Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Vega (Claws).

Street Fighter II series[]

Street Fighter II[]

  • "Handsome fighters never lose battles/a battle."
  • "Thank you for a gorgeous time!"

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[]

  • "I'm super fabulous!"
  • "I find your suffering exquisite."
  • "Victory is beautiful... and so am I."
  • "Not everyone can move as beautifully as I do."

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[]

  • "Victory is truly magnificent. Why choose for anything else?"
  • "Did you see how elegant I looked as I snatched the hope from your soul?"
  • "Weakness is a lack of beauty! In other words, you disgust me!"

Lost Quotes (Street Fighter II SNES)[1][]

  • "Kukuku... The beautiful do not know defeat."
  • "Fufufufu... I had an elegant time."
  • "Victory is beautiful. It is no surprise that you lost to me!!"
  • "The weak will burn in Hell!! For the strong are always beautiful!"
  • "My face! My face! What have you done to my beautiful face?!"

Street Fighter: The Movie[]

  • "When will they find a fighter worthy of my talents?"
  • "My face shall be the last thing you ever see."
  • "Your scars will remind you of your defeat."
  • "The weak deserve no mercy!"
  • "Beauty is Power!"

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "This place looks old. I know, I'll use you to paint it red!"
  • "Why are the ugly so willing to be shamed repeatedly?"
  • "Mmm...that's tasty...just like Red Wine."
  • "Your humiliation will only add to my beauty."
  • "Your moment spent with beauty is now over...adios!"
  • "While I taste my victory, you will agonise in defeat."
  • "Only I understand the pain of being too strong and beautiful."
  • "Your cries of agony... They're music to my ears."

Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]

  • "The stage of your death... Let it be marked with your blood!"「おのが死の舞台…… 血色に染めよ!」
  • "It was too short of an encounter we had. ...Adios!"「短すぎる出会いだったな ……アディオス!」
  • "Death throes, I take it... I suppose the defeated also have their time to shine before burning out."「断末魔の叫び、か…… 敗者にも輝く瞬間があるのだな」
  • "The melancholy of being supremely strong and beautiful. There is not another apart from myself who understands this burden."「強すぎ、美しすぎる者の憂鬱 私以外の誰に理解できよう」
  • "Why... do those ugly vermin feel so confident in making their blight be known to the rest of the world?"「なぜ……醜き者は その恥をさらけ出したがるのか」
  • "Heh... And so again, my beauty glistens ever so more."「フ……またも私は美しさを増す」
  • "The truth can be found in a daze... One in which I'm intoxicated by this victory, and you're left to be tormented in this defeat."「真実はまどろみの中…… 勝利に酔う私、敗北にさいなむ君」
  • "The finest bottle of red vino adorned with screams of sorrow... Kukuh, I couldn't be anymore delighted!"「悲痛の赤に彩られし極上のビーノ ……クックッ……至福だ!」

Win Quotes (Character-Specific, JPN Version)[]

  • "No god will come from your prayers. The sole truth of this world, beauty, is known to us all."「祈っても神などいない 美は、真実は己の中にこそある」
  • "Strength and ugliness will never align together...!"「強さと醜さは 永遠に合致しない……!」
  • "The destructive force of beauty. One such as yourself will never comprehend its magnificence."「破壊の美学 貴様なぞには理解できるまい」
  • "Is your surprise towards my beauty? Or could it be towards your own repulsiveness?"「その驚きは私の美に対してか? それとも己の醜悪さにか?」
  • "As you've lost a place to go and wander without purpose, I will make use of you by bathing my claws in your blood...!"「行き場を失った命の奔流 このツメを存分にぬらせ……!」
  • "...How is it... that you make my heart feel so perplexed?"「……なぜに……君はかくも この私の心を惑わせる……?」
  • "Insanity, you say...? Don't be absurd. I merely need some resolve to arrive at my destination."「狂気……? そうとも言うな たどりつくには少々覚悟が要る」
  • "Your eyes are charming... Oh, how they shine as it reflects my visage!"「君の瞳は魅力的だ…… この私を映し、輝いている……!」
  • "A despair darker than any darkness known. That is what you're about to see now."「漆黒よりも暗い絶望 それは今、君が見ているものだよ」
  • "Are you even aware of what you are? Trash! Absolutely worthless trash, that's what you are!"「自覚しているのか? ゴミだよ! あわれなゴミだよ君は!」
  • "It seems that Latin rhythm leaves something to be desired in the grim aspect."「ラテン系のリズムには 今一つ悲壮感が足りないようだ」
  • "Die with dignity. That would at least improve your imperfection to some degree."「潔く死ねばいい お前の醜さも少しはマシになる」
  • "Your shameful sight has plagued my senses for far too long. My beauty has already benefitted more than enough by having it being compared to you."「それ以上の醜態はよせ 私の美しさは充分引き立ったよ」
  • "The discord in your heart... You don't deserve to have an ever so sweet death!"「貴様の軋み・・・・甘美なる死を纏うに値しない!」
  • "An enveloping miasma... How beautiful. Are you aware of its brilliance?"「身を焼く瘴気……美しい 気づいているか、その眩しさに」
  • "You, who frets over beauty and emulates strength, struggling in despair would also be entertaining."「美に焦れ、強さを模す者よ 絶望に喘いでみるのも一興だぞ」
  • "The final beauty to be found at the end of your life... Lose yourself in your own pool of blood!"「人生最後の美…… 己が鮮血に酔うがいい!」
  • "If the law judges people for their sins, then I shall be the one to judge others for their ugliness."「法が罪を裁くなら 私は醜を裁くとしよう」
  • "Those piercing bright eyes of yours. It's not a mala forma (bad form)."「射抜くがごとき眼光 悪くないフォルマだ」
  • "Beauty is always the one to divulge the truth. With that being so... What are you?"「美は常に真実を現すもの ならば貴様は・・・・何者なのだ?」
  • "Don't go thinking that everything given to you will always be a gift."「与えられるものが 常に褒美とは思わないことだ」
  • "You can continue to live in submission. The choice is yours."「諾々と生きるのもいい 選ぶのは君なのだから」
  • "The vibrancy that cannot be found in words... The contrast between beauty and ugliness, as well as winners and losers."「言葉にならぬ鮮やかさ…… 美と醜、勝者と敗者のコントラスト」
  • "You will never have another miracle of meeting another in your life whose beauty could even contest with mine."「これからの君の人生 私以上の美に出会える奇跡はない」
  • "Evil, justice, it matters not. The ugliness of defeat does not discriminate."「悪であれ正義であれ 敗北の醜さに変わりはない」
  • "The burial rites under the scarlet veil. Take this mercy that I have bestown upon you."「葬送のスカーレットヴェール せめてもの慈悲と受け取れ」
  • "No amount of effort will ever suffice. There is a clear difference between us."「努力とやらではどうにもならぬ 絶対の差があるのだ……」
  • "Take your repentance and embrace your bloody end."「おのが悔恨とともに 緋き週末を享受せよ」
  • "The glimmer of hope... It's distinctly painfully beautiful when it flickers out."「希望の光とは…… 消え行くその一瞬こそ切なく美しい」
  • "When I'm stifled by the blood of the defeated, I'm endowed with a short pause of tranquility."「敗者の血にむせる時 私はいっときの安らぎを得る」
  • "A bloodied tattoo, that wound will make for a fine spot!"「血糊のタトゥー その傷に施してくれる!」
  • "Everyone desires happiness, despite being unaware of how suspicious its pretense is."「人はみな幸福を求める それが胡乱な虚像であると知らずに」
  • "That unbalance... I can't bear to witness any more of it!"「そのアンバランスさ…… 見るに堪えん!」
  • "If only you knew of the beauty found in corruption, I wonder how you would fare with the realization of your hypocritical ugliness..."「背徳の美を知ってしまうと 偽善の醜さには耐えられぬもの……」
  • "Will you not give praise to the true advent of beauty incarnate?"「称える気はないのか? 真の美の降臨を」
  • "If beauty is to reside within your soul, then venture forth to your tomb where nirvana awaits."「その魂に美を宿すなら よどみなく涅槃への塚を辿るがいい」
  • "Throbbing definition on your body is vital to possessing a perfect body."「完成された肉体には 躍動の稜線が不可欠だ」

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Zangief[]

Zangief: I know you! You're Vega! You belong to Shadaloo, don't you?! I won't let their drugs infest my mother country Russia! I, the Red Cyclone, will crush you on behalf of our leader!

