Street Fighter Wiki

Here is a list of quotes used by Karin.

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "You had your chance... Now it's time to pay up!"
  • "Would you like to be my servant? You may start right now!"
  • "To defeat an opponent is to get to know them intimately..."
  • "Someone of your breeding could never stand a chance against me!"
  • "If you expected me to lose out of generosity, I'm truly sorry!"
  • "How rude! You lack both manners and fighting ability!"
  • "All you need is victory!" That is the motto of my family!"
  • "It went as I expected. Thank you for making it nice and quick!"

Win Quotes (Japanese)[]

  • "Knowing your enemy makes you know yourself in turn. This is the conventionality found in all battles."「敵を知り己を知る・・・・ あらゆる戦いにおいて常套ですわ」
  • "Unfortunately for you, I don't feel like giving you the win."「あいにくですが 勝負を譲る気はありませんの」
  • "How are you faring with your injuries? It would do you well to not move needlessly."「お怪我の具合はいかが? あまり無理をなさらないことね」
  • "That's enough jest for one day!"「おふざけが過ぎますことよっ!」
  • "Did you truly believe that you could defeat I, Karin? Ooohohohohoho!"「このかりんに勝てると思って? オーホホホホホッ!」
  • "Well, this is an unpleasant sight... I wouldn't believe a so-called fighter would be in a state like this."「ま、はしたない・・・・ 格闘家とは思えぬ有様ですこと」
  • "Always strive to be at the top in all fields... This is the way of those born as Kanzukis."「万事において常に勝者であるべし ・・・・それが神月に生まれし者の掟」
  • "As expected... I have won this bout."「予定通り・・・・ 勝たせていただきましたわ」

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese)[]

  • "Howling alone is an act that even a puppy can perform."「ただ犬えるだけならば 小犬にも出来る芸当でしてよ」
  • "A legendarily strong foe. I humbly receive this lesson."「伝説の豪腕 謹 んでお受けいたしましたわ」
  • "A fight is conducted via precise tactics. It seems that you weren't gifted to its ways."「戦いとは高度な知略 あなたには無縁のようですわね」
  • "I don't have the slightest of intentions to speak with someone such as yourself who fails to grasp academic knowledge."「わたくし、 学才のない者とは 話したくあるませんの」
  • "Ufufufu... The king of the jungle is nothing but a mere kitten in my presence."「うふふふ ・・・・・ このかりんの前では 百獣ののとて小猫のごとしですわ」
  • "You should be able to tell if you're truly a pro. This difference in our strengths is evident enough."「プロならばお分かりでしょう この戦力差、 歴然ですことよ」
  • "Your calculations included too many unpredicted variables."「あなたの計算は 不確定要素を含みすぎますわ」
  • "Such weak kicks as those won't even be able to help you arrest petty burglars."「そのようなヤワな蹴りでは コソドロも捕らえられませんわよ」
  • "Uncouth... There's no other word that can describe you."「無様・・・・・それ以外に あなたを表す言葉がありませんわ」
  • "How boring... And here I am, being the fool for expecting anything else from you."「あまりに退屈・・・・・・期待した わ たくしが感かでしたわ」
  • "The beauty that only the strong can bathe in. That is true art."「強者のみが享受できる美しさ それがまことの芸術なのです」
  • "Poverty... Such an unpleasant thing, isn't it?"「貧しさとは…… 切ないものですわね」
  • "Sumo... There's nothing else quite like it with its destructive power. I've learnt a very important lesson here."「相撲……比類なき破壊力 たいへん参考になりましてよ」
  • "There's a limit to the absurdity you possess to even think of coming onto the same stage as I for battle."「私と同じ決闘の場に立つなど おこがましさにも程がありますわ」
  • "Despite possessing such strength, what could you possibly have to worry about?"「それほどの力をお持ちなのに 何をお悩みなのかしら?」
  • "The spotlight only bathes the winner in its glory."「スポットライトは 勝者のみが浴びるものですの」
  • "I wish for you to understand that my superiority over you will not yield."「理解していただきたいですわ わたくしのの位が揺るがぬことを」
  • "The words "negligence" and "restraint" are not in my dictionary... Is that understood?"「わたくしの辞書には「油断」も 「手加減」もなし……おわかり?」
  • "Bushinryu... Ufufu. I've already seen 90% of what it has to offer!"「武神流 ・・・・・・ うふふふ すでに9割、 見切りましてよ ! 」
  • "Prepare yourself for what's to come after your data analysis. I'll expose your true self for sure."「……データ解析ののちに覚悟なさい 必ず正体を暴いてみせますわ」
  • "Regardless of how much one trains, it doesn't mean there's some innate talent to bring out."「どれだけ訓練をつもうとも 天賦の才にかなうはずありませんわ」
  • "If I dare say, you're a mass-produced item. Your ability is the same as the quality... Irrelevant."「言うなればあなたがたは量産品 性能もそれなり……論外ですわね」
  • "Have you, perhaps, burnt out?" 「完全燃焼、 できまして? 」
  • "There's only one who can inherit the name Kanzuki. What I see before me speaks for itself."「神月の名を継ぐのは一人 この結果が、 全てを語っていますわ」
  • "You left the Kanzuki family alone and tried taking control of the world... How foolish of you!"「神月家をさしおいて世界を 牛耳ろうなどと……浅はかな!」
  • "How surprisingly feeble you were... I would like for you to return the valuable time I wasted with you."「あきれかえる惰弱ぶり……貴重な時間を返していただきたいわ」
  • "All shallow cunning on your part in the end... You won't be winning with those cheap tricks."「しょせんは猿知恵…… 小細工だけでは勝てませんわ」
  • "Absurd... You mean to say that you know everything there is to me?"「笑止 ・・・・・・ わたくしのすべてを 理解したつもりでいらしたの? 」
  • "I wonder why? Why would a fight I expected to win make me feel this delighted..."「何故かしら? 得て当然の勝利が こんなにも嬉しいなんて……」
  • "I feel the same way as you with how there's no meaning to anything if we don't achieve victory."「わたくしもあなたと同じ 勝利なくして存在意義はないのです」
  • "You've yet to even make up for the humiliation you gave me for my defeat at your hands!"「あなたから受けた敗北の屈辱 まだまだ返し足りませんことよ! 」
  • "Bluffing to extreme lengths will only have an adverse effect on me."「わたくしに対して 余計なハッタリは逆効果ですわよ」
  • "You didn't live up to the rumors of someone who had lost themselves in the crazed pursuit of beauty."「美にとらわれし狂気の貴公子 うわさ程ではありませんわね」
  • "No amount of you boys will ever overpower someone such as myself who has the strength surpassing that of over 100 men."「半人前がいら集まろうと 百人力を超える私の敵ではなくてよ」

