Street Fighter Wiki

The Shiretsu Hasshi (眥裂髪指 Shiretsu Hasshi, "Flaring Eyes and Standing Hair") is Akuma's second V-Trigger in Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter V Arcade-Button-HPunch+Arcade-Button-HKick



Executed by pressing Heavy Punch and Heavy Kick simultaneously, Akuma raises his hand in the air with a pulse of red energy, causing his eyes to glow red. Akuma can then enhance his special attacks by cancelling from his Special Moves into EX Special Moves using V-Gauge instead of his Critical Art Gauge.


Shiretsu Hasshi's two-bar length makes it less risky for Akuma to activate in a match, potentially even being usable twice in one round. While the V-Trigger is active, Akuma's offense is amplified tremendously, performing stronger combos without any extra EX meter cost.

While no EX meter is consumed, each cancel depletes slightly less than half of Akuma's V-Gauge. Akuma can cancel his grounded special moves (Gohadoken, Sekia Goshoha, and Rakan Gosho) into EX Sekia Goshoha, EX Goshoryuken, EX Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, or EX Hyakkishu, or cancel his airborne special moves (Goshoryuken, Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, Hyakkishu, Zanku Hadoken) into Airborne Tatsumaki Zankukyaku or Zanku Hadoken. Akuma can also cancel his moves into a forward or backward Ashura Senku. However, Akuma cannot cancel use the same special move twice in the same cancel.

At best, Akuma can link up to three special attacks in one combo to consume his entire V-Gauge. This is primarily used to create separation while inflicting optimal damage at the same time. In the corner, Akuma can keep the pressure on his opponent by cancelling into EX Sekia Goshoha to create powerful blockstrings that deals a decent amount of chip damage. However, Akuma is unable to use Shun Goku Satsu, which can be used by his first V-Trigger.

Unlike Dohatsu Shoten, Shiretsu Hasshi focuses more on pure burst damage than the enhanced tools given by his other V-Trigger. Its lower cost and more immediate activation make it more useful as part of an existing offense than a comeback mechanic, though Dohatsu Shoten's neutral and mixup applications offer Akuma openings where Shiretsu Hasshi does not.

