Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Adon.

Street Fighter[]

Win Quote[]

  • "You are no match for me."

Street Fighter Alpha series[]

Street Fighter Alpha[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Is that the best you can do?"
  • "My legend starts now!"
  • "Don't worry, it's all over."
  • "I am a Muay Thai master. You are sucking gravel."

Rival Dialogue[]

Vs Sagat[]

Adon: "You have taught me well, master. Now I have surpassed you!"

Sagat: "You are a mere shadow of my skill. It's time you learn your place!"

Street Fighter Alpha 2[]

Win Quotes (Japanese)[]

  • "The strongest muay thai in the world, the pinnacle of that is me"「世界最強のムエタイ、その頂点がこの俺なのだ」
  • 「そうだ、その目だ! ケモノにならんと俺には勝てん!」
  • "Do you still want to do this? It seems like you want to drown in a sea of blood."「まだやるのか? よほど血の海でおぼれたいようだな」
  • "It's time! Are you ready to go to hell!?"「いよいよだな! 地獄に旅立つ準備はいか!?」
  • "I don't need the title emperor, my legend begins now! "「名ばかりの帝王は要らん いまから俺の伝説が始まる!」
  • "Don't panic, I'll end your suffering soon!"「あわてるな、すぐ楽にしてやる!」
  • 「おっと・・・・・・ 恨むなら 自分の不甲斐なさを作みな」
  • 「ククク・・・・・・ もろいな! それで格闘家きどりか・・・・・・ククク!」
  • "The name of the holy "Muay Thai" doesn't allow me to lose."「聖なる 「ムエタイ」 の名が俺の負けることを許さぬ」
  • 「言ったはすだ 俺は負けん、とな!」
  • "Take a good look! I am the new god of Muay Thai!"「しっかり見ておけ! 俺こそがムエタイの新たな神だ!」
  • "How's this power!? I can only think of God itself!"「この力はどうだ!? 神そのものとしか思えん!」
  • 「はいつくばるキサマの姿 戦う前から見えていた」
  • "Did you see that? My kick!"「見えたか? 俺の蹴りが!」
  • "Only victory brings me closer to God!"「勝利のみが、我を神へと近づけるのだ!」
  • "The one who once defiled muay thai can't beat me!"「一度ムエタイを汚した者が 俺に勝てるはすがない!」
  • "Kukuku...... be proud that you were defeated by me!"「ククク・・・・・・この俺に倒されたことを 誇りに思うがいい!」
  • "Praise God, with a moan of despair!!"「神をたたえよ、その絶望のうめきでッ!!」
  • "You want to run? Well, that's fine. everyone is powerless before God."「逃げるか? それもよかろう 神の前ではだれもが無力だ」
  • "It wasn't even a match anymore, was God's judgment!!"「もはや勝負ですらなかった そう・・・・・・ 神の裁きだ!!」
  • "This face will be remembered later with fear."「この顔、のちに恐怖とともに 思い出すことになるだろう」
  • 「俺の一挙一動をまぶたに刻め それこそが現代に蘇った神話だ!!」
  • "Vulnerability is a sin by itself! I must cleanse you with this fist of God!!"「脆弱はそれだけで罪! この神の拳で清めねばならん!!」
  • 「帝王とは無敗であるべきもの 少なくともキサマではない!」 (Vs. Sagat)

Rival Dialogues[]

Vs Sagat[]

Character Japanese English
Adon "You were here, Sagat! The day you ran away must have been miserable ...? At least I, your first disciple, will guide you!" 「ここにいたか、サガット! 逃げ回る日は、さぞみじめだっただろう ・・・・? せめて一番弟子だったこの俺が引導をわたしてやる!」 "Aah, Sagat! Did you think you could escape from me? Now that I found you, you must be killed."
Sagat Г帝王に歯向かうのか、アドン? 未熟者めが・・・・・・ 身をわきまえろ!」 "In your dreams, warrior!"
Adon 「まだ帝王などとほざくか! ならば身をもって知るがいい、完全なる敗北を!!」 "My dreams are your nightmares."

Vs M. Bison[]

Character Japanese English
Bison 「なかなかの腕前だ・・・・・・ なによりその面構えがいい!」 "You have earned a place in Shadaloo."
Adon "!? Who are you?" 「!? 何だ、おまえは?」 "Who are you?"
Bison "My name is Vega. The one who stands at the top of everything. Adon, come to "Shadaloo"!!" 「我が名はベガ。すべての頂点に立つ者だ。アドンよ、「シャドルー」 に来い!!」 "I'm Bison, lord of Shadaloo. I'm the best there is!"
Adon "At the top......? There's only one who stands at the top of the fighting world, and that only one, is me!!" 「頂点だと ・・・・・ ? 寝ぼけるな! 格闘界の頂点はただひとり、すなわちこの俺だ!!」 "The best there was" is more like it."

