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This is a list of quotes used by Rose.
This is a list of quotes used by Rose.
== ''[[Street Fighter Alpha]]''/''[[Street Fighter Alpha 2|Alpha 2]]'' ==
==''[[Street Fighter Alpha series|Street Fighter Alpha]]'' series==
===''[[Street Fighter Alpha]]''===
====Win Quotes====
*''"Are you done?"''
*''"Are you done?"''
*''"Forgive me."''
*''"Forgive me."''
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*''"Power is nothing without skill."''
*''"Power is nothing without skill."''
*''"Today's lesson is over."''
*''"Today's lesson is over."''
== ''[[Street Fighter Alpha 3]]'' ==
===Win Quotes===
====Rival Dialogue====
=====Vs. [[M. Bison]]=====
'''Rose''': "''You've abused your powers for too long.''"
'''Bison''': "''I knew you'd come sooner or later. Let's finish this!''"
'''Rose''': "''You do not deserve those gifts. The day of reckoning is here!''"
'''Bison''': "''Stop making speeches and fight!''"
===''[[Street Fighter Alpha 2|Alpha 2]]''===
==== Win Quotes (Japanese) ====
*''"If you don't use your power properly, it's useless."「ど ん な 力 も 正 し く 使 わ な け れ ば 無 意 味 な の」''
*''"Your "ki" is disturbed.”「あなたの 「 気 」 は乱れているわ」(*)''
*''"I can't fall until I complete my mission!"「使命をまっとうするまで 倒れるわけにはいかないわ !」''
*''"Master, please forgive me for this useless battle"「師よ ・・・・・・ 無益な戦いをお許しください」''
*''"This is the end of the lesson"「レッスンはここまでよ」''
*''"In every world, only the right people will survive."「いつの世も 正しい者だけが生き残るのよ」''
*''"You’re an energetic lady, be careful of your injuries."「元気なお嬢さんね ケガには気をつけるのよ」(**)''
*''"This battle was useless..."「この戦いも、 ムダだったようね ・・・・」 ''
*''"I might go to a place where I can practice more."「もっと修行すればいいところまでいくかもね」''
*''"You surely showed me the power of your [[ki|"ki"]]."「あなたの 「気」 の力 、 確かに見せてもらったわ」(***)''
*''"Nothing is born from the heart that runs away. Don't be afraid to jump in."「逃げる心からは何も生まれないわ 恐れす飛び込むのよ」''
*''"The vision of victory I imagined empowers me."「思い浮かべた勝利のビジョンが 私に力を与えてく、れるの」''
*''"Isn't that the end? Come on, [[M. Bison|show yourself!]]"「それで終わりのはすはないでしょう ? さあ 、 正体を見せなさい ! 」''
*''"I'm not going to win, I'm not a fighter..."「勝ちを誇るつもりはないわ 私は格闘家ではないもの・・・・・・」''
*''"Understanding your own power, is that your current task?"「自分の力をよく理解すること それがあなたの当面の課題かしら ? 」''
*''"Strength is not something to show off, but something to hide inside."「強さは誇示するものではなく 内に秘めるものよ」''
*''"I'll give you some advice... I'll let you know, I'll cause a big disaster someday."「忠告するわ ・・・・・・・ その油断 、 いつか大きな災いを呼ぶわよ」''
*''"What are you wondering? Believe in, your strength..."「何を迷ってるの ? 信じなさい 、あなたの力を・・・・・・」(****)''
(*)Vs. [[Adon]], [[Birdie]], [[M. Bison]], [[Akuma]], [[Dan]] and [[Gen]]
(**)Vs. [[Chun-Li]] and [[Sakura]]
(***)Vs. [[Ryu]], [[Ken]], Chun-Li and Sakura
(****)Vs. Everyone but M. Bison
====Rival Dialogues====
=====Vs. [[Akuma]]=====
'''Rose''': "''You! You're the one with the Shoryuken power I feel!"''
'''Akuma''': "''(Leave!)''"
'''Rose''': "''You must be... (Akuma)!''"
'''Akuma''': "''(Perish!)''"
=====Vs. [[M. Bison]]=====
'''Rose''': "''Bison, you are on the wrong path. I've tried to warn you.''"
'''Bison''': "''Your annoying warnings mean nothing to me.''"
'''Rose''': "''I'll give you a count of three.''"
'''Bison''': "''1... 2... 2 1/2... 2 3/4...''"
=== ''[[Street Fighter Alpha 3]]'' ===
====Win Quotes====
*''"A life shrouded in darkness is spent searching for the light..."''
*''"A life shrouded in darkness is spent searching for the light..."''
*''"Every action has the potential to fill or empty one's heart."''
*''"Every action has the potential to fill or empty one's heart."''
*''"Fate is fate, whether or not you choose to accept it!I must continue on this path... Even if I must sacrifice myself!"''
*''"Fate is fate, whether or not you choose to accept it!"''
*"''I must continue on this path... Even if I must sacrifice myself!"''
*''"If existence is a nightmare, one can only hope they are dreaming."''
*''"If existence is a nightmare, one can only hope they are dreaming."''
*''"The twinkling of the stars speak of your future..."''
*''"The twinkling of the stars speak of your future..."''
*''"Win or lose, you only achieve victory if you keep your soul!"''
*''"Win or lose, you only achieve victory if you keep your soul!"''
*''"You may know your fists, but how well do you know your heart?"''
*''"You may know your fists, but how well do you know your heart?"''
===Rival Dialogues===
====vs. [[Guy]]====
'''Guy:''' You are Rose, are you not? It's not right to give up your life, even for your mission. Risking life and surrendering it are two different things.
'''Rose:''' My mind is made up. Is it your place to try and help me? Even if so, your help is not anything that I need nor want.
=====After Battle=====
==== Win Quotes (Japanese) ====
*''"[[Akuma|Oni's eyes]]...what cold eyes..."「鬼 の 眼・・・・・・ な ん て 冷 た い 眼 な の ・・・・・・」''
'''Guy:''' "[[Soul Power]]..." Most impressive! But never underestimate [[M. Bison|his]] [[Psycho Power|power]]. He's a man of such evil energy, even my kindred fear him.