Vega: ...What? I've no affiliation with that organization! But...I'm still interested in seeing the color of your blood!

vs. Cammy[]


Vega: You're the experimental subject. I've finally found you. He requested that you be brought to him alive... in one piece.

Cammy: Experiment...? What do you mean? I'm under Bison's direct orders.

Vega: Hm hm... You're pathetic! You have no idea what you are... And will die without understanding why...


Vega: ...Why, she is nothing more than an enhanced human! A mere doll! Why...? Why should I care? Why did Bison want her? What is he going to do with her? I thought I cared only for worthy foes, but... I suppose I should ask him about this girl...

vs. M. Bison[]

Bison: Excellent work, Vega... I'll arrange a worthy foe for you as promised.

Vega: Tell me...That girl...What are you going to do with her?

Bison: She is my substitute body make during the Psycho Power study. But the substitute should never exceed the original. A doll should never have it's own sense of self.

Vega: ...Will you kill her because of that? Out of self preservation?! You coward! You can't do that!

SNK vs. Capcom series[]

Capcom vs. SNK 2[]

Before Finals[]

  • "How sweet and pretty a nice bloody victory will be..."

Win Quotes[]

  • "Drip... Drip... Yum... Yum..."
  • "I have marked your body so that everyone will know that you are a loser!"
  • "It's time to paint the rest of your body in RED!"
  • "Let the cold blanket of death cover your eternal sleep..."
  • "No one can stop my hunger for beauty!"
  • "The only thing I believe in is "beauty!" Therefore, I don't believe in you!!"
  • "You are just so... So UGLY!!"
  • "You shall die as you lived... sad, weak, and UGLY!"

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version)[]

  • "Wander on off, demon... Heed my desires as you go away with despair in your heart!"「さまよえる幽鬼よ・・・・。絶望をもって我が願いに答えよ!」
  • "An ignorant mad bull is destined to meet its end by a single blow from a matador."「愚劣なる猛牛は、マタドールの一刺しで息絶えるのが運命だ。」
  • "The most impure of howlings. Do me the honor of sealing those lips for an eternity."「無粋極まる遠吠えだ。永遠にその口を閉ざせ!」
  • "The boundaries between a human and a doll... That transient emotion whimsically charms my senses."「人と傀儡の狭間・・・・。そのはかなさが妖しく私を魅了する。」
  • "Those firm, yet beautiful eyes of yours. I shall do you the honor of having its sight stained in red!"「厳しい、それでいて美しい眼だ。その視界、紅く染めて差し上げよう・・・・!」
  • "Know your place as an imbecile. But, alas, your life is already at its end."「木偶(デク)ならば身の程を知れ。お前の命の繰り糸は、もう断たれたのだ。」
  • "Dance with death. There's more value in your life doing that than living in ugliness."「死と踊れ。醜く生きるより、よほど価値がある。」
  • "Judgment has been passed on you. Your death shall be marked on your face with those bloodied foundations!"「裁定は下された。自身の血化粧で死に顔を彩れ!」
  • "Such filthy deseos[2]. They're poison to my eyes!"「無粋なるデセーオ、我が目にはもはや毒!」
  • "The path to self-destruction. I wished to witness it some more, but, alas... Adios."「滅びゆく様、もう少し眺めていたかったが・・・・さらばだ。」
  • "Your cloudy eyes are not capable of reflecting my victory's graceful silhouette!"「その濁った目には映るまい。荘厳なる我が勝利のシルエット!」
  • "The crimson flames have subsided. Only a tranquil death can bring calm to your heart."「緋炎はかき消えた。静謐なる死のみがお前を癒すだろう。」
  • "Let your body naturally react to this hesitation you bear, and then enlighten yourself to the beautiful death which awaits you."「さあ、戦慄に顔を歪めろ。そして美しき死を悟るのだ。」
  • "Nobody has control over me. I find myself subservient to absolute beauty... Myself alone."「誰も私を支配などできん。仕えるのは絶対の美・・・・私自身のみだ。」
  • "A demon, let alone a human, could never bewitch my alma[3]."「魔とて我がアニマを魅惑することは出来ぬ。」
  • "A nation filled with you ugly gremlins... More like a Hell on Earth!"「醜き者だけの国家・・・・この世の地獄か!」
  • "Oh, how I pity you for being unfortunate with never experiencing the beauty of seeing despair in others."「絶望という美、味わえぬ不幸に同情する。」
  • "An emperor is supposed to be strong... Which means a washed-up fogey such as yourself is not worthy of that title."「帝王とは強者のこと・・・・すなわち、今無残に横たわっている貴様ではない。」
  • "When I relentlessly tore apart your pure soul, my claws were sobbing wet with crimson bliss!"「曇りなき魂を容赦なく切り裂くとき、我がツメは至福の赤に濡れる・・・・!」
  • "You are only deserving of death, you grotesque chimera!"「キマイラがごとき異形よ、息絶えるがいい!」
  • "The depths found in a matching mirror... The most precious mirage to be found in life..."「合わせ鏡の深淵・・・・。この世でもっとも危ういミラージュ・・・・。」
  • "I shall send one of you ahead to the underworld. This is to set grief in the other left behind."「まず独り、冥府に送ろう。残された独りの哀哭を際立たせるために。」
  • "Your stained red is far from anything fresh... Be ashamed of yourself and die as repentance!"「鮮血とは程遠き濁りの赤め・・・・。存在を恥じて死ね!」
  • "A false beauty, and a transient status as an idol... It's unbearable to watch! Allow me to purify you into nothingness with these claws of mine!"「虚飾の美、かりそめの偶像・・・・耐えきれぬ! この爪で、無に浄化してやる!」
  • "Such beauty to be found from watching your life drained by purple lightning!"「紫電に包まれ息絶える様、なかなかの美しさだ!」
  • "Supposing the two of you manage to develop your bodies, your putridness shall never change... How repulsive!"「たとえ肉片に成り果てようと、貴様らの醜さは不変・・・・おぞましい!」
  • "You could never hope to infiltrate my monopoly on beauty."「貴様などに、我が美のテリトリーを侵されてはかなわぬのだ。」
  • "The illogical, merciless madness in breaking things apart... I admit there's momentary beauty to be found in swordplay."「脈絡のない、無慈悲なる断裂・・・・。刀剣にも、刹那の美を認めよう。」
  • "An instant kill is unnecessary mercy. Beauty becomes immortalized when the echoes of agony shower the world."「瞬殺など余計な慈悲だ。悶絶の余韻にこそ、美は顕在する。」
  • "Do you find comfort in the sea of hatred? Look up to your Moon God as you drown on your blood!"「憎悪の海は心地よいか? 己が神、月を見上げて溺れ死ぬがいい!」
  • "Don't you dare disturb my stage. I won't tolerate any of your antics!"「私の舞台を荒らすな。道化の登場を認めてはいない!」
  • "It's such a fascinating sight to behold the collapse of one's convictions. The gradation from order to chaos is buenisimo[4]!"「信念の瓦解・・・・美しい。秩序から混沌へと移ろうグラデーション!」
  • "The defeated are emotionlessly carved apart. There are no exceptions!"「敗者は無情に切り刻む。ただ一つの例外もない!」
  • "The only value to be found in flames is the moment it's extinguished. Realize this and enact your role!"「炎の価値は、絶えるその刹那にある。理解し、そして具現せよ!」
  • "The joy in burying a beautiful catch. I could never tire of such a treat."「美しき獲物を葬る歓喜。決して飽きることはない。」
  • "A plucked flower is destined to wilt apart. Allow me to end your life while you still retain such beauty..."「手折られた花はやがて枯れ逝く。己が美の輪郭を記憶にとどめたまま・・・・。」
  • "None of my timeless poems are a match for your wretched state. Just writhe in pain and perish!"「おまえにはどんな詩編も似合わぬ。ただ苦痛の果てに消えよ!」
  • "An extreme case of repulsiveness. I cannot affix my gaze on you for longer than 5 seconds."「醜悪な極彩色だ。5秒と正視していられぬ。」
  • "Once those wings of yours have been dripped in red... Death's calling card will reach you in your deepest despair."「その翼が、朱に染まる時・・・・絶望の最果てに、お前をいざなうだろう。」
  • "From movement to stillness, birth to death... Those transitioning points are the most beautiful. There's no meaning in ugliness persisting after death!"「動から静、生から死・・・・その移ろいこそ美。死してのちの醜態などに価値はない!」
  • "Beauty is maximized to its fullest once your soul has met its end."「魂果てる時こそ、美は最大に振幅する。」
  • "No amount of sharpening can make those unsightly fangs bring forth a dazzling splendor."「醜い牙はいくら研ごうが、まばゆい輝きを放つことはない。」
  • "Follow the tenants of true beauty and break apart the wretched fossils!"「美の真理に従い、化石は砕く!」
  • "A large, red rose. Hold it tightly against your chest until your last breath!"「大輪の紅き薔薇、その胸に抱き果てよ!」
  • "My hunt is at an end, yet I failed to catch anything of note."「狩りの時間は終わりだ。たいした獲物ではなかったな。」

