This is a list of quotes used by Zangief.
Street Fighter II series[]
Street Fighter II[]
- "My strength is much greater than yours."
- "Next time we meet, I'm gonna break your arms!" (Console versions)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[]
- "You can't throw a wrestler! Hahaha!"
- "Sooner or later, I piledrive everyone!"
- "I am the Red Cyclone. I destroy everything in my path!"
- "After wrestling bears, you're not much of a challenge."
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[]
- "...I! ...Am! ...The Red Cyclone! I pull you in...and smash you up!"
- "Today we stain Russian soil a little redder with your blood!"
- "You wouldn't survive another round. I'll let the ambulance take you now!"
- "Your attacks bounce off my muscle like bullets off a tank!"
Lost Quotes (Street Fighter II SNES)[1][]
- "Your pathetic skill is nothing before my steel body."
- "Did you think you could come at me with your own power!? Next time we meet, I'm gonna break your arms!"
- "You're training your body the wrong way!"
- "Shalt I dye Mother Russia with your blood!?"
Street Fighter: The Movie[]
- "Power is Justice!"
- "Hey! I think I heard something snap!"
- "Without strength there is no power!"
- "Peace comes only through strength."
- "You fought well for someone so puny."
Street Fighter Alpha series[]
Street Fighter Alpha 2 []
- "Don't make me angry or I'll beat the crap out of you!"
- "Hit me again......please?"
- "Nothing can escape my furious swirling death move!"
- "Quit blocking my hits with your face!"
Rival Dialogue[]
Vs. Birdie[]
Birdie: "Nice look, Kremlin-head."
Zangief: "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
Birdie: "Where do you get off... I'll kick your butt to Liverpool and back."
Zangief: "Ha! English humor always amuses me."
Vs. Ken[]
Ken: "What boat did you step off of?"
Zangief: "I'm Zangief from Mother-Russia."
Ken: "A mamma's boy, eh!"
Zangief: "Imbecile! I will snap you like a twig."
Street Fighter Alpha 3[]
Win Quotes[]
- "Consider yourself lucky! At least you can still walk!"
- "Flesh! Bone! Viscera! My body of steel knows no weaknesses!"
- "I'll dedicate this fight to the people of Russia!"
- "I'm like a cyclone... If you get too close, you'll be sucked in!"
- "If you had a stronger body, you might not have been paralyzed!"
- "It is not too late to build your body! Strengthen those triceps!"
- "Nothing can escape my deadly swirling attacks!"
- "Spun uncontrollably skyward... Driven brutally to the ground!"
Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]
- "Thanks, muscles!"「スパスィーバ! ムイーシツァ!!」
- "Worship these muscles of mine!! The dawn of Russia is upon us!!"「称えよ! 筋肉! ロシアの夜明けは近い!!」
- "Witness the greatness of my techniques forged in the frigid tundras!"「極寒の雪原で鍛えし技 とくと味わえ!」
- "Muscles! Bones! Organs! There are no faults to be found in my steel body!"「肉! 骨! 内臓! 鋼の体に死角なし!!」
- "The joy to be found in fighting for one's nation! I can only bring home victory in its honor!"「国家のために戦える幸せ! 勝利をもって応えるしかない!」
- "This fight was for all my 160 million comrades in Russia!"「もはやこの戦いは ロシア2億6千万の同志のためだ!」
- "Can you still not see the profound depth of wrestling!"「まだ解らんか! レスリングの奥深さが!」
- "It's never too late for you to train your chest muscles some more!"「今からでも遅くないぞ もっと大胸筋を鍛えろ!」
Character Specific (JPN Version)[]
- "Cut it out with the shouting, and put more power into your kicks!"「大声はいいからもっと蹴りに力を込めろ!」
- "Our faces are misunderstood for the worst, but work on proving them wrong!"「お互い誤解されやすい顔だがアンタも頑張れ!」
- "Wrestling vs. boxing! The end result is as you can see!"「レスリング対ボクシング! 結果はご覧のとおりだ!」
- "It seems that I can't see eye to eye with you for whatever reason."「どうもアンタとはウマが合わんようだな」
- "Huh? You're hungry? ...Hmngh, me too."「何? 腹が減っている? ……ウウム、実はオレもだ」
- "You've shocked me! I never expected such a shameful defeat pose from a veteran soldier!"「まったく驚いたよ! ベテラン軍人 顔負けの身のこなしだな!」
- "Your nation is one where I wish to maintain a good rivalry that overcomes emotions!"「あんたの国とは、感情を超えたいいライバルでいたいものだ!」
- "The police always trouble me with how inflexible they can be."「警察というものはいつも 融通が利かなくて困るな」
- "You cannot get in any precious nutritious content from consuming fast food alone."「ファーストフードばかりでは 大事な栄養素が摂れんぞ」
- "Such aspiring tenacity you have! I’ve got a bit of a newfound perspective on you!"「見上げた執念だ!ちょっと見直したぞ!」
- "Tchaikovsky! Stravinsky!!"「チャイコフスキーッ! ストラヴィンスキーッ!!」
- "Unbelievable... You shed pounds of your own muscle on purpose..."「信じられん……わざわざ修行で 肉をそぎおとすとは……」
- "Your open palm strike technique is formidable! I will add that to my arsenal for sure!"「ハリテの威力、たいしたものだ! ぜひオレの技に取り入れよう!」
- "Now, how were those beautiful sounds which echoed! They were a homely jolt for my steel chest!"「どうだ、いい音が響いただろう! 鋼の胸には心地いい刺激だったぞ!」
- "Exuding such ghastliness will do you no good in becoming stronger!"「凄みをきかせたところで 強さが増すわけじゃないのだぞ!」
- "Don't put your soul into it! Put in the heart of your patriotism and love!"「魂が込もっとらんのだ! 愛国と敬愛の精神! これだ!!」
- "Don't be bitter against me, sir. Going at full strength is my sign of courtesy!"「怨むなよじいさん 全力が礼儀だからな」
- "Gnugh! I-I won't accept it! My muscles are the world's best!!"「グヌゥ……! み、認めん! 我が肉体こそ究極なのだァッ!!」
- "...Say something! I thought I snapped your neck or something!"「……何かしゃべってくれ!首の骨、折ったかと思ったぞ!」
- "The stability of my convictions will never waver! No matter how much of a cutie you are!"「信念のカタさは揺らがぬ! いかにお前が可憐であろうとも!」
- "Hmm! You've been training well! It'd be more ideal for you to increase your weight."「ふむ! よく鍛えている! ウェイトを増やせばより理想的だ」
- "My chest can withstand any attack! You would do well to learn from my example!"「どんな攻撃にも耐える胸板! おまえも身につけるがいいだろう」
- "...Don't use money so crudely. You never know what punishment could befall you."「……金を粗末に扱うな どんな罰が下っても知らんぞ!」
- "If you worry this much about getting hit, then you're going to cry on the first hit!"「あまり手数に頼ると 手痛い一撃に泣かされるぞ!」
- "I don’t know much about this, but I do know that evil deeds are not good!"「なんだかよく解らんが 悪事はよくないぞ!」
- "This is no good, you've got no vigor! Did you skip out on breakfast this morning?"「いかーん、元気がないぞ! 朝飯抜いてきたか?」
- "The world's a harsh place! Continue to endure its challenges with unyielding effort!"「この世界は厳しいぞ! たゆまぬ努力を続けなさい!」
- "Wahahaha! Did you believe victory would find its way to you if you made use of tools!?"「ワハハハ! 道具を使えば 勝てると思っていたのか!?」
- "Phew! I was so close to being bewitched!"「フー……! もう少しで幻惑されるところだった!」
- "While I may not be fond of your Hadoken, I sure am of you! Uwahahaha!"「波動拳は苦手だがおまえは好きだ! ウワハハハ!!」
- "First, preserve some form of clarity! The story of the fight will then ensue!"「まず心おだやかに保て!勝負を語るのはそれからだ!」
- "If I had my say, then you'd be better off by increasing your muscle gain and fat twicefold!"「オレに言わせれば、筋肉も脂肪も もう2回りほど付けた方がいい!」
- "How about you value your own country some more?"「もっと自分の国を大事にしたらどうかね?」
- "The motherland! Ah, the beautiful motherland! I know your feelings all too well!"「祖国! ああ素晴らしき祖国! お前の気持ち、ようく解るぞ!」
- "So, in short, you're just a shy fellow?"「つまるところオマエは 恥ずかしがり屋ということか?」
- "Nothing can be done about this lightness! Your weight comes first before you focus on your technique!"「いかんともしがたい軽さだ! 技よりもまずウェイトを増やせ!」
- "How! It cannot be possible for a pair of muscles like these to co-exist in this world!"「なぜだ! この肉体は この世に二つと存在せぬハズだ!」
Rival Dialogues[]
Vs. Rolento[]
Zangief: "I understand you were in an organization known as Mad Gear. Do you know anything about 'Shadaloo'?"
Rolento: "What do you want with them? They are my target. If you stand in my way, I'll eliminate you..."
Zangief: "Hmm... Shadaloo has made enemies of everyone... My Great Leader's judgement was sound, after all... I must destroy Shadaloo, for the glory of mother Russia!"
Vs. Chun-Li[]
Chun-Li: "Where are you heading? Shadaloo isn't an organization you can defeat all by yourself. You'd better leave it to the I.C.P.O.!"
Zangief: "But... I fight for the pride of my great country! I won't be disgraced by backing out! Allow me to prove myself!"
Vs. M. Bison[]
Bison: "What does the 'Red Cyclone' of Russia want with me?"
Zangief: "You're the one who oppresses the people of my country with fear! I will use all my might to put an end to your misdeeds!"
Bison: "Hm hm hm... These visits are beginning to amuse me! The very thought of you crushed, crippled and bereft of all hope!"
Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix[]
Win Quotes[]
- "You can't harm me! My body is unbreakable!"
- "Your lack of training is why you are on the floor!"
- "Whew! I had some good exercise! I think I have "Borscht" now!"
- "Wow, impressive! You're almost as strong as a Siberian bear!"
Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]
- "This is what happens when you start slacking off with your training!"「鍛錬を怠るからそういう目にあうのだ!」
- "This iron body of mine! Nobody can cause it harm!"「この鋼の肉体!誰一人傷つけることはできんわ!」
- "Not bad! You were as fierce as the Siberian bears I wrestle with!"「なかなかやりおるな!シベリアの熊ほどは手応えあったぞ!」
- "Phew, I worked up some good sweat. Guess I'll have some borscht now."「ふぅー、いい汗をかいたボルシチでも食べるか」
Character Specific (JPN Version)[]
- "You're making such a foul face. Drink some vodka! Vodka, I say!"「おまえ、不機嫌な顔をしておるなウォッカを飲め!ウォッカを!」
- "Training your legs alone is no good! Ou-ouch, what's this fit of anger for?"「足だけ鍛えてもしょうがないわー!いたた、何を怒っておる」
- "Ngh, he slipped from my grip. Where did he scurry off to?"「ぬ、すっぽ抜けてどこかへ飛んでいってしもうた」
- "I won't be holding back just because you're a cat."「ネコといえとも、遠慮はいらんからな」
- "You're looking quite pale. Eat some pirozhki! Pirozhki, I say!"「おまえ、顔色が悪いなピロシキを食え!ピロシキを!」
- "Study earnestly while you're still in school! Marx would say the same!"「学生の本分は勤勉!マルクスも言うておる!」
- "I'll never lose to some guy who falls head over heels for some woman! Dammit!"「婦女子にうつつを抜かしとるヤツに負けはせぬわー!くそー!」
- "I'm the Red Cyclone! Ngwooh, there's blood coming from my nooose!"「オレは赤きサイクロン!めぅおおお鼻血がぁあああ!」
- "Chazuke won't empower you! Eat some pirozhki! Pirozhki, I say!"「茶漬けなどではパワーは出ん!ピロシキを食え!ピロシキを!」
- "Study diligently as a student! Lenin said so, too!"「学生の本分は勤勉!レーニンも言うておる!」
- "Those weird moves... Are you Rasputin's spy?"「その怪しげな妖術・・・ラスプーチンの回し者か?」
- "Fighting is the greatest form of virtue! Isn't that right, comrade!"「格闘は最大の美徳!のぅ、同志!」
Capcom Fighting Evolution[]
Win Quotes[]
- "Might makes right! And nothing is mightier than the Red Cyclone!"
- "Quake before my magnificent power! My muscles will bring about revolution"
- "Ha ha ha! It is because you cling to imperialism that you lose!"
Capcom vs. SNK series[]
Millennium Fight 2000[]
- "Now everyone understands Russia's might and power!"
Win Quotes[]
- "Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at me! I could be on the cover of a magazine!"
- "For the glory of my mother country and comrades! Victory to us all!"
- "A sound body brings a sound victory."
- "Next time, I'll defeat you with only one hand!"
- "Praise my body for it is a symbol of perfection! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
- "You were a fool to try and overpower me! My strength is supreme!"
- "A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend who can bleed is better!"
- "Everyone knows that size is more important than skill..."
Mark of the Millennium 2001[]
Before Finals[]
- "Daaaaa! I'll prove that Russia is the greatest nation!"
Win Quotes[]
- "A sound body brings a sound victory."
- "For the glory of my mother country and comrades! Victory to us all!"
- "Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at me! I could be on the cover of a magazine!!"
- "Next time, I'll defeat you with only one hand!"
- "Praise my body for it is a symbol of perfection! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
- "You were a fool to try and overpower me! My strength is supreme!"
- "A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend who can bleed is better!"
- "Everyone knows that size is more important than skill..."
Before Finals (Japanese)[]
- "Да! Here, in front of this huge crowd, I shall prove Russia is the greatest country in the world!"「ダー! ロシアが世界一の国家であることを大観衆の前で証明するぞ!」
Ending (Japanese)[]
- "Zangief proved the marvels of the Motherland to the world with his well-trained physique. His heart swelled with satisfaction, having succeeded in his mission. But praise for his Motherland is not the end, Zangief will fight on tomorrow."「祖国の素晴らしさを、その鍛え上げた体で世界中に知らしめたザンギエフ。彼の心はその任を果たしたことで充足感に満ちあふれていた。しかし、祖国賛美に終わりはない。ザンギエフは、明日も戦い続ける。」
Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version)[]
- "Even a demon loses its life after being hit by my ultimate throwing technique!"「オレの究極の投げ技を食らっては、鬼すら命を落とすだろう!」
- "It's obvious which one hits harder, your fist or the ground!"「お前の拳と地面、どっちが硬いかは明白だろう!」
- "The harshness of the environment nurtures my body! My homeland is no less than a jungle!"「環境の厳しさが肉体を育てる! 我が祖国はジャングルに劣らんぞ!」
- "Don't just fight as a way to disillusion me! Remember that!"「オレを幻滅させる闘いだけはするな! 覚えておけ!」
- "You can kick me a hundred times! My chest remains iron-willed!"「何百回と蹴るがいい! オレの胸板は鉄壁だ!」
- "You're amazing! You have a body that's easier to throw than anyone else I've ever seen!"「お前はすばらしい! 誰よりも投げやすい体さばきだった!」
- "I don't know where your joints are, so I threw them randomly, but... Are your bones okay?"「どこに関節があるか解らんから適当に投げたが・・・・骨は大丈夫か?」
- "Sumo can't help but develop its technique. Use it to throw your whole body!"「スモウも技を発展させんといかんな。全身を使って投げ飛ばせ!」
- "Fufufu, well! You're not going to budge an inch with a piece of stick!"「ンッフッフ、どうだ! 棒きれごときでは、微動だにせんだろう!」
- "You seem to be in a bad mood. Do you have a stomach ache?"「機嫌が悪いようだな。腹でも痛いのか?」
- "Your kick just resounded my chest like a thud!"「お前の蹴り、この胸にグサリと響いたぞ!」
- "I'm sorry for you too. You couldn't bring victory back to your homeland!"「お前も残念だったな。祖国に勝利を持ち帰れぬとは!」
- "Don't worry, you're young! If you work out now, you'll be muscular as I am!"「安心しろ、お前は若い! 今から鍛えればオレのように筋肉隆々となる!」
- "Psycho Power? I don't know what that is, but it's nothing compared to Muscle Power!"「サイコパワー? なんだかよく解らんが、マッスルパワーと比べても軟弱だ!」
- "Let me borrow it for a while! ...Hmm, that's just the right stick to give my abs a good pounding!"「ちょいと借りるぞ!・・・・フム、腹筋を叩き鍛えるのに丁度いい杖だな!
- "I have a lover called my country! A love that will last me a lifetime!"「オレには国家という恋人がいる! 一生をつくすに足る愛だ!」
- "Do you have a homeland, too? If so, you must respect it first!!"「お前にも、祖国はあるのだろう? まずはそれを敬わんか!!」
- "Hmm... I guess I'm getting a little more familiar with these Hadokens, huh?"「ふむ・・・・。少しはオレも、波動拳に慣れてきたかな?」
- "You're supposed to be the Emperor of Muay Thai! Even a Siberian Tiger is stronger than you!"「ムエタイの帝王とやら! シベリアの虎のほうが強かったぞ!」
- "Even if you can beat an average fighter, you won't be able to defeat me easily!"「並の格闘家には勝てても、俺を倒すことは簡単にはできん!」
- "Oh my, what a severe challenge that was! This should be accepted with utmost solemnity!"「おお、なんということだ! かくも厳しい試練、厳粛に受け止めよう!」
- "Such scratches like this are like playing with a cat!"「こんな引っかき傷、猫とじゃれたようなものだ!」
- "It was a match where both sides had a lot to gain. If we hadn't been opponents, we'd be talking while drinking vodka!"「互いに得るところの多い試合だった。敵でなければウォッカで語り合いたい!」
- "Did I make you cry?! ...Umm, maybe I went a little too far."「泣かせてしまったか!? ・・・・ウウム、やや密着度が高すぎたかも知れん。」
- "If you can't see the beauty in these muscles, then you will never know true beauty!"「この筋肉美がわからんようでは、本当の美しさなど永遠に知るよしもない!」
- "I don't understand... How could someone like me confuse the art of muscle with its fat!"「解せんな・・・・オレのような筋肉の芸術と、その脂肪とを混同するヤツがいるとは!」
- "Even the master of ancient martial arts can't avoid the Red Cyclone!"「古武術の達人とやらも、赤きサイクロンまではかわせまい!」
- "First of all, I must report of having the joy of being able to play an active role in the crisis of my country's survival to that person!"「国家存亡の危機に活躍できた嬉しさは、まずもってあのお方に報告せねば!」
- "The momentum of cutting right to the heart of things! I like that a lot!"「物事にズバズバ斬り込む、その勢い! かなり気に入ったぞ!」
- "No matter how many times you swing it, you can't slash this steel chest! Well, my chest hair has thinned out a bit."「何度振っても、この鋼鉄の胸板は斬れぬ! まあ、少々胸毛は薄くなったが。」
- "You call that 'hellfire'? It's nothing but a bonfire!"「それが『業火』だと? たき火にしかならんぞ!」
- "See that? This is a real cyclone! I'll show it to you as many times as you wish!"「どうだ? これが本物のサイクロンだ! 希望とあらば何度でもお見舞いするぞ!」
- "My head may be hard, but my brain isn't! You should be more flexible in your thinking!"「オレは頭は固いが、脳みそまでは固くない! お前はもっと柔軟な考えを持て!」
- "A deadly poisonous kick is an exaggeration. You've hit the nail on the head, and I'm feeling rather healthy!"「猛毒の蹴り、とは誇大表現だな。ツボを突かれて、むしろ健康になったぞ!」
- "I don't have a body weak enough to be burned by you!"「お前に燃やされるほど、ヤワな身体は持ちあわせておらん!」
- "Hmm... Looking at you, I'm even more confused about what kind of country Japan is."「むう・・・・お前を見てると、日本がどういう国か余計混乱するな。」
- "I know how hard nature can be! It's my training ground!"「大自然の厳しさはたっぷり知っている! オレの修行場だからな!」
- "Whether they're ferocious or dinosaurs, great wrestling always reign supreme!"「凶暴だろうが恐竜だろうが、偉大なプロレスは勝つのだ!」
- "The number 1 spot in the professional wrestling world is already full!"「プロレス界ナンバー1の座はすでに満席だ!」
- "The prestige of my nation rests on my back! You too, carry a huge responsibility!"「国家の威信が、この背中にはかかっている! お前も、大きな責任を抱えてみろ!」
- "You've mastered all the aspects of martial arts? Well, you missed the pinnacle of professional wrestling!"「全ての格闘技を極めただと? プロレスの最高峰を見逃していたな!」
- "Train, train, and train some more! It's too soon for you to say 'extreme!'"「鍛えろ鍛えろ、もっと鍛えろ! 『極限』を口にするには早すぎる!」
- "Hahaha! I'm used to dealing with wolves in the snowfields!"「うはははは! オオカミなら雪原で付き合い慣れとる!」
- "Protectors are a sign of weakness! Come and take on the challenge with one body!"「プロテクターなど、貧弱の証! 体一つで挑んでこい!」
- "You have a good twist. Try working out and it will be more destructive!"「いいヒネリを持っているな。鍛えれば破壊力が増す、試してみろ!」
- "I am Russia's greatest treasure! The diamond that repels even the sharpest blade!"「オレはロシアの至宝! 鋭い刃すら弾き返すダイヤモンドだ!」
- "Gahahahah! Your attacks are nothing more than a massage!"「ガッハッハッハッ! お前のは攻撃ではなく、マッサージだ!」
Win Quotes (team interactions, JPN Version)[]
Character | Japanese | Translation |
Akuma | ||