*''"With a [[Balrog|poor heart]], no victory can save you."「貧しき心のままでは どんな勝利もあなたを救えない」''
*''"Unfortunately... I don't have time to [[Birdie|associate with you.]]"「おあいにく ・・・・・ あなたと お付きあいする時間はないの」''
*''"The fate of being [[Blanka|lost]], I think it will continue for a while"「さ迷い続ける運命 しばらくの間は続きそうね」''
*''"Crying... [[Cammy|your heart]]..."「泣いている ・・・・・・ あなたの心が・・・・・・」''
*''"If you lose it, all you have to do is [[Cody|recover]]..."「失ってもまた 取 り返せばいいだけのこと・・・・・・」''
*''"I can't bring out my true power, no matter how many monks I [[Dan|seek]]."「どんなに僧しみを募らせようと 本当の力は引き出せないわ」''
*''"Yin and Yang... two faces with both [[Dee Jay|music and heart]] are easy to change."「陰と陽……併せ持つ2つの顔 音楽も心も移ろいやすいものよ」''
*''"I don't want to cause extra trouble... [[Dhalsim|Retire!]]"「余計な迷惑をかけたくないの ・・・・・・・ 退がって ! 」''
*''"[[E. Honda|Knowing the world]]... It's to wake up in your own universe."「世界を知ること ・・・・・・ それは 自分の中の宇宙に目覚めることよ」''
*''"Are you going to [[Evil Ryu|fall]] in a place like this? I’ve misjudged you... [[Ryu]]!"「こんなところで倒れるつもり? 見損なったわよ……リュウ!」''
*''“Abandon the [[Fei Long|fancy decorations]], without which the truth cannot be seen.” 「虚飾を捨て去ること それなくして真理は見えてこないわ」''
*''"I too... Maybe I shouldn't stay too long in this [[Gen|world]]..."「私もまた ・・・・・ この現世に 永く居過ぎてはいけないのかも ・・・・・''
*''"[[Charlie Nash|Farewell]] and [[M. Bison|hatred]]... There is [[Guile|no way]] to escape this disaster."「別れと憎しみ・・・・・・この厄災から 逃れられる術はないわ」''
*''"Do [[Guy|you]] feel it too? The laughter of that [[M.Bison|demon]]" 「あなたも ・・・・・・ 感じるのでしょう ? あの魔人の笑い声を」''
*''"Before being [[Juli|swallowed]], leave [[M. Bison|that man]]." 「飲み込まれてしまう前に あの男から離れなさい」''
*''"When a bad star crashes... [[Juni|You will]] also be frightened by the darkness and stand on the edge of death."「凶星墜つとき……あなたもまた 闇に怯え死の淵に立つでしょう」''
*''"It's an enviable relationship with the power to [[Ken Masters|raise]] each [[Ryu|other]]."「高めあう力と力 うらやましい関係だわ」''
*''"…...It's not [[M. Bison|over]] yet!!"「・・・・・・まだ、終わりじゃないわ !! 」''
*''"A [[Rolento|single mistake]] can turn everything into nothing..."「たった一度の過ちが すべてを無に帰すこともある ・・・・」''
*''"Yes...... [[Ryu|you]] must defeat me......"「そう・・・・・・あなたは私を 倒さなくてはならない人・・・・・・」''
*''"You don't need to [[Sakura|worry about me]]... fufufu"「あなたにおせっかいは 要らないようね・・・・・・ ふふつ」''
*''"By correcting the mistakes, [[Sodom|your tomorrow]] will begin..."「間違いを正すことから あなたの明日は始まる ・・・・・」''
*''"[[T. Hawk|God is helpless]], and I can't stop the flowing time." 「神とは無力なもの 流れる時を止めることもできない」''
*''"As expected, it seems that the [[Vega|inside of the heart]] is not reflected in the mirror"「さすがに心の中までは 鏡には映らないようね」''
*''"I just don't want to [[Zangief|increase]] my sadness..."「これ以上 悲しむ心を増やしたくないだけ ・・・・・・''
====Rival Dialogues====
'''Rose:''' Thanks for the advice, but I must continue on my path...
====vs. [[Vega]]====
=====Vs. [[Guy]]=====
'''Guy''': "''You are Rose, are you not? It's not right to give up your life, even for your mission. Risking life and surrendering it are two different things.''"
'''Rose:''' Vega! Warrior of Shadaloo! I've finally found you! You know where Bison is, don't you? Tell me!
'''Vega:''' I have no reason to do such... However, as your name implies you possess the beauty and thorns of a rose. So I shall adorn you in a pure red to suit your name better.
'''Rose''': "''My mind is made up. Is it your place to try and help me? Even if so, your help is not anything that I need nor want.''"
=====After Battle=====
'''Vega:''' Remember... Bison looks forward to your challenge... I don't understand his thinking, and I probably never will... Why would you dare to go to him, only to be slain in the end...?
'''Rose:''' By reading your mind, I now know where Bison is... Once divided, two separate fates unite. This is our fate... I don't know what awaits us... And neither does he...
'''Guy''': "''[[Soul Power]]..." Most impressive! But never underestimate [[M. Bison|his]] [[Psycho Power|power]]. He's a man of such evil energy, even my kindred fear him.''"
====vs. [[Juli]] and [[Juni]]====
'''Bison:''' You arrived earlier than I had anticipated... Sorry, but I have another appointment... Come back later.
'''Rose:''' Bison! You can't avoid this... You know you can't... Since the day we met, fate knew it had to end in this way...
'''Rose''': "''Thanks for the advice, but I must continue on my path...''"
=====Vs. [[Vega]]=====
'''Bison:''' Ha ha ha ha! Don't be so melodramatic! Why don't you play [[The Dolls|with them]] if it's a challenge you desire? You have nothing to lose... Except perhaps your life...
====vs. M. Bison====
'''Rose''': "''Vega! Warrior of Shadaloo! I've finally found you! You know where Bison is, don't you? Tell me!''"
'''Rose:''' Did you truly believe they could defeat me? There's no escape... for either of us...
'''Vega''': "''I have no reason to do such... However, as your name implies you possess the beauty and thorns of a rose. So I shall adorn you in a pure red to suit your name better.''"
'''Bison:''' A rose without thorns means friendship... Come now... I should never have allowed you to grow thorns...
