well... it's embarrassing... I don't know... where to look..."
  • "Compete with your speed? A Ninja need not worry about the likes of you!"
  • "A Ninja mustn't have personal feelings, but if you insult me, I won't forgive you!"

3rd Strike[]


  • "Behold Ibuki!"
  • "I'll win!"


  • "Like...this!"

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs. Oro[]

Ibuki: Excuse me, are you a Sennin?

Oro: That's right. I'm the great Sennin! What do you want, girl?

Ibuki: (He's as old as they get, but he is also a master fighter, I guess...) Well, I know it's unusual, but I'm in the middle of a graduation exam. They won't allow me to pass unless I defeat you in 5 minutes... So... Fight with me!

Oro: What?! I thought you wanted to go on a date with me! I'm disappointed!

Win Quotes[]

  • "That wasn't the most efficient way to knock you out, but it worked!"
  • "Please don't look, I have to change outfits and I'm out of bombs..."
  • "What a crazy graduation exam! Being a Shinobi isn't easy!"
  • "I don't think you'd last long at all if you were in my village..."
  • "Hey, I'll tell everyone you put up a good fight, okay?"
  • "I have clothes that are much more fashionable than this! Believe me!"
  • "I'm sorry it went so quickly! A girl's gotta have fun, you know!"
  • "I can't let anyone know that I wasted my time on a loser like you!"

Win Quotes (Japanese)[]

  • "This isn't just some game! My grades for getting into uni are riding on this!"「これ、遊びじゃないんだよ! 大学進学がかかってんだから!」
  • "Just so you know, I do have fancier clothes than these!"「あたしだってね! もっとオシャレな服持ってんだよ!」
  • "Well, clearing this up lickety-split like everything else is good with me."「と、まーいつもこれくらいパッパと片付けばいいんだけど」
  • "Moving around the place like that can only be seen as an invitation for me to make a move."「そこでそう動かれちゃこっちとしても狙うしかないよね」
  • "Can't you fight more effectively than that?"「もっと効率よくやられてくんない?」
  • "Hm, well, you wouldn't be able to survive in my village if that's the best you got."「んー、ま、その腕じゃウチの里で生き残れないと思う」
  • "Actual fights like these are only a part of my graduation exam. It's sure hard being a ninja."「実戦が卒業試験の一部だなんてシノビも疲れるよホント」
  • "This isn't even killing time! I guess effort's needed on your part."「退屈しのぎにもなんないよ! 要努力ってとこかな」

Win Quotes (character-specific) (Japanese)[]

  • "The scary face found only in legends... I can just imagine seeing it in a nightmare now."「伝説通りのコワイ顔‥‥夢に出そう」
  • "So this is the result of your endless training. You must wanna cry so bad right now, don't you?"「鍛えに鍛えた結果がこれじゃ泣くに泣けないって感じ?」
  • "Overpowering women should be kept at arm's length, so we should both keep that in mind!"「強すぎる女は敬遠されるからおたがい気を付けましょ!」
  • "Your words were pleasant, but your fighting style was rough."「言葉づかいは丁寧だけどやることは荒っぽいもんなあ」
  • "I'm not so good with the heat. See, this ninja suit is why."「あたし暑いの苦手なのほら、このカッコウだしさー」
  • "About the other files, I won't be reading them again. I can't read them, and they're just plain heavy."「残りのファイルだけど、やっぱ要らない読めないし重いから」
  • "What do you plan to do by inviting me? Could it be that you want me to be your ring girl?"「あたし誘ってどーするつもり? まさかラウンドガールとか?」
  • "If you're going to transform into me, then at least do it properly!"「化けるならもっとうまくやってよ!」
  • "The currently flaring flames of regret! So, was I right on the mark?"「今燃え上がる、悔しさの炎! どう、図星でしょ」
  • "Losing to a ninja-in-training goes to show Rindo-kan is just your run-of-the-mill school."「見習い忍者に負けるようじゃ竜胆館ってのも並程度だね」
  • "Argh, I'm beat! The differences in our reaches were so far apart."「あー、疲れた! ぜんっぜんリーチが違うんだもん!」
  • "A hermit... I'll pass on that. I mean, it sounds boring, you know."「仙人‥‥あたしはパス だって退屈そうだもん」
  • "...Doesn't wearing something like that make you get seen as a criminal at times?"「‥‥そういうカッコしてるとたまに犯罪者扱いされない?」
  • "Your face is one thing, but your personality is definitely a no-go. Aww, what a waste!"「顔はともかく、性格はダメね! あー、もったいない!」
  • "When you were talking about growing, was it perhaps in relation to your appearance alone?"「成長したのって、もしかして見た目だけ?」
  • "Ah... You know, you're kinda cute. Maybe..."「あ‥‥ちょっときみカワイイかも‥‥」
  • "Hong Kong sounds like a good place. It must be so free over there!"「香港、いいよねー なんたって自由だもんね!」

Pocket Fighter[]

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs. Sakura[]

Ibuki: Excuse me! Do you know where I can find the ice cream shop in Harajuku?