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "By fighting me, your weakness will become legendary!"
  • "I felt your ribs and spine snap! I'm sorry I left you alive!"
  • "Look into my eyes, and see what's left of your broken self!"
  • "My existence is fury unleashed! You can't hope to contain me!"
  • "That was a waste of my Muay Thai skills! You are worthless!"
  • "What hurts more? The pain of your body or your self-esteem?"
  • "You'll appreciate that I held back during the fight!"
  • "Your only destiny now, is to lie here at my feet!"

Rival Dialouges[]

Vs Ken[]


Ken: "You are the worthy first pupil of Sagat, aren't you?"

Adon: "Shut up! He is no longer my master! You studied with the one who has the "TEN" symbol upon his back? I see... In that case, show me that technique!!"


Adon: "You're overrated! You claim to be the "king of fighters?" Ha! That ultimate barrage attack... That's how I will identify him! Then, I'll teach him that Muay Thai is truly invincible!"

Vs Rose[]


Rose: "People are obsessed with power, which in turn, destroys people. Can't you see it? Where your aspirations will lead you?"

Adon: "Ruin and destruction, right? I know full well what it is! But Muay Thai's power is far beyond your comprehension!"

Vs M. Bison[]


Bison: "You've changed. It's no surprise that your strength beat Sagat! It seems... Well, it seems I underestimated you."

Adon: "I don't need you. I'm just interested in "that power."

Bison: "You want the secrets of the "Raging Demon" ...Right?"

Adon: "..!! How could you know about that?"

Bison: "And what could you gain from such a pitifully weak move? I'll show you true strength! The awesome might of Psycho Power!"

Street Fighter IV series[]

Super Street Fighter IV[]


"Ah, Sagat. It took only one fight to transform you into a sniveling coward. I had so much respect for you, but now you are a tiger with no fangs. Death awaits Jaguars and Tigers who have lost their fangs. When the mere act of living is humiliating, you're finished. Have you forgotten even that much? You've thrown away your pride as a Muay Thai boxer, folded up your claws, and called it quits. If that's what's become of you, I'll put you out of your misery myself. Your time in the spotlight is over!"

In Battle[]

Arcade Mode[]

Rival Dialogue[]

Rival Dialogue vs. Sagat[]

Battle Quotes ( vs. Sagat)[]


Adon: "Hah! You fought well, but make no mistake! You have been de-clawed and dethroned! Heh-heh! I will never become what you have, Sagat! I will destroy all who climb into the ring with me! I will show the world the power of Muay Thai, and most importantly, I will show them that my skills in the art are without equal!"

Crowd: "Adon! Adon! Adon! Adon! Adon!"

Adon: "Now... witness the birth of a new Muay Thai legend!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "Fool!"
  • "I am the king!"
  • "Feast your eyes on the new king of Muay Thai!"
  • "No one is strong enough to face me! No one!"
  • "Muay Thai is the single most powerful art on the face of the planet!"
  • "There is no value in allowing the weak to live!"
  • "Like the mighty jaguar, I grow more powerful with each victory!"
  • "Remember this day, for it is the day you truly understood your own weakness!"
  • "A new legend is born this day! All hail the mighty Adon!"
  • "Annoying worm! Begone with you!"
  • "Not bad, but not good enough to dethrone the king!"

Arcade Mode[]

  • "Obsession with the past is a sign of weakness, worm!"
  • "I can see why they call you the buffalo. You're about as smart as one!"
  • "King versus beast? Don't waste your time, fool!"
  • "The sting of the killer bee cannot harm a wild jaguar!"
  • "Did you think your pitiful kicks could actually harm the king of Muay Thai?"
  • "The flames of your god cannot harm the king!"
  • "Now you know the power of Muay Thai! Peddle your boxing nonsense elsewhere!"
  • "Your moves are so ancient, they are actually covered with putrid mold!"
  • "Your pathetic power is useless! This is the true power of Muay Thai!"
  • "Hurry up and die, old fool! You're wasting precious oxygen!"
  • "Your legs are swift, but they cannot deliver you from the jaguar's rage!"
  • "The insane flailing of a lunatic is no match for the king of jaguars!"
  • "A sniveling coward like you is no match for me!"
  • "Choose to stay here at your own peril! This jaguar has claws, child!"
  • "No deity is a match for the god of Muay Thai!"
  • "Your predictions are worthless to me! I shall forge the future myself!"
  • "Leave my sight at once or face the wrath of a jaguar enraged!"
  • "Witness the glorious return of Muay Thai to its rightful place upon the throne!"
  • "Only the strong survive! Best you learn that lesson now, worm!"
  • "For my finale, why don't I crush your head under my heel, worm!"
  • "Never boast about your speed again!"
  • "All the muscles in the world don't matter when you're slow as molasses!"

Ultra Street Fighter IV[]

  • "Your kicks can't compare to the might of Muay Thai!"
  • "How dare you try to step on a god with those shoes!"
  • "I am a god of Muay Thai! No soldier can match me!"