'''Rose:''' No! That obedience is what caused all this tragedy... The game is over... Let's finish this now!
'''Vega''': "''Remember... Bison looks forward to your challenge... I don't understand his thinking, and I probably never will... Why would you dare to go to him, only to be slain in the end...?''"
'''Rose''': "''By reading your mind, I now know where Bison is... Once divided, two separate fates unite. This is our fate... I don't know what awaits us... And neither does he...''"
=====Vs. [[Juli]] and [[Juni]]=====
'''Bison''': "''You arrived earlier than I had anticipated... Sorry, but I have another appointment... Come back later.''"
'''Rose''': "''Bison! You can't avoid this... You know you can't... Since the day we met, fate knew it had to end in this way...''"
'''Bison''': "''Ha ha ha ha! Don't be so melodramatic! Why don't you play [[The Dolls|with them]] if it's a challenge you desire? You have nothing to lose... Except perhaps your life...''"
=====Vs. M. Bison=====
'''Rose''': "''Did you truly believe they could defeat me? There's no escape... for either of us...''"
'''Bison''': "''A rose without thorns means friendship... Come now... I should never have allowed you to grow thorns...''"
'''Rose''': "''No! That obedience is what caused all this tragedy... The game is over... Let's finish this now!''"
== ''[[Capcom Fighting Evolution]]'' ==
== ''[[Capcom Fighting Evolution]]'' ==
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== ''[[Street Fighter IV series|Street Fighter IV]]'' series ==
== ''[[Street Fighter IV series|Street Fighter IV]]'' series ==
===Pre-fight intro===
====Pre-fight intro====
*''"You're nervous, aren't you?"''
*"''You're nervous, aren't you?''"
''"No matter how many times I attempt to read the future, the answer is always the same. Only the Fool card can stand up to [[M. Bison|him]]. It is the card of freedom and beginnings... The card of reckless heroism... I may be able to stop him temporarily, but I simply cannot destroy him, for I hold the [[Soul Power|same power]] inside me that Bison has. The fate of this card lies in the hands of [[Ryu|one man]]. But he cannot act until the stars align to herald his coming. I can only protect him, guide him, offer aid in his quest to destroy Bison. This will be my last mission..."''
''"No matter how many times I attempt to read the future, the answer is always the same. Only the Fool Card can stand up to [[M. Bison|him]]. It is the Card of Freedom and Beginnings... The Card of Reckless Heroism. I may be able to stop him temporarily, but I simply cannot destroy him, for I hold the [[Soul Power|same power]] inside me that Bison has. The fate of this card lies in the hands of [[Ryu|one man]]. But he cannot act, until the stars align to herald his coming. I can only protect him, guide him, offer aid in his quest to destroy Bison. This will be my last mission."''
'''Rose:''' Where... Where am I? Ah, I remember now. Bison, he... (''she sees a vision of Ryu confronting Bison'') I can't feel a thing... Is this what it is to be dead?
'''Rose''': "''Where... Where am I? Ah, I remember now. Bison, he... (''she sees a vision of Ryu confronting Bison'') I can't feel a thing! Is this what it is to be dead?''"
'''[[Guy]]:''' Wake up! Don't you dare give in to the specter of death! I won't let you die here!
'''[[Guy]]''': "''Wake up. Don't you dare give in to the specter of death! I won't let you die here!''"
'''Rose''': "Not yet! There is still work left for me to do!''"''
* "It cannot be helped."
Personal Actions
* "''Not bad.''"
* "''That's all for today.''"
* "''Power‘s not just about physical strength.''"
* ''(chuckles)''
* "''Believe in your OWN power.''"
* "''I will seal away evil power.''"
* "''Don't let arrogance get the best of you.''"
* "''Don't be careless!''"
* "''What troubles you, friend?''"
* "''You're not ready to face me.''"
====Win Quotes====
=====Versus Mode=====
*"''Are you hurt?''"
*"''Embrace your destiny.''"
*"''I believe in the power of humanity.''"
*"''I have inflicted no grave injuries. Go now and recover.''"
*"''I sense a strength within you. We will meet again.''"
*"''I used to think of this power as a curse, but now I appreciate it.''"
*"''I'm so tired... I can hardly wait to relax with a nice bubble bath.''"
*"''That's all for today's lesson.''"
*"''True power is not just physical. Still, that hurt, didn't it?''"
*"''Victory is mine, but there is always next time. Shall I foresee the outcome?''"
*"''You are not cut out to be a fighter. It would be wise to seek another path.''"
'''Rose:''' Not yet... There is still work left for me to do!
===Win Quotes===
====Versus Mode====
*''"Are you hurt?"''
*''"Embrace your destiny."''
*''"I believe in the power of humanity."''
*''"I have inflicted no grave injuries. Go now and recover."''
*''"I sense a strength within you. We will meet again."''
*''"I used to think of this power as a curse, but now I appreciate it.''"
*''"I'm so tired... I can hardly wait to relax with a nice bubble bath."''