Sakura: Wow! You must be a Ninja! Way cool!

Ibuki: Oh no! You saw through my disguise with a mere glance! Now I must silence you to conceal my identity!

Sakura: I think almost anyone could tell you're a Ninja... But I accept your challenge if it's a fight you want!

Win Quotes[]

  • "You have to match my Ninja speed if you want to beat me!"
  • "Wow! It really is dangerous here in the big city!"
  • "With moves like yours, it's no wonder you lost!"
  • "Train harder if you wish to overcome my Ninja skills!"

Win Quotes (Japanese)[]

  • "My toad... I wonder why it shouts out [Yoga]?"「私のガマガエル・・・どうして「ヨガッ」って鳴ぐのかなぁ」
  • "That somewhat felt like a letdown."「なーんか拍子抜ーって感じ」
  • "The big city sure is scary..."「やっぱり都会って怖いとこだなぁ・・・」
  • "You're so slow! Brush up on your training!"「遅いよ!もっと修練しなよ!」

Win Quotes (character-specific) (Japanese)[]

  • "I heard you're a hermit once you can master falling asleep within 3 seconds."「3秒で寝れるようになったら仙人なんだって」
  • "Uhh... Which way should I run to get to Tokyo?"「あのぉ・・・、東京に行くにはどっちに向かって走ったらいいのかな」
  • "Okay... As for all of these scattered kunais and iron balls... Do you wanna clean em' up with me?"「さてと・・・、ちらかった暗器とクナイ・・・ー緒に片付けよっか」
  • "It's easy to move about with this get-up, but it's sure lame."「このカッコ、動きやすいけどダサいよねえ」
  • "You know, longer hair suits you."「きみ、長髪の方が似合うよ!」
  • "Huuh, it looks like your form of dress is quite popular around the cities nowadays."「ふーん、最近の都会じゃこんなカッコがはやってんだ」
  • "I'll let you know that ninja training is way hard."「まぁ、忍者の修行はギビシいんだってば」
  • "A steel man, you say? Alright... You'll be as right as rain even if I slash you with a sword, right!"「鋼の本を持つ男? じゃあ・・・刀でブスッとやっても平気だよね!」

Super Street Fighter IV[]


  • "Ibuki! On the scene!"

Personal Actions:[]

  • "Namby-pamby."
  • "Let's see what you've got."
  • "I really thought you'd be tougher than this."
  • "I'm ready for anything."
  • "Alright! Let's do this!"
  • *Yawn*
  • "Pay attention!"
  • "This is way too easy".
  • "Want me to go "easy" on you?"
  • "Try harder than that."


  • "Don-chaaaaan!!"
  • "Guess I...need" (Chip KO)


  • "Aww... You gotta be kidding me! I was so looking forward to training camp, and now they tell us we can only choose between a boring mountain and an even more boring forest!? The only people out there are ghosts! This sucks! I mean, a girl only gets one chance at her youth! I have a right to get out there and meet cool guys! Hey! I've got an idea! I'll just make like I'm headed off to camp, but slip out and have a little fun! This is the best idea ever! Sarai? Yeah, listen, I'm gonna be late for camp. I'll meet up with you partway, though. OK? Cover for me, will you? Yeah, just say whatever you think they'll wanna hear. Please, Sarai? Awesome! I'll grab you a souvenir, OK? I promise! Look out, all you handsome guys! Here I come!"

Rival Cutscene[]

Sakura: "Oh!"

Ibuki: "Ack!"

Sakura: "Oh, sorry. I wasn't payin' attention."

Ibuki: "Hey, are you a fighter too?"

Sakura: "Um, yeah. Why?"

Ibuki: "Listen, if I beat you in a match, will you introduce me to some cool boys?"

Sakura: "That's kind of a weird request...Okay! I think I know just the guy!"

Ibuki: "Really? Awesome!"

Other Rival Dialogue:[]

Sakura (Pre-fight)[]

Sakura: "The name is Sakura Kasugano!"

