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Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Kyoja Renbu
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Kyoja Renbu (凶邪連舞 Kyōja Renbu?, "Bane Wicked Chain Dance") is one of Kairi's Super Combos in the Street Fighter EX series. It first appeared as a regular Super Combo in the original Street Fighter EX, and it later became a Level 3 Super Combo in Street Fighter EX2 and his Meteor Combo for the rest of the series.

Hokuto and Bloody Hokuto can use a variation known simply as Renbu (連舞 Renbu?, "Chain Dance").

Appearance Function Input
Street Fighter EX Super Combo Light Punch Light Punch Forward Light Kick Hard Punch
Street Fighter EX2 Super Combo Maximum only Light Punch Light Punch Forward Light Kick Hard Punch
Street Fighter EX2 Plus
Street Fighter EX3
Meteor Combo Maximum only Light Punch Light Punch Forward Light Kick Hard Punch


Kairi runs towards his opponent and attempts to grab them. If he's successful, he does a barrage of punches and kicks (a jab, straight, then a triple following-leg attack via knee strike, low kick then high kick), which ends with him jabbing his foe into a grabbing motion, holding them by the throat, then impaling them through the stomach with his fist. This version is the one that Bloody Hokuto continues to use in the later games.

In later games, Kairi's version of the move more closely resembles the Raging Demon; the screen turns black (or white) after Kairi grabs his opponent, and red kanji are shown until the move ends. At the end of the attack, he is seen holding his head in agony over the defeated opponent while screaming in pain.

Said kanji is read as "kekkai eishuu nenshou fuu" (血継影襲念傷封), meaning "bloody grafting shadow assault, wish a wound on the seal!"

Kyoja Renbu ex2

street fighter ex2


Appearance User(s) Function Input
Street Fighter EX Plus
Street Fighter EX3
Fighting EX Layer
Bloody Hokuto (Shirase) Super Combo Light Punch Light Punch Forward Light Kick Hard Punch
Street Fighter EX2 Hokuto Super Combo Light Punch Light Punch Forward Light Kick Hard Punch

A variation of the move can be used by Bloody Hokuto/Shirase (in EX Plus, EX3 and Fighting EX Layer) and normal Hokuto (in EX2 and EX2 Plus). It is visually identical to the version used by Kairi in the original game (a seven-hit combo ending with her punching the opponent through their stomach). In EX2 and EX3, the last hit cloaks the opponent in an eerie blue flame, while its FEXL incarnation is accompanied by a flurry of crimson flower petals and ends with the opponent ablaze in red flame.