Zangief | 『ものの数分も持たんとは! ガッカリだぞ!』 | "Didn’t even last a few minutes! How disappointing!" |
Akuma | 「蟲動、死して恥ずべし!」 | “These insects stir, only to die in shame!” |
Akuma (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Akuma | ||
Zangief | ||
Balrog | ||
Zangief | 『攻めはシンプルなほど強い!』 | "The simpler the attack, the stronger it is!" |
Balrog | 「だったら殴るだけのオレが最強じゃねえか!」 | "Well if that's the case, then I'm the best at just beating around sandbags!" |
Balrog (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Balrog | 『自由の国アメリカ! なんでも壊せるぜェ!』 | "America! We have the freedom to destroy anything!" |
Zangief | 「いや、そういう意味ではないと思うぞ。」 | "No, I don't think the freedom of America is about that." |
Blanka | ||
Zangief | 「ふんばるのもかじるのも歯が命だ!」 | "Teeth are the lifeblood of chewing and biting!" |
Blanka | 「でめえのハなんが、オレにはがなわねえ!」 | "What you have is no matj for me!" |
Blanka (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Blanka | 「でめえのだめにだだがっだんじゃねえ!」 | "We didn't vight againzt you for nuting!" |
Zangief | 「まあ、そう言うな。仲良くやろう!」 | "Well, don't say that. Let's get along!" |
Cammy | ||
Zangief | 『全身のキズはダテじゃない! 鍛錬の証!』 | "The scars all over my body are not for show! They're proof of my training!" |
Cammy | 「負傷率が高すぎる。非能率的だ。」 | "Injury rate too high. Inefficient." |
Cammy (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Cammy | 「突進時の破壊力にやや難ありだな・・・・。」 | "I'm having trouble of penetrating through their defenses with my current destructive capabilities..." |
Zangief | 「オレがおまえを投げる、というのはどうだ?」 | "Then how about I throw you at them to clear up that problem?" |
Chun-Li | ||
Zangief | 『我が武勇伝に新たなページが刻まれた!』 | "A new page has been written in my heroic story!" |
Chun-Li | 「前のページと同じ内容でしょうけど。」 | "It's probably the same information from the previous page." |
Chun-Li (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Chun-LI | 「優勝は・・・・できれば頂きたいものね。」 | "Winning this tournament... would be something nice to accomplish." |
Zangief | 「安心しろ、オレがいる!優勝間違いなし!」 | "Fear not, because I'm here! Victory is guaranteed for us!" |
Dan | ||
Zangief | 「どいつもこいつも鍛え方が足りん!」 | "This team requires more training!" |
Dan | 「まったくだ! 逃げ足くらい鍛えとけ!」 | "Damn right! At the very least, they should work on their running skills!" |
Dan (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Dan | 「オレが世界を変えてやる! サイキョーにな!」 | "I'm gonna change the world! Saikyo!" |
Zangief | 「偉大なるあの御方を差し置くのはダメだぞ!」 | "You cannot leave the Great One out of this!" |
Dhalsim | ||
Zangief | 『オレには見えるぞ! 優勝という2文字が!』 | "I can see it! The two letters of victory!" |
Dhalsim | 「信ずるものは救われる。」 | "Those who believe will be saved." |
Dhalsim (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Dhalsim | 『これぞインドの奇跡、ヨーガの秘技。』 | "This is the miracle of India, the secret technique of Yoga." |
Zangief | 「オレもコサックをもっと取り入れるか・・・・。」 | "Maybe I should get more Cossacks into it too..." |
E. Honda | ||
Zangief | 『相撲とプロレスは相性が良いものだな!』 | "Pro-Wrestling and Sumo make quite the team!" |
E. Honda | 「このまま白星街道、まっしぐらじゃい!」 | "We're on our way to goin' out on top without aloss to our name!" |
E. Honda (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
E. Honda | 『もっと来い! 張り手を見舞っちゃるわい!』 | “Give it another shot! I’ll slap you round some more!” |
Zangief | 「後ろはまかせておけ! 逃がさず受け止める!」 | “Leave it to me! I’ll catch them if they try to escape!” |
Eagle | ||
Zangief | 『今さらながら、惚れ惚れする筋肉だ!』 | "Even after all this time, I'm still in love with these muscles!" |
Eagle | 「もう少し洒脱さが欲しいところだが。」 | "I would like to see something a little more stylish." |
Eagle (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Eagle | 「紳士の魅力とは、肉体だけではないのだ。」 | "The charm of a gentleman is not limited to the body." |
Zangief | 「だが、鍛えといて損はないぞ!」 | "However, there is no loss in training!" |
Guile | ||
Zangief | 『ロシアの英雄が味方だ! 優勝しかない!』 | "The Russian heroes are on our side! There is nothing left to do but win!" |
Guile | 「根拠のない自信ほど揺るがないものだ。」 | "Nothing is more solid than unfounded confidence." |
Guile (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Guile | 「悪いな・・・・見せ場を奪ってしまったな。」 | "My bad for taking the spotlight off you." |
Zangief | 「全くだ! この筋肉美を披露できぬとは!」 | "I can't believe I never got to showcase these beautiful muscles of mine!" |
Ken | ||
Zangief | 『フン! フン!! フーン! フンッ!!』 | "Hmm! Hung!! Hung! Hmm!!" |
Ken | 「おい、ポージングはもういいぜ・・・・。」 | "Hey, no more posing...." |
Ken (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Ken | 「昇龍拳は腰のひねりがポイントだ!」 | "The key to the Shoryuken is all in the hips!" |
Zangief | 「どうかな? まだまだ回転が足りんぞ!」 | "Is that so? I still don't think you have enough rotational power in your core, though!" |
Kyosuke | ||
Zangief | 「投げ技こそ格闘技の白眉!」 | "Throwing techniques are the backbone of the martial arts!" |
Kyosuke | 「僕ももう少し背筋力を鍛えないとな。」 | "I need to work on strengthening my back muscles, a bit more." |
Kyosuke (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Kyosuke | 「次は、ツープラトンで決めてみるかい?」 | "Next match, shall we try and end things with a tag move finish?" |
Zangief | 「うむ! 愛と友情の回転技でな!!」 | "Yes! We'll hit them with a lariat of love and friendship!!" |
M. Bison | ||
Zangief | 『強者の技に、人々は賞賛と喝采を贈る!』 | "The crowd praises and applauds to the skill of the mighty!" |
M. Bison | 「違うな。真の強者の前では誰もが凍りつく。」 | "No, they don't. Everyone freezes in front of the one who is truly mighty." |
M. Bison (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
M. Bison | 「片手・・・・いや、1本指にも余る弱さだ!」 | "One hand... No, you’re so weak, I could crush you with a finger!" |
Zangief | 「すごい自信だな。オレと力比べしてみるか?」 | "You seem very confident. Would you like to test your strength against mine?" |
Maki | ||
Zangief | 『これぞ祖国の輝き! 至宝の肉体である!』 | "This is the brilliance of the motherland! The body of a national treasure!" |
Maki | 「・・・・ロシア、ある意味最高。」 | "...Russia, is the best in some ways." |
Maki (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Maki | 「勝っても、大して嬉しくないんだけどね。」 | "I’m glad that it's over now, really." |
Zangief | 「これではアピールの時間が少なすぎるぞ!」 | "This will take too little time to appeal!" |
Morrigan | ||
Zangief | 「見よ!! 男の魅力全開!!」 | "Behold!! The charm of a man at full power!!" |
Morrigan | 「・・・・なんか気分がすっかり萎えちゃったわ。」 | "...I'm feeling all deflated." |
Morrigan (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Morrigan | 「みんな似たような戦い方でつまんないわね。」 | "It's incredibly dull with how everyone's fighting similarly here." |
Zangief | 「何を! オレの技はバリエーション豊富だぞ!」 | "How could you say that! My techniques are flourished with variation!" |
Rolento | ||
Zangief | 『たとえミサイルとて、この胸板は跳ね返す!』 | "Even a missile would bounce off this steel chest!" |
Rolento | 「ならば実験だッ! 1メートル離れよッ!」 | "Then let's conduct an experiment! Back off one meter!" |
Rolento (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Rolento | 『整列ッ! 点呼始めッ!!』 | "Line up! The roll call begins!!" |
Zangief | 「負けたやつらは、もう帰ったが・・・・。」 | "The losers have already left, but you can still find them at home..." |
Ryu | ||
Zangief | 「味方となるとお前の波動拳は頼りになる!」 | "With you as my ally, I can rely on your Hadoken!" |
Ryu | 「そうか、役に立てたのなら嬉しいぞ。」 | "Is that so? I would be happy if it helped." |
Ryu (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Ryu | 「お前と組むと、力がわいてくる!」 | "Fighting with you makes me even stronger!" |
Zangief | 「そう言われると嬉しいぞ! ガハハハ!」 | "I'm glad you think so! Hahahaha!" |
Sagat | ||
Zangief | 「ガッハッハ! 我が強さ思いしったか!」 | "Gahahah! What did you think of my strength!" |
Sagat | 「帝王の出る幕はないようだな。」 | "Looks like the Emperor is out of the picture." |
Sagat (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Sagat | 「後塵は拝さぬ。お前はだまって見ていろ。」 | "I'm not going to let you get in the way. You just sit back and watch." |
Zangief | 「そうはいかん、次は私の芸術技を披露する!」 | "Not so fast, next time I'll show you my artistic skills!" |
Sakura | ||
Zangief | 「さくらよ! 好きなだけオレを見習え!」 | "Sakura! Take all the time you want from me!" |
Sakura | 「そのカッコウ以外は参考にしてまーす!」 | "Other than that cuckoo, I'll use it as a reference!" |
Sakura (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Sakura | 『ハラショー! ですよね、ザンギエフさん!』 | "Horosho! Right, Zangief-san?" |
Zangief | 「ダー! まったくその通りだ、ガハハハ!!」 | "Da! You're absolutely right, Gahahahaha!!" |
Vega | ||
Zangief | 『肉体1つで挑む! これが闘いの美学だ!』 | "I challenge with only my body! That is the beauty of fighting!" |
Vega | 「私に対するあてつけとしては論拠が足りん。」 | "Your argument is not valid enough to be made against me." |
Vega (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Vega | 『赤・・・・赤こそ美の極北!』 | "Red... It's surely the peak of beauty!" |
Zangief | 「ウム、やや同感だ!」 | "Hmm, can't disagree with you there!" |
Yun | ||
Zangief | 『胸板を鍛えろ! オレのように!』 | "You should strengthen your chest! Just like me!" |
Yun | 「何食ったら、そんな筋肉ダンゴになるんだ?」 | "What did you have to eat to get such a muscular body?" |
Yun (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Yun | 『なめてかかってくるヤツが多すぎだって!』 | "There's no end in sight to these scrubs who underestimate us, Yang!" |
Zangief | 「丁重に投げ返してやる。それも慈悲だろう!」 | "We'll spare them some mercy by polietly throwing them out of bounds!" |
Zangief | ||
Zangief | 『おお、同志よ! 今の技はどうだったか!?』 | "Oh, comrade! Did you like the technique I pulled off just now?!" |
Zangief | 「うむ! このうえなくハラショーであった!」 | "Da! That was the most amazing throw I've ever seen!" |
Character | Japanese | Translation |
Athena | ||
Zangief | 『超能力? つまりは限界を超えた筋力か!』 | "Psychic powers? So you mean, muscle power beyond its limits!" |
Athena | 「えっと・・・・説明してもムダかな・・・・。」 | "Um... I guess there's no point in trying to explain this..." |