Ibuki: "I'm Ibuki, nice to meet you!"

  • "You look pretty strong!" (During First Attack)
  • "Yeah!" (When activaing an Ultra)
  • "Tell me about this guy, is he handsome?" (When Sakura is defeated with an Ultra)
  • "So, we should totally hang out sometime!" (When Sakura is defeated with a Super Combo)
  • "Just as I planned." (During Focus Attack)
  • "Here goes nothing..."
  • "I saw that one..."
  • "Whoah... I'm starving!" (When Sakura is defeated with a special attack)
  • "Was that on purpose?" (When Sakura is stunned)

Sakura: "I hope you're ready!"

  • "Uhm... Hey are you a ninja?" (During First Attack)
  • "Gotta concentrate..."
  • Wooo (when Ibuki is stunned)
  • Let me tell you Ryu is so dreamy ( When Ibuki is defeated with an Ultra)
  • Oh My Gosh, I really gotta be somewhere (When Ibuki is defeated with a special attack)


Ibuki: I'm super late! I gotta get moving! Oh, crap. Looks like the morning meeting's already started! I guess it's time to put my ninja skills to work. Trainer: So, that's the plan for today - practicing throwing off pursuers utilizing rivers, followed by nighttime drills without the aid of blades or explosives. You'll all need to check over your equipment first and... Over there! Sarai: Aaaah! Ibuki: Not again!

Round Win:[]

  • "Alright!"
  • "No problem!"

Versus Mode:[]

  • "Ninjas used to be cool, but now everyone is into pirates and robots and stuff."
  • "You're pretty strong! That was really fun!"
  • "I'm starved! What's a girl hafta do to get some cake around here?"
  • "Train harder!"
  • "If that's the best you can do, you might wanna hire an after-school tutor."
  • "I'm starving!"
  • "You should probably head home now. You really don't look so good."
  • "You've never seen a kunai throwing knife before? You've gotta be kidding me!"
  • "No sweat! That was nothing compared to the tests at my school!"
  • "No rematch today! I'm in a hurry! Hit me up next time!"
  • "You'd flunk outta my ninja school in about 5 minutes..."

Arcade Mode:[]

  • "You're not a bad-looking guy, but would it kill you to smile once in a while?"
  • "He finally shut up... Geez, I thought he'd never stop!"
  • "What happened? Did you make a funny face and it froze in place?"
  • "I knew when I laid eyes on you that you'd be a pushover. Lame!"
  • "I like your outfit! It looks nice and cool. My threads are kinda stifling."
  • "You're a cop, right? Do you think that's more fun than being a ninja?"
  • "I do like bad boys. Those handcuffs are overkill, though. Wait - Are they real!?"
  • "We ninjas are good at keeping our weapons concealed, too! See?"
  • "Um, are you OK? Hello? Can you hear me? Oh, geez. He's out cold..."
  • "That was fun! Felt more like a dance than a real fight, but whatever..."
  • "Ninjas can teleport like that, too! Are you an Indian ninja?"
  • "Sorry, but ninjas make their own rules!"
  • "Thanks, but no thanks. I ate on the way here. Not hungry at all. Totally full."
  • "Maybe you've been studying too hard. Don't overdo it next time!"
  • "I guess you're kinda cute, but you're just not what I'm looking for."
  • "Old dudes are all the same. They're nice and all, but they drone on and on and..."
  • "Don't look down on me 'cuz I'm still in training! Ninjas have high standards!"
  • "Quite a hunk, but the outfit needs to go. You don't look like a ninja at all!"
  • "Does that oil have some kind of magical properties or something?"
  • "I can't lose to an out-of-control, crazy chick like you! No way!"
  • "You're pretty hot, but you're apparently also pretty weak, so never mind..."
  • "Training is fun, but dontcha have any other hobbies?"
  • "You should take those shoulder things off. They make you look über-lame."
  • "Don't you get tired from being so tense all the time? Chill out!"
  • "I guess if you're gonna let yourself go, you may as well go all the way, right?"
  • "I don't know anything about true strength! I'm too busy having fun!"
  • "I never get to meet anyone cool at my school."
  • "Oh no! I'm gonna be late! I'd better get back!"
  • "Just so you know, girls hate guys that are self-obsessed like that."
  • "Ah ha ha! Those bangs of yours reminds me of Don-chan!"
  • "Nothing personal. I'm just faster than you."
  • "You're pretty slow, but it's still scary when you come at me like that!"