*''"That's all for today's lesson."''
*''"True power is not just physical. Still, that hurt, didn't it?"''
*''"Victory is mine, but there is always next time. Shall I foresee the outcome?"''
*''"You are not cut out to be a fighter. It would be wise to seek another path."''
====Arcade Mode====
====Arcade Mode====
====='''''[[Street Fighter IV]]'''''=====
====='''''[[Street Fighter IV]]'''''=====
*''"[[Abel|Your destiny]] is wide open to you. You are free to forge your own future."''
*"''Take this card... It will aid you in [[Abel|your quest]] to meet your destiny.''"
*''"I cannot see [[Akuma|your]] future. My gift only works on those who are human."''
*''"If you avert your gaze from the truth, your [[Balrog|wishes]] will not come true."''
*"''I sense that you seek something. And it [[Akuma|frightens]] me to no end!''"
*''"The [[Samantha|one]] you [[Blanka|must protect]] is nearby. You know who I mean, don't you?"''
*"''All the money and fame in the world cannot heal [[Balrog|your dark soul...]]''"
*''"[[Cammy|Our]] destiny is not predetermined. We must fight for the future!"''
*''"Yes, I can tell the future. I don't think [[Chun-Li|you]] need me to, though."''
*''"I am merely a fortune teller. I am not [[Crimson Viper|your]] enemy."''
*"''I can see a star... It watches over [[Blanka|you]]... Protects you...''"
*''"Your [[Dan|future fight record]]? I'm afraid I cannot see it clearly..."''
*"''No, this is not my [[C. Viper|job]]. It is... my destiny.''"
*''"You are like me, aren't you? You can [[Dhalsim|see things others cannot]]..."''
*''"The stars do not determine [[E. Honda|our]] destiny. That is our responsibility."''
*"''We are both afraid, child. You [[Cammy|fear the past]], while I fear the future...''"
*''"I'm sorry, but I'm on a [[El Fuerte|diet]] right now. I'll have to pass this time."''
*''"I sense a great [[Fei Long|power within you]], much greater than you think."''
*''"You know, don't you? You are aware of [[Gen|the dead]] that observe you even now."''
*"''Think deeply before you make your [[Chun-Li|next decision]]. Your destiny awaits...''"
*''"You are [[Gouken|gifted]] with the ability to accept your destiny with grace."''
*"''Let go of your [[Dan|grudges]]. Dwelling on the past prevents you from moving forward.''"
*''"Fortune telling is no use for [[Guile|men like you]] who forge their own destiny."''
*''"All of our destinies are linked. [[Ken Masters|You]], too, will play an important role."''
*"''My visions show me from where [[Dhalsim|you will attack]] before you even move.''"
*''"I will not allow [[M. Bison|your plan]] to come to fruition! You will not destroy me!"''
*''"You are [[Rufus|destined]] to be with [[Candy]]. Treat her well."''
*"''If your [[E. Honda|persistence]] can reach the heart of mankind, we needn´t fear the future.''"
*''"Listen to me. [[Ryu|You]] must wait here. It is for your own good."''
*''"When his path crossed [[Sagat|yours]], your destiny changed forever."''
*"''It´s clear to me that your spirit favors fighting over the [[El Fuerte|culinary arts]].''"
*''"Your lucky color? I am sorry, [[Sakura|child]], but my power doesn't work that way."''
*''"It is not too late. You can still [[Seth|change]] your own destiny."''
*"''Do you seek power for [[Fei Long|your own sake]] or merely to compare yourself to others?''"
*''"You are far from [[Vega|beautiful]] to my eyes."''
*''"I sense a [[Zangief|light]] shining within you. I also see men who aim to steal it".''
*"''All I see in your eyes is a [[Gen|barren field littered with corpses]]. It sickens me...''"
*"''I wish I could be [[Gouken|like you]] and fight for the sake of someone I cared for...''"
*"''Your [[Guile|stern look]] is not enough to hide your warm heart from my eyes.''"
*"''The [[Ken Masters|fire]] of your soul is destined to protect your friend...''"
*"''I refuse to succumb to the [[M. Bison|likes of you]]!''"
*"''I sense fear in [[Rufus|you]]. But worry not... Fear is a weakness we all share.''"
*"''I am sorry. But I simply cannot allow you to [[Ryu|continue]] down this path.''"
*"''You have found a way to [[Sagat|overcome your anger]] and channel it into strength.''"
*"''Seeing you gives me [[Sakura|hope]] for the future.''"
*"''That [[M. Bison|vile man]] has caused you to [[Seth|lose your way]]... You have my pity.''"
*"''Your eyes are too clouded to see the [[Vega|real beauty]] of this world.''"
*"''Be careful... Do not let [[Zangief|your love of country]] turn into hatred...''"
====='''''[[Super Street Fighter IV]]'''''=====
====='''''[[Super Street Fighter IV]]'''''=====
*''"Think long and hard about from whence you came and recognize your [[Adon|weakness]]."''
*"''Your destiny is wide open to you. You are free to forge [[Abel|your own future]].''
*''"You must learn to show your [[Cody|true personality]] through your actions."''
*''"There is a kind of darkness that cannot be dispersed with a mere [[Dee Jay|smile]]."''
*"''Think long and hard about from whence you came and recognize your [[Adon|weakness]].''"