Athena (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Athena | 「体格差は、やる気でカバーします!」 | "I'll make up for my lack in stature with my passion!" |
Zangief | 「感心だ! 投げ間合いもその調子で広げろ!」 | "Well put! Keep it up with that spirit as far as you can go!" |
Benimaru | ||
Zangief | 『オレの鋼の肉体に女性たちが卒倒してるぞ!』 | "The women are swooning over my body of steel!" |
Benimaru | 「ノン・・・・それは別の理由だと思うよ。」 | "No... I think it's for another reason." |
Benimaru (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Benimaru | 『男は顔さ。強さは顔に現れるんだぜ。』 | "Men's value lie in their faces. Strength appears there, too." |
Zangief | 「違う! 男は筋肉、胸毛、愛国心!」 | "Nonsense! The value of men are their muscles, chest hair, and patriotism!" |
Chang & Choi | ||
Zangief | 『我がチームは、まさに難攻不落だ!』 | "Our team is truly impregnable!" |
Chang | 「そうだ! って、ナンコーフラクって何だ?」 | "Yeah! Wait... what's impregnable mean?" |
Chang & Choi (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Chang | 『チャン様の顔、覚えときな! バハハハ!』 | "Make sure to remember the great Chang's face! Bahahahaha!" |
Zangief | 「先日、おまえに間違われて大迷惑だったぞ!」 | "I got in a lot of trouble when someone mistook me for you the other day!" |
Geese | ||
Zangief | 『お前もオレの回転に巻き込まれるなよ!』 | "Just don't get caught up in my rotation!" |
Geese | 「そんなに勢いがあるとも思えんがな。」 | "I don't think it has that much momentum." |
Geese (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Geese | 「「合気」の極意、それが古武術だ。」 | "Kobujutsu, the form achieved when Aikido is at its peak." |
Zangief | 「つかんで投げる! それじゃあダメなのか?」 | "Just grab them and throw them away! Or is that no good?" |
Haohmaru | ||
Zangief | 『つかみ、舞い上げ、叩きつける! 簡単だ!』 | "Grab, lift, and slam! It's that easy!" |
Haohmaru | 「『つかむ』以外は、俺の技とも合いそうだ。」 | "That seems to work with my technique, except for the 'grab' part." |
Haohmaru (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Haohmaru | 「斬り応えのあるヤツだったな。」 | "A worthy foe for me to cut down." |
Zangief | 「つまり、投げ応えもあるヤツだ!」 | "Then that'd make them just as good to be thrown!" |
Hibiki | ||
Zangief | 『ムウン! 流れる汗も、また宝玉の輝きだ!』 | "Hmhm! Even the sweat that flows is the brilliance of a jewel!" |
Hibiki | 「・・・・・・・・あの、早く召しものを・・・・。」 | "...Um, let's hurry up and eat..." |
Hibiki (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Hibiki | 『間合いに入れば、二者択一・・・・。』 | "If you're caught between us, you have but 2 options..." |
Zangief | 「うむ! 投げられるか、斬られるしかない!」 | "Hm! You will be thrown or you will be cut!" |
Iori | ||
Zangief | 『この程度でぶっ倒れるとは、張り合いない!』 | "I can't compete with you being upset over something like this!" |
Iori | 「じゃあ次は貴様1人でやれ。」 | "Then you're on your own next time." |
Iori (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Iori | 『俺は俺で勝手にやる。』 | "I'm fine handling things by myself." |
Zangief | 「フム・・・・悩み事なら相談に乗るぞ!」 | "Hmm... Whatever you're going through, I am willing to help!" |
Joe | ||
Zangief | 『見よ! 鍛えに鍛えたこの胸板を!』 | "Behold! My well-trained chest!" |
Joe | 「ちゃんとヒップも鍛えてるか?」 | "Are you properly working out your hips, too?" |
Joe (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Joe | 『「勝ってパンツのヒモ締めよ」ってね!』 | "'Keep your underwear on' and let's continue winning!" |
Zangief | 「コトワザってやつか・・・・覚えておこう。」 | "Well, that's a smart idea... I'll keep in mind of that." |
Kim | ||
Zangief | 『我がチームこそ地上最強!』 | "Our team truly is the World's Strongest!" |
Kim | 「それもみな、私の蹴り技のたまものです。」 | "All thanks to my masterful kicking technique." |
Kim (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Kim | 「鍛錬不足だな。もっともっと鍛えたまえ!」 | "You lack training, my friend. Train hard, then train some more!" |
Zangief | 「見本を見せるぞ! フン、フーンッ!!」 | "Let me show you how! Hngh! Hyaaahh!!" |
King | ||
Zangief | 『2億6千万の同士のためにもオレは勝つ!』 | "For the sake of my 260 million comrades, I will win!" |
King | 「あと、チームメイトも大事にしなさいよ。」 | "Also, you should watch out for your teammates." |
King (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
King | 『あなた、負けた相手を運んでやってよ。』 | "You should carry off our defeated opponents." |
Zangief | 「運ぶつもりがまた投げそうだ。やめておく。」 | "I planned on picking them up, but only to throw them. I'll cancel that plan, then." |
Kyo | ||
Zangief | 『手を抜かれたのか? あまりにあっけない!』 | "Did they just cut corners? That was too quick!" |
Kyo | 「勝てたんだからいいだろ? 放っとけよ。」 | "We won, so that's fine, right? Just leave it alone." |
Kyo (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Kyo | 『しばらくは俺の独壇場だ。悪いな!』 | "I'm gonna be taking over for a while. Sorry!" |
Zangief | 「ガハハハ! 気にするな、どんどん行け!」 | "Gahahahah! Don't even worry about it, just keep going!" |
Mai | ||
Zangief | 『不知火君、遠慮せず肉体美を堪能したまえ!』 | "Shiranui, do not hesitate to enjoy the physical beauty of your body!" |
Mai | 「ちょっとソコ邪魔だからどいてくんない?」 | "Would you mind moving out of the way a little bit?" |
Mai (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Mai | 『日本一とロシア一・・・・これって世界一!?』 | "Japan and Russia's finest... Would that make us the world's finest?" |
Zangief | 「よくぞ気づいた! 優勝も磐石揺るぎない!」 | "So you've reliased it, too! Our tournament victory is bound to come!" |
Nakoruru | ||
Zangief | 『熊と闘え! 強くなるにはいい相手だ!』 | "Fight some bears! They're worthy opponents that'll make you stronger!" |
Nakoruru | 「やめて・・・・動物たちに罪はありません!」 | "No... The bears are not to blame!" |
Nakoruru (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Nakoruru | 『春がくるから、厳冬にも耐えられるのです。』 | "Spring is coming, so let's withstand the harsh winter." |
Zangief | 「ダー! しかし修行には冬が一番だ!」 | "Da! However, winter is the best time for training!" |
Raiden | ||
Zangief | 『タッグは、やはり良いな!』 | "Tag team is as good as it gets!" |
Raiden | 「そうだな。プロレスの真髄が発揮できる!」 | "That's right. It shows the true spirit of pro wrestling!" |
Raiden (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Raiden | 『やっぱりいいもんだな、タッグ戦は。』 | "Sure does feel good to have a tag match." |
Zangief | 「まさにプロレスの真骨頂だ! ガハハハ!」 | "This is the epitome of pro wrestling at its greatest! Gahahah!" |
Rock | ||
Zangief | 『多少の傷など、ものともせん! ウハハハ!』 | "I don't care about a few scratches or not! Hahahaha!" |
Rock | 「神経通ってんのか、疑いたくなるぜ。」 | "It makes me wonder if you have some nerve." |
Rock (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Rock | 『ノれねえな。消化不良を起こしそうだ。』 | "I can't get behind this. It looks like it'll just cause you indigestion." |
Zangief | 「ゆっくり味わって戦わんからだぞ!」 | "I couldn't fight without fully immersing myself in the Cossack dance!" |
Rugal | ||
Zangief | 『ロシアレスリングは世界一! 当然の快勝!』 | "Russian wrestling is the best in the world! A well-deserved victory!" |
Rugal | 「なんにせよ、私が敵でなくてよかったな。」 | "Whatever the case may be, you're lucky I'm not your enemy." |
Rugal (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Rugal | 「圧倒的な力の差を証明したにすぎん。」 | "I've only shown you a gist of what I'm capable of, and yet that couldn't prove my overwhelming superiority." |
Zangief | 「ヌオー! オレも証明したいぞ!」 | "Nwahoo! I want to prove what I'm made of, as well!" |
Ryo | ||
Zangief | 『お前の求める「極限」とは、この肉体か?』 | "Is your body the 'extreme' you were looking for?" |
Ryo | 「いや・・・・おそらく、違う。」 | "No... Probably not." |
Ryo (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Ryo | 「漢(おとこ)なら身なりなんか気にするな!」 | "A real man doesn't care about his looks!" |
Zangief | 「俺は気にするぞ。例えばこの胸毛だ!」 | "But I do. Like this chest hair of mine, for example!" |
Terry | ||
Zangief | 『今度はチーム全員でかかって来い!』 | "This time, bring the whole team to fight me!" |
Terry | 「あんたなら10人くらいは相手できそうだ!」 | "You could probably handle about ten of them!" |
Terry (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Terry | 「リベンジ歓迎、サウスタウンで待ってるぜ。」 | "I'm always down for a rematch. I'll be waiting back at Southtown." |
Zangief | 「ロシアにもぜひ来い!」 | "Please, come to Russia to face off against me once more!" |
Todoh | ||
Zangief | 『オレの腕力に、たじろいだようだな!』 | "They seem to have flinched at my strength!" |
Todoh | 「むしろその形相が恐ろしかったんじゃろう。」 | "Rather, I think they were put off by your appearance." |
Todoh (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Todoh | 『相手の力を利用する! 護身の極意なり!』 | "Use your opponent's own strength against them! That is the core of self-defense!" |
Zangief | 「敵が強いほどよいと、そういうことだな!」 | "Then I suppose, the stronger the enemy, the better!" |
Vice | ||
Zangief | 『受け身1つも満足にできぬやつばかりか!』 | "Isn't there at least one person who can't even be satisfied with a passive stance!" |
Vice | 「あたしなら受け身の暇すら与えないけどね。」 | "I wouldn't even give them time to be passive." |
Vice (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Vice | 『今度は頭から真っ逆さまに落としてやるよ!』 | "Next time, I'm going to drop them head first in heap!" |
Zangief | 「それは危険だぞ! まあ受け身次第だが。」 | "That's dangerous! Well, that depends on how passive you are." |
Yamazaki | ||
Zangief | 『我が肉体は堅牢なる城塞!』 | "My body is as solid as a fortress!" |
Yamazaki | 「んなもん、ナイフにゃ勝てねえだろ。」 | "It's no match for a knife." |
Yamazaki (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Yamazaki | 「この山崎様に当たったのが運の尽きだな!」 | "I guess you were out of luck to have met Yamazaki!" |
Zangief | 「そのうえこのオレもいる! 相当の不運だ!」 | "And on top of that, I'm here too! That's bad luck!" |
Yuri | ||
Zangief | 『たしか・・・・「2日前に来い」だったか?』 | "If I remember correctly, it was... 'Come two days in advance?'" |
Yuri | 「それを言うなら『おとといきやがれ』ッチ!」 | "If you want to say that, it's like this: 'Come two days later!'" |
Yuri (Zangief as 2nd Character) | ||
Yuri | 「どんなもんですか、ゴンザレスさん!」 | "What is it, Gonzales-san!" |
Zangief | 「ウガア! 人の名前を間違うなっ!!」 | "Ugwah! You shouldn't be mistaking people's names like this!!" |
Street Fighter IV series[]
- "I am... the Red Cyclone!"
Personal Actions[]
- "Is that all you have?"
- "No more games!"
- "Not bad, comrade."
- "Can't touch me!"
- "Weak like kitten."
- "Hit me as hard as you can!"
- "It's not over yet!"
- "You have to be stronger than that!"
Round Win[]
- "Da!" (Russian = "Yes!")
- "Russian wrestling is always number one!"
- "Bolshoi pobyeda!" (Russian = "Great victory!")
- "Khorosho!" (Russian = "Very good!")
- "Feast your eyes on this!" (Time Over)
- "So... strong...!" (Crumple K.O.)
Prologue (SFIV)[]
- Kid 1: "Right! Get ready for a Cyclone!"
Kid 2: "There's no way a move like that could work."
Kid 3: "Pro wrestlers are weak. Everyone knows martial arts are better."
Kid 1: "But Zangief's super strong! 'Cuz like, he can't lose if he uses his now special move!"
Kid 3: "Crybaby! Crybaby! You're a lyin' crybaby! If not, you better prove it!"
Zangief: "Here's your proof, kids!"
(Zangief lifts and breaks the log)
Zangief: "So, is that the move you kids were talking about?"
Kid 1: "Didja see that? I told ya the Red Cyclone is the greatest!"
Zangief: "That's right, kids! I'm the best! And I'll prove it to you in the tournament!"
Prologue (SSFIV)[]
- "Gah! Just look at all this snow! I'll never be able to make it out of Mother Russia in time for the international fighting tournament! Ngyaaaaaaaah! I won't let anything stop me! The Red Cyclone is going to the tournament, one way or another! And he's going to win! No matter how small the voices of support, it is wrestler's duty to never betray his fans! I will put smiles on the faces of the children of my homeland! I will show them what hard work and ingenuity can accomplish! Hear me, young men of Mother Russia! The Red Cyclone will not let you down!"
Rival Dialogue[]
Zangief: You look like you're worried about something, comrade! Fighting is the best thing to do when life gets you down! Alright, I'm going to help you out!
Abel: Huh?
Abel: "We really have to fight?" (Fight start)
Zangief: "Worry. No worry!" (Zangief gets the first attack)
Abel: "Oh, well." (Abel gets the first attack)
Abel: "It's easy."
Abel: "You heard of Shadaloo?"
Zangief: "Ready or not, Here I come!"
Zangief: "Perfect!"
Zangief: "Get ready to fly!"
Zangief: "You have the right idea!"
Zangief: "I'm here for you, comrade." (Zangief ends the round)
Zangief: "Ready to fly." (Zangief hits with a level 3 focus attack)
Zangief: "Ngyaaaaaaaah!" (Zangief activates Ultra)
Zangief: "I'm ready." (If Abel has low's health)
Zangief: "You have the right idea."
Abel: "It's time!" (Abel activates Ultra)
Zangief: "I bet you feel better not, eh?" (Zangief gets an Ultra combo finish)
Zangief: "Out of your fun, comrade. Hehahahahaha!" (Zangief gets an Super combo finish)
Ending (SFIV)[]
- Zangief: "Ohhh, what am I going to do!? The tournament's over and I never got hands on a souvenir! I didn't even understand what the last guy was saying before I beat him!"
- (Looks at Seth's body)
- Zangief: "Wait! I've got an idea!"
- (Pictures rolls in fans' hands)
- Fans: "Hey... That's the bad guy from the TV!"
- Fans: "Awesome! Nobody beats the Red Cyclone! He's the best!"
Ending (SSFIV)[]
Kids: Wow! Zangief is so awesome! Go for it, Red Cyclone! You rock, Zangief!
Zangief: For Mother Russia! And for my fans! Ultimate! Atomic! Buster!!
Kids: Oh, yeah! Zangief is the best! We love you, Zangief!
Ultra Combos[]
- "For Mother Russia! Ultimate Atomic Buster!"
- "I am the protector of Russia's skies! Siberian! Blizzard! Intercepted!"
Win Quotes[]
Versus Mode (SFIV)[]
- "C'mon, it didn't hurt that bad, did it? It did? Oops... Guess I overdid it..."
- "I'm the Red Cyclone and I destroy everything that crosses my path!"
- "It doesn't matter how fast you are. Once I get my hands on you, it's over!"
- "I can't believe you stood up after that! Your guts are stronger than your body."
- "No way you were fighting at full strength! I'll give you another chance!"
- "If you needed a handicap, you should've said so before the fight!"
- "I trained hard to get these fabulous muscles. They won't let me down!"
- "Don't worry. If you start training with me right now, we can get you pumped up!"
- "It's all about the fighting spirit! Lose that and you lose the match!"
- "This is what Glasnost has brought you, comrade!"
- "I hold the dreams of my nation in my heart! I simply cannot lose!"
Versus Mode (SSFIV)[]
- "You have to want victory!"
- "My muscles are my shield and this shield can withstand any attack!"
- "Khorosho! I win!"
- "You need more muscle mass!"
- "That last move was impressive, comrade. But it was too little, too late!"
- "You'd better not try to stand up right away. I threw you awfully hard..."
- "If you want to build your leg muscles, you should try the Cossack Dance!"
- "Choosing to fight me means that you are prepared to face defeat!"
- "I am the Red Cyclone and I destroy anything in my path!"
- "Compared to my training in Siberia, street fights are mere child's play!"
Arcade Mode (SFIV)[]
- "Losing like this must be a weight off your shoulders. No need to thank me!"
- "Once you get used to that face, you're kinda cute. Like a pug. Or like me!"
- "You've got great muscles, but you don't seem to know how to use them properly!"
- "That shock therapy of yours cleared up my backache, comrade! Thanks!"
- "When it comes to fighting for your country, even the weak can't give up!"
- "Even if I cannot grab you every time, it only takes one!"
- "If you don't have love for your nation, you don't stand a chance against me!"
- "I toss you around like a rag doll, yet you stand again. I admire your heart."
- "Any way to use that Yoga of yours to bulk up my fabulous muscles?"
- "I know it's rude to complain to the chef, but... Ugh!"
- "What do you fight for? I can't feel any real spirit behind your blows..."
- "Your speed is an asset, but it's not enough to best the Red Cyclone!"
- "You're a true patriot like me. I respect that, soldier!"
- "The Land of the Rising Sun has many strong fighters. Thanks for the match!"
- "Nothing wrong with being aggressive, but you should block once in a while, too!"
- "Forget superstition and the occult! Believe in yourself!"
- "Maybe you can see the future, but you can't control it! My win was destined!"
- "Replace that fat with fabulous muscles like mine if you ever want to win!"
- "You don't like fireballs, either, huh? What? Yeah, Dragon Punches suck, too..."
- "You've got the drive, but you're about 100 lbs. too small to take seriously!"
- "Technique with no heart is pointless! Power with no will is mere violence!"
- "You thought your weird powers could match my ultimate muscles? Bah!"
- "Do you hide your face out of embarrassment for those puny muscles?"
Arcade Mode (SSFIV)[]
- "What, that wasn't enough? If you insist, I'd be happy to throw you some more!"
- "You may be fast, but your moves are weak! You are not yet the king, comrade."
- "That's one scary mug you have there! Have you considered a wrestling career?"
- "You showed great bravery in attempting to counter my throws with mere punches!"
- "Go ahead and bite me! I'll return the favor with a throw!"
- "When things get tough, you can only rely on your own strength, not silly gadgets!"
- "Your blows cannot harm the Red Cyclone! They tickle like feathers!"
- "You are a powerful fighter. But nothing can compare to my muscles!"
- "I do not respect your fighting style. Surely, a real man can do better!"
- "You have guts, comrade! But not enough to topple the mighty Red Cyclone!"
- "If you want to listen to real music, I recommend Tchaikovsky!"
- "Looks like your imaginary flames were no match for my real muscles!"
- "The boxing champ versus the wrestling champ. What an honor!"
- "You need to add some spinning moves to your repertoire, comrade!"