  • "I'm supposed to cover my face, too. But it's so hot. How do you handle it?"
  • "You've got an older brother? Is he cute? Got a picture?"
  • "You want to be number one? I'd say your size already has you in that category."
  • "I'll never serve in your army. Unless there are cute guys there, that is..."

Street Fighter X Tekken[]


Character Select[]

  • "I’m on a job!"
  • "Alright, ready, steady, go!"

Teaming with Rolento[]

Round Victory[]


Match Start[]

Pandora Activation[]

Pandora Sacrifice[]


Taking Damage[]




Stabbed by Yoshimitsu's sword.[]

Unknown Circumstance[]


Activating Cross Art[]

Cross Assault[]

Quick Standing[]

Player chooses to continue[]

After partner connects with Cross Art[]

Successful Reversal[]

Rival Battle[]

Versus Mode (Arcade)[]


Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode[]


  • I could really go for some chocolate cake right now... Chocolate cake is the breakfast of champions!

Street Fighter[]

  • "If I find the people you're looking for, I'll give you a text! So... What's your number?"
  • "Your face is totally terrifying! You should smile more! ...Um, on second thought, maybe you shouldn't."
  • "You don't need to yell at me! I heard you the first time!"
  • "You can shoot electricity? Wow, that's pretty cool! Have you thought about becoming a ninja?"
  • "You're a cop?! Well then... I'm outta here!"
  • "I dunno if dressing like that is supposed to make you look "hard", but if you're not careful, someone's gonna arrest you!"
  • "No fair, hitting me from so far away! That's cheating! Eh, but I won anyway, so whatever, I guess."
  • "Don't you ever take those gloves off? What about when you're eating or when you have to go to the bathroom?"
  • "Yeah, I know. I'll get back to my studies... Like, tomorrow, OK?"
  • "Do all guys in the military have to get that haircut? That's really weird."
  • "Look, I have my way of being a ninja, and you have yours. I don't mind sneakers, but red is so last year."
  • "I guess bigger isn't always better. I mean, your footwork was all over the place."
  • "Hey, I'm a lot stronger than that! If you wanna impersonate me, at least get it right!"
  • "Not really sure why you attacked me. I was just minding my own business and stuff."
  • "Hey, how do you get those flames to come out? They're so cool... I want flaming punches too!"
  • "Talking about world domination... And those clothes? Far-fetched, even for a Saturday morning cartoon."
  • "If you're going to the South Pole, you might want to find some warmer clothes? I guess I should, too, though..."
  • "I told you, my name is IBUKI! Not private, not corporal, and certainly not human shield!"
  • "First you need to diet. Then we'll talk. Maybe."
  • "Don't you burn out if you just train all day? You gotta kick back and relax, too!"
  • "You don't have to be such a sourpuss! Frowning so much gives you wrinkles, y'know."
  • "So you're always running late as well? Ha ha, join the club! Not like we're missing anything important, right?"
  • "You're a narcissist? But aren't narcissists supposed to at least be cute? You're just a creepy old dude."
  • "Man, that was scary... I almost got hugged to death!"


  • "Is this some kind of TV show or something? Cause that girl just shot her hands at me."
  • "It must be so nice for guys to be able to eat all they want and not worry about their weight."
  • "I didn't want to fight against you anyway!"
  • "Eddy? Never heard of him. Is he, like, your boyfriend or something?"
  • "Ah, robots now too? What happened to the good ol' days when we only fought against pirates and stuff?"
  • "You'd be kinda hot if you weren't so gloomy!"
  • "I thought you were a librarian at first. With power like that, I'd better return all my books on time!"
  • "Taking it easy on me because I'm a kid? Well, don't forget that I'm also a ninja!"
  • "You're not a real tiger, are you? That's just a mask, right? Right?"
  • "HEY! Quit trying to eat Don-chan! He's not food!"
  • "And people talk about MY fashion sense! At least my village doesn't make me wear that get-up!"
  • "You're a police officer, too?! Not that I've done anything wrong or anything... but I'm outta here!"
  • "Forehead protector? I don't need one of those... Maybe you should stop watching anime..."
  • "Can you tone it down a few notches? You're making me tired just looking at you!"
  • "Why do all these weirdos keep coming after me?! Do I look like the type who wants this kind of attention?!"
  • "That thing was WAY too strong! Time for a break!"
  • "Dude, I'm not picky about hairstyles, but... Man, I'd hate to sit behind you in a movie."
  • "Not bad for being self-trained, but you still have a ways to go. You are pretty good at shadow clones, though..."
  • "You're kinda my type, but I don't go for guys who are weaker than me."
  • "You're a ninja too?! No way! Cosplayers like you give us REAL ninjas a bad name!"


