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Soul Levare is one of Rose's unique attacks, introduced in Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter V Arcade-Button-LKick>Arcade-Stick-Right+Arcade-Button-HKick


Executed by pressing Light Kick, followed by forward and Heavy Kick, Rose delivers a low roundhouse kick to the opponent's shin. Rose finishes the combination with a Soul Piede that knocks her opponent back.


Soul Levare

This is Rose's only target combo in Street Fighter V. Because the Standing Light Kick is a 4-frame normal, it can linked and confirmed from her Standing/Crouching Medium Punch for a decent combo. It also puts the opponent in a juggle state on hit. This allows her to cancel Soul Levare into one of her special moves, such as Soul Spark, Soul Bind or her Critical Art. However, the second hit whiffs if the opponent is crouching. It also -10 on block. Unless Rose cancels into one of her V-Triggers to make this target combo safe on block, she may be vulnerable to a damaging punish combo from her opponent.



  • Levare in Italian means "remove".