Below is a list of each character's taunts, referred as Personal Actions, in the Street Fighter IV series.
- Abel puts both hands in front of him open-palmed, and looks at them wide-eyed, as if coming to a realization that he never knew before, and pulls one hand towards his face. ("Heh... this is kind of fun!")
- Abel throws both hands in the air and yells, similar to the beginning of his Heartless Super Combo.
- Abel slaps his face with both hands twice. ("Better be careful.")
- Abel opens his arms and punches one hand into the other hand's palm. ("Show me what you can do!")
- Abel pulls one arm back and winds up. ("I won't hold back!")
- Abel lets arms dangle at his side and hops up and down twice. ("Not feeling well today?")
- Abel turns back to opponent, and pats his hands together. ("Don't let your guard down!")
- Abel adjusts his glove while speaking in a thick French accent. ("So let's fight!")
- Abel performs the same gesture as his fourth personal action. ("You'll never beat me with confusion in your heart.")
- Abel performs the same gesture as his eighth personal action. ("Words are not necessary.")
- Adon crosses his arms, jumps up and does a backflip, all on one leg. ("Yow!")
- Adon puts his foot down, his wrist on his hip and nods his head sharply down and then back as he swings his other arm in front of him. ("Give it to me!")
- Adon puts his foot down, wrists on his hips, tilts his head back and laughs maniacally.
- Adon stretches each leg vertically, grabbing and cracking them. ("I'm ready for ya!")
- Adon puts his foot down and stretches one elbow with the other arm, pulling it first with the forearm up and again with forearm down, and then stretches his other elbow behind his head with the other arm. ("Why won't you attack?")
- Adon puts his foot and arms down, then raises and arm straight up and points upwards. ("Nothing beats Muay Thai!")
- Adon hops twice and puts his fists on his hips. ("I'm ready to finish this!")
- Adon puts his foot down and clenches his fists, then lurches forward with his front foot and fist. ("You'll pay for disappointing me!")
- Adon jumps up and does a flip, then brings his arms up in a claw stance. ("You're through!")
- Adon spins around on one leg while lifting his other leg up vertically, bringing his arm around it and then lowering it. ("I could get a better workout at the gym!")
- Akuma strikes his trade mark "charging" pose. ("Die!")
- Akuma turns his back to the screen. ("You don't stand a chance!")
- Akuma pulls his further arm back above his head, hand clenched in a fist, while holding his closer arm in front of him open-handed. ("Can you withstand my power?")
- Akuma has his hands clenched and at his sides. ("Go on, strike me.")
- Akuma pounds his fist into the ground, causing small rocks to scatter. ("You are not long for this world.")
- Akuma turns his back to the screen, throwing both arms in the air. ("Such ineptitude.")
- Akuma performs the same gesture as his first personal action, as an aura flares around him, forming the "metsu" kanji. ("Die!")
- Akuma performs the same gesture as his third personal action. ("Do demons frighten you?")
- Akuma performs the same gesture as his second personal action. ("Absurd.")
- Akuma simply stands there with his arms to the sides. ("You are but a child!")
- Balrog punches his fists together three times. ("Come on, punching bag!")
- Balrog flexes one arm and pats his bicep with the other. ("I'll knock you out with one punch.")
- Balrog sulks, lowering one arm and waving the other. ("You poor, useless sap.")
- Balrog lowers his arms and gestures away from himself in a pushing motion. ("Go home and cry to your mama!")
- Balrog punches his fists together and then grinds them together. ("I'll tenderize you like a steak!")
- Balrog reaches out and beckons his opponent to come at him. ("You ain't nothing but a chump!")
- Balrog lowers and opens his hands and rocks lightly. ("Y'scared, chicken?")
- Balrog lowers one hand and scratches his jaw with the other. ("Quit wasting my time.")
- Balrog punches his fists together and then grinds them together. ("I'll mess you up good!")
- Balrog lowers one hand and scratches his jaw with the other. ("Making me angry.")
- Blanka crouches and holds out his furiously trembling arms. ("Come on!")
- Blanka reaches across his chest and scratches his back. ("Are you scared of me?")
