Street Fighter Wiki

Reppu Jinrai Shou (烈風迅雷掌, Gale Thunderclap Palm) is Ryu's Hyper Combo in marvel vs capcom and Street Fighter Alpha and Super Gem Fighter, it is two light punches, one close medium punch, two more light punches, one more close medium punch, and a close hard punch (uppercut) then a Shoryuken (if the uppercut hits), it is performed by pressing down, down forward, forward, down, down forward, forward, kick, or, forward, down, down forward, 2p or 2k, depending on which game, in any way the last part of the attack which is "shou" is the 1st part of the word "Shoryuken".

If the attack misse, Ryu will continue all the punches (except for the uppercut) then stops, which makes this attack if blocked or dodged punished.


