Street Fighter is a comic book series released by Malibu Comics in August 1993. It is loosely based on Street Fighter II. The series was canceled after the third issue; seemingly because Capcom was not pleased with the portrayal.
The comic series had a unique style of art; making the characters look more American based. This was seemingly the very 1st adaption of the video game into another medium. Street Fighter is based on the events of Street Fighter II, and expands upon the backstory of the characters as well as their relationships with other characters. The comic series notably was more realistic and graphically detailed with its violence than the game.
In 1996, Viz published a six-issue comic book series based on the Street Fighter II animated movie which borrowed elements from the Malibu series, such as Ken's fiance being named Eliza.
It was also the first time anywhere the hoax character Sheng Long made an appearance as Ryu and Ken's master before Akuma and Gouken made their debut.