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The Soul Spark (ソウルスパーク Souru Supaaku?) is one of Rose's special attacks, introduced along with her in the Street Fighter Alpha series. Menat also gains access to the move in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition.

All appearances Arcade Stick HCF+Arcade Button Punch
Street Fighter V Arcade Modifier (Air)Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Punch



Executed by performing a half-circle forward motion and pressing punch, Rose uses her Soul Power to channel energy through the scarf she is wearing, unleashing a projectile.


In Street Fighter V, the input of this move is changed to performing a quarter-circle forward motion and pressing punch. While the attack is visually the same, the color of her scarf changes depending on which punch button is pressed. The scarf turns purple during the Light version. It becomes sky blue during the Medium version. The Heavy version changes the color of the scarf to green. EX Soul Spark turns yellow. The color change makes it easier for the opponent to identify which version is being used, especially when Rose is up close.

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She is also equipped with an airborne version of Soul Spark that can be performed during a neutral or forward jump. Similar to the grounded version, each punch button changes the color of her scarf. The only significant difference is the downward angle of the projectile. The Light version falls at a steep angle, while the Heavy version travels at a near 45° angle. Medium Airborne Soul Spark travels in between the aforementioned versions.



Rose using Soul Spark

The speed and startup of the projectile are determined by the punch button pressed: Light Punch version releases the slowest projectile with the least startup; Heavy Punch version releases the fastest projectile with the most startup. In addition, the Heavy version has the shortest recovery, making Rose safe from close range. The Medium Punch version falls in-between. Absorbing any projectile thrown at Rose via the Light Punch version of Soul Reflect will increase the next Soul Spark's damage output.

The EX Special version introduced in Street Fighter IV has extremely quick startup time, travels very fast across the screen and hits twice, thus combining the best traits of every version. In Street Fighter V, EX version also hits twice. Not only it inflicts more damage and is +3 on block, it but puts the opponent in a juggle state on hit. This allows Rose to follow up with another special move for a more damaging combo. If Rose's V-Trigger is activated, hitting the opponent with EX Soul Spark can potentially set her up for exciting, yet creative combos.

The speeds the projectile travels are comparable to Guile's Sonic Boom. However, Rose has a noticeably higher recovery and startup.

This move is not recommended for projectile wars due to its input and startup lag, but it's best used to zone out opponents at a slower pace, in order to buy time to mount another strategies, and the EX version is great for keeping opponents at bay and dishing out faster damage.


Street Fighter V Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Kick

Executed by performing a quarter-circle forward motion and pressing kick after Soul Sphere has been used, Menat pumps both of her fists. This makes the orb release a small explosion of Soul Power. After activation, the crystal ball reappears in her hand. By performing a quarter-circle forward motion and pressing two kick buttons, Menat can make the orb explode and still keep it in its same position.



Menat's Soul Spark is also versatile, similar to her Soul Sphere. When the orb is out, her opponent has to respect the crystal ball as a potential threat for she can detonate it whenever she chooses. This may force her opponent to take risks and play into Menat's hands. While it has a longer startup than Soul Sphere: Ankh, it inflicts more damage and stun. It can be linked from the first hit of her overhead or her V-Skill. Soul Spark is one of Menat's best combo extenders. On hit, it launches her opponent in the air, allowing her to follow up with Guardian of the Sun or her Critical Art.

The blast radius for Menat's Soul Spark is quite large as it covers both directions. Even if her opponent tries to jump over the orb, Menat can use this attack as a reliable anti-air move. Not only this makes it difficult for them to dodge, but it also gives Menat a safe, yet easy way to inflict chip damage on block. In addition, this gives her a reliable way to recall the orb without putting herself in any danger. When her V-Trigger is active, she has potential to perform long, juggle combos, thanks to Soul Spark.



Street Fighter Alpha series



SF Alpha


  • It is possible that Soul Spark does not have the same overall power of the Hadouken, as the strongest incarnation, Aura Soul Spark, is defeated one-on-one by Metsu Hadouken.