- Blanka puts his hands on the ground, tilts his head back in a circle and howls.
- Blanka turns his back and scratches his rear end, then hops back. ("Too weak.")
- Blanka leans back, pounds his chest and growls.
- Blanka crouches, curls his hands near the ground and makes a low growl.
- Blanka reaches across his chest and scratches his back. ("Not good enough.")
- Blanka turns his back with his hands low, making a growling noise, then hops to face the other direction, making a cute face and a gurgling noise.
- Blanka leans back, pounds his chest and hollers like an ape.
- Blanka turns his back and scratches his rear end, then hops back. ("I'm stronger than you.")
- Cammy puts her hand on her hip and jerks her other elbow back. ("Come on!")
- Cammy holds one elbow back and swipes the other arm forward. ("I'll let you have it!")
- Cammy turns toward her opponent and places her hands on her hips. ("Weak!")
- Cammy crosses her arms and looks away. ("How banal.")
- Cammy adjusts her glove, making a fist. ("How dreadful.")
- Cammy checks her pulse. ("Not much of a workout.")
- Cammy turns away, punching into her hand. ("Is that all you can do?")
- Cammy turns toward her opponent and places her hands on her hips. ("How disappointing.")
- Cammy adjusts her glove, making a fist. ("Exterminate.")
- Cammy crosses her arms and looks away. ("I knew you were weak.")
- Puts out her hand, strikes a pose and says "Sorry!" .
- Chun-Li brings her hand up to her mouth and yawns with over the top movement.
- Puts her legs together, hands on her hips, leans forward and says "Your timing needs some work."
- Puts her hands behind her back, leans forward and giggles tauntingly.
- Pats her back and asks "Are you feeling okay?" in a condescending manner.
- Crosses her arms and shouts "Come on! Get real."
- Stretches by pushing her hands upwards.
- Puts her hands on her hips, leans forward and asks "Are you planning on hitting me at some point?"
- Puts her hands behind her back, leans forward and says "Your skills just aren't good enough!" condescendingly.
- Crosses her arms and says "Don't hesitate now."
- Cody raises his left hand and points at the handcuff on it to indicate that he is holding back his strength. ("You are fightin' waaay outta your league.")
- Cody yawns, covers his mouth, and rubs his eyes. ("You're makin' me sleepy.")
- Cody cracks his right hand knuckles, then his left, and then lightly shakes his left hand as if to relieve pain. ("You ready to start fightin' for real?")
- Cody scratches the back of his head and then bends over lazily. ("Hey, bring it already!")
- Cody sits down, and slowly lowers himself into a sleeping position, with his head resting in his left hand. He maintains this position before shaking his head and rising. ("Ugh, I'm ready for a nap...")
- Cody sits down and rests his head in his right hand. ("You're boring the crap outta me,")
- Cody rests his hand on his hip and shakes his head disapprovingly. ("Do you always fight like this?)
- Cody raises his arms behind his back, and then cracks his neck twice. ("Hmph, ya finished practicin' now?")
- Cody rests his hand on his hips before throwing them forward in a mocking gesture. ("Hey, let's do this for real!")
- Cody gestures for his opponent to come towards him. ("You can do better than that!")
Crimson Viper
- C. Viper puts her wrists on her hips. ("Quit stalling already, will you?")
- C. Viper puts her wrist on her hip, bending over slightly and pointing at her opponent. ("Just lose already.")
- C. Viper puts her wrists on her hips and sighs.
- C. Viper grabs her elbow with one hand and rests her head in the other, tapping on it. ("I don't have time for this..")
- C. Viper puts her wrist on her hip and gestures with her other hand as if she's explaining something. ("I'm just going to make it hurt more.")
- C. Viper rests her hand on her hip. ("Ready to give up yet?")
- C. Viper adjusts her glove, away from her opponent. ("Go ahead and attack so I can counter you.")
- C. Viper turns toward her opponent with her hands on her hips. ("It'll all be over soon.")
- C. Viper puts one hand down and the other up to her earpiece. ("Getting tired, huh?")