- "You should learn some Russian recipes! Nothing warms the soul better!"
- "I guess the gods were smiling on me today! Gah ha ha!"
- "You look familiar, comrade. Have you been on television?"
- "I wrestle bears, but your weak punches could not fell even a measly hare!"
- "Your fighting resembles those two, but there is something different about it."
- "I like your hairstyle, comrade! I, too, take pride in my hair!"
- "You bounce around like a rabbit, but it´s all over once I grab you!"
- "You have interesting moves, comrade! Perhaps I should give them a try."
- "It´s best to train in your youth! Easy to build muscles then."
- "I underestimated you, girl. I cannot let my guard down when fighting you!"
- "With muscles like this, not even your Hadoken can hurt me!"
- "Your pitiful sideshow hocus-pocus was no match for my glorious muscles!"
- "I respect your reason for fighting! I hope your dojo can be restored!"
- "Something's different... Did you gain weight?"
- "Why carry a scarf if you´re not going to wear it properly?"
- "You need a workout, comrade! You can´t even see your toes, can you?"
- "I´m ready for a rematch any time! Throw all the Hadokens you want!"
- "If I´d let your fireballs get to me, I never would have won! Mind over matter!"
- "Ha ha! I bet you thought your Hadokens would work on me! Think again, child!"
- "The only way to get stronger is to train so hard that it hurts!"
- "You fight for your homeland like me! We are much alike, comrade!"
- "If you want to hide something, try your puny body instead of your face!"
- "You would be a real powerhouse if you just buffed up a bit!"
- "You're not built to win, kid! Power will always prevail over speed!"
Arcade Mode (USFIV)[]
- "A fellow Russian, eh? What do you say we fight once more to celebrate?"
- "Hmm... Strong... Flexible... I think I can teach you the mighty Cossack dance!"
- "Nice muscles! Next time let's fight in a ring!"
- "Fighting to popularize wrestling? Now that's a goal to get behind!"
- "I already have a motherland I love! I cannot swear allegiance to you!"
Street Fighter X Tekken[]
- "I have good feeling about this fight!"
- "Bodies of iron! (...) Setting hearts ablaze! The Space Cyclones!" (When paired with Rufus)
- "I am best in world!"
Round Win[]
- "Russian wrestling is always number one!"
- "You can attack me any way you like!"
- "My body is made of...!"
- "Sorry... comrade..." (Chip KO)
Win Quotes (character-specific)[]
Street Fighter[]
- "Good throws, comrade! But you need a bit more experience."
- "Man, demon, whatever! Everything hits the ground the same!"
- "How do you like my throws? Much more damaging than your punches, no?"
- "Biting is against the rule, friend! But I don't feel your bite at all, so I will allow it!"
- "You cannot honor your country's dignity with such small muscles!"
- "Kick me all you want, little girl! You have no power!"
- "Cheer up, comrade! If you are a prisoner, surely you have time to make glorious muscle?"
- "Your arms are too thin! Come, I will buy you a dumbbell set. We will train together!"
- "Nice to fight a fellow champion! Now we shall drink together, no?"
- "Watching you makes me feel dizzy..."
- "To fight for your country is a great honor! Now stand up, and let us battle again!"
- "Being fast means nothing against great power! You have to come to me sometime!"
- "Nice body, muscle comrade! Now, you just need spirit of steel!"
- "If you have muscles, you don't need speed!"
- "Russian girl is much stronger than you. More scary, too."
- "Bwa ha ha ha! If I get rid of your Hadoken, you are like puppy with no bite!"
- "I will strike down your Psycho Power with my muscle power!"
- "You seem to know a thing or two about wrestling! That was a fun match!"
- "Do not rely on weapons! Your muscles should be all you need to win!"
- "I told you, comrade! Less fat, more muscle!"
- "Throw all the Hadokens you like! I will extinguish them all!"
- "Siberian tiger is much more fearsome!"
- "Little girl has Hadoken too?! Not as good as Ryu's Hadoken though."
- "That claw is like child's toy against my body of steel."
- "So good to meet another fighter who knows how important good muscle is!"
- "Did you take off your head during the fight? Maybe I am seeing bad dream..."
- "I am not weirdo! I am Russian wrestling champion!"
- "Turn that cellulite into muscle, my friend! Let us hit the gym for weight training!"
- "If you want to go crazy, you should have more muscle!"
- "I don't really like dancing... They tell me to dip, but I end up slamming..."
- "If it's for my country, then I can slam even old man to the ground!"
- "Do not be afraid! Come at me, brother! Are you that scared of getting thrown?"
- "I don't mind fighting robots! They make nice crunching sound when I slam them into the ground!"
- "Why are you so sad, friend? Do you not know the joys of muscle training? I will show you!"
- "You have nice muscles! Very powerful! We should battle again!"
- "It doesn't matter what weird power you have! Everything falls before the might of muscle!"
- "A fine professional wrestling match! And I am the champion!"
- "Bear in Siberia is much more ferocious! You are like kitten!"
- "Such strange fashion! Have you ever been to Moscow?"
- "I don't need tricks! I have the power of my iron body!"
- "What a great fight! Let us battle again someday! And then we will have wonderful meal together!"
- "Light like feather! So easy to throw!"
- "Very nice muscles! And you can put on a good show! From today, we are Muscle Comrades!"
- "You are persistent! But I only need to catch you once, and it's game over!"
- "Hmm? Your face doesn't look so good... Did you eat some bad borscht?"
- "You need help to get to outer space? I will throw you into orbit!"
- "If you can split yourself into two people, then I'll throw both of you at once! Simple, no?"
- "You have courage to try and attack my openings. Most people just run away scared! Aha ha ha ha!"
- "Umm... Yes, you are much too small, little girl. Eat plentifully, and gain glorious muscle!"
- "That rusty blade can't cut through my iron body! Next time bring a real sword!"
- "Electric powers are nothing compared to the power of muscle!"
- "It would take a Siberian bear to successfully scratch my body! You tickle like kitten."
- "My iron body is invincible! Your gun does not work against me!"
- "Umm... do you have muscle? I’m not really sure what you are..."
- "Huh? I thought I heard a voice...? But I only see a cat. Maybe I should get more sleep..."
Street Fighter V[]
Character Selection[]
- "Cyclone!"
- "My iron body is invincible! So beware!"
- "The brave figure; Zangief: The Champion!" (Easy Survival Mode)
- "I'll show you the essence of wrestling." (Normal Survival Mode)
- "It's time for muscle!" (Hard Survival Mode)
- "I fight for Mother Russia!" (Extreme Survival Mode)
Critical Art[]
- "Muscle power... muscle power, fully open!"
Versus Mode (Generic)[]
- "We both pushed to the limit! Good fight! Horosho!"
- "Even through the harshest Siberian winters, my heat burns red hot!"
- "Roaring muscles and deadly spin-- That is Red Cyclone!"
- "Let us pump iron together and prepare for our next great battle!"
Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]
- "At this rate, you will only lose muscle..."
- "You and brother make good team! Now you train to get muscles like me!"
- "Someone's been slacking off, I see! You make some nice attacks, but you still need more muscles!"
- "Come at me harder next time! We're all equals in the ring!"
- "I can throw even a raging bull! That is virtue of muscle!"
- "Well? Did my special training help you burn belly fat?"
- "You fight like a bear, but even that's not enough to beat me!"
- "Frowning so much will give you wrinkles! Always remember to smile!"
- "Your kicks are sharp like always! But they still lack power!"
- "On the streets or in the ring, my muscles never let me down!"
- "You get crushed, but you get up. You are full of spirit, comrade."
- "I'll catch you! I'll throw you! Stretchy limbs or not!"
- "You are powerful, comrade! Pulverizing you was great pleasure!"
- "You are young, so you have much potential! Come with me to gym, comrade!"
- "A honed body can resist poison! Remember the greatness of muscle!"
- "You fought well despite such puny muscles. Is it because of your Psycho Power?"
- "Power of Earth? Hah! Is nothing compared to power of mother Russia!"
- "You may be strong and flashy... But you're just kind of boring!"
- "You should learn Cossack dance! It's good for fighters who crouch a lot!"
- "Your punches are too soft! Too soft even for training!"
- "Confident attacks are good, but you cannot win without power!"
- "My muscle may grow weak, but motherland always strong!"
- "Truly you are strong, friend, but you need more muscle!"
- "Power beats speed! Muscle beats fire! That is key to getting strong!"
- "Gyah hah hah! You are a tropical breeze compared to the blizzards we get back home!"
- "Your moves are sharper than before! You must have trained much, Laura!"
- "You need less games and more strength training! Haha!"
- "I put an end to your treachery for all those who love our country!"
- "I will also give fortune insight! Protein and muscle training will always lead to victory!"
- "Straighten your back! Hunching will get you deformed muscles!"
- "If you want to eat something, why not some borscht? It's delicious!"
- "You have good skill, tiny man. But no strength! Gahaha!"
- "We have similar goal. Next time, we meet in ring!
- "You've come long way, Mika! All that muscle training has paid off!"
- "This body of steel is immovable, no matter how strong wind blows!"
- "I am Red Cyclone, both now and in future!"
- "You shouldn't take hermit life so seriously! Rustic diet won't do your muscles any favors!"
- "Horosho! Good fight. It all came down to training difference."
- "My, your skills have certainly progressed! But still not on the level of my glorious iron body!"
- "Want more data? Fine! I pound your head again!"
- "For a king, you sure are lacking in the muscle department!"
- "You don't see the benefit of big trapezius? You have no sense!"
- "You have great rippling muscles! Horosho!"
- "This ninjutsu of yours, very interesting! Next time, try attacking with more power!"
Versus Mode (Character-Specific w/ The Gief Costume)[]
- "You're built like a brick house! I think I'll call you The Bigail!"
- "Give me everything you've got! I'm about to make you famous!"
- "Don't hold back! The ring is made for fighting!"
- "Your punches have no effect on me! You need to hit harder! HARDER!"
- "That technique! That style... You're Titan's tag partner!"
- "So, you trying to bite me or what?! Make up your mind!"
- "Whether past, present or future, The Gief will always be the best!"
- "I make my living in the ring! It's no place for amateurs!"
- "The Gief will be named champion of the Metro City Champion Series!"
- "You talk good fight, but you still lose!"
- "Spitting fire isn't a yoga move. It's a move reserved for heels!"
- "So long as I am in ring, sumo stand no chance!"
- "You look pretty tough! This should be good practice!"
- "Hey! Is that poison on your hands? You should be spitting it instead!"
- "I'm the champion of the World! It's what drives me to fight!"