*''"You will have all you desire if only you [[Dudley|let go]] of what you are feeling now."''
*"''I cannot see [[Akuma|your future]]. My gift only works on those who are human.''"
*''"Wake up, Ryu! Do not let [[Evil Ryu|yourself]] fall prey to your [[Satsui no Hado|evil desires]]!"''
*''"I must move on. But allow me to thank you before I go, [[Guy]]."''
*''"I see lots of warm friends in [[Hakan|your]] future."''
*"''If you avert your gaze from the truth, your [[Balrog|wishes]] will not come true.''"
*''"Do all you can now. This will help your [[Ibuki|future self]] achieve great things."''
*"''The one you must [[Blanka|protect]] is nearby. You know [[Samantha|who I mean]], don´t you?''"
*''"Mark my words. Those [[Juri|who tamper]] with destiny will be haunted by it later."''
*''"The best thing you can do for now is to [[Makoto|believe in yourself]]."''
*"''I am merely a fortune teller. I am not your [[C. Viper|enemy]].''"
*''"Why... I never expected [[Oni|you]] to appear now..."''
*''"If you give in to your desires, you will [[T. Hawk|lose a bit of yourself]]. Be careful."''
*"''Our destiny is [[Cammy|not predetermined]]. We must fight for the future!''"
*''"That [[Yang|hairstyle]] is not befitting of good fortune..."''
*''"I see [[Yun|you]] have a brother... Working together will bring you fortune.''"
*"''Yes, I can tell the future. I don´t think [[Chun-Li|you]] need me to, though.''"
*"''You must learn to show your [[Cody|true personality]] through your actions.''"
*"''[[Dan|Your future fight record]]? I´m afraid I cannot see it clearly..."''
*"''There is a kind of darkness that cannot be dispersed with a mere [[Dee Jay|smile]].''"
*"''You are like me, aren´t you? You can [[Dhalsim|see things]] others cannot...''"
*"''You will have all you desire if only you [[Dudley|let go]] of what you are feeling now.''"
*"''The stars do not determine our destiny. That is [[E. Honda|our responsibility]].''"
*"''I´m sorry, but I´m [[El Fuerte|on a diet]] right now. I´ll have to pass this time.''"
*"''Wake up, Ryu! Do not let yourself [[Evil Ryu|fall prey]] to your [[Satsui no Hado|evil desires]]!''"
*"''I sense a great power [[Fei Long|within you]], much greater than you think.''"
*"''You know, don´t you? You are aware of the [[Gen|dead]] that observe you even now.''"
*"''You are gifted with the ability to accept your destiny with [[Gouken|grace]].''"
*"''Fortune telling is no use for [[Guile|men like you]] who forge their own destiny.''"
*"''I must move on. But allow me to thank you before I go, [[Guy]].''"
*"''I see lots of [[Hakan|warm friends]] in your future.''"
*"''Do all you can now. This will help your [[Ibuki|future self]] achieve great things.''"
*"''Mark my words. Those [[Juri|who tamper]] with destiny will be haunted by it later.''"
*"''All of our destinies are linked. [[Ken Masters|You]], too, will play an important role.''"
*"''I will not allow [[M. Bison|your plan]] to come to fruition! You will not destroy me!''"
*"''The best thing you can do for now is to [[Makoto|believe in yourself]].''"
*"''Why... I never expected you to [[Oni|appear now]]...''"
*"''You are [[Rufus|destined]] to be with [[Candy]]. Treat her well.''"
*"''Listen to me. [[Ryu|You]] must wait here. It is for your own good.''"
*"''When [[Ryu|his]] path crossed [[Sagat|yours]], your destiny changed forever.''"
*"''Your lucky color? I am sorry, [[Sakura|child]], but my power doesn´t work that way.''"
*"''It is not too late. You can still change your [[Seth|own destiny]].''"
*"''If you give in to your desires, you will [[T. Hawk|lose a bit of yourself]]. Be careful.''"
*"''You are [[Vega|far from beautiful]] to my eyes.''"
*"''That [[Yang|hairstyle]] is not befitting of good fortune...''"
*"''I see you have a brother... [[Yun|Working together]] will bring you fortune.''"
*"''I sense a light shining within [[Zangief|you]]. I also see men who aim to steal it.''"
====='''''[[Ultra Street Fighter IV]]'''''=====
====='''''[[Ultra Street Fighter IV]]'''''=====
* ''"Your mask puts a shroud over [[Decapre|your fate]]. If only one more star was aligned..."''
*"''Your [[Decapre|mask]] puts a shroud over your fate. If only one more star was aligned...''"
* ''"[[Elena|You]] will grow during this adventure. You shall meet many friends as well."''
* ''"I can see a bright star guiding [[Hugo|you]]. Do not lose sight of her!"''
*"''You will grow during this [[Elena|adventure]]. You shall meet many friends as well.''"
*"''I can see a bright star guiding [[Hugo|you]]. Do not lose sight of her!''"
*"''Never forget [[Poison|your past]] as you forge ahead into the future.''"
*"''Even if you create your [[Rolento|country]], the real test will be maintaining the peace.''"
==''[[Street Fighter V (series)|Street Fighter V]]''==
*''"Never forget [[Poison|your past]] as you forge ahead into the future."''
* ''Even if you create [[Rolento|your country]], the real test will be maintaining the peace."''
[[Category:Quote Subpages]]
[[Category:Quote Subpages]]