- C. Viper grabs her elbow with one hand and rests her head in the other, tapping on it. ("Come on, let's finish this!")
- Dan turns towards his opponent with his hand on his hip and beckons with his other hand for his opponent to come at him. ("Ora ora!")
- Dan gets down on one knee, swinging one arm up and flexing, with his other hand on his bicep. ("What's the problem?")
- Dan jumps up, flexing, with his other hand on his bicep. ("Woohooo!")
- Dan leans forward and leers, putting his hand on his hip, pointing his finger out at his opponent several times and bobbing his head around with sass. ("Don't underestimate me.")
- Dan spins around and bends over toward his opponent, making a face, giving them a thumbs-up, and shaking his rear end. ("Piece of cake!")
- Dan punches low with one fist, brings it back, and lifts his other fist up in front of him. ("Here I come!")
- Dan puts one hand on the front of his belt and looks away while cleaning out his ear with his pinkie. ("I'm awesome!")
- Dan crouches in a wide stance with his hand on his knee, gesturing from his chest to his opponent with the other. ("You should be my apprentice.")
- Dan turns away and sticks his rear end out at his opponent, slapping it twice and shaking it. ("Put your back into it!")
- Dan hooks his hand in his belt at the hip, scratches one leg with the other, and puts his hand behind his head. ("You don't know what real fighting is.")
- "Data acquired."
- "Sad."
- "Shadaloo."
- "No threat detected."
- "Level rating down."
- "Slow."
- "Code unbreakable."
- "Dolls."
- "Useless."
- "конец!" (Russian: "The end!")
Dee Jay
- Dee Jay gestures his opponent towards him with both hands and a slight hip thrust. ("Come on!")
- Dee Jay puts one hand on his hip and points at his opponent with the other, one heel extended. ("You're trying too hard!")
- Dee Jay puts one hand on his hip and points at his opponent with the other, one heel extended. ("Get with the program!")
- Dee Jay sweeps one foot away from his opponent and then back, his hands flowing and then gesturing and pointing at his opponent. ("Wanna dance?")
- Dee Jay lowers his arms, then brings one to his hip and the other up in a beckoning gesture. ("Start the party!")
- Dee Jay puts his hands on his hips with a slight hip thrust away from his opponent, then puts one foot behind the other, shrugging and shaking his head. ("Your problem is you got not rhythm.")
- Dee Jay throws one hand forward like a baseball pitch, pointing, then stands up straight, posing with one arm by his face and the other under his elbow. ("Why don't ya turn that frown upside-down?")
- Dee Jay gestures his opponent towards him with both hands and a slight hip thrust. ("Come on, come on, come on!")
- Dee Jay puts his hand over his eyes in an exaggerated full-body giggle that ends with him sticking one leg out and pointing at his opponent with his other hand.
- Dee Jay puts his hands behind his head and scratches one leg with the other, then stretches one arm over his head. ("Don't forget to download my new album!")
- Dhalsim puts his arms down. ("Cultivate a pure heart.")
- Dhalsim levitates in a cross-legged position with his hands on his thighs. ("Yoga!")
- Dhalsim stands on an extended leg which is arched away from his opponent, putting him on his back above them, his other leg pulled up and his arms together in front of him. ("You hesitate.")
- Dhalsim reaches behind his back and wraps his arm around to his abdomen. ("Too impatient.")
- Dhalsim does a handstand in a cross-legged position, then slowly stands back up. ("Calm yourself.")
- Dhalsim put his arms up and spins around, fluidly twisting his arms and legs around themselves. ("You are not ready for yoga.")
- Dhalsim levitates in a cross-legged position with his hands on his thighs. ("You lack strength.")
- Dhalsim stands on an extended leg which is arched away from his opponent, putting him on his back above them, his other leg pulled up and his arms together in front of him. ("Hatred begets weakness.")
- Dhalsim reaches behind his back and wraps his arm around to his abdomen. ("You are capable of more.")
- Dhalsim does a handstand in a cross-legged position, then slowly stands back up. ("I do not fight for pleasure.")
- Dudley swings a rose.
- "Is that it?"
- "Get serious."