Win Quotes (team interactions)[]

Character Japanese Translation
Vega 「チャンスは一度あればよい。それで覆る。」 "A single moment is all I need to overwhelm you."
Akuma 「...其を瞬刻と呼ぶには値せず!」 "...That display was not worthy of being titled as a moment!"
Akuma (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「美の冒涜は、それだけで万死の罪に値する。」 "Your desecration of art alone deserves to be punished by execution."
Balrog 「イッてる奴ぁ言う事も違うよなあ!」 "Not much point saying that to someone who's already on their way out!"
Balrog (Vega as 2nd Character)
Balrog 「ギャハハハ! 見ろよ、血まみれだぜえ!」 "Gyahahaha! Look at how drenched in blood these fools are!"
Vega 「全く見るに耐えん...。」 "I cannot bear to see any of this..."
Vega 「朽ちよ。それが定めだ。」 "To rot is the destiny that awaits you."
Blanka 「「ジゼンのゼツリ」っでヤヅだ!」 "Those are the "rules of nature!""
Blanka (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「お前ならば理解できよう。この勝利の価値!」 "Surely you can understand the value this victory holds!"
Cammy 「...価値? 勝敗は単なる結果に過ぎない。」 "...Its value? The outcome of a fight is merely a simple result."
Cammy (Vega as 2nd Character)
Cammy 「なにを不思議がっている? 当然の結果だ。」 "What do you find strange? This was an obvious outcome."
Vega 「いいぞ...血を沸き立たせる動きだ!」 "Wonderful... Those movements of yours stir my blood!"
Vega 「この至福、おまえには理解できまい。」 "You are not capable of comprehending this absolute bliss."
Chun-Li 「理解したくもないわ。血を見て喜ぶなんて。」 "As if I would even want to. I can't believe you take joy in seeing blood."
Chun-Li (Vega as 2nd Character)
Chun-Li 「試合のとき以外は、そのツメ外しなさいよ!」 "Take those claws off while we're not in a match!"
Vega 「この大会はハイレベルだ。期待できるぜ!」 "They are a part of me. I could care less if they are an inconvenience to you."
Vega 「見よ...我が爪に裂かれた敗者の彫像を!」 "Have a gander... at the sculpture of the defeated, carved by my own claws!"
Dan 「こりゃエグいな。悪いが趣味じゃねえ。」 "That's some sick stuff, man. Sorry, but this ain't my sort of fun."
Dan (Vega as 2nd Character)
Dan 「惚れ惚れするぜ・・・・このサイキョーっぷり!」 "I'm so in love... With the Saikyo Style!"
Vega 「貴様の醜態はこれで終わりだ。我慢できん! "Enough of your ugliness. I can't stand it!"
Vega 「せいぜい畏怖するがいい。愚かな弱者ども!」 "Fear me as you should, foolish weaklings!"
Dhalsim 「弱者をいたわれぬ強者など誰が慕うものか。」 "Who would ever idolize someone strong who lacks the compassion for those who are less fortunate?"
Dhalsim (Vega as 2nd Character)
E. Honda
Vega 「荒鷲にも勝るわが空刃、誰にもかわせぬ。」 "My aerial blades surpass that of a wild eagle, to the point where evasion is unfathomable."
E. Honda 「あんたの「ぶちかまし」、見事じゃった!」 "Your "Buchikamashi" was a sight to see!"
E. Honda (Vega as 2nd Character)
E. Honda
Vega 「果てつつ仰げ、紅のカーテンを!」 "Give praise as you meet your end before the red curtains!"
Eagle 「敗者には勿体ない、荘厳なヴィジョンだ。」 "That magnificent vision is wasted on the defeated."
Eagle (Vega as 2nd Character)
Eagle 「この程度ではね...沸き立たぬのだよ。」 "At this level... It doesn't boil."
Vega 「望みなら、私が深淵に沈めてやる。」 "If you want, I'll sink you into the abyss."
Vega 「混沌は時として意外な美観を生む...。」 "Chaos, at times, can unexpectedly create a beautiful spectacle."
Guile 「今、おまえと芸術談議をする気はない。」 "I'm not in the mood to have discussions about art with you."
Guile (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「さあ、宴だ。敗者の屍を前に踊れ!」 "Now, we shall open the banquet. Dance before the corpses of the defeated!"
Ken 「まっぴらだね。とことん趣味に合わないな。」 "In your dreams. I could never imagine myself doing that."
Ken (Vega as 2nd Character)
Ken 「見てな! 次はもっとハデにKOするぜ!」 "Check it out! Next time I'm going for an even flashier KO!"
Vega 「派手よりも美しさを優先してくれ。」 "You should be putting beauty over gaudiness."
Vega 「血化粧とて、醜さは覆いきれぬか。」 "So, even your bloodied decoration cannot mask your ugliness."
Kyosuke 「これはひどい...早く止血を!」 "This isn't looking good... Hurry, stop the bleeding!"
Kyosuke (Vega as 2nd Character)
M. Bison
Vega 「肉は刻まれ、魂は昇華する。」 "The flesh has been marked, and their spirit now elevates higher."
M. Bison 「敗者になにを気遣う? 凌辱すればよい!」' "What's this consideration towards the defeated? Lay bare their indignity!"
M. Bison (Vega as 2nd Character)
M. Bison 「この程度の相手、私が出るまでもないな。」' " With opponents of this degree, I don’t need to come out."
Vega 「次は私がやる。そろそろ血も恋しい...!」 " Next time I'll do it. I miss the blood! "
Vega 「今夜は深い眠りにつけるだろう。」 "I shall deliver a spell tonight that will encase you in a deep sleep."
Maki 「あたし、さっきから眠いんだけど。」 "I've actually been sleepy for awhile now."
Maki (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「これしきの戦慄を畏れるのか? 無様な!」 "Do you truly fear this trifling amount of shivering? How pathetic!"
Morrigan 「じゃあ次はもっとスゴいの見せてくれない?」 "Then why don't you show me something more amazing next time?"
Morrigan (Vega as 2nd Character)
Morrigan 「これは幻覚なんかじゃないわ。」 "This isn't an illusion you're seeing."
Vega 「痛みと震えの陶酔...死の現実だ!」 "The intoxication of the pain and trembling you're feeling... It's the mark of death!"
Vega 「秩序、安寧...どれも偽りだ!」 "Discipline, stability... Both of them are falsehoods!"
Rolento 「キサマの同意など、必要としておらぬわッ!」 "Your opinion on the matter is not required!"
Rolento (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「流血なき勝利など無価値だ。」 "A victory without a stream of blood spilling out is worthless."
Ryu 「俺達は人を傷付けるのが目的ではない!」 "We're not here to hurt people!"
Ryu (Vega as 2nd Character)
Ryu 「ここで満足はできない。まだ先がある!」 "I can't be satisfied here. There's more to come!"
Vega 「たぶんあんた、ずっとそう言い続けるな。」 "Maybe, you don't have to keep saying that all the time."
Vega 「我が鮮烈なる美を妬むか?」 "Is it my striking beauty that you're envious of?"
Sagat 「貴様など妬むだけの価値もない...侮るな!」 "There's nothing about you that's worth envying... I look down on you!"
Sagat (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「血染めの愚者よ、陶酔の中で息絶えよ。」 "To you fools stained in blood, cease your lives as you lay here intoxicated."
Sakura 「さらっとヒドい事言いますよねー。」 "You sure don't hold back with your mean words."
Sakura (Vega as 2nd Character)
Sakura 「その仮面、取ったほうが動きやすくない?」 "Wouldn't it be easier to move if you took off that mask?"
Vega 「敗者になど私の美しい肌は晒せぬ!」 "I will not expose my beautiful skin to the loser!"
Vega 「これは幻ではない。その苦痛が現実の証だ。」 "This is no illusion. The pain is proof of reality."
Vega 「そしてそれもすぐ消える...フフフ...!」 "And that too will soon disappear... Fufufu...!"
Vega 「華麗なる終焉に、感嘆の声も出ぬようだな!」 "For a sublime finale, you seem to be lacking the voice to give admiration!"
Yun 「...あきれてものが言えないんだよ!」 "...I'm just too shocked to say anything!"
Yun (Vega as 2nd Character)
Yun 「俺的には、かなり「アート」だったけど?」 "In my opinion that was pretty 'artistic', wasn't it?"
Vega 「流血なくして祭宴とは呼べぬ。」 "It's not a feast without bloodshed."
Vega 「赤...赤こそ美の極北!」 "Red... It's surely the peak of beauty!"
Zangief 「ウム、やや同感だ!」 "Hmm, can't disagree with you there!"
Zangief (Vega as 2nd Character)
Character Japanese Translation
Vega 「血の色が、私を...私を昂ぶらせる!」 "The color of this blood, it's... It's arousing me!"
Athena 「すごい顔色...落ち着きましょ、ね?」 "You're not looking so good... Let's both calm down, okay?"
Athena (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「私を見よ。美の概念そのものが在る。」 "Look upon my visage. Here lies the principles of beauty itself."
