Street Fighter Wiki

The Jackknife Maximum, also known informally as the Up Kicks, is one of Dee Jay's special attacks, introduced in Super Street Fighter II Turbo.

All appearances Charge downward then upward + Kick



The initial kick of Jackknife Maximum.

Executed by charging downward, then pressing upward and kick, Dee Jay leaps up and forward into the air while delivering a slashing kick(s). How far the move travels and how many kicks are used (and thus, how much recovery time the move requires) is determined by the kick button used: light kick has the least startup time, travels the least and delivers only one kick; heavy kick has the longest startup time, travels the most and delivers three kicks; and medium kick balances in-between.

The EX Special version introduced in Super Street Fighter IV delivers 5 kicks, and travels the furthest into the air with the least startup time.
