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This is a list of quotes used by Oni.

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition[]


  • "I shall grind beneath my heel all that exists."

Intros (unused)[1][]

  • "Hmmmm... Who is it that has summoned me?"
  • "I shall consume your very soul."
  • "Hmmmm... Show me your power."
  • "Now, prepare to die."


Oni: "Whoooooaaah..."

(A tree explodes from Oni's presence and a crow drops dead.)

Oni: "Ooooooaaaaahhh!"

(Oni looks at the sky.)

Oni: "I am evil incarnate!"

Rival Dialogue[]

(No rival cutscene is present in Oni's story)

Finish Quotes[]

  • Oni: "Fade into the mist."
  • Oni (If finishing with a Super): "Humanity is of no use to Evil Incarnate!"
  • Oni (If finishing with an Ultra): "Do not fear death's embrace!"

Other Quotes[]

  • "I am a demon." (Match Start)
  • "GOUKEN!" (Ultra Activation vs. Gouken rival)
  • "Stare into the face of death!" (Last hit of Tenchi Sokaigen)
  • "Feel my wrath!" (Full Charged Focus Attack vs. Gouken rival)
  • "I'll bury you!" (when super gauge is full vs. Gouken rival)
  • "End this." (2nd round match start vs. Gouken rival)
  • "Doom awaits." (Super vs Gouken)
  • "Death awaits." (During Gouken rival)
  • "Your time has come!" (Gouken low health)
  • "Die!" (When activates super)
  • "Words cannot pierce your stone heart." (Start of round Gouken)
  • "Why do you hesitate?" (Gouken)
  • "Fall to my fists!" (Gouken Ultra activation)
  • "A suitable ending... For a demon." (Gouken ends round normally)
  • "Do not toy with me." (When rival is stunned)
  • "Spineless!" (During Gouken rival)
  • "You've grown..."
  • "Coward." (During Gouken rival)
  • "Foolishness." (During Gouken rival)
  • "Your time has run out!" (Raging Demon KO/Kill)
  • "Ashes to ashes!" (Normal round Ultra 1 activation)
  • "The Gates of Hell await!" (Normal round Ultra 1 cinematic)
  • "My power, moves worlds!" (Ultra 2 activation)
  • "I'll crush you!"
  • "Sleep forever!"
  • "Kneel before me!"
  • "Puny human!"
  • "Curse you!"
  • "Your weakness will be your undoing!"
  • "Dust to dust!"
  • "Messatsu!"


(No line is said in this. Inside a volcano, all Oni does is jump, hit the floor with a chop and let the volcano explode in an eruption while taking off to the skies from inside the lava without showing any apparent damage while laughing and screaming)


  • "I am not yet finished!"

Personal Actions[]

  • "You are but a child."
  • "Grrrrrrr!"
  • "Die, you."
  • "Such weakness."
  • "Bow to me!"
  • "Death awaits you."
  • "Embrace your doom!"
  • "Powerless!"
  • "Mrrrruuuuhh!"
  • "Kneel before me!"

Win Quotes[]

Round Win[]

  • "Weakling!"
  • "Such weakness."
  • "Bow down! Worm."
  • "I am not human."

Versus Mode[]

  • "Oni has no equal."
  • "Oni's power is true."
  • "Oni's voice shall be as thunder."
  • "Pray for divine intervention."
  • "Return to dust."
  • "This is your demise."
  • "You shall perish before Oni."
  • "Become a part of Oni."
  • "Fade into nothingness."
  • "Oni controls all it surveys."
  • "Oni has finished your battle."

Arcade Mode[]

  • "You lack the power to defeat Oni."
  • "Your bark is like a child's cry."
  • "Death is the same for man and beast."
  • "Your tricks are all in vain."
  • "I am Oni. My power surpasses yours."
  • "There are things which mere humans simply cannot understand."
  • "Receive your reward for your mistakes."
  • "To challenge Oni with such conceit..."
  • "You have used up all your good fortune."
  • "I no longer have bonds with humans." (Boss form)
  • "Your fate lies twisting in my hand."
  • "Bushinryu will fade with the rest of this diseased world."
  • "Roast in the fires of the underworld."
  • "Oni shall destroy you for your naivety."
  • "It is your destiny to perish at my hand."
  • "I am the true Oni."
  • "It's impossible to tell Oni's future."
  • "This is your demise."
  • "Offer your power to Oni."
  • "Oni has already transcended this world."
  • "Kneel before me and accept your fate."
  • "Your short sightedness is regrettable."