Benimaru 「...あんたのナルっぷりにゃ感心するね。」 "...I quite admire how much of a narcissist you can be.
Benimaru (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「凡夫どもに審美の資格はない。」 "The plebs are not fit to truly appreciate the value of beauty."
Chang 「オレ的には、壊せりゃオールOKよ!」 "I'm fine with whatever as long as I can break some stuff!"
Chang (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「助力など期待しないことだ。」 "Don't go expecting any assistance from me."
Geese 「要らぬ。が、貴様の残忍さは見る所がある。」 "I wasn't in need of it to begin with, but there is value in seeing your brutality."
Geese (Vega as 2nd Character)
Geese 「何だ、今のチームは? あれでも格闘家か?」 "What was with that team just now? Were they even fighters?"
Vega 「どうやら自殺志願者の集まりだったようだ。」 "It seems to me they were a mob of volunteers willing to end their own lives for our amusement."
Vega 「お前には、私の美学などわかるまい。」 "You cannot begin to understand my sense of aesthetics."
Haohmaru 「おうよ。わかってンじゃねえか。」 "Oh man, what a shame that is."
Haohmaru (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「血潮の坩堝よ、敗者を抱き美に染まれ!」 "The melting pot of these streams of blood, oh, how they envelop the defeated and purify them with beauty!"
Hibiki 「なんて、むごいことを...。」 "This is horrifying..."
Hibiki (Vega as 2nd Character)
Hibiki 「人を斬る刃は、義の名であれ己に返ります。」 "The blade that cuts others will come back to haunt you, even if it was used with honor."
Vega 「孤高なる美には無縁のことだ。」 "My beauty alone sets me apart from your trite little sayings."
Vega 「憎悪深きものは愛もまた深い...違うか?」 "Those who have deep-rooted hatred also have an abundance of love to give... Am I wrong?"
Iori 「余計な話をするな...貴様から刻むぞ。」 "Cease the idle chatter... Otherwise, I'll shred you to pieces."
Iori (Vega as 2nd Character)
Iori 「憎悪と怒りが闘いの本質だ。」 "Hate and anger are both the true essence of fighting."
Vega 「そう...だからこそ美しさが際立つ。」 "Hmm... And that's why it's so beautiful."
Vega 「醜きものは死しても醜い。」 "The ugly are exactly that, even in death."
Joe 「...それが「やりすぎ」の言い訳か?」 "...Is that your excuse for overdoing what you just did?"
Joe (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「蔑むべきは醜さ。美しければ善悪など不問!」 "Ugliness should be despised. If you possess beauty, then you are above morality."
Kim 「それは根底から違うぞ! 正義=美なのだ!」 "Your whole foundation for that is completely wrong! Beauty comes forth from justice!"
Kim (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「貴様らふぜいに顔をさらす気はない!」 "You all are not worthy of seeing my pristine face!"
King 「そんなにもったいつけるほどのものか?」 "Is it really that good for you to be this protective over it?"
King (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「臆したか。それとも我が美に心酔したか。」 "Are you timid, or perhaps you're in admiration of my beauty?"
Kyo 「お顔自慢したいんなら余所へ行きな。」 "Get lost if you wanna be so egotistical about your face."
Kyo (Vega as 2nd Character)
Kyo 『・・・・! あんた、いつまで爪研いでんだ!?』 "...! Just how long have you been sharpening that claw?"
Vega 「美しい傷痕を残すための手入れだ。」 "I'm grooming them to leave beautiful scars."
Vega 「敗者には、美を語る資格などない。」 "The defeated do not have the right to speak of beauty."
Mai 「生まれつき美しいあたしは別だけど!」 "But a natural beauty like myself would be an exception to that rule!"
Mai (Vega as 2nd Character)
Mai 「流れるような勝利、って言うのかしら?」 "I wonder if you could call this a stream-like victory?"
Vega 「...あながち誇張ではないな。艶がある。」 "...I wouldn't call it an exaggeration. There is a certain charm to it."
Vega 「美とは何か...答えられるか?」 "The meaning of beauty... Could you answer this question?"
Nakoruru 「みんな幸せに暮らすことだと思います。」 "I believe it's everybody living happily together."
Nakoruru (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「地を蠢く虫に、光の速さは測れまい!」 "Insects who struggle on the ground... are incapable of grasping the speed of light!"
Raiden 「虫をバカにすると痛い目みるぜ。」 "Underestimating insects will come back to bite you in the arse."
Raiden (Vega as 2nd Character)
Raiden 『俺の毒霧はポリシーだ。思い付きじゃない!』 "My poison fog is a policy. It's not an idea!"
Vega 「私には無粋なパフォーマンスにしか映らん。」 "Looks like nothing more than tactless performance to me."
Vega 「今、この場所に美がある。雄雄しく燦然と!」 "There is beauty to be found here. It's heroically radiant!"
Rock 「血か狂気か...ロクなもんに酔ってねえな。」 "Whether it's blood or insanity... Neither are good things to get a high from."
Rock (Vega as 2nd Character)
Rock 「生死の狭間も、この先何度も渡るだろうよ。」 "I can only imagine the additional moments where my life will be on the line from here on out."
Vega 「美の煌きも、また其処に微笑む...。」 "That is exactly when the flickering beauty glistens ever so more..."
Vega 「いまだ我が美学を解する者には出会えぬ。」 "I have yet to come across an individual who can appreciate my sense of aesthetics."
Rugal 「美の概念など、初めから奴等には無いのだ。」 "They are all unable to even grasp the concept of beauty."
Rugal (Vega as 2nd Character)
Rugal 「これが「美」というものだ。バルログ君?」 "This is what I call "beauty." Your thoughts, Vega-san?"
Vega 「...価値観の違いも甚だしい。」 "...This goes to show how exceedingly different our sense of values are."
Vega 「まさにアート・オブ・ファイティング!」 "Now this is the art of fighting!"
Ryo 「強さは芸術、か。なかなかいい響きだな。」 "Strength is art, huh? You know what, that's got a nice ring to it."
Ryo (Vega as 2nd Character)
Ryo 「あんた、その武器は外せ。しめしがつかん!」 "Remove your weapon. It's not setting a good example to the others!"
Vega 「フン、弱者など切り刻んでやればよい。」 "Hmph, the weak are only deserving of their flesh being marked with it."
Vega 「断末魔が、極上の調べに聞こえぬか?」 "Death throes, do they not make the finest melodies?"
Ryuhaku 「本気で言うておるのか? 悪趣味な!!」 "Are you saying this with the truest of intentions!? Such ill pastimes you indulge in!"
Ryuhaku (Vega as 2nd Character)
Ryuhaku 『ひたむきに武に通ずる姿勢こそ、美しい!』 "It is the dedication to fighting that is beautiful!"
Vega 「蛮人の美意識など毛ほどの価値もない。」 "A barbarian's sense of beauty is not worth a hair's breadth."
Ryuji Yamazaki
Vega 「賛辞は拒まない。この美しさに喝采を!」 "I won't deny your eulogy. Use this time to give praise to this beauty of mine!"
Ryuji Yamazaki 「...おい、コイツどうにかしろ!」 "...Hey, don't just stand there, do something about this guy."
Ryuji Yamazaki (Vega as 2nd Character)
Ryuji Yamazaki
Vega 「制裁を受けよ。判決は...死!」 "The jury has spoken. Your punishment is... death!"
Terry 「と、思ったが今回は無罪だ。また会おうぜ!」 "Don't mind this guy, you guys are innocent. Catch you around!"
Terry (Vega as 2nd Character)
Terry 「マタドールに刺されなくて運が良かったな。」 "You guys were lucky to not end on the other side of a matador's espada."
Vega 「むしろ逆だ。血化粧もできず醜く朽ちた。」 "On the contrary, a lack of bloodied cosmetics keeps them being hideous."
Vega 「死してなお美に出会えぬか? 哀れな...。」 "Even in death, you fail to find beauty? How pitiful..."
Vice 「いいかげんにしなよ。キモいんだよ!」 "Stop it with this. You're creeping me out!"
Vice (Vega as 2nd Character)
Vega 「奇跡に頼っても、私の勝利は揺るがない!」 "No amount of miracles could even tip the scales of my defeat being a reality!"
Yuri 「うわ...恐ろしいまでの自信! 恐いッチ!」 "O.M.G, that's some scary amount of confidence you got there!"
Yuri (Vega as 2nd Character)
Yuri 「その、うしろからジーっと見るのやめて!」 "Erm, can you stop staring at me from behind!"
Vega 「お前など見ていない。うぬぼれるな。」 "Oh please, I wasn't even looking at you. Don't delude yourself."

