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Street Fighter Wiki
"Talons pierce the ground, creating a pool of poison. Opponents that touch the pool will become poisoned."
Street Fighter 6

The Orchid Spring (紫泡泉 Shihōsen?, Purple Bubble Spring) is one of A.K.I.'s special attacks, introduced in Street Fighter 6.

Classic Arcade Stick QCB+Arcade-Button-MPunch
Modern Arcade Stick QCB+Modern M


Executed by performing a quarter-circle back motion and pressing Medium Punch (or Medium Attack for Modern Control), A.K.I. turns around and extends her claws so that they touch the floor, creating a puddle of poison just in front of her.


Orchid Spring

Orchid Spring does not have an actual hitbox, making it functionally similar to F.A.N.G's Nishodoku, a hazard designed to control the opponent's movement. While the attack does no physical damage to the opponent, it leaves a toxic puddle on the ground. Making contact with the puddle puts the opponent in the poisoned state. Even though setting it up the puddle in neutral can be risky due to its long duration, its utility against a knocked-down opponent lets A.K.I. keep her poison up, setting them up for a Toxic Blossom effect. A stunned opponent can also have the poison effect applied to them without knocking them out of their stun state.

