Street Fighter Wiki
For a better explanation on how the Street Fighter games runs, see Frame Data.
Ibuki Link Combo example

Here Ibuki performs a link combo, her MP is +6 which enables her to link into another same attack, then Pushback pushes Dan out of the way of another MP so the link combo is ended with Spin Kick.

Link Combo is a term for a type of combo in the Street Fighter series and other fighting games.


Enabled by positive Frame Data, a link combo refers to a combo that does not have any automatic Cancels involved, such as Target Combos, Cross Rush, or Special Cancels. While link combos can end with a special cancel, a link combo refers to a combo that is done by manual inputs taking frame data into account. An example of a link combo is provided above with Ibuki linking her medium punch into another medium punch then spin kick.

Special attacks can also be part of a link combo that doesn't have a special cancel. For this to happen the special attack has to be allowed by the frame advantage of the previous hit rather than a special cancel that takes advantage of the hitstun of the previous attack. An example would be in SFV where Ibuki's standing medium kick is +5 on hit. Her Kazekiri has a 5 frame startup for the hard version meaning the player can link said special attack from her medium kick assuming said attack connected with a hit beforehand without utilizing special cancels..


Execution refers to how well a player is able to perform links or other manual activities where the game doesn't allow the player to press in quick sequence. A common term is 1-frame link which refers to an attack that the player has 1/60 of a second to push the right input for a combo to continue. In Street Fighter V, the timing for a one frame link was made a lot more lenient to make the game approachable for newer players.