  • "Electrical powers seem pretty convenient! Hey, do you think you could help me charge my cell phone?"
  • "I almost lost… to a cat. Maybe I have been skipping training too much…"
  • "Wearing the same clothes every day is one thing, but you should at least wash them from time to time."
  • "I wish Don-chan could talk too…"

Street Fighter V[]

Character Selection[]




V-Trigger I[]

  • "Now let's go!"

V-Trigger II[]

  • "Fuma Shuriken!"

Critical Art activation[]

Round Victory[]

  • "You should train harder!"
  • "The slightest hesitation could've been fatal." (20% health)


  • "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!"

Round Loss[]

Versus Mode (Generic)[]

  • "I'm missing a kunai. Where did I put it?"
  • "You can't hope that kind of technique to work against ninjas!"
  • "Ow, that hurt! But you managed to hit me. I'm impressed! Congratulations!"
  • "Ah! I forgot my homework! I gotta get back home!"
  • "Keep it up! Focus!"

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

  • "You really don't need all that power. You must have really bad gas mileage."
  • "There's a creepy statue in my hometown with this freaky face... Looks just like you, actually!
  • "Your table manners need some work! You made me lose my appetite!"
  • "You really gross me out, but there's something kinda cute about you too..."
  • "You like cats? What about raccoons? Wanna cuddle my Don-Chan?"
  • "Why did you join the police? Haven't you ever wanted to do something else?"
  • "I'm loving the whole edgy, bad boy heartthrob mayor thing you got going on! It's kinda hot!"
  • "I barely even scratch you with a kunai, and you're on the floor."
  • "That fire came from you mouth, right? Do you ever burn your lips?"
  • "Nah, I'm good for being a sumo. I like being able to see my feet."
  • "I mean, you've got the looks, but you seriously gotta work on your conversation skills."
  • "You underestimated me! Neutralizing poison is a basic ninja technique!"
  • "What?! That fight was being streamed?! You could've told me!"
  • "What text? Like a secret scroll or something? Hmm..."
  • "Argh! I went too far this time! I'm really sorry! He looks angry..."
  • "Since you can change into me, how about you go to school in my place?"
  • "Why do you try to hurt people? Find a cute boy and treat him nice!"
  • "A ninja's taught to walk hand in hand with death ...I want to choose a different way."
  • "Hey! You let all that heat out! You want me to catch a cold?"
  • "These are kunai, not shuriken. Can't cut a sandwich with a shuriken.'"
  • "Hmph! They're fireworks, not bombs! And... I'm not some kid, you know!"
  • "Give up on this world domination nonsense already! If you don't, these weird jobs will never end!"
  • "You're handsome, and your voice is pretty cool, but you scare me."
  • "That was scary! I don't even think he understood a thing I said..."
  • "Hey, you look a lot like someone I saw in my ninja academy textbook..."
  • "That whip suits you. Not my scene though..."
  • "Don't act all high and mighty just 'cuz you're older than me! I'm a full-fledged ninja!"
  • "Woah! Was that a wind art? Can you use ninjustu too?"
  • "Seriously?! That's my future?! Even more brutal training?! Count me out!"
  • "Your sleeves are frayed. Don't they get snagged on stuff?"
  • "Y' know, it's no wonder a ninja took you down. Your "King Style" is all standing, trying to look cool."
  • "Winning,, whatever. Hey, wanna go get some dessert!"
  • "If you just bark orders like that, no one's gonna listen to you."
  • "My curiosity's killing me! Could you show me the face behind that mask?"
  • "Why are you saying you're gonna throw me like it's a good thing!?"
  • "Hey, could you teach me that youth-restoring jutsu? Seems like it'd come in pretty handy someday..."

Character Story Mode[]

Stage: Kanzuki Estate[]

Fight 1: Birdie[]

Pre-Fight Interaction[]

Birdie: "And just who the hell are you?! Running about on the roof all suspicious. Speak up!"

Ibuki: "Urgh, calling me suspicious? Have you seen yourself? Why are you throwing those chains around?"

Fight 2: Karin[]

Pre-Fight Interaction[]

Karin: "This is a much better way for us to get to know each other."

Ibuki: "This is how you make friends?!"

A Shadow Falls[]

  • "Huh? What...?"
  • "Arrogant!? I've been working here longer than you have! And then you come in acting all bossy!"
  • "I'm the one who'd beat you to a pulp!"