Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Poison.

Final Fight Revenge

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SVC Chaos (non-playable)

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Street Fighter X Tekken

Character Select

Let’s go!

I’ll give you the show of a lifetime!

Match Start

Now, the show’s ready to begin!

Pandora Activation

Time to get wild!

Pandora Sacrifice

What the hell?


You don't look so tough.


I'm not just hotter than you. I also just kicked your ass!

Win Quotes

Street Fighter

vs. Abel

vs. Akuma Fighting guys like you is really a one-night-only kind of deal.

vs. Balrog Trying to steal money from your boss... You got guts,I'll give you that. That's all you got, though.

vs. Bison You're just like Belger. You guys keep getting your asses kicked, yet you just don't learn!

vs. Blanka It doesn't matter if you're from the jungle, stupid is just stupid.

vs. Cammy You're too delicate, sweetheart. Marks like you make for the perfect sucker.

vs. Chun Li Now we know who the cool and beautiful one is around here!

vs. Cody Talk about falling from grace! I used to fear you, but now looking at you just kinda pisses me off.

vs. Dhalsim Not bad for a sideshow. As a fighter, you're completely terrible, though.

vs. Dudley Rules and etiquette and crap like that are so boring. I fight how I please!

vs. Elena Looks like you couldn't handle my rhythm. Try again when you're a little more mature.

vs. Guile Lighten up already. You take yourself way too seriously.

vs. Guy You haven't changed at all. Not necessarily a good thing.

vs. Hugo Get a grip, Hugo! If you get beat up in practice, what's gonna happen in a real fight?

vs. Ibuki I'm not interested in beating up little girls. Run along and go play with the other children.

vs. Juri I only like pranks if I'm the one pulling them.

vs. Ken That was pathetic! It'll take more than that if you wanna sweep me off my feet!

  • "Wasn't there a song about this? "Something or the other in the mirror"...?"

vs. Rolento Oh. You're still around. You still playing soldier up in the mountains?

vs. Rufus Learn to put your money where your mouth is!

vs. Ryu You got a lotta fans, you know. A real showman never disappoints!

vs. Sagat I hate to admit this, but I'm still kinda shaking in my little boots here.

vs. Sakura My, my, aren't you just full of energy? I'll be watching you closely. Heh.

vs. Vega The most beautiful person in the world? Me, of course. You had to ask?

vs. Zangief I thought you were gonna be tougher than that! Color me disappointed.


  • "Those Japanese sure do make some realistic robots. Wait, you're not Japanese? And you're not a robot?!"
  • "This is no place for kids to be playing around. Go on, scamper on home."
  • "Your face just pisses me off. Show it to me again and I'll stomp it in!"
  • "Sorry, I don't know the guy you're looking for."
  • "Old folks should just go off and die in a corner somewhere. Leave the world to us!"
  • "I don't have the time to turn boys into men. Go home and have some of mommy's milk."
  • "What kinda idiot would make such a thing?!"
  • "I'm not gonna be able to put on a show with that! You gotta get into more!"
  • "Hmm... You got the looks, but everything else about you is just too flat." (Versus mode)
  • "Quiet on the outside, a little wild on the inside. I like it!"
  • "Always a pleasure to fight against a famous guy! Been a long time since I've gotten this worked up."
  • "It's almost time for the finisher! And I'm gonna unmask you in front of everyone!"
  • "You'd make for a nice pet. You'd have to pull your own weight financially, of course."
  • "You're so straight-laced. It wouldn't hurt to get a little down and dirty every now and then."
  • "Don't you know how to properly escort a lady? You gotta work on your dating skills..."
  • "I'm too busy for your kiddie games. You wouldn't like what's in my dollhouse anyway."
  • "Just charging in like a bull isn't gonna work! You need to learn how to lure people into your trap..."
  • "I need boys who are made of stronger stuff. My wrestling league has no openings for you."
  • "I'm stronger and more beautiful than you. We didn't need to fight to figure that out, though."
  • " that's how you put on a show! Can you feel the excitement in the air?"
  • "A good-looking monster is still a monster! Get outta my face!" (Versus mode)
  • "You're not half bad. Too bad there weren't more people watching that great fight."
  • "Was that stimulating enough for you? I'll play with you anytime..."
  • "Yeah, yeah, I heard you already. Now, shut up and go home. It's past your bedtime."
  • "If you're a real man, fight with your fists instead of a sword! ...A steel chair is sometimes also acceptable."


  • "How’d you like the taste of my whip? I’ve got more where that came from…"
  • "What a cheeky little cat… I’ll give you a big juicy fish if you stay outta my way…"
  • "Did fighting someone so beautiful get you all worked up? Relax buddy."

Ultra Street Fighter IV

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"Let's have some fun..."



  1. "What, you gonna just stand there?"


  • "I'm stronger AND hotter than you. You can't compete."
  • "Quit droolin' you creep."
  • "A child could wipe the floor with you!"
  • "A for effort."

Win Quotes

  • "Like my shoes? I guess you got a good view of them while I was kicking you!"
  • "Was that supposed to be a rehearsal or were you serious?"

Arcade Mode

  • "I can sympathize, but the future is what's important. Not the past."
  • "You call yourself a god if you lose to a mortal like me."
  • "Death matches are fun to watch, but they wreck havoc in the ring."
  • "Boxing and pro wrestling don't mix. Not to mention your other issues..."
  • "You are earning a good living already. You don't need a job offering from me."
  • "Quit rebelling and join up with me already!"
  • "You've got a flashy style, but music isn't really my bag."
  • "Dancing needs sensuality to really work. Try again when you’re older, kid!"
  • "Just because my name is Poison doesn’t mean you can serve it to me!"
  • "Assassin, huh? Sometime tells me that you wouldn’t really work in wrestling."
  • "If you're half the soldier you appear to be, you're dynamite in the ring!"
  • "You're still a weirdo, but a promise is a promise. Time to join me."
  • "You say you are a CEO? What a happy coincidence! I could use a new sponsor!"
  • "I was a hell raiser like you when I was young. Tee hee..."
  • "Your moves are solid, but you’re not cut out for fan service with that attitude."
  • "Quite the showman. And handsome, too."
  • "It's great that you're so full of energy and all, but do you ever relax?"
  • "Evil crime organization? Been there. Done that."
  • "No more playing soldiers! You’re in my stable from now on!"
  • "I don't believe in your cheap parlor tricks. Hey! Are you reading my mind?"
  • "You've got the trash talking down, I don't know if you could handle the ring."
  • "Not bad. Ever considered a career in Pro Wrestling?"
  • "I win! Gimme the prize!"
  • "You’re a little old for wrestling. Your hawk would make a great mascot, though."
  • "I’m not as simple as a brat like you might think!"
  • "Get out of here while you can still run on your own feet, you loudmouthing punk!"
  • "The Red Cyclone is always welcome in my ring. Let me know if you reconsider."