Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Poison.

Final Fight Revenge

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SVC Chaos (non-playable)

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Street Fighter X Tekken

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Win Quotes (character-specific)

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Street Fighter

  • "Wasn't there a song about this? Something-or-other in the mirrror?"
  • "Get a grip, Hugo! If you lose in training, what's going to happen in a real match?"
  • "Talk about falling from grace. I used to fear you, now looking at you just kind of pisses me off."
  • "You haven't changed at all. Not nesssecarily a bad thing."



Ultra Street Fighter IV

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"Let's have some fun..."



  1. "What, you gonna just stand there?"


  • "I'm stronger AND hotter than you. You can't compete."
  • "Quit droolin' you creep."
  • "A child could wipe the floor with you!"

Win Quotes

  • "Like my shoes? I guess you got a good view of them while I was kicking you!"
  • "Was that supposed to be a rehearsal or were you serious?"

Arcade Mode

  • "Death matches are fun to watch, but they wreck havoc in the ring."
  • "You are earning a good living already. You don't need a job offering from me."
  • "Quit rebelling and join up with me already!"
  • "You've got a flashy style, but music isn't really my bag."
  • "Dancing needs sensuality to really work. Try again when you’re older, kid!"
  • "Just because my name is Poison doesn’t mean you can serve it to me!"
  • "Assassin, huh? Sometime tells me that you wouldn’t really work in wrestling."
  • "If you're half the soldier you appear to be, you're dynamite in the ring!"
  • "You're still a weirdo, but a promise is a promise. Time to join me."
  • "You say you are a CEO? What a happy coincidence! I could use a new sponsor!"
  • "Your moves are solid, but you’re not cut out for fan service with that attitude."
  • "It's great that you're so full of energy and all, but do you ever relax?"
  • "Evil crime organization? Been there. Done that."
  • "No more playing soldiers! You’re in my stable from now on!"
  • "I don't believe in your cheap parlor tricks. Hey! Are you reading my mind?"
  • "Not bad. Ever considered a career in Pro Wrestling?"
  • "I win! Gimme the prize!"
  • "You’re a little old for wrestling. Your hawk would make a great mascot, though."
  • "I’m not as simple as a brat like you might think!"
  • "Get out of here while you can still run on your own feet, you loudmouthing punk!"
  • "The Red Cyclone is always welcome in my ring. Let me know if you reconsider."