- "Whoa, You're strong! About as strong as that Ortega fellow. Either way the Gief is victorious!"
- "I don't care much for conflict. But I'll defeat you anyway!"
- "Use weapons... Explosives even... I won't be defeated!"
- "Listen up! I live my life the way I see fit!"
- "Hey! Isn't it a bit early for you to turn heel now?"
- "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm on another level!"
- "Gwahahaha! The Gief couldn't care less about the fans!"
- "Hard work pays off in the end! That goes for heels too..."
- "Spirit! Those who lack it have no business setting foot in the ring!"
- "You are puny half-pint! If you want strength you gotta build muscle first!"
- "Strength and faith always prevail! That's just the way it is!"
- "The Gief cares not for your pathetic fortunes!"
- "Huh? You dead or something? You're a strange one, that's for sure!"
- "A style I've yet to see.. It won't stop me from smashing you!"
- "You retire now, old man! Give room to young people!"
- "We have similar goal. Next time, we meet in ring!"
- "Your attacks are too predictable! I can read you like a book!"
- "Zangief? Who's he? I'm the Gief!"
- "Do your little magic trick. You never guess my true identity! Gah ha ha ha!
- "Enough! It's time to settle this!"
- "Is that the best an emperor can do? I'll be on top before long!"
- "I'm actually a fan of the student look when it comes to a gimmick!"
- "Enough of this! If you are a heel, then act like one!"
- "You can't tackle me like that! I'm like a truck with no brakes!"
- "Hey! Ref! No weapons allowed!"
- "We're two sides of the same coin, but I'm the stronger side!"
- "The Gief is invincible! Get outta here with that ninja nonsense!"
A Shadow Falls[]
- "Da! I remember! I received some little thing in package. I was busy on wrestling tour, so I left with friend."
- "I think... he's in India. I will go and get it!"
Street Fighter 6[]
- "Show me everything you have!"(P1)
- "I'll take on all of you!"(P2)
- "My beautiful body is built better!"
- "Is that all you got?" (Punish Counter)
Drive Gauge[]
(VA: Peter Beckman (ENG) / Kenta Miyake (JPN)) | |||||
English | Audio | Japanese | Translation | Audio | Occurs when/during |
"You're mine!" | Drive Impact | ||||
"No escape!" | Drive Impact | ||||
"That wake you up?!" | 「目が覚めたか!」 | "That wake you up?!" | Punish Counteredwith Drive Impact | ||
"I'm invincible!" | Drive Parry | ||||
"A futile effort!" | 「効かん効かん!」 | "That doesn't work, That doesn't work!" | Drive Parry | ||
"I'm coming!" | Drive Rush | ||||
"Here I come!" | Drive Rush | ||||
"Get off of me!" | Drive Reversal |
Aerial Russian Slam[]
- "I am coming for you!"
Cyclone Lariat[]
- "Get ready! Jackhammer!"
Bolshoi Storm Buster[]
(VA: Peter Beckman (ENG) / Kenta Miyake (JPN)) | |||||
English | Audio | Japanese | Translation | Audio | Occurs when/during |
"It's time to get serious!" | 「フルパワーだ!」 | "Full power!" | Activation | ||
"MY LOYAL FANS!" | 「マーーーッスル!」 | "MUSSSSCLE!!" | Activation (CA) | ||
"This is your last ride! Let's go!" | 「ここからが本番だ!行くぞ!」 | "Let's get started the real one! Here we go!" | Successful | ||
"Witness my full might! No mercy, no remorse!" | 「筋肉が輝く!全力!全開!」 | "Shining my Muscle! Full Force, full throttle!" | Successful (CA) | ||
"You're a great test dummy!" | 「良いやられっぷりだ!」 | "What a nice beat down!" | After cinematic | ||
"My wrestling is unstoppable!" | 「レスリングは無敵だ!」 | "The wrestling is invincible!" | After cinematic (CA) | ||
"Are you serious?!" | 「何だと!?」 | "What the hell?!" | Whiffed Super | ||
"Oh no, my finisher!" | 「俺のフェイバリットが!」 | "Oh no, my Favorite move!" | Whiffed Super (CA) |
Round Win[]
(VA: Peter Beckman (ENG) / Kenta Miyake (JPN)) | |||||
English | Audio | Japanese | Translation | Audio | Occurs when/during |
"Power! Look at this body of iron!" | "見よ!この鋼の肉体を!" | "Look it, This body of iron!" | |||
"Bol'shoi Pobeda!" | Health <= 25% | ||||
"Horosho!" |
- "Nicely done!"
- "Horosho!"
- "Piledrivers for everyone!"
Game Over[]
- "I gave it everything...."
World Tour[]
Zangief's Style: Mastery[]
Zangief: The body is like iron! It must be forged and tempered! DAH!
- "What are your muscles saying today? Spare me your furrowed brow! Listening to your muscles daily is a fundamental step in ensuring their growth. In good times and bad, your muscles are always there for you. Conversely, they will always share their feelings. Perk up your ears... and listen. Do you hear that voice? Communication is key to beautiful, healthy muscle tone. Never, ever forget that."
- "Do you find yourself preferring specific techniques in fights, comrade?"
- (Answer: I like attacking from afar!) "Hrm. You have a penchant for projectiles, do you?"
- (Answer: It's all about the throws!) "But of course, it always comes back to throws! Very well! Today will be a lecture on the glorious world of throws!"
- "There are plenty of ways to quickly dismantle an opponent. Grabbing and throwing just happens to be most efficient. Strangle their options. Throw them to the mat before they strike! There's no style more simple...or devastating. Withstanding your opponent's strikes before tossing them across the ring is the essence of pro wrestling. I'll teach you about that essence soon enough. Anyway! To throw an opponent, you must first endure a few hits-each scar on your body is a glorious medal of valor."
- "I have just the training regimen for you, comrade! Oh no, it's nothing complicated. A thousand squats will provide all the lower body strength you could ever ask for! Why the look, friend? Strong legs are where it all begins. Train them well, and they'll never betray you!"
- "I've got a training method I've been using in secret... When walking, try taking two steps back for every three steps forward! A walk in the park will become anything but! The downside is that it will take you forever to reach your destination. Gwahaha!"
- "Once, in winter, I went for a long run on a frozen river. The harsh beauty of nature makes for a wonderful training partner. And the blinding white snow, as far as the eye can see- it helps focus your spirit. On this particular day, however... I happened to notice something below the thick layer of ice I was running on. It caught my interest, so I decided to fish it out. I gathered every gram of strength in my body, like this! Hrrrraaagh! And would believe? The ice split and gave way, and I pulled up a submarine, of all things! Gwahahah!...What? Impossible, you say? If you say it's impossible, it's impossible! But if instead you train harder, one day you'll be able to do it too!" (A Bond with Zangief: 1)
- "Does the phrase "Red Cyclone" ring any bells?
- (Answer: Of course it does.) "Ho! A silly question, I suppose. In that case... Do you know why they started calling me the Red Cyclone? I bet you don't know THAT one! Gwahaha! No, I suppose you would not. I've barely mentioned it, after all! But as your teacher, I will today bestow upon you the name's closely guarded origin story!"
- (Answer: Is that a new vacuum cleaner or something?) "N-Never heard of it, have you... I suppose it was arrogant of me to assume you had. You may know me as Zangief, but to the world, I am known as the Red Cyclone. How did I come to earn such a title? Today, I reveal to you the secrets of its origin."
- "Red Cyclone" wasn't coined by me, no, but the fans in the stands. Many of my moves have a spinning element, and I pulled them off in the ring while clad in red. To spectators, it appeared as if a crimson tornado engulfed the ring. The fans shouted "Red Cyclone!" I thought it was a delightful analogy! The rest, as they say, is history."
- "You're on some kind of journey, yes? And it doesn't look to be simple tourism. Ah, its a journey to become stronger? Excellent! That doesn't sound so different to a pro wrestler going on tour. Don't overlook any place during your travels. You wouldn't believe the caliber of fighters you'll find in this world!"
- "I bet you've tasted defeat many times already. After all, fighting wouldn't be a competition if you could only win! There's no need to fret over your losses, They're just proof you can still get stronger! What you must do is drink down those bitter tears of defeat, and let them become nourishment for your muscles!"
- "It's what's on the inside that counts" "You've probably heard this said often... and it's true! But the outer appearance of a person is just the most visible layer of the inside! Take me, for example-I run around in public in barely there wrestling tights and don't feel a shred of shame! One look at me and you know what exactly what kind of person I am on the inside! Gwahah!"
- "This is a story from the... what is the word? Nascent? Days of my career... I was performing in underground wrestling circuits. I wore a mask, then, and called myself "The Gief". I faced wrestlers from around the world there. Plenty of colorful characters from society's darker side, too. I learned from those fights. I Incorporated elements of their fighting styles, growing ever stronger. Before that, all I cared about was strength. Victory. But then, I saw wrestlers who did more than just win. They performed. Before long, I found myself striving to become that kind of wrestler. In hindsight, that was when my wrestling ideals took shape." (A Bond With Zangief: 2)
- "Training coming along well? There are limits to what you can achieve on your own. A question for you. Do you have a comrade whom you can trust from the bottom of your heart?
- (Answer: I think I do.) "Do you now! That's good to hear. If nothing comes immediately to mind, don't fret! You'll know they're a true friend when they arrive to help. It's not my business to ask who you have in mind. There is but one thing I ask you vow from the bottom of your heart. Even if you end up separated, believe in them. No matter what others may say, remain steadfast in your belief."
- (Answer: I'm still not sure.) "I see... No need to rush it. Fight countless battles, and you'll meet countless friends. In time, you'll find one worthy of being called a comrade. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you find someone to whom YOUR heart screams "comrade."
- "Hrm? You're wondering if I have a comrade? Oh, I have plenty. Two in particular come to mind, though. One is Edmond Honda, a sumo wrestler. The other is pro wrestler Rainbow Mika. Together we have faced unspeakable evil... Heh. Goodness, that takes me back."
- "Maybe you already know this, but in pro wrestling, I made my name as a 'heel'-the bad guy in the story. These days, some people are saying I did a babyface turn... I don't know what they're talking about, though! But all of that is just part of the show. Wrestlers are only good and bad in the ring. Once it's over, we shake hands for a fight well fought. For me, this is what fighting should always be like. The zeal of the fighters, the thud of the mat, the roar of the crowd as their favorite tastes glory or defeat... If the world's problems were solved through wrestling, it would be a much better place."
- "This book I've been reading didn't seem like anything special. Just another story of adventure. But the way it captured the protagonist's inner psychology was truly something. It had me turning pages till dawn. By the time I finished, I felt like I had known this character for most of my life."
