- For a better explanation on how the Street Fighter games runs, see Frame Data.
A Link Combo is a term for a type of combo in the Street Fighter series and other fighting games.
Enabled by positive Frame Data, a link combo refers to a combo that does not have any automatic Cancels involved, such as Target Combos, Cross Rush, or Special Cancels. While link combos can end with a special cancel, a link combo refers to a combo that is done by manual inputs taking frame data into account. An example of a link combo is provided above with Ibuki linking her medium punch into another medium punch then spin kick.
Special attacks can also be part of a link combo that doesn't have a special cancel. For this to happen the special attack has to be allowed by the frame advantage of the previous hit rather than a special cancel that takes advantage of the hitstun of the previous attack. An example would be in SFV where Ibuki's standing medium kick is +5 on hit. Her Kazekiri has a 5 frame startup for the hard version meaning the player can link said special attack from her medium kick assuming said attack connected with a hit beforehand without utilizing special cancels..
Execution refers to how well a player is able to perform links or other manual activities where the game doesn't allow the player to press in quick sequence. A common term is 1-frame link which refers to an attack that the player has 1/60 of a second to push the right input for a combo to continue. In Street Fighter V, the timing for a one frame link was made a lot more lenient to make the game approachable for newer players.