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Blanka[]


Karin: Wha... What?! A beast!

Blanka: Woooooooo!! (Hey cute girl, let's fight!)

Karin: Ho, Ho, Ho... All right! I'll fight you and beat you, if that is your wish... You'll fall prey to my fists! For they are the King of Beasts!


Karin: I never thought such a creature existed. The world is so vast. ?! I think someone was watching my fight!.... Or was it just my imagination...?

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Sakura[]


Karin: I've found you at last, Sakura Kasugano!!!

Sakura: Karin Kanzuki?! What the heck are you doing here?!

Karin: I came to fight you again!! Our last match helped me to train!

Sakura: Yes... I can feel your fighting spirit. I'm so excited!


Karin: My mind feels so refreshed.... I won by chance. You are the better fighter. I admire you!

Sakura: You're great, too! I hope we can fight again someday!

Karin: Ho, Ho! It's not the win or loss, but the moment of the fight... That is what is important to me now!

vs. Juli and Juni[]


Bison: Ha, Ha! I watched your match. You fought well for young girls. Are you the girl who defeated Blanka?

Karin: How rude!! Who are you?!

Bison: If you beat my dolls, I'll tell you my name! Now, my pretty dolls... Destroy her!

vs. M. Bison[]


Bison: How entertaining.... You are stronger than I thought... I'm M. Bison, Leader of Shadaloo. You are a qualified fighter.

Karin: Shadaloo's M. Bison!! You are less than a man!! I'll use all my strength to defeat you!!

Capcom Fighting Evolution[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "Don't bother trying to explain. There is no excuse for such a disgraceful loss."
  • "There's more to fighting than strength. You can't win until you figure that out."
  • "For all your bragging, you sure turned out to be a pushover."
  • "I can't get too excited about such an easy victory."
  • "That was even easier than I thought! Is that really all you've got?"
  • "That has to be the dullest, most boring fight I have ever been in..."
  • "I've had enough of third-rate fighters like you."
  • "Maybe if you'd kept your eyes off my body for a second, you'd have won."

Win Quotes (character specific)[]

  • "For to continue with just mediocre forging, and realize even the unsurpassable wall."
  • "For it is inevitable as a run-of-the-mill dispute, in that case just peace is fine if it's as invincible."
  • "Polished blades rust even if new. Is that the extent of your drawn sword?"
  • "To have already seen all your thrusted moves, to duplicate in tactless frankness...a good place for it is irrelevant."
  • "You dangle after a strange already apparent sense. My imagination? Or rather..."
  • "Insufficient that you've made me feel down, concerning the truth to recite isn't a qualification and the like."
  • "If that's your full capacity as ruler, you strike yourself as extremely commodible coming here."
  • "For in the Kanzuki house ninjutsu also is a required training syllabus, to you the reason to take delaying and the like is nothing."
  • "I don't believe the fight today is everything...still you aim to borrow!"
  • "With even merely a one-time negligence, it's plenty to change the flow of battle."
  • "It's with coordinated techniques of little use isn't it...but, looking at them twice isn't necessary."
  • "You've bothered my honored father... What an elaborate assassin to dispatch!"