- "I've actually been reading mystery novels lately. It's not exactly my favorite genre, but stepping out of your comfort zone now and then is a good thing. I get a little too invested in this kind of tale, though... Even if you've solved the mystery, you can't tell the cast! "The butler did it! Why can't you figure this out?"...the frustration lasts longer than the book."
- "I don't pay much attention to the best seller lists. Most of my books, I buy from small bookstores on a whim. It sometimes feels like I can hear a book calling to me. Those ones are always the best books. Peculiar, no? Books are things of mystery indeed, comrade."
- "Hrm... You've acquired truly beautiful muscles indeed, I see. Time for the final test. Show me what those muscles are capable of!" (Pre-Mastery Fight)
- "Gwahaha! Looks like I must tap out! There's nothing left for me to teach you. Unlike my lessons, however, the beauty of muscles is unending. They will be with you forevermore!" (Mastery Achieved)
- "Are you aware of a fighter called Rainbow Mika? She's a seeker of well-muscled artistry like yourself. She began training under me before you, in fact. That makes her your elder-sister-in-training. She's a top fighter, and an active wrestler no less. Feels like only yesterday she stepped into the ring for the first time. Now she's big enough to be the main event! She's got great instincts, like you...and she has such... Such zeal? Such passion! Passion for wrestling. Ah, it brings a tear to my eyes! Ahem! Forgive me. I got a little carried away. In any case, I'd like to see you and her face off some time." (A Bond With Zangief: 3)
- "Tell me, have you thrown a Hadoken before? It's not my place to forbid such techniques, of course. But, just standing back and hurling projectiles? You could say it runs counter to my aesthetic sensibilities. ....Ryu, Guile, everyone... Always they're throwing those damn projectiles... It's a valid strategy, of course. And were I to use them, surely I could open a world of new...possibilities... Gah! what am I saying!? The only projectiles I need are the opponents I grab and throw! That's how I fight! How I'll ALWAYS fight! For me to even contemplate such heresy... Clearly I am neglecting my training! Today, I will do 5,000 squats!"
- "You keep coming to see me, yes? You must be a passionate wrestling fan. You've trained to perform moves, and withstand them. Your muscles no longer shriek from the pain of training, but joy! As your muscles cultivate strength, however, you must never forget to give them proper rest. Fail to relieve the tension in your tangled tendons, and your body might come apart at the seams. If you think that's a waste of time, then spend it building the muscles in your head instead. And no, I don't mean headbutts. You could try reading books, for instance. This might come as as surprise to you, but I read 300 books a year. Right, then. Today, we're going to the local library. It's one of my favorite places. I have a feeling you'll quickly take liking to it as well." (A Bond With Zangief: 4)
Master Missions[]
Poster Pandemonium[]
- "Why, if it isn't my humble pupil! You haven't stumbled across any... strange posters in Metro City, have you? There's a group of evildoers using a name suspiciously similar to my own. some kind of box office scam they're running. If you see one of their posters, tear it down."
- Poster: "Rake it in big in the world of professional wrestling! Easiest job in the world-simply crush your opponents!"'
Uou and Saou[]
- "Hrm. You're building some serious muscle. And in today's training, you will build even more. Will I be training with you today? Ha ha! I like your spirit, but no. Not today. You'll be facing Uou and Saou. Should make for a fine match. Now go, my pupil!"
- Uou: "Did I hear some talk about an opening act? That supposed to be us? Well? is it!?"
- Saou: "Who else would they be talking about?"
- Uou: "Why aren't you beside yourself with rage!? We're being treated like second-string jobbers!
- Saou: "Honestly, I'm cool with it. This is just for practice, yeah?"
- Uou: "Brother. Please. Even practice sessions need an angle. But more importantly! We will make it clear! Who! Is! King! Of the RING!"
- Saou: "Uh huh. Whatever you say, brother."
- Uou: "Next time, fool, I'll break you! I'll pound your bones into a powdery dust! Well, how about that? I ended up getting some nice practice out of that too. Next time, we'll do it in the ring, with a full house watching! Bwaha!" (Post-match)
Master Assist[]
- "Some dreams can only be realized by treading the same path with another. I'm sure you can handle this, though. Now get in the ring and tag team some fools!"
- "Interested in tagging up? Hold nothing back-the ring has no need for restraint! We'll hit them with a double clothesline they'll never expect!"
Learning a new technique[]
- "Don't get so caught up in executing a technique that you forget how to use your muscles. Hrm. You seem to be catching on. Time to learn a new move!"
- "I'm going to impart a new move to you, comrade. All of my techniques are powerful. What matters most is how you use them."
- "You must be getting tired of hearing this, but... Don't get so caught up in executing a technique that you forget how to use your muscles. You seem to be catching on. Time to learn a new move!"
- "You wish to spar with me?"
- (Answer: Yes) "Gwahaha! You've got guts, comrade! Okay then-do your worst!"
- (Answer: No) "Hrm. Too soon, I suppose."
- "Come now-let's see if your training has paid off!
- (Answer: Yes) "Now, step into the blazing ring of battle!"
- (Answer: No) "I suppose you need a little warm up, yes?
- "There is but one purpose to this battle, comrade. To see just how much beautiful muscle you've built!
- (Answer: Yes) "HNGRAAAH!"
- (Answer: No) "I'll wait, then. You'll know the time is right when your muscles scream for the thrill of the ring!"
- "Looking to face me one-on-one again?"
- (Answer: Yes) "Now, step into the blazing ring of battle!"
- (Answer: No) "I suppose you need a little warm up, yes?
- "What have your world travels taught you? It's time for those muscles to answer!"
- (Answer: Gladly!) "Horosho!"
- (Answer: Rgh... indigestion? At a time like this?) "Hrm? Fine, then. Rest. If you're not at peak condition, injury could result. Pro wrestling is not to be underestimated!"
- "Hrm, not bad effort! Let us do this again sometime." (Post-Sparring)
- "There's nothing finer than a clash of immaculately honed muscles! Until next time." (Post-Sparring)
- "Hrm. You're bulking up nicely! I look forward to seeing where your muscles take you next." (Post-Sparring Avatar wins)
- "Hrm? A gift? for me?" (Giving a gift to Zangief)
- "A present for me? Let's see here..." (Giving a gift to Zangief)
- "Another gift? Ever dutiful, aren't you?" (Giving a gift to Zangief)
- "Hrm... I doubt this will serve much use in a work out. I thank you for the thought nonetheless, comrade! Such compassion is essential for building beautiful muscles! Gwahaha!" (Reaction to Gift)
- "Now here's a honey-loving creature I'd recognize anywhere. Fierce and bold, with the strength to back it up. Bears are incredible animals. I fought one once, you know? And let me tell you, it was no easy fight. More than a few scars on this body of mine are reminders of that particular encounter! Just seeing this is enough to set my hairs on end. I can feel my muscles getting ready to fight for their life! Gwahahah!" (Reaction to Wooden Bear)
- "A bear, hmm? How long it's been since that frigid battle to the death... Every second chiseled into my muscles...just like this figure! I can't wait to put it on the windowsill!" (Reaction to Wooden Bear)
- "Vo dayot! Are these limited-edition dumbbells!? What? Are you saying you are unaware of their legend? Crafted from rare materials, these dumbbells determine the user's strength and adjust their weight at will. I searched for them tirelessly, to no avail. But now...I receive them as an unexpected gift. Thank you for your kindness, tovarisch! Now...let the training begin!" (Reaction to Dumbbells)
Character Guide[]
- "Horosho!"
- "Wonderful!"
- "Bol'shoi Pobede!"
- "That is the power of my muscles."
- "Excellent work, my friend."
Arcade Mode[]
Versus Mode (Character-Specific)[]
Character | English | Japanese |
A.K.I. | "Poison stands no match when you have muscles and power!" | |
Akuma | "Hah! My muscles took everything you had! Even that pesky murderous intent! Gahaha!" | |
Blanka | "'Blanka-chan'? Planning a career change to costumed wrestler?" | |
Cammy | "Go on, relax your shoulders! True power comes from stress-free muscles!" | |
Chun-Li | "Kick me all you like! I'll take every hit in stride and dish out twice as much in return!" | |
Dee Jay | "Hear that? It's the rhythm of STEEL, ringing out from the forge day in and day out!" | |
Dhalsim | "Hmph! Yoga may be flexible like a noodle, but my muscles are immovable objects!" | |
E. Honda | "A chanko stew restaurant? I'll take extra meat with my order!" | |
Ed | "A few hours of weight training and the serotonin release will rid you of your agitation!" | |
Elena | TBA | |
Guile | "Nothing makes me appreciate my training more than having your blows bounce off me!" | |
Jamie Siu | "This is no time to be spinning like a top, boy! Come-we train!" | |
JP | "If you mix devious evil with raw power, I'll have no choice but to bury your face in concrete!" | |
Juri Han | "Go ahead, try kicking me while I'm down! Your puny feet will bounce right off me!" | |
Ken Masters | "If you have time to waste overthinking things, you have time to hit the weights! HRRAH!" | |
Kimberly | "If you're trying to become a real star, drop by the ring any time you like!" | |
Lily Hawk | "You may be small, but your power is colossal! I sensed the bloodline of a warrior in you." | |
Luke Sullivan | "Wondering about my workout? Wonder no more! I'll train you to be big and strong!" | |
M. Bison | "You are the nefarious one everyone's talking about!? Hah, you are a tough one indeed!" | |
Manon | "Your ballet was delightful, but your fighting could use some serious work!" | |
Marisa | "Y-You want me to be your partner? Somehow I doubt you're talking about a tag team match..." | |
Mirror Match | "Steel forged in great flames does not rust so easily...and neither does this body!" | |
Rashid | Neither the wind, nor the clouds can escape my arms of steel! I'm just built different! Gwaha! | |
Ryu | "You've got spirit in shades, but it'll take more than that to bring me down! Gwah hah hah!" | |
SiRN Akuma | "Hahah! Come on, I can handle two of these things at the same time!" | |
Terry | "Hungry Wolves have no chance of tearing through this body of iron! Gahaha!" |
Reached a Bond of 100 in World Tour![]
- "What protects your body when you're in the ring? (Assuming muscles of steel as a prerequisite, of course!) Why, a costume! You must protect it from damage at all costs-and this is the garb in which I place my absolute, unyielding faith!"
Happy Birthday, Zangief![]
- "Every year brings one more notch carved into my beautiful body! Just like a tree ring, haha! It's time for a celebration, don't you agree!? These muscles forged in fire will never rust, they're unbreakable! Unlike others, with every year I keep getting stronger and stronger!"