- "Don't let your guard down"
- "Your fighting demeans us both"
- "Even fighting requires civility."
- "Show me what you've got."
- "Gutter trash."
- "Surely you are capable of better."
- "I'm impressed!"
Victory Rose
All appearances | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dudley has an extra taunt where pulls out a rose and throws it at the opponent. It functions almost identically to his taunt in the Street Fighter III series. It inflicts 1 point of damage and can be used in resets.
E. Honda
- E. Honda stands up and crosses his arms. ("Wanna get a bite to eat?")
- E. Honda puts his hands on his knees and stretches each shoulder. ("We're just gettin' started.")
- E. Honda opens his hands, holding one back and one out forward, and moves his head in a circle. ("Concentrate!")
- E. Honda stands up with one wrist on his hip and slaps his chest with the other hand. ("Go on, attack me!")
- E. Honda stands up and rubs his neck. ("Put your back into it!")
- E. Honda squats, holding his arms out and clapping them in front of him. ("What an honor.")
- E. Honda opens his hands, holding one back and one out forward, moves his head in a circle, and laughs.
- E. Honda puts his hands on his knees and stretches each shoulder. ("What a shame.")
- E. Honda stands up with one wrist on his hip and slaps his chest with the other hand. ("You can't hurt me!")
- E. Honda stands up and rubs his neck. ("Come on already, let's get goin'!")
El Fuerte
- El Fuerte dances around in a circle with his arms crossed. ("Your flavor lacks punch!")
- El Fuerte put his hands on his hips. ("Can I whip you up a little something?")
- El Fuerte crouches into a ball, then stands with his arms and legs outstretched. ("Viva Mexico!")
- El Fuerte put his hands on his hips. ("What's your favorite dish?")
- El Fuerte puts one hand on his hip and reaches out and then flexes the other. ("You can't fight if you can't cook!")
- El Fuerte reaches out toward his opponent in a warning gesture. ("Be careful cooking with fire!")
- El Fuerte puts his hand on his knees, then does the splits, grabbing his toes. ("You fighting or sleepwalking?")
- El Fuerte dances around in a circle with his arms crossed. ("This is like eating cold food.")
- El Fuerte stands with his arms and legs outstretched. ("Let's heat things up!")
- El Fuerte flexes both arms and turns his torso side to side. ("You hungry or what?")
- "Think you can keep up?"
- "Jambo!"
- "Listen carefully, you can hear it."
- "Your dance's strange, it's not really my style."
- "Watch my dance. Watch!"
- "Don't worry, we'll get to fight again."
- "Would you like to meet my father?"
- "I came a very long way to meet you."
- "Don't think about it. Just feel."
- "If you train your lower body you will improve."
Evil Ryu
- Evil Ryu turns his back to the screen slightly raising his arm for a bit and quickly puts it down while clenching his fist ("Draw your final breath!")
- Evil Ryu stomps the ground similarly to Akuma ("MESSATSU!")
- Evil Ryu tilts slightly back, then throws his body in front while hitting the ground with his foot ("Face your doom!")
- Evil Ryu turns his back to the camera and retracts his arms close to his torso then, rapidly spreads them ("I have awoken at last!")
- Evil Ryu completely decontracts his arms and moves his whole torso slowly imitating dizziness, then clenches his fist while raising it just a little bit ("Such weakness demands a swift death!")
- Evil Ryu lays his arms back ("Humph! Pitiful fool!")
- Evil Ryu hits the ground with his fist and then looks at his opponent ("Are you frightened ?")
- Evil Ryu puts his hand on the hole in his chest, creating a purple aura and shakes his other hand, then finally releases his first arm, revealing the aura ("I'll bathe in your putrid blood!")
- Evil Ryu charges just like the second taunt and grunts.
- Evil Ryu looks at both his hands ("Is this what I truly seek?")
Fei Long
- Fei Long does a warm up extending his arms. ("Wooooah!")
- "Who wants some 'Fu?"
- "Hm... Weak."
- "That's it?"
- Fei Long lies down. ("Boring.")
- "I'll show you what I can do"
- Fei Long does a warm up extending his arms and folding his legs. ("Wooooah!")
