Street Fighter V series
Shadaloo C.R.I. profile art
Ingrid and Dark Ingrid in artwork celebrating 200 Street Fighter character profiles in the Japanese SFV website
Karin's premium DLC costume based on Ingrid
Ingrid (left) in the background of the Ring of Arcade stage
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Capcom Fighting Collection 2
Ingrid, Mai and Chairperson on the cover of a Capcom Fighting Collection 2 "A4 Clear File", illustration by Yuri Kataiwa
Ingrid's appearance in the Street Fighter X Tekken prologue comic book
Ingrid (top left) featured in the Ultra Jam variant cover for issue #3 of Street Fighter Unlimited by UDON
Portrait of Ingrid, featured in the Capcom Fighting Tribute artbook, illustrated by "AzureBladeXIII"
Ingrid (background) alongside other Capcom girls, featured in the Capcom Fighting Tribute artbook, illustrated by "lucidsky"
"Not Every Street Fighter Girl", as featured in the Street Fighter Tribute artbook, illustrated by "zambicandy"
A mocked vs. screen of Ingrid and Lili officially commissioned by Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada