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The Jinrai Kick (迅雷脚 Jinraikyaku?, Swift Thunder Leg) is one of Ken's special attacks, introduced in Street Fighter 6. It is also serve as a normal special move equivalent to its Super Art counterpart, Shippu Jinraikyaku.

Jinrai Kick Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Kick
Kazekama Shin Kick Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Kick>Arcade-Stick-Right+Arcade-Button-LKick
Gorai Axe Kick Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Kick>Arcade-Stick-Right+Arcade-Button-MKick
Senka Snap Kick Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Kick>Arcade-Stick-Right+Arcade-Button-HKick
Kasai Thrust Kick Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button 2xKick>Arcade-Stick-Right+Arcade Button Kick


"A forward-moving roundhouse kick that can be followed up by one of three different kicks."
Street Fighter 6

Executed by performing a quarter-circle forward motion and pressing kick, Ken performs a spinning roundhouse kick to his opponent's head. After the initial kick, Ken can then follow up with the below attacks, regardless of hit, block or whiff:

  • Kazekama Shin Kick (風鎌蹴り Kazekama Geri?, Wind Sickle Kick): By pressing forward & Light Kick, Ken delivers a low kick aimed at the shins.
  • Gorai Axe Kick (轟雷落とし Gōrai Otoshi?, Booming Thunder Dropper): By pressing forward & Medium Kick, Ken performs an overhead following-legged axe kick.
  • Senka Snap Kick (閃火脚 Senka Kyaku?, Flash Fire Leg): By pressing forward & Heavy Kick, Ken delivers a second roundhouse kick with the opposite foot.

Pressing right and any kick button during an OD Jinrai Kick allows Ken to perform the Kasai Thrust Kick (火砕蹴 Kasai Geri?, Fire Smash Kick), which is a couple of powerful roundhouse kicks with a shin kick in between.


Jinrai Kick, much like its predecessor Roundhouse Kick, is a highly mixup-oriented special move with a wide range of timings and options. The initial kick button's strength determines the startup, damage, and recovery, with the light version being the fastest but highly punishable at -11 on block, while the heavy version being over twice as long on startup in exchange for being -2 on block. Kazekama Shin Kick is the most prominent option, being fairly safe with good range at -5 while hitting low. Gorai Axe Kick can be useful for mix-ups, but due to the overhead being slow and difficult to combo in and out of normally, it is best used sparingly. Senka Snap Kick is a powerful option midscreen due to its damage and knockdown, but whiffs against crouching opponents, forcing Ken to consider what state his opponent is in.

Certain combos allow for an extremely late Kazekama Shin Kick to juggle the opponent for an additional hit. While difficult due to its 2-frame juggle window, Ken can maximize his damage in the corner without spending any resources.