Pre-fight Quotes (as a boss)[]

Character Japanese English
Abel "Show me the power that exceeds fate" 「宿命(さだめ)を超える力、示してみよ」 "Show me the extent of your power."
Adon 「匹夫の咆哮、取るに足りず」 "Time to skin this jaguar."
Akuma 「我は既に汝に非ず 鬼也」 "Fool. I've evolved beyond you."
Balrog / Rolento 「目障り也 消して呉れよう」 "Foolish mortal. Leave my sight."
Blanka 「人獣は問わず、唯力をのみ…」 "Be you man or beast, you will bow to me."
Cammy / Decapre 「空蝉の技、鬼神には及ばず」 "Your moves are but insect stings."
Chun-Li "What you believe in is the same as dust" 「汝の信ずる物は塵に同じ」 "Your ideals are worthless, worm!"
Cody "If you don't show your true power, you should be annihilated/destroyed." 「真の力見せぬならば、唯滅すべし」 "As long as you hold back, your destruction is assured."
C. Viper 「策を弄すは小人の業也」 "Cheap gadgets cannot harm me."
Dan "Insignificant clown. Disappear" 「取るに足らぬ道化者 消えよ」 "You are nothing but a farce. Die."
Dee Jay "No sound before me, no voice after me" 「我が前に音無し 我が後に声無し」 "I shall silence your rhythm and your voice forever."
Dhalsim "Do you turn your commandments to the demon god?" 「鬼神に戒力を向くるか」 "Your gods cannot protect you."
Dudley 「現世(うつしよ)の礼など、此の場には無用」 "Your propriety does not impress."
E. Honda "If you are a strong man, prove it to me" 「力人ならば証を見せよ」 "Let's find out how strong Sumo is."
El Fuerte / Poison "Regret thy carelessness."「汝が軽挙、悔いるがいい」 "Come now. Face defeat."
Evil Ryu 「波動に喰われたか 是非も無し」 "Finally, my boy. You have succumbed to the power."
Fei Long "The budding arrogance of ordinary people is laughable."「只人の増長、笑止の沙汰よ」 "Know your limits, you braggart!"
Gen "Thy fists can no longer reach me. Begone!"「汝が拳は最早届かぬ 逝け」 "Your fists... They cannot harm a demon."
Gouken "Our bond has already begun to disappear."「我等が縁は既に立ち消えた」 "There's no escape from your destiny."
Guile "Show me how you struggle until the end."「最後迄足掻いて見せよ」 "Your perseverance cannot save you."
Guy "Bushinryu cannot control the demon god" 「武神とて鬼神を制する能わず」 "Bushinryu is no match for pure evil."
Hakan "My demonic flames will burn you down" 「我が鬼の炎が、汝を焼き尽くす」 "I shall ignite your oil with my demonic flames."
Ibuki "This is the abyss, there is already no way back."「此処は奈落 帰路既に無し」 "You will not return to your homeland."
Juri "Thou, hast come with the eyes of the devil." 「汝、悪鬼の眼を持つか 来よ」 "Your eye... It holds power. Show me."
Ken 「波動に魅入られぬ者、とはな…」 "Another disciple of the Hado. Hm..."
Makoto "If you are willing, show your strength." 「志在るならば、力を以て示せ」 "Let us see, child, if your training has paid off."
M. Bison "Burn out from my flames" 「我が業火に因って燃え尽きよ」 "I'll see you in hell. Now burn!"
Oni "Demon gods cannot stand together... Disappear with haste."「鬼神並び立たず… 疾く消えよ」 "Demon versus demon. To the death!"
Rose "I am one who is beyond destiny. Prepare yourself!"「我は宿命(さだめ)を外れし者 覚悟せい」 "Destiny... It has brought you here. To die!"
Rufus "No need to speak, show only your power." 「弁舌は不要 力のみを見せよ」 "Close your mouth and prepare to die."
Ryu "This is where your path ends, boy." 「小童よ、汝の道は此処で終わる」 "Boy, your journey ends here."
Sagat "Powerful one, die with me" 「力持つ者よ、我と死合え」 "I shall enjoy matching wits with you."
Sakura "Your path will eventually lead to Shura." 「汝の道は、軈て修羅に通ずる」 "You've come far, but your journey ends here."
Seth "The techniques of a puppet won't work for me." 「傀儡の技は我には通じぬ」 "I'll cut your strings, worthless puppet."
T. Hawk / Elena "The reason of all things is useless before me." 「万物の理も我が前には無益 」 "Your spirits... they will not protect you."
Vega "Delusion, not worth listening to" 「妄言、聞くに値せず 散れ」 "Vanity shall be your downfall, fool."
Yang 「我が拳の技 読んでみせよ」 "My moves, boy, you will not see coming."
Yun "If you challenge the demon, you should bet your life" 「鬼に挑むならば、命賭すべし」 "If you face a demon, you must be ready to die."
Zangief / Hugo "The human body is like paper in front of me." 「人の身など我が前には紙の如し」 "You're strong, but your defeat is inevitable."

Ultra Street Fighter IV[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "An almighty deity cannot be defeated in ordinary combat!"
  • "A deity such as myself is no prisoner to the laws of nature or the universe!"
  • "Strength of the flesh is no match for the power of a deity!"
  • "You have wasted the time of a god! Death is too good for you!"
  • "Your weapons are useless against a deity incarnate!"

Asura's Wrath[]

Oni: "Waga Ki, Bankai Ni Michitari! (I alone have mastered the art of combat!)"

(Oni jumps out of the rubble.)

Oni: "(My murderous intent shall never fade!)"