SVC Chaos[]

Pre-battle Dialogues[]


Vs. Akuma

Vega: "There's no beauty to your strength. That is, you don't deserve to live."

Akuma: "Deserve to live? Boorish lout. Strength is truth!"

Vega: "Beauty is the only thing worthy to exist. Ugliness must perish!"

Akuma: "You'll perish, all right. Rumble!"

Vs. Balrog

Vega: "Elegance. Delicacy. Refinement. You lack them all. Pathetic ponce!"

Balrog: "I'll take good care of that mask, fancy pants!"

Vega: "...What do you mean?"

Balrog: "I'm going to cave in your precious face! And right now!"

Vega: "Such foul language. Death's to good for you."

Vs. Chun-Li

Chun-Li: "You hoo, noble wannabe! Care to answer a few questions I have for you?"

Vega: "Hmm... The secret of my beauty?"

Chun-Li: "OK, you are amusing. Hey, where's Bison? If you tell me now, I'll spare your life."

Vega: "My, you're a spunky one? I wish to hear your lovely screams shortly."

Vs. Dan

Vega: "Repulsive... A loathsome sight! Be gone...No. Die!"

Dan: "Hey! The beauty of my Saikyo groove is the ultimate, you know?"

Vega: "I can't tolerate to breathe the same air. You'll be pig food!"

Dan: "Try it, freakshow!"

Vs. Demitri

Demitri: "You have a fine form for one of my servants. Rejoice! You'll be under my wings for the rest of eternity."

Vega: "I'm a servant to beauty. I've no intention of serving a pale antique."

Demitri: "Oh, a comedian too? However soon you will realize the joy of being in my servitude."

Vega: "Now who's the comedian? Bow at the feet of true beauty!"

Vs. Dhalsim

Vega: "You don't bathe in training? Back off! Foul, foolish freak."

Dhalsim: "Those who are taken by appearances alone are truly foolish."

Vega: "An argument like that is but the simperings of the foul and ugly."

Dhalsim: "You won't understand until I scold you. See Yoga's secrets!"

Vega: "Taste the pain... That comes from beauty!"

Vs. Guile

Guile: "Tell me where Bison is. And I'll spare your life."

Vega: "You lack ability and beauty, and talk beyond your station. What stupidity..."

Guile: "Will you tell me or not?"

Vega: "It seems I'll have to slice you up good. An ugly brand of defeat."

Vs. Hugo

Poison: "Lucky! You'll do well in the cage death match!"

Vega: "I'm polishing my claws. Be gone with you."

Poison: "C'mon, pal, is that any way to greet a scout. Be happy! Huuuugo! It's showtime!"

Hugo: "A masked wrestler. You'll make a nice addition to the group."

Vs. Ken

Vega: "Golly, you're ugly. Why is it that all others pale to me?"

Ken: "Yeah, right! I'm going to plow your beauty into dirt."

Vega: "Impossible. The ugly can not defeat the fair...It's a law of nature."

Ken: "I never studied law! Prepare yourself, creep!"

Vs. M. Bison

M. Bison: "Oh, Vega. Have you lost it?"

Vega: "The time has come for you to cower before my limitless beauty."

M. Bison: "Foo, ha, ha. Funny. I'll humor you."

Vs. Mirror Match

Vega: "Hmmm. A beautiful imitation. I'll take great pleasure in bloodying you up."

Mirror Match: "What fine vestments. What cultivated sense. But you can't come close to me, I fear."

Vega: "But a little touch of blood and you may come close."

Mirror Match: "Shall we find out?"

Vega: "We already know who's most beautiful."

Mirror Match: "Yes, we do. And I'm it."

Vs. Ryu

Ryu: "Vega?! What are you doing here?"

Vega: "To clean up all of the ugliness... I see no value in garbage like you."

Ryu: "Weird as ever. Fancy meeting you here. How about it?"

Vega: "Hah ha ha. Very well. I'll make up your corpse with fresh blood."

Ryu: "If you can... hee yah!"

Vs. Sagat

Vega: "Sagat, your life's mine."

Sagat: "An interesting jest, Vega. How do you propose to get it?"

Vega: "I cannot permit one so ugly to defeat me. After you, Bison's next."

Sagat: "Judging all by beauty. A narrow standard, indeed, young nobleman."

Vega: "Die!"

Vs. Tessa

Vega: "Do not move, lady. My claws... Desire your blood."

Tessa: "Is that so? You cannot suppress a desire to slice flesh... A predictable pattern."

Vega: "An inability to grasp the pursuit of beauty... I'll teach it to you with your fresh blood."

Tessa: "Hoo, hoo, hoo. OK. Let the lesson begin!"

Vs. Violent Ken

Violent Ken: "Ooooooh-ohhhh!"

Vega: "This's psycho power? Not a shard of beauty."

Violent Ken: "Ooooooh-ohhhh!"

Vs. Zero

Vega: "The beauty of function? I don't understand this. Another manifestation?"

Zero: "What do you babble about?"

