Street Fighter EX series
Skullomania in Street Fighter EX
Promotional SFEX2 group shot art of Skullomania (seen on the near middle in the background), Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Blanka, D. Dark, Hokuto, C. Jack, Zangief, Hayate and Sharon.
Promotional SFEX2 art of Skullomania preparing to turn Ryu into a "Skullo" (having already done so to Sharon, Zangief, Chun-Li, Guile and Dhalsim)
Skullomania in Street Fighter EX2
Skullomania against Ken in Street Fighter EX2 Plus
Skullomania in Street Fighter EX3
Skullomania during his "Skullo Dreams" on Shadowgeist in Street Fighter EX3
Other games
Skullomania in the Character Select Screen of Fighter Maker
Skullomania (female version) in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy
Skullomania's cameo in Udon's Street Fighter Legends: Sakura comic
Skullomania artwork by Falcoon.
Skullomania artwork by Betten Court.