Street Fighter Wiki
T. Hawk, as he's spinning his victim in Super Street Fighter II
"Grab your opponent with both war clubs and smash them into the ground with a spinning slam. Useful for slipping through an opponent's guard at close range."
Street Fighter 6

T Hawk performing Mexican Typhoon on Ibuki

The Mexican Typhoon (メキシカンタイフーン Mekishikan Taifuun?), also known as the Storm Hammer, is one of T. Hawk's special attacks, introduced along with him in Super Street Fighter II. This would be passed down to Lily in Street Fighter 6.

All appearances Arcade Stick 360+Arcade Button Punch
Street Fighter 6
Modern SP



Ryu falls victim to Mexican Typhoon in Super Street Fighter IV.

Executed by performing a full circle motion and pressing punch (or Special Attack for Modern Control in Street Fighter 6 for Lily), T. Hawk attempts to grab his opponent; if successful, he will catch them by the head with one hand, leap into the air and spin them around in a circle several times like a windmill before slamming them down into the ground for a devastating impact.

In Super Street Fighter IV, the visual execution, startup time and amount of damage dealt are determined by the punch button pressed. Light Mexican Typhoon grabs the opponent the quickest but T. Hawk spins the foe only once without jumping. The Medium version grabs the enemy slower but jumps a small height and also spins them once in the air. The Heavy version grabs the opponent the slowest but jumps some higher and spins the opponent twice in the air.

The EX Special version introduced in Super Street Fighter IV has T. Hawk shout the move's name. It possesses a slightly larger "grab" hitbox (allowing T. Hawk to grab the opponent even from a little distance), much less startup time with temporary invulnerability, and causes him to jump the highest and spin the opponent thrice in the air, thus making it the most damaging version.

In the case of Lily, due to her small stature, she puts both her clubs either side of her opponent's head, spins around them, then launches herself up to do the signature spinning element of the attack. Similar to T. Hawk, the strength of the punch button pressed determines the number of times Lily spins in midair before slamming her opponent into the ground. The Light version has one spin. Medium Mexican Typhoon has Lily spinning twice in midair. The Heavy and OD version spins three times.


It is best used for quick damage or stopping any attempts at close-range retaliation. Variation between normal and command grabs is advised to punish neutral jump and tech attempts.

In Street Fighter 6, this is the only move in Lily's arsenal that is not affected by Windclad stocks. Mexican Typhoon is an incredibly powerful command grab, dealing as much damage as some Level 2 Super Arts. The strength of the punch button determines the range and damage inflicted. The Light version does the least amount of damage, but has longer range, while the Heavy version has the shortest range, but inflicts the most damage. The OD version has the Light version's range while outdamaging the Heavy version, making it an extremely powerful option against a blocking opponent.


Lily slamming Cammy into the ground using Mexican Typhoon.

As a command grab, this move cannot be blocked. It is great for keeping the opponent guessing, as well as utilizing tick throws. With its fast 5-frame startup, she can use this move to break their defenses and deal a large chunk of damage. Lily can condition her opponent to constantly block her offensive pressure, and surprise them with her command throws. However, Mexican Typhoon's main weaknesses are its lengthy recovery if it whiffs and the immense distance between her and the opponent if it connects. Lily is forced to Drive Rush back in to maintain an offense, and while she can also choose to hang back and build Windclad Stocks with Condor Wind, her neutral options are limited.




Street Fighter Alpha 3