Ciel: "(Zero. Watch out! An aerial fighter. Deadly claw attacks.)"

Zero: "I hear you... Let's get it done!"

Vs. Shin Akuma

Vega: "This one... Has a powerful spirit."

Shin Akuma: "I am the fist master. You are no foe of mine. Die!"

Vega: "It will not be... One as ugly as you cannot be the mightiest!"

Shin Akuma: "Destroy!"

Vs. Red Arremer

Vega: "What place is this?"

Red Arremer: "Gyah-gyah!"

Vega: "Disgusting... In hell and heaven does ugliness rule?"

Red Arremer: "Gyah!"

Vega: "I will kill and destroy everything!"


Vs. Choi

Choi: "Hmm. I guess I'm famous now, huh? But I'm not wearing a mask now, buddy boy."

Vega: "How repulsive."

Choi: "Eeeeh! I don't need guff from you, masked moron!"

Vega: "Enough of you... Pay with your death!"

Vs. Earthquake

Vega: "What is this? Is this walking glob of mean a human?"

Earthquake: "W-why you! I'll smoosh you!"

Vega: "I haven't had such an ugly foe in quite a while. You'll die slowly!"

Vs. Geese Howard

Geese: "So you're Vega? I've heard of you. Don't you ever think about using your strength for me?"

Vega: "I serve no one! I live for beauty. And may die of it."

Geese: "Pah! ...Very well. You can seek beauty in the hereafter!"

Vega: "Hyoh-hee!"

Vs. Genjuro

Vega: "You Samurai have unique and lovely rituals... But they pale to me!"

Genjuro: "Hmph. Is that so? Shall I add to your beauty with your blood?"

Vega: "Oooh, hoo, hoo. Think you got the ability to do so?"

Genjuro: "Hm. Hm. Hm. You'll satisfy me with a most splendid end!"

Vega: "Hyoh-hee!"

Vs. Goenitz

Goenitz: "To be so wrapped up in your own beauty... In one way, I respect you."

Vega: "A beautiful existence has a certain absolute power. Take me for example... I'm downright gorgeous."

Goenitz: "Seeing your wounds will be my day's highlight."

Vs. Iori

Vega: "Hmph. A bit labored but not exactly not beautiful."

Iori: "You'd better keep that mask on.... To keep those whelps of despair to yourself..."

Vega: "Such evil. Such rage. Such beauty..."

Iori: "Beg for your life... 'Coz you picked the wrong guy, fashion cop! Die!"

Vs. Kasumi

Vega: "Ooh-hoo-hoo. Such clean beauty. Not too shabby."

Kasumi: "What're you looking at?"

Vega: "The future: Your whimpering self, sliced, diced and Julienne fried."

Kasumi: "You really do have the heart of a demon... Then feel the sting of Kasumi Todoh! Defend yourself, OK...?"

Vs. Kim

Kim: "You've gotten bigger. You could be Choi's spitting image."

Vega: "You're pathetic. Unable to appreciate my unparalleled beauty!"

Kim: "What a cruel glare... Just what evil have you done so far?"

Vega: "To attain pure beauty, the deaths of a few are of no consequence."

Kim: "What stupidity...! I cannot forgive you!"

Vs. Kyo

Vega: "Hmm. Rather attractive however you can't hold a candle to me."

Kyo: "Shut yo' mouth! You silly narcissistic little fancy pants! I'm going to torch you to your bones!"

Vega: "Heh. Heh. Relax. You should take a break before I tear you to shreds, huh?"

Kyo: "I've got stuff to do. I can't waste my time with freaks like you."

Vs. Mai

Vega: "Oh, you're quite lovely."

Mai: "Finely, someone who appreciates true beauty. You must be a gentleman."

Vega: "Your body covered with your vermillion blood. It gives me goosebumps!"

Mai: "...I take it all back. You're a psycho freak! It's clobbering time!"

Vs. Mars People

Mars People: "Beep boop bah bop."

Vega: "Hideous thing... I must rid the world of it!"

Mars People: "Boop baaah!"

Vs. Mr. Karate

Mr. Karate: "That mask tells me you have no self-confidence."

Vega: "......"

Mr. Karate: "I'll pluck those talons, break that mask, and then you can start all over."

Vs. Orochi Iori

Iori: "Ooaaahhh...!"

Vega: "Repulsive... You deserve to die!"

Iori: "Oooh-whooooo."

Vs. Ryo

Ryo: "Iron claws are for wimps. And masks are for timid, little tulip pants..."

Vega: "Keep it up, kimono head. In a few minutes you'll be doing nothing but whining a different tune."

Ryo: "For Kyokugen Karate... These is no defeat."

Vega: "Not until now. Your first defeat will be your last. Cheer up. You can't lose again if you're stone-cold dead."

Vs. Shiki

Vega: "What do we have here?"

Shiki: "Speak your mind, or let me be on my way."

Vega: "Ooh, hoo. I'll fix up that tattoo... ...With your blood!"

Shiki: "...Yeah, OK. Now die!"

Vs. Terry

Terry: "Conceited fancy-pants like yourself tick me off!"

Vega: "The common folk like you cannot grasp my refiend values and spirituality. Know your own disgrace. And kneel before me."

Terry: "A wolf yeilds to nothing."

Vega: "Don't worry, wolfie. I'll dress your corpse up... With your blood."

Vs. Shin Mr. Karate

Vega: "Intolerable. You deserve to die."

Mr. Karate: "You're pretty self-confident! I'm going to rip that mask right off your mug!"

Vega: "It's I who'll slice your silly mask into shreds and shreds!"

Vs. Athena

Vega: "Where am I...?"

Athena: "This is heaven. I wonder why the dimensional door..."

Vega: "With my beauty, The gates of heaven couldn't help but pull me in."

Athena: "What conceit...! Defend yourself. You have much to learn after your defeat."

Win Quotes (generic)[]

  • "Praise me! Extol me! My beauty is unparalleled!"
  • "So, answer me. Just who is the fairest of them all?"
  • "Handsome, tough, and cruel... That is me to a tee! Keh keh keh."
  • "I contribute to society. I remove all its filth. Got a gripe with that?"
  • "Hmph. Your swordsmanship is sublime, even if you were unseemly vanquished." (Vs. Genjuro/Shiki/Zero)
  • "My beauty is immortal! I do not need your help!" (Vs. Demitri)
  • "And just how long did you think I would be satisfied serving the likes of you?!" (Vs. M. Bison)

Street Fighter IV series[]

Street Fighter IV[]


  • "You'll be seeing red, by the time I'm done with you."

Personal Actions:[]

  • "Does your ugliness embarrass you?"
  • "Ugly AND clumsy? Pity."
  • "Beautiful death."
  • "Too late. You're mine now."
  • "Ugliness and weakness are one and the same."
  • "Bleed for me! Ha ha ha!"
  • "My blades will make you beautiful."
  • "You're hideous!"

Round Win:[]

  • "Did my beauty intoxicate you?"
  • "Beauty is the only truth in this world."
  • "Ruin begets beauty."

Rival Dialogue[]

Chun-Li: "Vega!? Shouldn't you be dead?"
Vega: "Perhaps, I'm a ghost."
Chun Li: "I don't care if you are! Either way, you're coming with me!"
Vega: "Pushy, little wench."

Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode[]

  • "The thrill of victory... The scent of fresh blood is in the air... Ecstasy!"
  • "I'm at my most beautiful after a victory."
  • "The most beautiful rose is cultivated in the blood of those that fall before me."
  • "Stop twitching already! It just makes you even more ugly!"
  • "The blood-curdling shriek of defeat is more beautiful than any music..."
  • "True beauty transcends such simplistic labels as "good" and "evil"..."
  • "Nothing thrills me more than an arc of fresh blood spraying through the air."
  • "Strange... Everyone's blood is beautiful, even if its owner is not."
  • "If you're going to die, hurry up and do it! I don't have all day!"
  • "What a beautiful victory!"
  • "The heart and soul are meaningless to me. I believe only in beauty."