- "You can't handle the Kung-Fu."
- Fei Long swings his finger in a mocking motion. ("Tsk tsk")
- "This will be quick."
- "Should I be gentle?"
- "Waste of time."
- Gen turns his back to his opponent. ("Hmph.")
- "Cur!"
- "That's the spirit."
- "You cannot keep my fists in your sight for they move with the fury of hell!"
- "Behold my protean fists."
- "Come to me!"
- "That's not enough to beat me."
- "You're nothing but talk."
- "Come on then!"
- "Trust your instincts."
- "I grow weary."
- "Fight!"
- "Don't hold back!"
- "Is that all you have?"
- "Disappointing."
- "Watch and learn."
- "Fool!"
- "Fool..."
- Guile beckons with a finger for his opponent to come at him. ("Come on!")
- Guile gestures towards himself with this thumb. ("Come on, rookie.")
- Guile gestures his opponent towards him with both hands. ("Bring it!")
- Guile informally salutes his opponent with two fingers. ("Too easy.")
- Guile puts his hands on his hips and cocks his head back. ("Hmph.")
- Guile lurches forward, bringing his elbow down sharply. ("Show me what you've got.")
- Guile lowers his arms into an open gesture. ("You okay there?")
- Guile lowers his arms and shrugs. ("You're all talk.")
- Guile lowers his arms into an open gesture. ("Take it easy.")
- Guile lowers his arms and shrugs. ("Easier than R&R.")
Shades of Glory
All appearances | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Guile puts on the shades that he took off in his match intro animation.
It is possible to combo into this taunt via an EX Focus Attack, and the taunt also provides an opportunity to buffer a Flash Kick.
- Guy makes Kuji-in hand seals. ("Rin, Pyō, Tō, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!")
- "I recommend fasting."
- "You have more potential than you give credit for."
- "Sorry, but I'm obliged to defeat you."
- Guy makes a meditation pose putting both his arms down. ("Hmm... Yah.")
- "There is nothing you can do that I cannot counter."
- "I await you"
- "Come at me with everything you have."
- "You lack the spirit necessary to take me on."
- "Your strength is to be commended."
- "Okay, are you ready?"
- "Go ahead! Make your move!"
- "I haven't even began to fight."
- "You can't compare to my strength!"
- "You're going to mess up my hair!"
- "I don't have time for amateurs!"
- Hakan makes poses while yelling, pumping himself up.
- "Nothing beats Hakan's cooking oil!"
- "Nothing's more comfortable than a kisbet."
- "Got to keep your kisbet in good shape."
- "I'll snap you in half like a twig!"
- "Why do I have to fight tiny people?"
- "Für die Kartoffel!" (German: "For the potato!")
- "Maybe you should call for help!"
- "Your head, does it have brain inside?"
- "I'll beat you in one hit!"
- "Are you waiting for a gong?"
- "I bet that your mother's cooking is terrible!"
- "You can't beat me with such tiny hands!"
- "If you want to run away, I'll let you go."
- "Namby-pamby!"
- "Let's see what you've got."
- "I really thought you'd be tougher than this."
- "I'm ready for anything."
- "Alright! Let's do this!"
- Ibuki takes her mask off and yawns.
- "Pay attention!"
- "This is way too easy."
- "Want me to go easy on you?"
- "Try harder than that!"
- "Go on! Attack me from wherever you want."
- "You're just not good enough. I can't feel a thing."
- "Damn! Fighting you is just a waste of time!"
- "Haha! You want me to make it hurt more?"
- "You know, I'm not gonna let you off easy."
- "I'm sicked of your games. Sick and tired."
- "You really like getting kicked, don't you?"
- "Gimme all you got! Try and break me."
- Juri starts laughing maniacally.
- "If you don't take this seriously, I'll have to kill you."
- Ken puts his back hand on his hip and beckons his opponent to come at him with the other hand. ("Dude, you alright there?")
- Ken crouches and stretches his legs one at a time. ("If you can't hit me, why bother attacking at all?")
- Ken turns away, puts his hand in front of his mouth and yawns.