Revision as of 18:29, 5 August 2020

This is a list of quotes used by Rose.

Street Fighter Alpha series

Street Fighter Alpha

Win Quotes

  • "Are you done?"
  • "Forgive me."
  • "My fight is not with you."
  • "Power is nothing without skill."
  • "Today's lesson is over."

Rival Dialogue

Vs. M. Bison

Rose: "You've abused your powers for too long."

Bison: "I knew you'd come sooner or later. Let's finish this!"

Rose: "You do not deserve those gifts. The day of reckoning is here!"

Bison: "Stop making speeches and fight!"

Alpha 2

Win Quotes (Japanese)

  • "If you don't use your power properly, it's useless."「ど ん な 力 も 正 し く 使 わ な け れ ば 無 意 味 な の」
  • "Your "ki" is disturbed.”「あなたの 「 気 」 は乱れているわ」(*)
  • "I can't fall until I complete my mission!"「使命をまっとうするまで 倒れるわけにはいかないわ !」
  • "Master, please forgive me for this useless battle"「師よ ・・・・・・ 無益な戦いをお許しください」
  • "This is the end of the lesson"「レッスンはここまでよ」
  • "In every world, only the right people will survive."「いつの世も 正しい者だけが生き残るのよ」
  • "You’re an energetic lady, be careful of your injuries."「元気なお嬢さんね ケガには気をつけるのよ」(**)
  • "This battle was useless..."「この戦いも、 ムダだったようね ・・・・」
  • "I might go to a place where I can practice more."「もっと修行すればいいところまでいくかもね」
  • "You surely showed me the power of your "ki"."「あなたの 「気」 の力 、 確かに見せてもらったわ」(***)
  • "Nothing is born from the heart that runs away. Don't be afraid to jump in."「逃げる心からは何も生まれないわ 恐れす飛び込むのよ」
  • "The vision of victory I imagined empowers me."「思い浮かべた勝利のビジョンが 私に力を与えてく、れるの」
  • "Isn't that the end? Come on, show yourself!"「それで終わりのはすはないでしょう ? さあ 、 正体を見せなさい ! 」
  • "I'm not going to win, I'm not a fighter..."「勝ちを誇るつもりはないわ 私は格闘家ではないもの・・・・・・」
  • "Understanding your own power, is that your current task?"「自分の力をよく理解すること それがあなたの当面の課題かしら ? 」
  • "Strength is not something to show off, but something to hide inside."「強さは誇示するものではなく 内に秘めるものよ」
  • "I'll give you some advice... I'll let you know, I'll cause a big disaster someday."「忠告するわ ・・・・・・・ その油断 、 いつか大きな災いを呼ぶわよ」
  • "What are you wondering? Believe in, your strength..."「何を迷ってるの ? 信じなさい 、あなたの力を・・・・・・」(****)

(*)Vs. Adon, Birdie, M. Bison, Akuma, Dan and Gen

(**)Vs. Chun-Li and Sakura

(***)Vs. Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Sakura

(****)Vs. Everyone but M. Bison

Rival Dialogues

Vs. Akuma

Rose: "You! You're the one with the Shoryuken power I feel!"

Akuma: "(Leave!)"

Rose: "You must be... (Akuma)!"

Akuma: "(Perish!)"

Vs. M. Bison

Rose: "Bison, you are on the wrong path. I've tried to warn you."

Bison: "Your annoying warnings mean nothing to me."

Rose: "I'll give you a count of three."

Bison: "1... 2... 2 1/2... 2 3/4..."