Arcade Mode[]

  • "Don't worry. You won't be alone any longer once I send you to hell..."
  • "I won't let your filthy claws come in contact with my sublime body!"
  • "And so your quest ends. The emptiness you leave behind is a thing of beauty."
  • "Enlightenment? What would a crass soul like yours know about enlightenment?"
  • "Never have I glimpsed at such vile ugliness! You are a disgrace!"
  • "I wouldn't let your slop touch my beautiful lips."
  • "Your kicks have written a check that your feeble body simply cannot cash."
  • "No one can defeat my combination of beauty and power! Not even you!"
  • "Your moves are beautiful. Too bad I cannot say the same about the rest of you."
  • "Your beauty reminds me of the last gasp of a flame before it is extinguished..."
  • "I will show you a view that can only be glimpsed from the depths of despair!"
  • "It would be a shame to destroy a rose before it has fully bloomed..."

Super Street Fighter IV[]


"Hm... If it isn't Bison's little toy. He goes to such lengths for power. As if his current body weren't ugly enough. I must admit I'll never understand men like him. Still... I admit I am intrigued by the idea of creating new bodies to inhabit. Too bad not even a god could reproduce a body as beautiful and graceful as my own.
"You ugly creature, you. Soon, your power will be mine. Then I can ensure that my beauty will live on forever!"


  • "Survived it, did she? Hmpf, so be it. And here I thought I had the only copy left. What a shame... Until we meet again, my beauty."

Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode:[]

  • "Power and wealth are meaningless in the face of blinding beauty."
  • "Blood-red is the most beautiful color known to mankind."
  • "Victory is beautiful."
  • "I am at my most beautiful when I am dealing the victory blow."
  • "The least I could do is defeat you with unmatched beauty and grace."
  • "Fighting ugly opponents depresses me to no end."
  • "The weak have nothing to offer and should be culled from the population."
  • "I am beautiful."
  • "Not even the gods could create something that compares to my beauty."
  • "I look the most beautiful when glimpsed in the moment of your demise."
  • "No one compares to my beauty. Nor to my strength."

Arcade Mode[]

  • "I don´t know why I bothered fighting you to begin with."
  • "Power is not everything, fool! Beauty far outweighs such barbaric concepts."
  • "I don´t want to defile my claws with the foul blood of a feral beast."
  • "You fight for money? Tell me, my dear, just what beauty is there in that?"
  • "I cannot bear to gaze upon you for one more instant. Leave me at once!"
  • "Your music sounds like acoustic death, a concept you shall soon know very well."
  • "Another snob who mistakes greed for sophistication? Spare me."
  • "You should have covered your whole hideous face in that makeup."
  • "What is that horrible stench? Is this what you deem to be cuisine?"
  • "I simply cannot bear to see you crumble beneath your own power."
  • "If your voice was anymore irritating, I would sever my own ears in spite."
  • "Aging, sickness, loss of face. You are a veritable smorgasbord of indignity!"
  • "Your speed and technique are inferior to mine. I expected more from you."
  • "Just when I thought you couldn´t get any more disgusting. I had to touch you."
  • "I was impressed with your looks, but your fighting disappointed, my dear."
  • "You, my dear, are the superlative personification of evil beauty itself."
  • "The concept of true beauty is lost on superficial men like you."
  • "You ugly, ugly cur. Your existence ends here."
  • "You say you see a dark future? So long as my beauty survives, I welcome it."
  • "You just made the top of my list of things I want to kill violently."
  • "Killing earnest heroes like you gives me a special kind of pleasure..."
  • "Real beauty is being able to handle trifling little things like you with ease."
  • "I'm fortunate that your cap will hide your pitiful demise from my sight."
  • "Fighting you was the lowest point of my life so far, you ugly brute."

Ultra Street Fighter IV[]

  • "No beauty can exist in a doll with no heart."
  • "I cannot bear your ugliness any longer! I'll kill you to spare my eyes!"
  • "Your beauty is indeed ravishing, but it only lasted an instant."
  • "An ugly country with an ugly ruler ... I'm disgusted even thinking about it."

Street Fighter X Tekken[]

Character Select[]

  • "Now, my claws thirst for blood."


  • "Hahaha! I'll skin you!"
  • "Less talk, more blood." (When paired with Balrog)


  • "Are you embarrassed by your ugliness?"


  • "To feel such power!" (Activating)
  • "Is this the end, of beauty?" (Being sacrificed)

Round Win[]

  • "Did I distract you?"


  • "Why?!"
  • "Disgusting..." (Chip KO)

Story Dialogue[]

  • "Whatever. It's time to search for the next target."
  • "Ignorant loser."
  • "Shut up already. Just looking at you offends every sensibility I have."
  • "Try it if you dare. But you can say goodbye to getting your grubby hands on Pandora..."
  • "Hmph."
  • '"I don't have time to deal with the likes of you. I need to search for my next prey."
  • "We've lost contact with the advance unit at the Antarctic..."
  • "How like you to think in such an uncouth ways. At any rate, we should exercise more caution."
  • "It would seem that, aside from the Mishima Zaibatsu, there are also some ninjas after Pandora..."
  • "Heh heh heh... Maybe I can get some enjoyment out of this after all."
  • "The insects who gather around Pandora are nothing more than an appetizer for my bloodlust."
  • "All we have to do is eliminate the Mishimas... And then I'll no longer have any use for you..."
  • "Finally over. And now, I just have to collect Pandora..."
  • "Hmph, it would seem we are not alone."
  • "The annoyances are finally out of the way..."
  • "Do not dare order me around."
  • "Oh shut up! I cannot take it..."
  • "I've tolerated your inane company for far too long."
  • "My claws will have blood. Your blood!"


  • "Now, show me your blood!"
  • "A waste of time."
  • "You are not beautiful."
  • "Now you die!"
  • "You dare to challenge me?"
  • "Don't touch me!"
  • "We've just begun!"
  • "How dare you?"
  • "Bueno..."
  • "What a waste..."
  • "How unpleasant."
  • "Incompetent."
  • "Just kill each other."
  • "As you please."
  • "Silence. There is my prey."
  • "Finish it!"
  • "Move it!"
  • "My turn!"
  • "I have arrived!"
  • "I shall take my leave."
  • "I am spent..."
  • "Know your limit!"
  • "To rely on such filth..."
  • "Take over!"
  • "They're mine!"
  • "Wither!"
  • "Not an ugly performance."
  • "Not enough."
  • "How long will you last?"
  • "Is that your best?"
  • "Yodel-ay-hee hoo"
  • "Beauty... is the only truth!"
  • "Did my beauty intoxicate you?"
  • "Such destruction... is beautiful."
  • "So filthy!"
  • "Time to meet your maker!"
  • "You shouldn't make me angry."
  • "Your death is near."
  • "I'll carve you up!"
  • "Now, let's begin!"
  • "How vile!"
  • "You're a fool!"
  • "Beast!"
  • "I hunger..."
  • "Begin!"
  • "It is time!"
  • "Behold my stunning beauty!"
  • "My beauty..."
  • "Baile!"
  • "You pest!"
  • "Degenerate!"
  • "Hideous!"
  • "Repulsive!"
  • "You are filth!"
  • "Soak in your own blood!"
  • "Do scum such as you hope to possess Pandora?"
  • "You're way out of your depth, foolish children."
  • "Die... a beautiful death."
  • "Such a hideous face!"
  • "I thirst for more blood!"
  • "Foolish!"
  • "Know your place!"
  • "Let me hear you scream!"
  • "Beautiful!"
  • "Don't revel in my death yet."
  • "Death awaits."
  • "You'll die for this insult!"
  • "Ugly!"
  • "You do realize that you're hideous."
  • "You're less than a memory."
  • "You're a ninja? Hahahahaha!"
  • "Feel your despair as you die!"
  • "I will show you beauty perfected!"
  • "Crawl your way to hell..."
  • "At least it's a beautiful death for you."
  • "I love your cries of agony!"
  • "Let me enjoy your screams of terror!"
  • "This is a divine fighter?"
  • "Now, even the gods have bowed before my beauty!"
  • "This victory feels so empty and hollow..."
  • "None can withstand my beauty."
  • "This is the pinnacle of true beauty."
  • "You are punished."
  • "Your blood won't satisfy me at all!"