- Ken turns with his back to his opponent, raises his arms in front of his face and punches twice. ("Get in the game, man.")
- Ken raises his elbow toward the opponent in a flexing stance. ("Get serious...")
- Ken relaxes his front arm and rests his back hand on his hip. ("The fight's just begun.")
- Ken puts his hands behind his head, stands on one foot and scratches his leg with the other foot. ("Ugh, is that really all you can do?")
- Ken crouches and stretches his legs one at a time. ("Come on man, take this seriously!")
- Ken raises his elbow toward the opponent in a flexing stance. ("Come on, show me what you're made of.")
- Ken puts his back hand on his hip and beckons his opponent to come at him with the other hand. ("You can still win this if you don't give up.")
- Makoto flexes her arms 3 times like her taunt in 3rd Strike.
- Makoto turns her back to the opponent.
- "How very disappointing."
- "I won't hold back."
- "Take your shots."
- Makoto closes her eyes and swings her arms in a circular motion.
- "Hurry up!"
- "You know, you aren't half bad."
- "Wow. You better try harder."
- "I really don't get out much."
M. Bison
- Slowly crosses his arms and laughs evilly.
- "There is no power like evil!"
- "Where is your aggression?"
- "I pity you."
- "Useless dreg."
- "Hah! What weakness!"
- "Grovel before me!"
- "Utter scum!"
- "Are you frightened?"
- "You're not worthy!"
- "You are but a child."
- Oni charges like Akuma and growls.
- "Die, you."
- "Such a weakness."
- "Bow to me!"
- "Death awaits you."
- "Embrace your doom!"
- "Powerless!"
- Oni looks up and yells.
- "Kneel before me."
- "What. You gonna just stand there?"
- "Oh poor baby. Did you break a nail?"
- "Put your tongue back. You're drooling!"
- "Sit. Stay."
- "Is baby scared?"
- "I know just the thing to help you sleep!"
- "Come here and take your punishment!"
- "Come closer, get a better look."
- "Bet you're happy to see me!"
- "You think you can take me? You're not the first to make that mistake!"
- "Give me a thousand push-ups!"
- "I'm not inclined to take prisoners."
- "Never forget to guard your flank."
- "You're not even fit for KP duty!"
- "Fall in line!"
- "Whoever taught you tactics should be court-martialed!"
- "Call some reinforcements!"
- "Last chance to surrender!"
- "I'll show you how a soldier wins a fight!"
- "Surrender!"
- "Not bad."
- "That's all for today."
- "Power is not just about physical strength."
- Rose turns her back to the opponent and laughs.
- "Believe in your own power."
- "I will seal away evil power."
- "Don't let arrogance get the best of you."
- "Don't be careless."
- "What troubles you, friend?"
- "You're not ready to face me."
- "Whoa, I'm sweatin' here."
- "You get enough meat in your diet?"
- "Try blocking!"
- "I don't need an apprentice."
- "Go ahead and hit me!"
- "Find your zen."
- "Fighting me is the highlight of your life!"
- "What are you Number #1 at?"
- "I'll defeat everyone on the planet!"
- "I'm so cool."
- "Get serious!"
- "Come on!"
- "You can do better than that!"
- "Give me a reason to fight!"
- "Disgrace to your art."
- "Well, let's get going!"
- "We're just getting started!"
- "Talk is cheap."
- "I walk the path of the true warrior."
- Ryu swings an open hand forward in front of him, pulls his other fist back, and grunts.
- "Show some backbone!"
- "Come on!"
- "You will taste defeat."
- "Show more respect to the fight!"
- Pulls his arms down and laughs.
- "Hmph!"
- "Do your worst."
- "Heh. What's the matter?"
- "Do not enrage the king."
- "Take your shot!"
- Sakura puts one hand on her hip and points at the opponent with her other, saying, "Careful! You might hurt yourself!"
- Sakura gets in a hunched fighting stance, clenching her fists and exclaiming, "Fight!"
- Sakura gets in a leg-stretch stance, stretching her arms with her palms out, saying, "I play for keeps."