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Win Quotes

  • "A life shrouded in darkness is spent searching for the light..."
  • "Every action has the potential to fill or empty one's heart."
  • "Fate is fate, whether or not you choose to accept it!"
  • "I must continue on this path... Even if I must sacrifice myself!"
  • "If existence is a nightmare, one can only hope they are dreaming."
  • "The twinkling of the stars speak of your future..."
  • "Win or lose, you only achieve victory if you keep your soul!"
  • "You may know your fists, but how well do you know your heart?"

Win Quotes (Japanese)

  • "Oni's eyes...what cold eyes..."「鬼 の 眼・・・・・・ な ん て 冷 た い 眼 な の ・・・・・・」
  • "With a poor heart, no victory can save you."「貧しき心のままでは どんな勝利もあなたを救えない」
  • "Unfortunately... I don't have time to associate with you."「おあいにく ・・・・・ あなたと お付きあいする時間はないの」
  • "The fate of being lost, I think it will continue for a while"「さ迷い続ける運命 しばらくの間は続きそうね」
  • "Crying... your heart..."「泣いている ・・・・・・ あなたの心が・・・・・・」
  • "If you lose it, all you have to do is recover..."「失ってもまた 取 り返せばいいだけのこと・・・・・・」
  • "I can't bring out my true power, no matter how many monks I seek."「どんなに僧しみを募らせようと 本当の力は引き出せないわ」
  • "Yin and Yang... two faces with both music and heart are easy to change."「陰と陽……併せ持つ2つの顔 音楽も心も移ろいやすいものよ」
  • "I don't want to cause extra trouble... Retire!"「余計な迷惑をかけたくないの ・・・・・・・ 退がって ! 」
  • "Knowing the world... It's to wake up in your own universe."「世界を知ること ・・・・・・ それは 自分の中の宇宙に目覚めることよ」
  • "Are you going to fall in a place like this? I’ve misjudged you... Ryu!"「こんなところで倒れるつもり? 見損なったわよ……リュウ!」
  • “Abandon the fancy decorations, without which the truth cannot be seen.” 「虚飾を捨て去ること それなくして真理は見えてこないわ」
  • "I too... Maybe I shouldn't stay too long in this world..."「私もまた ・・・・・ この現世に 永く居過ぎてはいけないのかも ・・・・・
  • "Farewell and hatred... There is no way to escape this disaster."「別れと憎しみ・・・・・・この厄災から 逃れられる術はないわ」
  • "Do you feel it too? The laughter of that demon" 「あなたも ・・・・・・ 感じるのでしょう ? あの魔人の笑い声を」
  • "Before being swallowed, leave that man." 「飲み込まれてしまう前に あの男から離れなさい」
  • "When a bad star crashes... You will also be frightened by the darkness and stand on the edge of death."「凶星墜つとき……あなたもまた 闇に怯え死の淵に立つでしょう」
  • "It's an enviable relationship with the power to raise each other."「高めあう力と力 うらやましい関係だわ」
  • "…...It's not over yet!!"「・・・・・・まだ、終わりじゃないわ !! 」
  • "A single mistake can turn everything into nothing..."「たった一度の過ちが すべてを無に帰すこともある ・・・・」
  • "Yes...... you must defeat me......"「そう・・・・・・あなたは私を 倒さなくてはならない人・・・・・・」
  • "You don't need to worry about me... fufufu"「あなたにおせっかいは 要らないようね・・・・・・ ふふつ」
  • "By correcting the mistakes, your tomorrow will begin..."「間違いを正すことから あなたの明日は始まる ・・・・・」
  • "God is helpless, and I can't stop the flowing time." 「神とは無力なもの 流れる時を止めることもできない」
  • "As expected, it seems that the inside of the heart is not reflected in the mirror"「さすがに心の中までは 鏡には映らないようね」
  • "I just don't want to increase my sadness..."「これ以上 悲しむ心を増やしたくないだけ ・・・・・・

Rival Dialogues

Vs. Guy

Guy: "You are Rose, are you not? It's not right to give up your life, even for your mission. Risking life and surrendering it are two different things."

Rose: "My mind is made up. Is it your place to try and help me? Even if so, your help is not anything that I need nor want."


Guy: "Soul Power..." Most impressive! But never underestimate his power. He's a man of such evil energy, even my kindred fear him."

Rose: "Thanks for the advice, but I must continue on my path..."

Vs. Vega

Rose: "Vega! Warrior of Shadaloo! I've finally found you! You know where Bison is, don't you? Tell me!"

Vega: "I have no reason to do such... However, as your name implies you possess the beauty and thorns of a rose. So I shall adorn you in a pure red to suit your name better."


Vega: "Remember... Bison looks forward to your challenge... I don't understand his thinking, and I probably never will... Why would you dare to go to him, only to be slain in the end...?"

Rose: "By reading your mind, I now know where Bison is... Once divided, two separate fates unite. This is our fate... I don't know what awaits us... And neither does he..."

Vs. Juli and Juni

Bison: "You arrived earlier than I had anticipated... Sorry, but I have another appointment... Come back later."

Rose: "Bison! You can't avoid this... You know you can't... Since the day we met, fate knew it had to end in this way..."

Bison: "Ha ha ha ha! Don't be so melodramatic! Why don't you play with them if it's a challenge you desire? You have nothing to lose... Except perhaps your life..."

