Street Fighter Wiki
Arcade-Stick-Up Up
Arcade-Stick-Down Down
Arcade-Stick-Left Left
Arcade-Stick-Right Right
Arcade-Stick-UL Up-Left
Arcade-Stick-UR Up-Right
Arcade-Stick-DL Down-Left
Arcade Stick DR Down-Right


In the 2d Street Fighter games There are eight directional inputs recognized. These games are meant to be used for D Pads (a leftover from arcade games) so in between inputs that are seen in other games like Call of Duty that require more

precision are not required. Variations of these recognizable positions are what is needed for target combosspecial attacks, and Super Combos to activate.

For example just pushing the "HK" Button will only activate Rufus's far HK. But using the Quarter Circle forward motion then HK you will activate Messiah Kick.


While Controller choice is rather subjective, it is important that a player gets comfortable with their chosen input device. Being able to recognize how to input their chosen joystick position at will help with execution. Street Fighter was made more for an arcade layout compared to what modern consoles provide, Walk Speed and Dashes are not affected by the amount of directional influence put in a joystick, compared to other games like Modern Military Shooters.

Other control styles such as the Mixbox, Hitbox, and Arcade Stick are usually preferred over standard controllers, as they give greater feedback over what direction was pressed compared to controller. Also they tend to have a very similar layout between different consoles compared to using a Xbox One and Playstation 4 controllers.

Restrictor Plates[]

A benefit for Arcade Stick players are restrictor plates. These plates change the feedback the lever on the arcade stick style controller.

Square Gate[]

A square gate only gives tactile feedback for diagonal inputs. These gates are great for characters like Guile and Vega, as the diagonal only feedback makes it easier to go from down-back to down-forward for Guile, which allows him to use Sonic Boom while still keeping charge for Flash Kick

Octagonal Gate[]

An octagonal gate on an arcade stick style controller is a compromise between the American HAPP style of lever and the standard Japanese Sanwa Denshi style equivalent. This style gives feedback on all input (diagonal and normal). Octagonal Gates are usually better for input characters, especially those that have a high amount of Special Attacks and Unique Attacks, such as Ibuki and Seth. The tactile feedback of all inputs compared to the diagonal feedback of squared gates helps avoid input conflicts, such as helping an Ibuki player activate Kasumi Gake compared to Kazegiri.

Joystick Position Actions[]

All action assume character is facing right.



Forward makes a character walk

Forward makes the controlled character walk forward, in modern games pushing forward also makes a character dash. This is the most basic way of approaching and pressuring an opponent but does not offer any sort of protection against attacks or projectiles. The speed characters move are at an individual basis. Forward is also a common input for aggressive unique attacks like Spin Kick



Back makes characters walk back

Back causes the controlled character to walk back. In Street Fighter characters automatically Block while holding back if an attack or a projectile hits their Hurtbox. The back Joystick Position is a common Unique Attack starter for some attacks such as Reverse Spin Kick, that are slower but have defensive purposes.



Down makes the controlled character crouch

Down makes the controlled character crouch. This action lowers the character's hurtbox; allowing them to avoid attacks such as Sagat's High Tiger Shots.

The down action isn't as defensive as down-back, which allows a character to crouching block. Down starts many attacks such as Hadouken or charges Flash Kick



Down Forward is very similar to crouch in terms of a raw input.

Down Forward isn't useful as an input itself. It offers the same lowered hurtbox of Down. One of the benefits of this input is that many mobile Unique Attacks such as Sazan and Slide, attacks that physically move the user forward. This is only beneficial to a select few characters, however and this input is usually used as a transition for Special Attacks.



Crouching Back makes characters crouch block

Down-Back is useful for crouch blocking. This blocks most grounded pressure options, other than Overheads and grabs. Pre-SFV a popular option was to Crouch Tech, due to it's ability to tech throws and most characters are able to combo off the crouching LK that comes out. Not many Unique Attacks require this input to come out.



Up Back makes the controlled character jump back

Up-Back makes the controlled character jump back. This is a common tactic for retreating, as it is usually harder (but not impossible) to punish an opponent that is jumping back, this is especially true if they do not perform an attack, an action that extends the hurtbox. This is also a common way to attempt to escape a potential Command Grab from a grappler style character. Lastly Up-Back is common for "Tiger Knee Motion".



Up makes a character neutral jump. The neutral jump is usually for baits and pressure, some reversals, such as the Street Fighter V incarnation of Kazekiri where it misses most charters at the apex of a neutral jump. Characters with multi hitting aerials also tend to get a lot of benefit from neutral jump pressure, as they can come down with more frame advantage than usual. Neutral Jumps are usually used to hard read command grabs.



Up Right makes the controlled character jump forward

Up-Right is a forward jump. This is a common way to try and approach enemies. Jump In attacks tend to do more damage than non jump ins, and a blocked jump attack usually has high frame advantage on block. Care should be taken as in most games the user can not block once a jump has been committed to. Anti Airs tend to be created to deal with this style of jump the most. Up-Right is also a common ending motion for "Tiger Knee" motion.