- Sakura folds her arms for a second and then throws out an open palm at her opponent, saying enthusiastically, "Give it your best shot!"
- Sakura bends down and puts her hands on her knees, then hops forward (somewhat similar to the landing pose of her Sakura Otoshi move) with both palms out in front her, saying, "Get ready—here I come!"
- Sakura rubs her index finger underneath her nose and laughs, ending her laugh with a loud squeak.
- Sakura stretches her arms over her head for a while and says, "Get ready—here I come!"
- Sakura leans her upper body forward and puts her hands on her knees, saying, "Are you for real?"
- Sakura does her taunt from #2 and says, "This is really fun!"
- Sakura does her taunt from #8 and says, "Oh, come on!"
- "I thought you would be more valuable than this."
- "Useless."
- "Show me something worth taking!"
- "Finished already?!"
- "You cannot compare to me."
- "Foolishness."
- Seth starts laughing.
- "You have no value or purpose!"
- "Why do you hold back?"
- "You look tired. Need a break?!"
T. Hawk
- "Respect the land."
- "I breathe in harmony with all creation."
- "Seek wisdom before knowledge."
- "Do not be afraid to cry."
- "We are but branches on the tree of life."
- "Feel the strength of the land."
- "Humility is a virtue."
- "The wind. It weeps."
- "The birds cry."
- "The land weeps today."
- Vega hunches his back and lowers his head and arms, then chuckles deviously.
- Vega lowers his body and beckons the opponent with a "bring it on" hand gesture, chuckling deviously like the previous taunt.
- Vega brings his clawless hand to his chest, then sways it out in front of him elegantly, saying, "Does your ugliness embarrass you?"
- Vega folds his arms and flips his hair, saying, "Ugly and clumsy?"
- Vega straightens his posture and points his clawed hand at the opponent, saying, "Beautiful death."
- Vega hugs his stomach with his clawless hand and caresses his cheek against the blade of his clawed hand, saying, "Too late—you're mine, now."
- Vega straightens his posture and swipes his clawed hand down to his side, saying, "Ugliness and weakness are one in the same."
- Vega lifts one of his legs and strikes it down while throwing his clawless hand underneath his clawed hand, striking his clawed hand upwards, saying, "Bleed for me—HAHAHA!"
- Vega does his taunt from #3, saying, "My blades will make you beautiful."
- Vega does his taunt from #4, saying, "You're hideous."
- "I've got this one in the bag."
- "What's wrong? Can't keep up?"
- "What a disappointment."
- "You gonna take this seriously?"
- "I'm stronger than my brother."
- "You're stronger than I thought."
- "I've got your moves pegged."
- "I guess you're just no match for me."
- "This is getting tough."
- "I won't hold back."
- Yun flips his cap on his finger before tossing it back onto his head, saying,"What a bore."
- "Bring it already."
- Yun charges in a similar way to one of his win poses.
- Yun jumps back while striking a pose.
- "I expected more from 'ya."
- Yun charges and release both of his arms while striking the ground. Similar to one of his win poses.
- "Not bad at all."
- "Let's do this!"
- "Can't beat me!"
- "Even Yang is stronger than that."
- Zangief brings his fists together in front of him, flexing and grunting.
- Zangief puts one hand on his shoulder, the other on his hip, and cracks his neck. ("Is that all you have?")
- Zangief brings his fists up above his face, then sends them outwards with hands open, leaning forward and shaking his head, as if unleashing rage. ("No more games!")
- Zangief stands up straight with his fists on his hips. ("Not bad comrade.")
- Zangief stands up straight, one foot on toe, his hand clasping the back of his other wrist in front of him. ("Can't touch me!")
- Zangief puts his fists on his hips, hanging and shaking his head. ("Weak like kitten.")
- Zangief grind his hands together, then punches one into the other. ("Hit me as hard as you can!")
- Zangief puts his hands on his hips and throws his head back in laughter.
- Zangief brings his fists up above his face, then sends them outwards with hands open, leaning forward and shaking his head, as if unleashing rage. ("It's not over yet.")
- Zangief grind his hands together, then punches one into the other. ("You have to be stronger than that.")