Vs. M. Bison

Rose: "Did you truly believe they could defeat me? There's no escape... for either of us..."

Bison: "A rose without thorns means friendship... Come now... I should never have allowed you to grow thorns..."

Rose: "No! That obedience is what caused all this tragedy... The game is over... Let's finish this now!"

Capcom Fighting Evolution

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Street Fighter IV series

Pre-fight intro

  • "You're nervous, aren't you?"


"No matter how many times I attempt to read the future, the answer is always the same. Only the Fool Card can stand up to him. It is the Card of Freedom and Beginnings... The Card of Reckless Heroism. I may be able to stop him temporarily, but I simply cannot destroy him, for I hold the same power inside me that Bison has. The fate of this card lies in the hands of one man. But he cannot act, until the stars align to herald his coming. I can only protect him, guide him, offer aid in his quest to destroy Bison. This will be my last mission."


Rose: "Where... Where am I? Ah, I remember now. Bison, he... (she sees a vision of Ryu confronting Bison) I can't feel a thing! Is this what it is to be dead?"

Guy: "Wake up. Don't you dare give in to the specter of death! I won't let you die here!"

Rose: "Not yet! There is still work left for me to do!"


  • "It cannot be helped."

Personal Actions

  • "Not bad."
  • "That's all for today."
  • "Power‘s not just about physical strength."
  • (chuckles)
  • "Believe in your OWN power."
  • "I will seal away evil power."
  • "Don't let arrogance get the best of you."
  • "Don't be careless!"
  • "What troubles you, friend?"
  • "You're not ready to face me."

Win Quotes

Versus Mode
  • "Are you hurt?"
  • "Embrace your destiny."
  • "I believe in the power of humanity."
  • "I have inflicted no grave injuries. Go now and recover."
  • "I sense a strength within you. We will meet again."
  • "I used to think of this power as a curse, but now I appreciate it."
  • "I'm so tired... I can hardly wait to relax with a nice bubble bath."
  • "That's all for today's lesson."
  • "True power is not just physical. Still, that hurt, didn't it?"
  • "Victory is mine, but there is always next time. Shall I foresee the outcome?"
  • "You are not cut out to be a fighter. It would be wise to seek another path."

Arcade Mode

Street Fighter IV
  • "Take this card... It will aid you in your quest to meet your destiny."
  • "I sense that you seek something. And it frightens me to no end!"
  • "I can see a star... It watches over you... Protects you..."
  • "No, this is not my job. It is... my destiny."
  • "We are both afraid, child. You fear the past, while I fear the future..."
  • "Think deeply before you make your next decision. Your destiny awaits..."
  • "Let go of your grudges. Dwelling on the past prevents you from moving forward."
  • "If your persistence can reach the heart of mankind, we needn´t fear the future."
  • "It´s clear to me that your spirit favors fighting over the culinary arts."
  • "Do you seek power for your own sake or merely to compare yourself to others?"
  • "I wish I could be like you and fight for the sake of someone I cared for..."
  • "Your stern look is not enough to hide your warm heart from my eyes."
  • "The fire of your soul is destined to protect your friend..."
  • "I sense fear in you. But worry not... Fear is a weakness we all share."
  • "I am sorry. But I simply cannot allow you to continue down this path."
  • "Seeing you gives me hope for the future."
  • "Your eyes are too clouded to see the real beauty of this world."
Super Street Fighter IV
  • "Think long and hard about from whence you came and recognize your weakness."
  • "I cannot see your future. My gift only works on those who are human."
  • "If you avert your gaze from the truth, your wishes will not come true."
  • "I am merely a fortune teller. I am not your enemy."
  • "Yes, I can tell the future. I don´t think you need me to, though."
  • "There is a kind of darkness that cannot be dispersed with a mere smile."
  • "You are like me, aren´t you? You can see things others cannot..."
  • "You will have all you desire if only you let go of what you are feeling now."
  • "I´m sorry, but I´m on a diet right now. I´ll have to pass this time."
  • "I sense a great power within you, much greater than you think."
  • "You know, don´t you? You are aware of the dead that observe you even now."
  • "You are gifted with the ability to accept your destiny with grace."
  • "Fortune telling is no use for men like you who forge their own destiny."
  • "I must move on. But allow me to thank you before I go, Guy."
  • "Do all you can now. This will help your future self achieve great things."
  • "Mark my words. Those who tamper with destiny will be haunted by it later."
  • "All of our destinies are linked. You, too, will play an important role."
  • "I will not allow your plan to come to fruition! You will not destroy me!"
  • "Listen to me. You must wait here. It is for your own good."
  • "When his path crossed yours, your destiny changed forever."
  • "Your lucky color? I am sorry, child, but my power doesn´t work that way."
  • "It is not too late. You can still change your own destiny."
  • "That hairstyle is not befitting of good fortune..."
  • "I sense a light shining within you. I also see men who aim to steal it."
Ultra Street Fighter IV
  • "Your mask puts a shroud over your fate. If only one more star was aligned..."
  • "You will grow during this adventure. You shall meet many friends as well."
  • "I can see a bright star guiding you. Do not lose sight of her!"
  • "Never forget your past as you forge ahead into the future."
  • "Even if you create your country, the real test will be maintaining the peace."

Street Fighter V