Street Fighter V[]

Language Change[]

  • "Make way for the victor!"

Character Selection[]

  • "Oh-hohohoho!"


  • "I'll show you the divide in our class!"
  • "I choose you as my opponent. How honored you must be." (Easy Survival Mode)
  • "I'm going to teach you your limitations." (Normal Survival Mode)
  • "Today I'm going to afford you the finest of defeats." (Hard Survival Mode)
  • "I'm always the victor no matter what!" (Extreme Survival Mode)

Critical Art[]

When Hit[]

  • "That was bad!"

Round Victory[]

  • "I can see right through you!"
  • "I'll admit you have some skill." (low health)

Round Loss[]

  • "No way...!!"
  • "By a...commoner..." (crumple KO)

Back Rise[]

  • "Simple!"

Versus Mode (Generic)[]

  • "As someone with power, I have obligations I must fulfill."
  • "That was mildly enjoyable. Let's do it again sometime."
  • "I, Karin Kanzuki, am the one with the real power!"
  • "Oops! Sorry! Can I still play?"
  • "The name is Karin Kanzuki, a.k.a. the victor!"

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

  • "You cannot truly stand above others until you have the strength necessary to do so."
  • "A most entertaining fight indeed. Perhaps next time, your infamous brother and I could spare a little."
  • "That was an interesting fight. I'll be sure to remember your name."
  • "There's nothing more difficult to keep in check than a raging beast."
  • "Wake up! I still have 999 fights left to meet today's quota."
  • "So many strikes... Each one with a magnificent "snap" to it."
  • "You've clearly trained extensively. I learned a lot from your techniques."
  • "Karin Kanzuki is always ready to accept a challenge, no matter the opponent!"
  • "I fail to see what Sakura could possibly learn from a miscreant like you!"
  • "Kanzuki-ryu has its own secret levitation technique, you know."
  • "None—not even a yokozuna—can surpass a Kanzuki. Try again if you must. But I suggest more training."
  • "You have a lot of great potential. But your manners are absolutely atrocious."
  • "You say you're one of the Four Kings, but you can't even write "two" in Chinese properly."
  • "That Psycho Power you wield... I'd like to see how much of a threat it poses."
  • "President of the World? Oh, I'm afraid I didn't realize. Do accept my sincerest apologies."
  • "The Organization... The writings... We need to see if it's a new threat we face."
  • "Even precision can be a weakness. A pro like you should know that."
  • "So you're the "Spider" I've heard about? How disappointing."
  • "I'm the head of the Kanzuki family. Not a mere imposter like you."
  • "Controlling your opponent's strength is the first thing we teach in the Kanzuki-ryu."
  • "If you're seeking to be my body guard, then I'm afraid you have failed the test."
  • "I know you expected some incompetent spoiled brat. Unfortunately for you, however, you face a Kanzuki!"
  • "Now do you understand what happens when you mess with a Kanzuki?"
  • "There is only one future for the Kanzuki family. And I don't need a crystal ball to see it."
  • "Every living thing has a weakness, but I guess that doesn't apply to you."
  • "No wise person would try to best a Kanzuki one-handed."
  • "You really thought I was just some spoiled, little rich girl? Ha! You must be kicking yourself."
  • "That wasn't a bad fight. I have high hopes for the next one."
  • "Do you think you can escape from me with moves like that?"
  • "The Kanzuki Royal Family never faltered in the past, no will it do so in the future."
  • "No matter my opponent, I, Karin Kanzuki, fight flawlessly every time."
  • "And with this victory, I, Karin Kanzuki, take the lead in our total victory count."
  • "It's not you I wish to punish; it's your creator."
  • "After all that chatter, you really didn't live up to my expectations."
  • "Beauty is refined in battle. Not realizing that is holding you back."
  • "Your conviction and pride make you strong... Magnificent."
  • "I thank you for the demonstration. But I don't think we will be in need of your services."

A Shadow Falls[]

  • Four hours ago, the object nicknamed The Black Moon was spotted above Tokyo. It hasn't taken any action. But of course, our family's satellite, Red Spider-Lily is constantly monitoring it.
  • Shibasaki!
  • I'd venture to guess that is the cause.
  • I want a report tomorrow morning. Whoever did this better prepare.