Win Quotes (character-specific)[]

Street Fighter[]

  • "There's no need to worry about your past. You no longer have a future."
  • "What an eyesore! You should die for your crimes against decency!"
  • "Your incessant howls make my ears bleed. I hate to dirty my claws with your beast blood, but..."
  • "Your unsightly figure is a crime against beauty. Death is a fitting punishment for you."
  • "One as hideous as you should not be allowed to carry roses."
  • "Taking the purest of flowers and ripping them from the Earth... I can think of no greater joy."
  • "You call yourself a ninja? Pathetic... Your entire style should be erased from this world!"
  • "I must be slacking off... How could I have missed such a hideous beast! Time to take care of you..."
  • "My claw thirsts for new blood. And you are so beautiful... I cannot wait to hear your screams of agony!"
  • "You will learn the price of getting in my way. Don't think your death will come easily."
  • "Allow me to give you a magnificent send-off to the afterlife!"
  • "As if I would ever allow a miscreant like you to form his own country!"
  • "To forever wallow in the pits of despair is a fitting fate for you."
  • "I hate getting myself dirty with the blood of losers. It makes me want to throw up."
  • "Such elegant clothes, and what a magnificent body! Not quite as beautiful as myself of course, but not bad."
  • "I cannot stand the sight of you. Allowing you to live in the same world as me is simply unforgiveable."


  • "My claw feels no joy from carving up those with no souls. The moment life is extinguished is the most beautiful..."
  • "You are ugly enough to mince up and feed to farm animals."
  • "You deserve the worst death I could possibly give you."
  • "The screams of young maidens are like music to my ears. Come, let me hear your beautiful song..."
  • "You talk too much, boy. I will silence you forever!"
  • "Obviously, your creator had zero sense of artistic talent. If you're going to make a robot, at least make it beautiful..."
  • "I have no need for any sort of devil power. I'll carve you to shreds!"
  • "The more beautiful the flower, the more stunning it is when it withers away..."
  • "So this is the power of the Devil Gene... You still have much to learn about true beauty."
  • "I don't mind occasionally cleansing the world of filthy beasts."
  • "Your hideousness is beyond saving. The best thing you can do for the world is to die."
  • "I will enjoy watching you bleed to death..."
  • "I will dye your dainty clothes in blood red. The contrast of death against your purity will make you even more stunning."
  • "Refined skills, and that beauty... I take a special joy in destroying prey that's worth my time."
  • "You are far below me in beauty, speed, and technique. Your attempts to be a ninja are laughable at best."
  • "Know despair, and grovel before me! I will honor you by carving my mark into your chest."
  • "I shall paint a magnificent picture of you crumpled in despair. I'm getting all worked up just thinking about it..."
  • "You're an embarrassment to the idea of ninja. Do us all a favor and go die under a rock."


  • "A midnight black that cannot be dyed red by blood. Beautiful in its own way…"
  • "How unpleasant… I can’t stand to look at you for even one second."

Street Fighter V[]

Character Select[]

  • "I'll show you the epitome of beauty."


  • "Let my beauty intoxicate you."
  • "Time to hunt." (Easy Survival Mode)
  • "I'll give you a beautiful death." (Normal Survival Mode)
  • "No need to be frightened. It'll be over soon." (Hard Survival Mode)
  • "I'll show you the ultimate beauty!" (Extreme Survival Mode)


  • "Let's begin playing the endless waltz." (Training Mode)
  • "What seduces me more? The crimson of fresh blood, or the scream of death?" (Training Mode)
  • "Time to hunt!"
  • "I'll give you a beautiful death!"
  • "I'll show you the ultimate beauty!"
  • "No need to be frightened, it'll be over soon."
  • "This victory will be mine!" (Language Change)
  • "Where should I start carving you from?" (Taunt)
  • "It's time to dance!"
  • "Yodel-ay-hee hoo!" (Round Win)
  • "My beauty is unshakable!" (20% or less health)
  • "Can't be..."
  • "You can't catch me!"
  • "Are you trembling?"
  • "Ugly..."
  • "Being tormented by the shadow of your former self and how you suffered, that struggle was the very core of your beauty..."
  • "In case you have forgotten, why don't I remind you, by waking that pain!"
  • "I see..."
  • "I guess you don't know anything do you?"
  • "How sad... you choose to wither instead of bloom."
  • "I prepared a suitable death for any filthy rats who happen to crawl in."
  • "You won't interfere."
  • "The plan is set, and you'll both rot in this place."

V-Skill II[]

  • "I see." (Matador Flip)

V-Trigger I[]

  • "Gaze in wonder!"

V-Trigger II[]

  • "Let me play with you!"

Aurora Spin Edge[]

  • "Slice you!" (Low, Medium & High)
  • "Stab you!" (EX)

Win Quotes[]

Versus Mode (Generic)[]

  • "Your scream is filled with pain... Now let me hear it again."
  • "When all is drenched in blood, I will finally experience bliss..."
  • "My beauty is absolute. No one will ever come close to me."
  • "The final moments of the waltz of death are when its beauty shines most."
  • "Ugly..."
  • THANK YOU FOR A GORGEOUS TIME! (Classic Outfit only)

Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]

  • "I simply have no words for a disgusting oversized meat sack."
  • "Love and friendship are crutches for those without true beauty."
  • "Victory is meaningless without beauty. What you need is elegance."
  • "Sophistication is so far beyond you, there's no point in letting you live."
  • "Your dying shriek grates my ears. Annoying to the very, very last."
  • "What a truly uncouth beast you are... You're not even fit to be a rug beneath my feet!"
  • "Your delusions, your despair... They all belong to me now."
  • "Bathing in your blood will be the best beauty treatment of all."
  • "A brainless brute like you cannot even begin to fathom true beauty."
  • "Even the gods themselves bow down before my beauty."
  • "Ugh... How dare you sully my claws!"
  • "That power...and those moves. How thoroughly unpleasant. Be gone from my sight."
  • "Filthy maggot, I will send you to your grave."
  • "You seem to be a cut above the other Dolls... I wonder if you will be able to amuse me?"
  • "My beauty is still supreme! Don't get carried away with yourself!"
  • "You're lacking in both speed and beauty. Is this all Japan's ninjas have to offer?"
  • "There's value in beauty born from chaos, but it's not what I'm after."
  • "How dare you sully the name of death?"
  • "Your undefiled integrity is a fresh flavor for me to relish!"
  • "I will carve you into something beautiful. And I'll cut up that weak little heart of yours while I'm at it."
  • "What a pity. You look good, but you do not understand true beauty."
  • "Hmph. A pig could never comprehend true beauty."
  • "Yet another fool who could never understand true beauty..."
  • "Thus a demon meets his end... What a disappointment."
  • "It is only natural that victory is decided by beauty. So of course, only I can be the victor."
  • "Ugh. Look at you. You're the opposite of fine wine."
  • "Even your death throes lack grace. Such an obnoxious tone."
  • "Your thoughtless moves don't amuse me."
  • "The passage of time leads to nothing but destruction. What could be more beautiful?"
  • "Disappointing...I imagined the man M. Bison speaks of to be more fun."
  • "Ugly as ever… We’re worlds apart. I never liked you."
  • "You are worthy of being carved up by my claw. You should be honored."
  • "What a pitiful husk! The only thing beautiful you could die!"
  • "I doubt a society built by the ugly could possibly contain the beauty I seek."
  • "Imitation can never be true beauty, no matter how you may try."
  • "I was hoping to enjoy a fight against a traditional ninja art. But your techniques are lacking in elegance."

A Shadow Falls[]

  • Hah! Look who's talking. Did you forget that you were in charge of this plan? And it was you who let a programmer steal the control keys. I would say that's a huge disgrace!
  • It's obvious who should be taking the blame for this. Besides...


  2. Translation: "Wishes"
  3. Translation: "Soul"
  4. Translation: "Great"